l t-u' !Xu;~ . ::r~o{ A~~~- ; OF Baylor College BELTON, TEXAS Catalogue Number rg20-21 Announcements xg2r-22 I PUBLISHED BY THE COLLEGE MAY ig2r Entered as Second Class :llail Matter, September 30, 1909, at the Post Office at Belton, Texas. Acceptance tor Maillng at Special Rate of Postage Provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 19.11: Authorized August 20, 1918. Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor QUARTERLY of BAYLOR COLLEGE Belton, Texas IJZ"ll Catalogue Number 1920-21 Announcements 1921-22 PUBLISHED BY THE COLLEGE MAY, 1921 .Enrered ns Second-Class Mall 1\futter, September 80, 1909, at the P06t Office at Belton. Texas Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor BAYLOR COLLEGE QUARTERLY 3 CALENDAR SUMMER QUARTER 1921 June 8, Wednesday-Summer Quarter Begins. June 13, Monday- Summer Normal Begins. July 18, Wednesday-First Half of Summer Quarter Ends. .July 14, Thursday- Second Half o! Summer Quarter Begins. August 6, Saturday-Class Work in Summor Normal Closes. August 9, 10, 11, 12-St.ate Examinations. August 12, Friday-Summer Quarter and Normal Closes. AUTUMN QUARTER 1921 September 23, 24, Friday, Sat.urday- Entrance Examinations. September 26, 27, Monday, Tuesday-Classification. September 28, Wednesday-Ffr;ormal Opening 10:00 A. M., Lec- tures begin at 2:00 P. M.J. rJ L/ , /G ---:;..(',',. ..' ./h ( ~ '' ~ _ '2. ~ November 24, Thursday-Th nksgiving. " ~ ~ December 14, 15, 16, Wednesday, Thursda.y, Friday- Final Ex­ aminations. December 16-Christmas Holidays begin 6:00 P. M. WINTER QUARTER 1922 January 2, Monday 8:00 P. M.-Christmas Holidays End. January 3, Tuesday-Opening of Winter Quarter, 8:00 A. M . ~ :f.,~; February 1-Char ter Day. (Not a Holiday.KJ· s,, jf,.:.' . ......... • March 21, 22, 23, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday-Final Ex- aminations. SPRING QUARTER 1922 March 24, 'Friday, 8:00 A. M.-Spring Quarter Begins. April 21, Thursday-San .Jacinto Day. May 31, June 1, 2, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday-Final Exami­ nations. June 2-6- Commencement Exercises. SUMMER QUARTER 1922 June 7-Summer Term Begins. August 12-Summer Quarter Ends. Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 4 BAYLOR COLLEGE QUARTERLY BEQUESTS Baylor College is entirely dependent upon voluntary gifts tor en­ largement, equipment and endowment. We invite our friends ever;~, where to consider seriously the fol­ lowing forms of bequests: FORMS OF BEQUESTS: I hereby give and d onate (or bequenlh) to Baylor Female Col- lPge, of Belton, T :lxa s, th!:' sum ot.. ............................................................. (or that certain tract or parcel of land, to-wit: ........................................ ) (or the following de!>cribed propet·ty: ...................................................... ) to be used tor the purpose (ht>t e state whether for the erection of buildings, equipment of laboratories and ll!>raries, or for endowment.) (Signed): SECOND FORM OF BEQUEST I hereby give and dona te (or bequeath) to Baylor Female Colleg e, ot Belton, Texas, the sum of. ............