2 The Polish Migration Review Polski Przegląd Migracyjny 1/2018 (3) MUZEUM EMIGRACJI W GDYNI THE POLISH MIGRATION REVIEW — NO 3/2018 4 The Polish SPIS TREŚCI / CONTENTS Migration Review Scientific Council: Mary Patrice Erdmans, Case Western Reserve University (US) Beth Holmgren, Duke University (US) Słowo wstępne / Foreword 7 David J. Jackson, Bowling Green State University (US) Karolina Grabowicz-Matyjas Paweł Kaczmarczyk, Centre of Migration Research University of Warsaw (Poland) Polska diaspora, Polonia, emigracja. Spory pojęciowe wokół skupisk polskich za granicą / The Polish Jeff Kleiman, University of Wisconsin-Marshfield / Artykuły / Articles Diaspora, the Polish Community. The Disputes Over Notions referring to the Groups of Poles Abroad 9 Wood County (US) Magdalena Lesińska Daniela La Foresta, University of Naples Federico II (Italy) Bożena Leven, The College of New Jersey / The Polish Ukrainian-Polish Vector of Migration Processes 24 Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (US) Tetyana Nagornyak, Iuliia Pachos Anna Mazurkiewicz, Gdansk University (Poland) Jaroslav Mihálik, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Rola pamięci i tożsamości w środowisku emigrantów i reemigrantów na przykładzie Polski i Francji in Trnava (Slovakia) / The Role of Remembrance and Identity in the Community of Emigrants and Re-emigrants on the Tatyana Nagornyak, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National Example of Poland and France 36 University (Ukraine) Aneta Nisiobęcka Marek Okólski, Migration Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences / Lazarski University (Poland) Training, Integration, Inclusion: an Evaluation of the Direct and Indirect Impact of the Erasmus Program 50 Dorota Praszałowicz, Jagiellonian University (Poland) Gianluca Luise Adam Walaszek, Jagiellonian University (Poland) Na granicy dwóch Korei. O emigracji do Korei Południowej i pracy na rzecz uchodźców z Korei Północnej Editor-in-chief: Z Archiwum Emigranta/ opowiada dr Joanna Hosaniak, wiceprezeska Citizens’ Alliance for North Korean Human Rights / Rafał Raczyński At the Border of the Two Koreas. Dr Joanna Hosaniak, Deputy Director General of the Citizens’ From the Emigrant’s Archive Alliance for North Korean Human Rights, Talks About Her Emigration to South Korea and Helping Editorial team: North Korea Defectors 63 Agnieszka Kowalkowska Barbara Majchrowicz Grzegorz Labuda Katarzyna Morawska Podróż na Wschód. Leon Barszczewski – oficer armii carskiej i fotograf XIX-wiecznej Samarkandy / Varia / Variables A Journey to the East. Leon Barszczewski – an Officer of the Tsar’s Army and a Photographer EDITOR’S ADDRESS: of the 19th century Samarkand. 73 The Polish Migration Review Agnieszka Kowalkowska Emigration Museum in Gdynia Polska 1, 81-339 Gdynia e-mail: [email protected] PUBLISHER: Emigration Museum in Gdynia Polska 1, 81-339 Gdynia Layout design: Filip Piasecki Studio Cover design and typesetting: BoTak Studio Editing and proofreading: English: Biuro Tłumaczeń Lingua Line Polish: Maria Osińska (KorektArt) The publisher is not liable for the content of the articles and does not always share the views expressed therein. ISSN: 2544-2686 6 Sebastian Tyrakowski 7 Słowo wstępne / Foreword Foreword Dear All, The report drawn up by the National Bank of diasporas in Tricity, the Emigration Museum Poland states that, in 2017, around one million in Gdynia provides them with an educational of foreign workers resided in Poland, inclu- and cultural offer. This year, focusing our -at ding ca. 87% with the Ukrainian citizenship. tention on eastern issues, we have prepared The Office for Foreigners claims that these a tailored program, so to match various groups are the inhabitants of Ukraine, who receive of recipients. Over summer workshops “East- the largest number of residence permit and it -oriented Holidays”, organized on a weekly ba- constitutes ⅔ of all the application submitted. sis, children learned the habits and culture of Moreover, they are the most abundant gro- our closest neighbors. While organizing the up of foreign students living in Poland. Our summer series of “Concerts with a view to the eastern neighbors come over here, searching world”, we invited well-recognized artists from for job opportunities, they study, purchase Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. In addition, we apartments here as well as settle down for created an interactive space for learning of fo- good, although formally this very process is reign languages, where the participants – Poles not actually so easy. and foreigners – are simultaneously teachers An in-depth analysis dedicated to emigra- and students to each other. Gdynia Language tion from Ukraine to Poland, Tetyana Nagor- Swap is not only a chance for practical conver- nyak and Iuliia Pachos, present the historical sations, but also a great opportunity