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ANN ARBOR, Ml 48106 18 BEDFORD ROW. LONDON WC1R 4EJ. ENGLAND 8001818 R u s k a u p. C a l v in F r e d e r ic k THE OTHER SIDE OF BROADCASTING: A HISTORY OF THE CHALLENGERS TO THE USE OF THE AIRWAVES The Ohio State University PH.D. 1979 University Microfilms International 300 N. Zeeb Read, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 18 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4EI, Fngiwd Copyright 1979 by Ruskaup, Calvin Frederick All Rights Reserved PLEASE NOTE: In all casts this material has been filmed 1n the bast possible May from the available copy. Problns encountered with this docuaent have been Identified here with a check mark . 1. Slossy photographs 2. Colored illustrations _ _ _ 3. Photographs with dark background _______ 4. Illustrations are poor copy _______ 5. Print shows through as there 1s text on both sides of page 6. Indistinct, broken or small print on several pages throughout 7. Tightly bound copy with print lost In spine 8. Computer printout pages with Indistinct p rin t _______ 9. Page(s) _ _ _ _ _ lacking when material received, and not available from school or author _______ 10. Page(s) _______ sen to be missing 1n numbering only as text follows _______ 11. Poor carbon copy _______ 12. Not original copy, several pages with blurred type 13. Appendix pages are poor copy 14. Original copy with light type _ 15. Curling and wrinkled pages 16. Other____________________________ _________ Urdversib/ M tad n lm s International 300 N 2EEB RO.. ANN ARBOfl Ml *8106 *313) 761-4700 THE OTHER SI HE 0 / BRO AHCas TIMG x A HISTORY 07 THE GHALLiHGERS TO THE USE 07 THE AIRWAVES HISSERTATIQH Presented In partial Tulfillment m t the Requirement* far the .Degree Leo ter ef philesephy in the Graduate Seheel e f The Okie S ta te U n iv e rsity By Galvin /reteriek Ruskaup, B.Sc., U.a The Okie State University 1979 Meaiing Cennlttee: Apprevet By Hr. habert Brenner Hr. panl Bewera Atvi eer Hr. Warren Van Tine Department #f Histery VITA B. Sc. University ef Miseeuri at St. Leuis Teacker: st. Leuis City Sckoele, all levels, 1968 Sequela Junier High Sekoel, Fresne 1968-1969 Aquinas Cellege, secenkary, Haaeau, 1971-1972 Teaekimg Asseelate: Department sf Hietery, Tke Okie State University, 1974-1979 it.A. Tke Okie State University, Celunkus, Okie: Critics ef the Sokosle. 1960-1974: Attitudes ef Intellectuals, parents. Stueents «n4 Teaekers Principal area *f enkeavor: Secial ank Intellectual Histery ef tke Unltek states i i I'a BLM 0 F GoNTisliTS page VI It'A.................................................................................................................... ii iiil'iiUitiLi'iiuu ................................................................................ 1 C hapter I . DriVILOPMiiNTS OF THIi 1920's 1. College stations ............................................... 4 2. Federal Radio commission ............................ 25 I I . TEACHING GROUPS 1. Committees oi‘ the 1930*8 ............................ 41 2. school Broadcasts ............................................ 69 3. PM education ........................................................ 81 111* CHlliiihJ^ *o PBQGhAkKilNG GROUPS 1. c h a lle n g e rs ol’ the 1930*8 .................. 101 2. Worla war II and After ................................. 117 IV. mura LI'h GnoUps 1. Violence .................................................................. 149 2. sex.............................................................................. 159 3. IV-Addiction. ................... 165 V. pUALiiU BBOAjjCa STBHS 1. public choice..................................................... 177 2. a Fourth Network ............................................... 189 VI. Ttu» lUUuG *HLa) JlMM ARislLRSS 1. Congress—The people's voice ..................... 199 2. Minority Groups ................................................. 