![The Waiting Game](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
When it comesto waiting patiently and quietly, pythons are unrivalled in the animal world. They may sit coiled and motionlessfor days,well camouflaged THE among vegetation.Their secretivehabits pose a problem for scientiststrying to study their ecology in the field. WAITING First, find your python! GAME by Daid Pearson saoJst Yr 8l 'leaur qr turl\oll?r s.lale,{ene paraqllls Auolts ,{q palsatrp pue aloq^ ll'paqlnuadun aarl ulpdpulorj sarlaru ualPa are ^ard 'gurrraqtr to Iela^asllal lr l€r{l leq e}o ploq Eurdaa{uo leaurAuupalloJ alqplrnslou ale lualur os seM{rPd leuorleNlalsaqJtqS qlaal s,uoqMdaql sV'sarqellP.{ -upallsllrw le {lluaf,al pa^rasqouoq d sPqlns,{ard aal?lJo SuM ollpr s a^rloSuol-a4au-aalql V'qpq lo surnssod aq1 lru ad ol palelnJrlr?srp '{la^rlpurallv qrlpr ol saarlqurtJ ^eurlr aq upJ smef aqJ alpf,oJlns '{uup ^aql se sprrq s?qsnque pue pu? Irrrlsuol ol lr punole saloqrale& ur p?Brauqns sa\ (luotnq ur orql alP slloJ dpoq lP.la^as DaJDalpDlptow) uoql^d a^rlo preqlrd puPsr pfaql qlll pazrassr rtald aqJ'a3ru pue spnzrl uo alp.quaJuoJ 'snououaA-uoua.lP suoql{d pu? ^ald rallerus ra]ald salrua^nf 'sualr poo]atlel al?poutuof,f,e 'lDlDlllJluad D16uo!pg) arl,{o,u e lo ol dlsnouloua pupdxa 'ulql Qtuaonasndo.tJDw) ^qellp&leururq e sp uel lnq ate qf,euols a8l?l seslprurue lea ol ut ou)l uaaq?Apq puP sn3?qdosaoaql 'ql8ual 'slpuueu 'sprrq pup l{llpnsn arou lo ^poq aql Jo prrql auo lnoqP 'gq'r.r arnld?J pu? roou lsaloj aql uo lred\ ur Suol? spualxa qrrqar arl (DlDruqut Dlollds Dtptol\n suo\l^d aql uo dlFnsn 'tunl a^nJaJJa tadrpr llnpv ^a.rdJo dlrlrqelrc e aql pup auo fluo a^eqsuoql^d lallpuls SurlunrlJoapou'azrslraql uoluapuadap auos 'aruEsur .rod'suoq d u! sr pue p?orq sr suoql^d Jo larp aqJ saJnleajIPf, r(xol?u? alqqleuat issau{rep auos ur pallnsarsPqslqJ'^l!^?J IPlol ur uaAa'{ald papoolq-ulp.v\ ^poq aql olur lrl 01 aleauola arnldpr ol suoql^d s^,ollea.rnlpal s[lJ aq ol paau sueBro ^poq l?ql 'l?aq Jo arrnos p ^lalerntf,e lurodutd ol qrns sralPus elo adeqsaql alqesr uoql^d p lpr.l]os sal3ueJo{laue^ 'slnds f,!^ladpallel 'arnlpladual ? le paluarro are slrd arlJ 'Pleolr aql rPau suorlrafold ur saFu?qr alnuru Jo uorlJalap 3{II-av\PIllFtus sPuaas aq ue3 aql Eulo\ollp'uorlerper par-erJur squrl purq aql Jo saFrlsa^pup 'sdrl 'suoq 'salelqaua^ ol a^qrsuas.{lauarlxa ale asaql d ur luasald llrls sl ueuqlol urf - oloqd 'palnldel ramolaql Suolppauorlrsod slrd a^llrsuas raqtour squrt purqsuoddns qJrrl. '?lpllF ssql! asnour -leaq 'srolsaf,u? p MolleMsol surE?quoq$d s.uosr.urls arp suoqldd lsour Jo ^.tnoure rr^lad arlJ rraql Jo squrl aql 'lr I e'araH lrrrlsuo)pu? plorl ol furdp I aql ur aJnleal l€nsnun lsou aqJ Jo srapuruar surEar pue slea^ uorlJ[u 'srnopo punor€paddPrM arE sla, ^pog :aopB a aql qal&alur utnl ur qtrqn 0Z lsed aql ur l{lleJrlpruprp pa8uprlJ 'urerq - aql ol sputrs spuasuaql upArosrqJ lou seq suoql^d lo ueld dpoq aqJ ururl)ol rrrf oloqd 'u?3ro 'qlnout 'sallaru 'suoqgd ue!rctlsnv uosqoJ?Iaql seul^ou)l aql II ol dn s,rol8 lsou rrlsuapwql 'drrra,trol aql FuoF strd aql uo qrd .lled e ol pauaJsupll qJrq/w'Ppuoreu? ueJrrauv qlnos aql Jo JoJoor Jo a^rlrsuasJeaqaql ,loN ^ald turss?d uaql arP puP antuol aql uo papallo) sr (spoqpup suoq d) a?plogdlrur?d aql I qsnqueol ltpMut sarluoql,{d ladrpl V I are rle aql uro{ salJrllpdluars Auqllu Jo saDadsurapou lsaArplaql qanoqllp a6pd snotaard I 'sarlau an;uol dqpalf,atap s!