to explore background of migration processes, a con- culture and customs of our neighbors. temporary political and economic context of We do hope that initiatives we have been ta- the state and up-to-date trends. For 20 years king are going to be an essential part of a com- Russia had been the main destination for emi- plex program meant to integrate male and fe- gration, yet it loses its attractiveness due to male immigrants, that is currently established annexation of Crimea and a military conflict within the Pomeranian Region. According to in its eastern part. Now, the emigration vector us, the need to attract local authorities to get has been pointed towards countries of the Eu- involved into the process of incorporating im- ropean Union, including Poland and Hungary, migrants into the life of local communities in particular. The research results show that as well as building a deliberate immigration every third citizen of Ukraine is eager to leave policy are indispensable. his homeland permanently, in the pursuit for Have a nice reading! better living for him or his children. Being aware of presence of individuals re- Karolina Grabowicz-Matyjas presenting Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian Head of Emigration Museum in Gdynia THE POLISH MIGRATION REVIEW — NO 3/2018 THE POLISH MIGRATION REVIEW — NO 3/2018 8 9 Magdalena Lesińska doktor nauk humanistycznych Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami, Uniwersytet Warszawski [email protected] Polska diaspora, polonia, emigracja. Spory pojęciowe wokół skupisk polskich za granicą ARTYKUŁ Abstract The article analyses conceptual disputes some Polish organizations from abroad over Polish communities abroad. It pre- and triggered a debate in the Parlia- sents understanding of the variety of ment. The text is based on the study of terms used to describe Poles abroad: primary sources, such as proceedings of ‘Polonia’, ‘Polish emigration’ or ‘Polish parliamentary debates, MSZ archive ma- diaspora’. Special attention is devoted to terials, statements of representatives of the presence of the term ‘diaspora’ in ac- Polish organizations abroad as well as ademic literature, official documents and academic literature. The analysis showed the political discourse in Poland. A few that although the term ‘Polonia and Poles years ago, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs abroad’ is still commonly used, ‘Polish di- (MSZ) applied the term ‘Polish diaspora’ aspora’ becomes more and more popular, as a substitution of ‘Polonia and Poles especially among younger generation of abroad’ in the draft of a governmental academics. The most reluctant to use the programme. It provoked objections from word ‘diaspora’ in reference to Polish com- THE POLISH MIGRATION REVIEW — NO 3/2018 THE POLISH MIGRATION REVIEW — NO 3/2018 … 10 Magdalena Lesińska 11 Polska diaspora, Polonia, emigracja. Spory pojęciowe wokół skupisk polskich za granicą munities abroad are the leaders of Polish i polonijnych w trakcie konsultacji pro- Prawdziwą popularność w naukach spo- Użycie terminu „diaspora” w odniesieniu organizations abroad and politicians rep- jektu „Rządowego programu współpracy łecznych termin ten zdobył dopiero w dru- do polskich skupisk za granicą nastąpiło resenting the right wing of the political z polską Diasporą 2015–2020” oraz prze- giej połowie XX wieku, kiedy to „diaspora” stosunkowo późno, bo w latach siedem- spectrum. They base their opposition pri- bieg debat podczas posiedzeń w Sejmie zaczęła być powszechnie używanym poję- dziesiątych XX wieku, i było wówczas zja- marily on emotional arguments related to i Senacie poświęconych polityce polonijnej ciem w publikacjach poświęconych grupom wiskiem raczej rzadkim oraz ograniczo- the understanding of the diaspora concept oraz projektowi wspomnianego programu narodowym rozproszonym w wielu krajach: nym do publikacji naukowych (zob. m.in. in a narrow, traditional sense, referring rządowego. Wprowadzeniem do analizy Afrykańczykom, Palestyńczykom, Chińczy- Bromke 1972) i dzieł literackich (pisma to scattered religious groups, while such wyżej wymienionych materiałów źródło- kom, Irlandczykom, Turkom czy Hindu- Zbigniewa Herberta). Za inicjatorów po- understanding of the term has long ceased wych jest przybliżenie historii i znacze- som (Akenson 1993; Harris 1982; Tölöly- wszechnego stosowania pojęcia diaspory to apply. nia pojęć „Polonia” i „diaspora” w polskiej an 2007). Myron Weiner (1986), opisując w środowisku naukowym w Polsce należy i światowej literaturze przedmiotu oraz populacje pracowników cudzoziemskich uznać Adama Walaszka z Uniwersytetu Wstęp1 prześledzenie obecności obu terminów w krajach zachodniej Europy i Bliskiego Jagiellońskiego oraz Jana E. Zamojskiego Określenia stosowane w odniesieniu do w oficjalnej i naukowej nomenklaturze.
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