
This document was retrieved from the Ontario Heritage Act Register, which is accessible through the website of the Ontario Heritage Trust at www.heritagetrust.on.ca.

Ce document est tiré du registre aux fins de la Loi sur le patrimoine de l’Ontario, accessible à partir du site Web de la Fiducie du patrimoine ontarien sur www.heritagetrust.on.ca. MTnnrr$ro Ulli S. Watkiss citvcrerk's'frice City Clerk ffgilliil,, I:[ il333il??i and East York Community Council e-mail: [email protected] web: wwwt'I'nt' ca omAilo [[RITAG[nuil ?ililtl':;ii[';;i''fl:;' Toronto. Ontario M5H 2N2 AUG 3 0 2013




Greg Moorby Ontario Heritage Trust Manager, Capital Construction Projects 10 Adelaide Street East Facilities and Real Estate Toronto, Ontario 2"d Floor, M5C 1J3 55 John Street Toronto, ON M5V 3C6

Jim Hart General Manager Parks. Forestrv and Recreation 4tl'Floor wesi Tower, City Hall 100 West Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

Take notice that the Council of the City of Toronto has passed By-law No. 1 09 1 -201 3 to amend former City of Toronto By-law No. 481-86, being a by-law to designate the property at 160 East (Allan Gardens) (Ward 27,Torcnto Centre-Rosedale) as being of cultural heritage value or interest by revising the reasons for designation and adding a schedule of key views.

Dated at Toronto this 21st day of August, 2013. fr C*. Ulli S. Watkiss City Clerk Authority: Toronto and East York Community Council ltem 18.98, as adopted by City of Toronto Courrcil on October 2, 3 and 4,2012


BY-LAW No. 1091-2013

To amend former Cify of Toronto By-law No. 481-86, being a by-law to designate the property at 160 Gerrard Street East (Allan Gardens) as being of cultural heritage value or interest by revising the reasons for designation and adding a schedule of key views.

Whereas By-law No. 481-86 designated the property at 160 Gerrard Street East (Allan Gardens) as being of cultural heritage value or interest under Part IV of the Onlario llerilage Act: and

Whereas subsection 30. I (2) of the Ontario Heritage Act authorizes the Council of a municipality to amend designating by-laws to clarify or correct the statement explaining the propefty's cultural heritage value or interest or the description of the property's heritage attributes and to revise language to make it consisterrt with the requirements of the Act, as amended; and

Whereas authority was granted by Council to amend By-law No. 481-86 by amending the reasons fbr desigrratiorr and adding a schedr,rle of key views; and

Whereas the amended reasorrs for designation are set out in Schedule "8" to this by-law; and

Wliereas the key views are depicted in Schedule "C" and dcscribed irr Schedule "D" to this by-law; and

Wliereas the Council of the City of Toronto has caused a Notice of Intention to amend By-law No.48l-36tobeservedupontheownersofthelandandprernisesknownas l60GerrardStreet East; and

Whereas rro notice of objection to the proposed amendments have been served upon the Clerk of the murricipality;

The CourrciI of the City of Toronto enacts:

l. By-law No. 481-86, being a by-law to designate the property at 160 Gerrard Street East (Allan Garderrs) as being of cultural heritage value or interest is amended by:

A. Deleting Schedule "8", reasons fbr designation and substituting the revised reasons fbr designation, attached as Schedule "B" to this by-law.

B. Adding S.n.Orf-" "C" attached to this by-law showirrg the designated property and key views.

C. Adding Schedule "D" attached to this by-law describing the key views depicted irt Schedule "C".

2. The City Solicitor is authorized to cause a copy of this by-law to be registered against the propefty described irr Schedule "A" to this by-law in the proper Land Registry Office. 2 City of 'foronto By-lalv No. I 09 | -2013

3. I-hc Citl,Clerl< is authorized to calrse a cop) of this ir1'-lari' to bc scrvcd upon the o\\'ners o1'the property at 160 Gerrard Street East ancl the Orttario Hcritage Trust. llnacted and passc'd on.lull' 19.2013.

