The Inventory of the Dick Lehr Collection #1779 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center BOSTON UNIVERSITY Lehr, Dick #1779 1/19/11 Preliminary Listing I. Research Materials. Box 1 A. Files re: “RICO case,” includes court documents, 1997-1999; Misconduct hearings, 1998; Wolf ruling and transcripts of Wolf hearings, 1998-1999; RICO indictment, 1995; Stephen Flemmi affidavit; William Bulger affidavit; John Connolly affidavit; may include correspondence; printed materials; professional materials; audio materials. 1. “Memos on Court Action Court ’97; Court ’98.” [F. 1] 2. “RICO Case: 1996-early ’97 Lawyers, Motions, etc.” 3. “Judge Wolf’s Orders: 1997.” [F. 2-3] 4. “RICO: Motion to Dismiss 9/97.” [F. 3] 5. “RICO: Govt Response to Motion to Dismiss.” [F. 4] 6. “RICO Case: Wolf Recusal 97-98 Filings/Orders.” [F. 5-6] 7. “RICO Case: Wolf Recusal 3/30/98: Wolf Stays on Case.” [F. 6] 8. “RICO Case” Wolf Recusal/Court Transcripts 97-98.” [F. 7-8] 9. “RICO Case: 1997 Globe Herald Clips (Bulger, Flemmi, Salemme).” [F. 9] 10. “1998/Exh. Lists (265 Exhibits) (Wolf Hearings Master List) Chrono and Numerically.” [F. 10] 11. “Exhibits: Wolf Hearings 1998.” [F. 10-11] 12. “1998 Hearings: Exhibits.” [F. 12-13] 13. “1998 Hearings: Exhibits.” [F. 14-15] 14. “Jan 1999: Final Defense Briefs.” [F. 16-17] 15. “Fishman’s Facts (Jan ’99).” [F. 18] Box 2 16. “Wolf Ruling - Sept ’99.” [F. 1] 17. “Martorano Deal Superseding Information 9/99.” 18. “Weeks/O’Neil Indictment 11/99.” 19. “1990 Southie Drugs: Indictments/US Atty Press Releases.” [F. 2] 20. “1990 Southie Drugs: Plea Agreements.” [F. 3] 21. “1990 Southie Drugs: Clips.” [F. 4] 22. “1990 Southie Drugs: Affidavits (Corr) (Murphy).” [F. 5] 23. “1990 Southie Drugs: 1/90 Alexander Affidavit.” [F. 6] 24. “1990 Southie Drugs: Bug Transcripts.” [F. 7] 25. “1990 Southie Drugs: Court Docs, Orders, Memos.” [F. 8] 26. “Xmas Party/Liquor Mart Fall 1940.” [F. 9] 27. “July 1991: Bulger and Lottery Ticket.” [F. 10] 28. “Howie Winter: ’92 Drug Case.” [F. 11-12] 29. “1993 Yerardi Material.” [F. 13] 30. “1993 FBI Surveillance: Mostly Flemmi, Store WB.” [F. 14] 31. “1994 1st Circuit.” [F. 15] 32. “’91 SB Wiretaps Krantz/Roberto Affid. by TPR, John and Tutungian (for ’95 Indictment).” [F. 16-18] Lehr, Dick (1/19/11) Page 1 of 12 33. “1/95 John Tutungian Affid (Chico Krantz).” [F. 19] 34. “Rico: Child Krantz (Tutungian 1/95 Aff).” [F. 20] 35. “Krantz - Middsex Case.” [F. 21] 36. “Rico: ’95 Indictments Press Releases US Atty.” [F. 22] 37. “Rico: 1/95 Quinn Affidavit to Detain Elemi.” [F. 23] 38. “Whitey: Jimmy Burger ’93.” [F. 24] 39. “Flemmi 6/95 Letter to Wolf Attacking Gov’t Harassment.” [F. 25] 40. “’95 Clips - WB et SU.” 41. “Whitey Memos: 3/95 Indictment Deconstruction Story: Memos/Whitey.” 42. “’88 Store Memos Whitey Bulger.” [F. 26] Box 3 43. “Whitey Memos: Pre-’95 Story.” [F. 1] 44. “Some Prop Record Bulger Misc.” 45. “Misc Rob Stuff Old Clips/Articles.” [F. 2] 46. “Whitey - Old Clips.” 