208 3* Community Groups ............................................... 213 V li. Cash STUuY: WPa C-COMMUNITY BROADCASTING 1. origin... ............................................................... 231 2. Federal and Foundationgrants ................... 243 3. community punaing ............................................. 255 4. community programming ................................... 278 CONCLUSION..................................................................................... 304 BlftLiOGiutPilY................................................................................ 308 i i i IJtfXJIODUCTIO* Ike purpese ef this study ie te tell k kiete ry #f ineriean kreadeasting tkreugk tke eyes and aetiritiee • f tke eppe eitlem te etneroial kreadeasting. Tke United States la almost aleme in tke uerld In firing exelueire rifkts te kreadeaat ever limited ekannelm te prirate inti rituals far prefit. fkat kas engendered esnsiterakle eppesitien ky grsnps whs feel left ent ef tke presses er unrepresented in tkeir pkilesepkiee tkremgk kreadeasting. Wkile seme kare predneed written nissilee dirested at brwadeasting, tke reeerde ef aetiritiee ef many kare remained scattered, nnpmklisked, and sseaaiemally existing enly in memerlee ef tke participants. Tkremgk tke use ef eral hiatery, ef kmaineas reeerde, ef arekires* eelleetiens, newsletters, my persenal inrelrenent and etker senrses ef infexmatien, 1 kare eenpiled a reeerd ef tke sundry aetiritiee ef eppesitien greups te esnnerelal krsadeastlng, wks due te tkeir ewm dirergenee ef ideas seuld net tkemselrea kare farmed a united fremt. sekslara eeneemed witk pressure greups and puklie pel ley, and nenkers ef tke puklie wks want te knew tke tetai range at eppesitien and puklie epimldn- tkat kas already aeeunulated teward 1 2 kxaakaaetlmg will kar* tkat raaark. Sima* tk* appaaiog gzwi?a fail® * t« a l t a r tk® a a ta ra • f Awarieaw kxaakaaetlmg, i t s k ia te ry a f a a tlT itla a aak •amaeraa ek*alk pxavlka aa aakaratankimg aka at tk* a am a* *f tke failar*. fallara, af aemraa, la aat amly kme ta iateraal waakm***, kat alaa reaalta fra a tke stramgtk af tk* appaaaat. Saaa raapaaaikility far failar*9 kew*T*r, rest* with klTlslana witkia tk* gxwap* akaliaaglmg kr* ak- • aat lag t wklak aat grampa aak ImkiTlkmal* witk tk* aaaa geaeral aaaa era a agalaat am* aaatkar. Gaapatltlaa aaaag aammeraial kread*aatera kaa alwaya keaa pi aaaa* aampatltiam. Ik* matar* *f tk* Oamwaaiaatlam* Aat aak Harkart Hearer aak /raakll* Haaaarelt'* gaal tawark kaeimesa, aak eapealally tawark kraakaaatimg, waa ta aaaar* It* flmaaaial aaaees* ky liwitak aawpatltlaa. 1refit, a*t paklie aaaeea *r praaatlaa af ikaaa, waa tka aaraaratama af tk* atraatara. Ik* appaaeata t* tk* •traatare kar* keaa lkaa-arleatek, wklak kaa reemit*4 la aakleaa ki aaaa alaa a awaag tkeaaalTaa. Ik* kra ai- aaatara, witk little t* fear fraw am* aawtker** aiaiwaa aawpatltlaa, aak witk a* flaw* af paaaiaa t* praaat* am* pkllaaapky ar aaatkar, kar* keaa akl* t* aaaa aat rat a am k*lklmg mp tka kalwark af aamwaralal kraakaaetlag a* am Ikaa lm itaalf. Xkalr paaaiaml*** appraaak, wklak raflaatak Harkart Hearer*a •ikea-l***" gaal far kxaadaaatiag, pxaYika*m aA« 1 ta la alga paklla talari alaa aakaiulea ia tka laaga af aaaaaaalal kraaiaaatiag. I . JMfiVHLOPlUKIS Of IHB 1920*a Callaga 3t at lea a JLBC, im ita firat tkraa fall years af kraakaastimg * pmkliakek krsskarea am ita pxwgraaa im aka a at lag tka ameriaam pm klia. im m 1927 kraakmr* tka matwsrk praaikamt prealatak tkat MBQ wealk k aaaa a a "traa Umi varsity af tka Aim. Ha ravaalak pi am a far aamaarta ky Waltar iiamraaak ia 1928 wklak wara am tl alp at ak ta raaak 25-ailliaa stakamta aaaa tka aatwark aqaippsk aakaala witk rakias. Citiaa SarTiaa kak skawa tka affaativamaaa af aam aarta im 1927 amk 1928. Hat a a ly kik tk e aampamy advertia# its gaaallaa, kmt
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