Franccs Nunziata. Ulli S. Watkiss. Speal

(Seal of tlre City) a J City of Toronto By-lar,v No. I 091 -20 I 3



PrN 2r r00-0001 (LT)


PrN 2rr00-0039 (LT) 'f PT PARKLT 6 CON I FTB WP OF YORK AS IN CA2I 88I O

CitS' of Toronto and Province of Ontario Land Titles Division ol'the Tororrto Registry Offlce (No. 66)

-fhe hereinbefore described larrd being delineated by heavy outline on Sketch No. PS-2013-070 clated.lurly 10,2013. as set out in Schedule "C". Tll Cit1, o1''loronto B),-larv No. I 091-201 3


Allan Cardcrrs

l:ornter C itv o f Tororrto Br,-larv No. -t8 I -[i6. dcsigrratinq thc propert_r' rt I 60 Cerrard Strect East rrrrclc'r I)art lV. Scctiorr 29 of thc On/u"io I{crilugc .-1t't is arncndcd to rcvise llte Ileasorts lbr Dcsignatiorr to desclibe the sitc's cultural heritagc values and attributcs as set oLrt irr thc l()05 anrcrrcinrents to tlte Oillrl'io IJat'iluse ,'1ct.

f )csc ription

'l-lrc lrlopcrtv at 160 Ccrrarcl Strcct llast is desi_qnated uuclcr Parl IV. Scctiort ?9 oi'the ()nlttt'io llct'iluge.^lc'l tbr its cLrltural heritage valuc. and ureets thc provirrcial critcria 1;rcscribccl lor rnunicipal dc-signation under the tlrree catcgories of design. associativc atrd cotrtcxtual valucs. l-ocatccl irr tlre citv block lroundcd b1'Gcrrard Strect I]ast (south). Shcrbournc Strect (cast). Curlton Strcct (nortlr)ancl.larvis Strcct (west), Allan Gardcns is r.r Citl'of-'l'ororrto parli rrtci n significant ()pcn spacc in the Cardcn I)istrict bcrnlccu Yongc Stt'ect urtd tlrc [)on [{ivcr.

Statcnrerrt oi'CultLrml I lcritlgc Valr"re

r\llarr (larclcrrs is a rarc survivirrg cxaurDlc ol'a ["lotarric {.rardcns anci nrrblic park cstablisltccl in nrid l9'i'cclrtur\,'l'oror.rto that uis IoL,,rclcd by ancl rra,lJcl ftrr Gcorgc'W'iilianr r\!lan" a notccl propcrtv ()vvncr. lancl clcvelopcr. politician and philarrthropist. u,'lto lcsclvcd a portion ol'his llrrrrilv's Moss Parli [:state ltlr thc crcation of a holticultulal qardcns. Allan cltlrtatcd thc rtitclcus ol'thc plcscnt site to thc Tororrto I'lorticultural Socicty. rvhich is signilicant as thc flrst orsrrnizntiorr o['its typr; in Ontario auclarnoug thc clldcst irr C]anacla. Alian (jarclens is associatccl *'ith thc Cit-vof '[-oronto architcct RoLrcrt McC]allirrrr. thc notcci lanclscapc architcct.l. Airstirr Irlrlrd ai-lcl Scottish sculptol David Watsorr Stercnson. rllof rvlrorl contrit'rutcd to ihc cl'oltrtion ol'tirc park.

.\llan Cardcns also yiclds inlornratiorr tltat corrtribLrtcs to arr understurrclinq ol'tlrc devclopurcnt ol Iirronto- llorn its aboriginal origius. its scttlcrnent and subclivisiorr as pan ol'thc late l[{''' ccntLrry park lot systenr. its lavout iu tlie rnicl 19"'ccuturv as a privlte "boiarrical garclcll" anriclst an rrpscale rcsidcrrtial neiqhbourhoocl ancl thc succcssive chanscs ovcr nrorc than 150 years es a lrublic park uith signilicant opcn spilce lbr civic. cullural arrcl rccrcatioual pr"rrsuits in'l'oronto. ,,\s r rcgistcrcd archaeological sitc. Allau (iardcus inclLrclcs cvidencc of iroth prc-contact ancl Itistoric Eunl-Canadiau historv that reflccts the cvolLrtion tlf'"['oronto.