^aldJo rnopo aqJ 0UJo ss?)xaur sqlaual paql?al 'uorsr^ pl?/rloJ luallaJxaa^ra solsalue lrssod (o3pslpa.{ uorlltu 00I ol PPaqsqlJo luorJ ar{l spl?/rr,olp?l?nlrs -99) pouadsnoal€larC laddn aqt tuunp 'sa^a ar? q3rqn padola^ap1la,,v\a^eq squrl padola^ap-lla^qlu^ sprezrluro{ suoql^duerFrlsnv IIV /rpf pue unruprf, pa^lo^al?ql dnorBluanup ue ol tuolaq 'seoq 'al?usJo aql Jo sauoq aql qFnorql suorlelql^ paplar ^lasoll aql pu?'suoqltd sad& laqlo qlM pal?qs Fuqralap^qlualxa auosol,reaq, ol alq? areqf,rqr Joauos'slm4l?tnoheqaq pue 's8uruado SSSII^l0Udl^loCUSONg'lS alp lnq rea pulalxa a^?qlou suor1?ldepeJpf, rs^qd alqP)lle(ual auos ul opsawus'tunfur snouas Eurpro^e alrql^ .suoqfd palJauarsr al^lsaJtl e qlns {ald sll azras 'uoqualle I anPqnspuP qJlEf, o1 alqe aq lsnur pue paJe sleurueFraJ pup a.rlJ ol Fu!.rdspallor dllr.l'11e a111gno aT.r1s '^ald 'slnJ3o .a8uu AurqlporddplJalap ol surs!ueqf,aur lElq?q sPqrns slolt J t1oq autulalap IIII uoqlld aql leql uar{\A '.iaolora 'pllq paau suoq d'stol€pald qsnqlrj?sV ol llnrr.Jllpaq IIlm l! f,rseq urqlu ssedol alqdal ro leuruieul rraqlJo SurpuEsrapun ralaq p a^?qam Eurlradsnsunup to] Aurlle&\'uorlelaBa^ SUSJNNHAhIOSS,4\V 'palror Iqu0lp^r^lns traql rolul?tuof, Fuqdruold ur palealuot uallo lts daql 'sualr 'suoraal 'spueq pooj aElelJo atesspd arquaruo4 papaddesp ua^a lo Euqunq uaqry\iteorqt aql dq lnq '^Iunuoddo aql rno1leo1pa6u1q dlasool osF alpppaq aru?punqeur paurpapa^?q saltads auios qtoq qlyr lou aql qerF ol 'uorlrsod 'sleai( 'sqluoui aql Jo sauoq aqJ l?nsn lraql lpql lua.rpddeauoJaq seq ll lualal rtpearaq ol spaaulr os a^$ ur lo 'salnuru olu! {f,eq smptaql aseaol sr slqJ saurrl uI ^rEuauirprulllls sr ^Aolotalraql Jo a^Uur dq ssed iqBnu uoq d ? loj p.t 'sualr Iera^asu^ lltl1 uoql^d e pooJ aapal&\o$lrnolnq'uoqdjosaDadsdueu Ieauilxauaql slolepaldqsnqul? aErpl 'sprtrp Eurl^olleMsralJv qrpuols a^eqol aleunuoJsr prrc4snv ural$l ro lren -pue-lrs are suoq d lso lAbooe: An X-rayinage of this carpet I pythonreveals lhe presence of a radio- I transmilterin thestomach (the solid boxnear the tail). The transmitterwas aroundthe neckof a woyliewhich had beenswallowed by the python,It was removedduring surgeryby Murdoch Universityveterinarians. Photo- MurdochUniversity Veterinary School lAboue right: Little is knownabout lhe I ecologyof therough-scaled python. ! foundin remoteparts of thenorthern Kimberley. Photo JohnWeigel I R{/rl: The black-headedpython has a I narrowerhead and lacks the heat- I sensitivepils of mosIolher Australia|l pythons. Photo- Babsand Beft Welts/CALM The black-headedpython lAspidites 20, sometimesmore, Ieathery-shelled Australia,from islandsalong the norrn melanocephalus)and the woma python eggsare deposited, often inanestofgrass Kimberley coast to the islands of the Gspidilesromsagi) eatsome mammals, or leaves.The femalecoils tightlyaround RechercheArchipelago off the southem but consume a greater proportion of theeggs to protectthem and to maintain coastline.They occupy many different reptilesthan other pythons.Neither has the levelsof humidity and temperature