47. “’86 Prez’s Crime Commission Whitey/Irish Mob.” [F. 3] 48. “Whitey Clearwater FIA Condo.” 49. “WM Bulger Book Reviews.” [F. 4] 50. “Jane (Jean) Bulger Obit.” 51. “Bill Bulger Financial Info.” 52. “Whitey: Fugitive Info.” 53. “Conlon/Finnerty.” 54. “Cardinale.” [F. 5-6] 55. “Connolly 10/98 Media Blitz.” [F. 7] 56. “JC Media Blitz/Transcripts Fall 1998.” [F. 8] 57. “John Connolly Jr.: Divorce (1982), Re-marriage (11/88).” 58. “Connolly, John (R.E.)” 59. “Connolly Takes 5th 10/30/98.” 60. “12/99 JC Indictment.” 61. “JC Superseding Indictment 10/11/00.” [F. 9] 62. “Barnicle Columns.” 63. “(1988 JM Leak) John Baharoian/Steve Puleo Clips.” 64. “Dick Bergeron Interview/color 83-85 and prior to ’83.” 65. “Brendan Bradley: Kevin O’Neil JC/’86 Murder.” [F. 10] 66. “Salvatore “Mickey” Caruana.” 67. “Connolly (Shelly) Interviews (Lehr ’88 - Vanessa’s).” [F. 11] 68. “Tim Connolly: Southie ’90 Probe.” 69. “Kevin Cullen Stuff.” 70. “Frank Dewan DEA/BPD (’87 on).” 71. “Spotlite ’98 WB Drug Memos (3), QPD/DEA (83-86), BPD/DEA (87-90).” 72. “Richard Egbert.” [F. 12] 73. “FBI - Whitey Manhunt.” 74. “Bob Fitz Materials: 1998-1999.” 75. “Ken Fishman.” 76. “Flemmi Testimony Index.” Lehr, Dick (1/19/11) Page 2 of 12 77. “Nick Gianturco.” 78. “Globe ’88 Series Master Memos WB, WB2, WB3.” [F. 13] 79. “George Hogan.” 80. “Arnold Katz/Misc Stuff.” 81. “Chico Krantz.” 82. “Chris Lydon w/ Weld WBUR 10/7/98.” 83. “Edw. J. Mackenzie ’90 Southie Drug Case 90-10204-K.” [F. 14] 84. “Mafia Talk/WB/F.” 85. “John V. Martorano.” 86. “Jimmy Martorano.” 87. “Military Records - Whitey, Flemmi.” 88. “Mitrioni: Clips.” 89. “Paul E. Moore 90-10203WD ’90 Southie Drug Case.” [F. 15] 90. “Morris Testimony (Gerry Memo).” 91. “FBI John Newton (Singer).” 92. “Jeremiah T. O’Sullivan.” 93. “Pappalardo.” 94. “Photos.” 95. “Photos etc.” [F. 16] 96. “Plym. County Correctional Facility.” 97. “Pop Culture, News, etc., 1970s - 1980s.” 98. “Rakes - Globe Interviews, 1998 Trial Clips.” 99. “Ring Testimony/Memos.” [F. 17] 100. “John J. ‘Reo’ Shea.” 101. “Schneiderhan, Richard.” [F. 18] 102. “John ‘Reo’ Shea 1990 Southie Drug Case.” 103. “Teresa (Theresa?) Stanley.” 104. “South Boston: Clips History.” 105. “Timelines - WB Chronol, Gov’t Timeline, Def. Timelines.” 106. “George W. Vien.” 107. “Kevin Weeks.” 108. “Fred Wyshak Notes.” 109. “Wyshak Fred (Old Clips).” [F. 19] 110. “Gary Marx Articles: Post 1990.” 111. “Informants Articles/Undercover Work Marx Book.” Box 4 112. “Informant Guidelines.” [F. 1] 113. “Articles on Informants.” 114. “Informants: Notes, Clips.” [F. 2] 115. “T3 Stuff: Electronic Surveillance.” 116. “Senate Jud. Hearings on Org. Crime.” 117. “1977 Vending Machine Event (JC threatens owner).” [F. 3] 118. “1979 Race Fix Case.” 119. “Lancaster St. Garage (Docs) 1980-1981, ’81 Bug Affid Fraelick.” [F. 4] 120. “Operation Lobster 7177-8179 Indictments 3/14/79.” [F. 5] 121. “’79 Race-Fix Clips, C.S.I. - N.J. Case - Boston.” [F. 6] Lehr, Dick (1/19/11) Page 3 of 12 122. “1979 Race-Fixing Indictment/Howie Winter.” [F. 7] 123. “362 Comm Ave Condo Commercial Unit 1.” [F. 8] 124. “SMS Realty Trust.” 