Fronr a clcsign perspcctive, Allan Cardcns coniains a rurirprc cxtant collcction

Contextually. Allan Gardcns stands as a landrnark irr'foronto whcre its open space. rconlc structures and special f-eatures rel'lects the history of horticulture in the city. The site continues to defrne. supporl and maintain the character of the Carden District, the dorvntor.vn 'l'oronto rreiglibourhood that derives its name arrd origirrs li'orn the park. The gardens forrn the nucleus of the surrounding residential rreighbourhood rvhere the tree-lined streets were laid out in relation to the park arrd continue to contribute to tlie views in and out of the site. Allan Garderrs is also visually, historically. functionally and physically related to its surrourrdings through its landscaped grounds irrterspersed with structurcs. pathways. trees arrd plants.

I-leritage Attributes

The heritage attributes of Allan Gardens are conrprised of expansive landscaped grounds rvith a pathway system that has evolved overtime. the iuterconnected complex of eiglrt horticultural buildings as well as a ll1orululelrt to ltobert Burns. tlie collection ol'nearly 300 trees ranging in age f}om 50 to 150 years. the exterrsive plant collection, arclraeological resourccs and kcy viervs both inside and out of the park. specitically:

I-andscape Fcattrres o l'he systern of pathways crossing the site. including the north-south axial con'idor Iinking Cerrard and Carlton Strects, the east-wcst passage betwecn thc Palm l-louse cilmplex and the Robert Burns Monument and Sherbourne Street. the diagonal paths at tlte northeast. soutlrcast and rvest errds of the park. and the meandering pathr,vays ad.joining the structtrrcS o The collection o1'rrearly 300 trees. representirrg 47 dil'f'ercnt spccies o 'fhc plant collection. both or.rtside and under glass in the grcenhouses


I)alm Housc. l9l0: o 'fhc placclnent of the structure near the wcst cnd of Allan Gardens, west of thc ttorth- south axial path and fhcirrg east toward Shcrbourne Street, where it lbrms tlte nuclcus of thc eight-part complex of horticultural buildings -l-he o scale, fbrm and nrassing of the single-storey structure o 'fhe matcrials. with brick. stone, wood, glass and rnetal . The circular brick-clad base rvith sandstone dctailing . 'l-lre l.eriestration, with wood-f}amed windows. sidelights ancl trarrsoms bencath a fiieze rvith dcntils . The icorric l6-sided dorne with curved trusses supporting the glazirrg (thc original steel corrponeuts \vere replaced witlt alumirrum ones) o Above the dome, the clerestory lvirrdows separating it fi'om a small cupola witlr a flnial . The square corner paviliorrs, r,vhich arc faccd with sandstone, clecorated with incised pilasters and re liefs. and covered by srnall domes with finials . The elttrances to the Palrn llouse, which arc placcd on the cast facades ol'the pavilions and were converted fl'orn the original three-part windows with transoms of 'fofonto By-law No. o Betr,r,eeu the entries. the colonnade r,vhere the original crttrance rvas chanqed 1o lvindoll's and the portico removed

North Conservatory. 1956 (Greenhor.rse No. 2) o 'l[e placernerrt o1'theNorth Conservatory. which is connectcd to the Palrn Flor:se (sotrth) rnd the Arid l-louse (rlrest) o l'he scale. fbrm and massing of the single-storev structttre o 'l'he lonq rectangr"rlar plart . l'he rlasonry base rvith gtazed walls arrd a gable roof rvith glazing bars (the origirral bars Itave been replaced) o The entrancc where doublc doors are surmounted by a wood porticct. pcclirnent arrd brackcts

,\ricl I-lousc. 1957 (Creerrhor"rse No. l.)