habitats,making themahighlysuccessful theheat-sensitive pits of otherAustralian neededto hastentheir development.She reptilian group. pythons, a fact that is consistentwith may not eat throughout the incubation Despitethe large size that many their reducedemphasis on warm- period,resulting in a greatloss ofweight pythons attain, one speciesescaped bloodedprey. and body condition. Should the discoveryuntil recently.The firstspecimen SHIVERINGMOTHERS temperatureofthe eggsfall too low, the of the rough-scaled python (Morelia femalemay stalt shivering to generate carinata) \ras not collecteduntit 1973, Being such cryptic creatures,it ts heat from her musclemovements, Once andwas notformally named until i981.lt remarkablethat pythons can find each the young hatch, the female has remainsone of the State'srarest reptiles, other when the time comes to breed. completedher duty and the hatchlings with only four individuaisfound to date. Typically, pythons female become are left to disperseand fend for The Pilbara region has one of the receptiveatacertain time ofthe yearand themselves. world's smallestpythons, the pygrry lay down a scent trail to attract mal€s. python (Moreliaperthensr), which grows This may result in the aggregationof WA PYTHONS to a maximum length of 60 centimetres severalmales and, in somespecies,ritual No boasoccur in Australia.Nine of and providesa striking contrast to the battlesbetween males may occur. During Australia's14 species of pythonoccur in Pilbara olive python, which has been mating,the maleuses his pelvicspurs to WesternAustralia, the majority of these recordedat lengths of up to four ano a excitethe femaleby strokingher flanks. in the tropics.0f thesenine. two species half metres. Some Australian pythons EggJayingoccurs abouttwo to three and four subspeciesare endemic to are entirely terrestrial, whereasothers months after a successfulmating and Western Australia. Pythons are spendmuch of their livesin trees,in dependingonthe species,between two to distributed throughout Western swamps,or among rock piles, t-troscopt 19 :+n)Js4\n0z /oojauu€M 990gvM '[s xogod 'l lvl lo luaur edac 'uosJeadpr^ec 'I) :o1alum asea;d uotleruasqouoq1X6 e a1r|p,no,{ 11 td 'suoqt,{duprlpJlsnV uta1sa1tr X}|sja,trp 'aJnlnl ;o aql alpDoJddpuer aldoadraLllo eql ut leql aJnsuapue slalunqluarled luarrytu6eur 'afuelslssp .peol osaqlaruasuof rallaq up) aM Jno,{qltM i)rjjellJor lno 1oo1o1 la6to1gou oc ')jltls aqlgo pueprpMroj sa^oul ,(llensn aleus aql p qltM,{poqeql leataql }e sluelJaql qlnol 'atemp Jo lpua6 no,(1'ra,raiuogalrq ue: leql aqln€ speol,{snqgo suoqlXd6urpteqdaqs ^llnJaJel ,{qsqleop pso.r lua^ard dlaq ue: no1 tee,{.&a,resalrrqa,r Xq palltl ale ,{ueu 'a)uanbasuote sV 'a)ejrns peoraql urorl6urlerpeJ lpaq aql.ro uns aql dn leoso1 speot ssotte arl ua1;o suoqlX6 0 suoq d seqrns sar)ads snououa,r-uou ua,re,(1a1eun1o1un pue^ll",r"jr:ffirtt"r""lf'l;::i"Jj;,f llrlssr ,auo peap e sr alsus poo6 ,{1uoaql, leql eeptaql sa)ipusXue paapurro 'suoqlXd 'alqtssod ;o 6ur11r1ftessa:auun eql luo^atd la^a]oqM'puenoI punolealdoed aqg,4q saleus Jo 6urpuelsrapunratr1aq a6ernotua ol s! uolte^rasuo)uoqtld lsrsseo1 Xea,r 1ear6 raqlouy 'sarnleaorrtdl,L: asaq]
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