·-··· ······················································· (or the followin~ described property:·-··········-··········································-> to be used tor the purpose (state here the specific purpose) on the condition that Baylor Female College shall pay to me annually until my death the sum of. ...................................... (or.. ..................................... per cent of my total net gift.) This annuity to be secur ed to me by such means as I may deem satisfactory. (Signed): Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor BAYLOR COLLEGE QUARTERLY BOARD OF TRUSTEES CLASS 2 J. H. Pepper, Belton, Texas. A. C. Barber, Ft. Worth, Texas. Mrs. H. L. Kokcrnot, San Antonio, Texas. CLASS 3 A. J. Jaa·rell, Temple, Tcxaa;. Mra. J. E. Williamson, Austin, Texas. J. D. BasseU, Belton, Texas. CLASS 4 1\I. T. Andrews, Temple, Texas. R. E. Burt, Dallas, Texas. Wallace Bassett, Dallas, Texas. J. H. Pace, Waxahachie, Texas. CLASS 1 W. B. McGee, Lampasas, Texas. A. E. Booth, Beaumont, Texas. M. P. Dalton, Killeen, T~. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD R. E. Burt, Pres., Dallas, Texas. M. T. Andrews, See.. Temple, Ten.a. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE :U. T. Andrews, Temple, Texas. J. D. Bassell, Belton, Texa.a. "'· 0. Cox, Temple, Texas. A. J. Jarrell, Temple, Texas. J. H. Pepper, Belton, Texas. Mrs. J. E. Wllllamson, Austin,Texaa. M. P. Dalton, Killeen, Texas. Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 6 BAYLOR COLLEGE QUARTERLY FACULTY JOHN CRUMPTON HARDY, M A., LL. D. President. B. A. MlssiJssippl College; M. A. Ibid., LL. D. ibid; L L . .B. Mill­ sap Law School; LL. D. B aylor University. E. G. TOWNSEND, B. A •• Th. B .. D. D. Vice-President and Professor of Engiish Bible. B. A. Baylor University; Th. B. Southern Baptist Thcologlcai Seminary; D. D. Baylor University. ~ , . • J - l':Ab'L e. :f'ORTl!:R;-B. A., M. A. hUu. ~ 7?.-t..~-~,- ... Dean crt College and Professor of Mal hemo.lics. B. A. Baylor University; M . A. Brown University. A. 0. BOWDEN, B. A., M. A. Professor of Education. B . A. 1908 State University of Kentucky; M. A. 1910 fro m same; M. A. Harvard University; Graduate work toward Ph. D University of Chicago; holds life diplomas and State Certificates from six dltterent states in the United States. HUTHBROWN, ~ 1-b:f'·,· -~ Instructor in Kindergarten. Special Kindergarten Diploma f•·om Columbia Unive•·sity. LUCILE CAPT, B. A. instructor in Biology. B. A. Baylor Universi\y. GAIL COOK, B . A., B. Pd Instructor in Education. B . A. Missouri Teachers College; B. Pd. from same. €fiARiif!lS P. de BOISS~. ~~~ Professor of French . Graduate of University of Paris, Philosophy and Letters. MISS AUGUSTA FORT, B. S. Professor in :Eiom,e Economics. B. S. Industrial Institute and College, Columbus, Miss. '1'wu Summers graduate work in Chicatro University. ,T. M. FRAZIER, Ph. D., M. D. Professor of Biology. B. A. Waco University; Ph. D. University of Pennsylvania, 1\L D. ibid. MRS. BERTHA M. BANDY, B. A. Instructor in English. B. A. Iowa State College of Agl'icultur e and Mechanic A•·ts; graduate work at North western University, Chicago. ~E-H... ~L:SR., M.A., Ph. D. /(~~ Professor of Latin and Greek: B. A., M. A. University ot Nebraska.; Ph. D. Yale University. Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor BAYLOR COLLEGE QUARTERLY 1 JENNIE M. HARDY, B. A. Director of Kindergarten Training School. B. A. Judson Institute; Graduate Studem Southern BapUal Theological Seminary; University ot Alabama; University ot ChJ­ cago. C. D. JOHNS, B. A., M. A. Professor of History and Political Economy. B. A. Randolph-Macon College; 1\f. A. University of Chicago; Graduate Student, Unh·crsity of Chicago, three years; Ibid., Har­ vard University, one year; Fellow in History, University of Chi· cago, one year. • W. C. LAWSON, B. S., M. A. Education. B. S. University of Ohio, M. A. ibid. ETHEL RIDLEY LANIER, B. A., B. Pe., 1\1. A., A881stant Professor In English. B. A. Drury College; B. Po. Mo. St. Normal: 1\1. A., Columbia University. lHUDIE LAWRENCE, B A. Instructor In History. B. A. Baylor College; Graduate Student, Unl\"erslty of Chicago three Summers; Columbia University, one-half year. E. A. MILLER Professor ot Spanish. Gmduate Real Schute, Hambut·g, Germany; Graduate In Span- Ish, College of Mexico City. ~~ Instructor In English. Graduate of Huntsville State Normal; B. A. Baylor College; Graduate Student University ot California. l3B?1A Mc:OA"NI:eb a. e. • 4 . :::b:= 4.. ..lslllstant In Bible. ___... -7 ~AR:T "MBR¥Dl, B. s.f.-4. ~ Instructor In Mathematics and Physics; B. S. Grenell College. ISABELLE STOREY, B.S. t:.u.. ~~ Professot· ot Home Economics. B. S. George Peabody Colltlge; Student University of Chicago; Summer quarter, Columbia University. C. M. VANCE, Ph. B., M. S. Professor of Chemistry. Ph. B. Baylor University; M. S. University of Chicago, Mem­ ber ot Chemistry Battalion, U. S. Army. W. H. VAJ\'N, B. A., M.A. Professor ot English. B. A. Wake Forest: M. A. Columbia University: Two Year addl· tiona! Graduate Work at Columbia. • Summer quarter only, Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 8 BAYLOR COLLEGE QU~TJRL2? OVILLA WOOD, :Bt A. ~~Cc. (; .t~(c ' Director ot PhYBical Education. hv~A. &£e~ C,oi{j.g:· ~,_._.._ ~ .u. ~- yhmENTS ASSISTANTS. DAISY KEYS AUDRY MOORE BERTHA DELL .JOHNSON HAZEL STURGEON LULA McKINNEY Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor BAYLOR COLLEGE QUARTERLY 9 OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION J. C. HARDY, M. A., LL. D., President. E . G. TOWNSEND, B. A., Th. B., D. D., Vice-President. PAUL C. PORTER, B. A., M. A., Dean of College. Mrs. Jennie M. Hardy, B. A., Dean of Academy. T. S. Lovette, Director of Fine Arts. Mrs. I. 'S. Myer, General Hostess. li:Irs. Robeson, Hostess Luther Hall. Mrs. Bailey, B. A., Hostess Burt Hall. Mrs. Moon, B. A., Hostess Ferguson-Heard Halls. Mrs. Ell! Moore Townsend, B. A., Manager of El~-Pepper Hall System. Mrs. E. C. Ely, Assistant Manager of Ely-Pepper Hall System. Mrs. McLain, Hostess Ely-Pepper Hall. Miss Louise Kenedy, B. A., Librarian. C. C. Hooper, B. A., Business Manager. Miss Ola Beaty, B. A., Secretary to the President. Mrs. W. B. McGarity, Registrar. Miss V. L. Smith, Secretary to the College. Miss Lucie Harris, B. A., Cashier. Mrs. Annie L. Whitfield, B. A., Stewardess. Mrs. susie Darlington. H ousekeeper. Miss Fannie Holland, Postmistress. Dr. J . M. Frazier, M. D., Ph. D., College Physician. Courtesy of Townsend Memorial Library, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 10 BAYLOR COLLEGE QUARTERLY GENERAL FACULTY STANDI NG COMMIT­ ~.~......, TEES. /-!! ..--...__~'Rr I I I C' .... , l:;;,ct>um: :M1·. Vann, Chairman· .Miss Wells, Miss Walters, Mrs. Pierce, Jotr.-.Behater, Mt'8.
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