. '['he placemerrt ol'the Arid House, which is connectcd to thc Nttrth Cottscrvatory (cast) and tlte Childrcn's Cotrservatory (north) . 'fhe scale. lilnn and massing of the singlc-storey strtlctttre o 'fhc long rcctangular plitn o 'l'hc glazecl w'alls bcneath a stee[-11'arncd and glazcd galrlc roof -fhe . crrtries on the gabted eud r,valls. and thc connection to tlie fbrnrcr [Jnivcrsity of 'f'oronto Grecnhouse (Children's Corrscrvatory) to thc rtorlll

Childrcrt's Conservator),. 2004 (lilrmer LJnivcrsit-v of 'l'oronto Grccnllotrsc)

. 'l'he placernent ol'thc Clhildren's Conservatory. which is couneclcclto tltc Arid Hottsc (south) . l'hc scalc. lirrur and rnassirrg of the sirrglc-storcy strLrctLtre "l'he " long rcctarrgr-rlar plan, with the structLrrc organized itt thrcc parts . z\bove a l'iclcistonc base- thc steel ll'ame containing cotttinuous barrds ol'r,vood-1i'anrccl windorvs witlr trausours . Thc glazed hippecl rool'that is extended in the centrc by a hip-rootcd tnottitor with llrrials r On the north lirqade. the round-arclied portico with l-uscan columns (which rverc replicated fl'orn the original) that adjoins a glazed vcstibule with ticrccl liurli,uhts . 'fhe adjoirrin,q r,r,ings. rvhich are covercd by glazed gable roof.s

SoLrth Clonservatory. 1924 (Grecnltouse No. 4) o 'lhe pltrcerncnt of the South Conservatory, which is connectcd to the Palm Ilclusc (north) . The scale, fbnn aud massing of the single-storey structLlre o 'l'he long rcctangr"rlar plart o 'l'hc rnasonry lrase" glazed walls and gablc roof-rvith glazing (thc curvccl caves were renroved) . 'flre north section o1'thc structure.'"vhich retains rvood ll'auring and wood sash lvinclorvs tl'orn the 1894 fi'eestarrding south conservatory -l'he . south part of the conscrvatory with tlre steel framirrg City of Toronto By-law No. l09l -2013

r The set of double doors that is surmounted by a wood portico with brackets

Tropical HoLrses. 1957 (Greenhouses 5 and 6)

o The placement of the Tropical Houses, where the Tropical Flouse also known as Greenhouse No. 5 is connected to the South Conservatory (east) and attached to the Adrn inistration Bui ld ing (west) o The scale, fbrrn and massing of the pair of single-storey structures that are placed side- by-side o The steel-framed glazed gable roofs tliat are connected at the eaves o The wood f-ramed walls supporting the glazing . The entrance on the west elevation of Greenhouse 6

Adrninistration Buildins. c. I923

o The placement of the Administration Building, which is attached to the Tropical House also known as Greenhouse No. 5 (east) o The scale, fbrrn and massiug of the single-storey structure o The rectangular plan under a flat roof o The brick claddirrg, with brick banding on the west and south facades and stone dctailing o The main entrance. which is placed on the north wall, with a secondary entry on the cast e levation 'fhe r brick voussoirs artd stone keystones and sills on the openings

Boiler Roorn and Chirnney. l9l0

'Ihe o placement of the Boiler Room and Chimney, which is connected to the Palm House (east) by a lirrk building (the link is not identified as a heritage attribute) o The scale, form and massing of the sirrgle-storey structure o 'fhe rectangular plan beneath a f'lat roof o The brick cladding with brick arrd stone detailing 'flte o stepped roofline at the west corner with stone quoins and the parapet walls on the north and south elevations with stone cornices o The door and paired window openings with brick and stone detailing o The tall brick chirnnev with inset panels and crenelles

The Robert Burns Monument o The placement of the monument at the east end of the grounds near Sherbourne Street where it laces west toward the Palm Flouse o The structure, composed of rnarble and bronze 'fhe . four-sided marble base with classical detailing and. on each side, a bronze relief with a quotation fiorn Burns'poetry o The brorrze statue of Scottish poet Robert Burns in a standing position 8 City of Toronto B -larv No.

.Alcltaeolog), o 'fhe arcfuaeological site at Allan Gardens uuder the Borderr registratiorr trlttrber A.iGu-80. encornpassing the property bounded by Gerrard Street East (soLrth). Sltcrbounre Street (cast). Carlton Street (north), and .larvis Street (rvest), apart from the propertic's at the llortheast corner of Gerrard nnd Jarvis attd the southeast corncr of .larvis arrd Carlton


'l'he key viervs of Allan Cardens tlrat extcnd irrside and outsidc of the property afe: o -[he vicw from Carltorr Street along the rrofth-south axial corridor soltth to Cerrard Street East arrd Pelnbroke Street to\ iard the historical location of "Moss Park" ncar Quccn Street East o '['5e view li.om Ccrrard Street East along the rrortlt-south axial corridor north to Carlton Street aud Homewood Avcrrue loward the historical location of "llottreu'ood" neilr Wcllcsley Strcct East

'l'hc kc:v vicll's insiclc Allatt Carclcns are:

'[-[e o vicr.v to arrcl lionr the Palrn Hclrse conrplex ancl the llobcrt Burns iVlottttnrcnt ltncl Shcrbourne Strect o 'ffie vicrv lron tlre north-south axial corridor to the spires ol'.larvis Strcct Baptist Chtrrclt (130 Ccrrarcl Street llast) and (fbrrner) St. Andrew's Prcsbytcriart Chrrrcll (383.larvis Strcct)'book-ettd' the site . l'he view fiorn.larvis Strcet to thc distinctivc brick chitnney on the boilcr rootl rvith thc icclrric dome of the l)alnT I-lousc lrcyond . l'hc vicws fi.om both ends of the diagonal pathways at tlrc northcast. st'ruthcilst ilttd lvest clcls o1'tfte park. as wclI as thc vicws lronr both errds of tlte mcatnclcring patlrr,vays iri tlrc wcst part of thc grottnds I City of Tororrto By-law No. I 091-201 3



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NO.1SO (JERRARD STFiEET EAST (ALLAN GARDENSI. tE:-il([ lE'JfEl :r. :{(,\ l-Flei I Li-ry |liF:l!'i LAND DESIGNATED AS BEING OF CULTURAL ut-: IL n llt llf n: lJ 1:rT : :-ail ilF 9.11'.'E1 HEEITAGE VALUE AND INTEREST ...flll H,1! .tltft rjlirLHJ | [:lj iiJ 11_ lir.: L-| .,t{tr i:FF (:: FF'':ifinl. rT ::H^tl f{Cr B: -t;Eo ii,::T :ll I I lL IUlll r_1-iL l\ jlL.'t LU tlJri I t(J t,.;t _El lll T F --1F llirr:i ,il,1r.1 il - T,lFCn-r.r CETTFE-ff|:TSED.AIE iJ4.IEr ..11 . -T r:. r:r3 SKETCH ITIO, PS-2D13-O7O City of Tororrto By-law No. l09l -201 3


The key views listed belorv corresporrd to the numbered views depicted in Schedule "C":

1 From Carlton Street along north-south axial corridor south to Gerrard Street East and Pembroke Street toward historical location of "Moss Park" near Queen Street East.

2. From Gerrard Street East along north-south axial corridor north to Carlton Street arrd Homewood Avenue toward historical location of "Homewood" near Wellesley Street East.

3. Views to and from Pahn House complex and Robert Burns Monument and Sherbourne Street.

+.,l Views fi'om north-south axial corridor to spires of .larvis Street Baptist Chtrrch (130 Gerrard Street East) and (former) St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church (383 ).

5. Views fiom Jarvis Street to Chimney orr Boiler Room and Dome of Palm l-louse.

6. Views lrorn both ends of diagonal pathways at northeast, soutlteast and west ends of park.

Views fiom both ends of rneandering pathways in west part of grounds'