125. “Stephen J. Flemmi Fed. Tax Lien.” 126. “Mary Irene Trust.” 127. “J and M Flemmi Trust.’ 128. Untitled re: Falmuth Realty Trust. 129. “Stephen J. Flemmi.” [F. 9] 130. “238 Marlborough Street.” 131. “Camb. Stats.” [F. 10] 132. “Flemmi: Notes, ’93 Story.” 133. “Flemmi Momo, 12/93 Sticky.” 134. “Reprints Big Story Clips.” [F. 11] 135. “Sonny Mercurio (as Foil) Induction.” [F. 12] 136. “Flemmi Material.” 137. “S.B. 2pk Mg Legal.” [F. 13] 138. “JC Padding.” 139. “Whitey Color Memos/Day 3 Slide.” 140. “JC Padding - Day 3 Writing Memos.” [F. 14] 141. “Memos/Proj Writing TWOTS Notes.” [F. 15] 142. “Day DNF and Series, Writings, Memos.” [F. 16] 143. “Hartford.” [F. 17] 144. “Fed Case Stuff/Cosmic.” 145. “Mawn/Stern Statements, After Production, Also Mechanon Hearnings.” 146. “OPR Reports,1997.” 147. “Flemmi, 1997 Affidavits.” 148. “Our Memos on Inserts: FBI Files 1 and 2.” 149. “FBI Reports: Bulger Inserts 209’s.” [F. 18] 150. “FBI Reports: Bulger Admin Files.” 151. “FBI Reports: Flemmi Inserts (Reports 209), etc.” [F. 19] 152. “Clips/FBI Whitey, ’98 Hearings/’99.” [F. 20] 153. Untitled re: Bulger and the FBI. [F. 21] 154. “Mike Flemmi Indictment, 11/2/2000 (WM Hussey).” [F. 22] 155. “Bulger Flemmi - Murder Indictment (21), 9/28/00.” [F. 23] 156. “1st Circ. Ruling on Wolf’s Rulings, 9/11/00.” [F. 24] 157. “1/2K Clips Jim Carrol’s 9/99 Column.” [F. 25] Box 5 158. “Body Digs/Recovery Summer/Fall, 2000.” [F. 1] 159. “1989 Connecticut Case Docs, Grasso Murders, Induction [F. 2] Transcripts.” 160. “Jim Ring Affidavit (About ’89 Induction Bug), 2/25/91.” [F. 3] 161. “1989 Induction (34 Guild Street Medford) Transcripts.” 162. “’87-’88 Raymond Slinger Extortion.” [F. 4] 163. “DEA/Drugs: Patrick Perkins, 1987 Leno that Fizzles.” 164. “Logan Airport, 9/8/87 - TPR Billy Johnson.” 165. “1989 Induction: FBI Steffens Bug Affidavit.” Lehr, Dick (1/19/11) Page 4 of 12 166. “Vanessa’s T3/FBI’s Rick Carter,” 10/86. [F. 5] 167. “Vanessa’s: Ferrara etc., 86-87.” 168. “QPD Surv., 1983-86.” [F. 6] 169. “McIntyre’s, 10/14/84 Debriefing.” [F. 7] 170. “Bean ’88 Spotlight Memos.” 171. “Valhalla (9/84) Info Clips/McIntyre.” [F. 8] 172. “Boeri Affid. 3/1/85 (WB talk) Car Bug Renewal Exh #136.”[F. 9] 173. “Beans Clips: 1998 Wolf Hearings Southie Drugs.” 174. “1984 Boeri Affidavit, 12/24/84 Exh #133.” [F. 10] 175. “Operation Beans ‘82-’83, Testimony at Wolf Hearings, 1988.” [F. 11] 176. “1983: April D St. Warehouse Pot Bust.’’ [F. 12] 177. “1984/1983: Stephen Rakes 1996 Indictment/SBLM Etc.” 178. “83-85 DEA/Quincy Cops Begeron Memo/QPD Memo.” 179. “Lancaster etc. Memo, 1980, (Globe), 1988.” [F. 13] 180. “Halloran Ed Brian Halloran, 1982-1983.” 181. “1983: Caruana/Lepere Daily Indictments.” 182. “Lancaster Tim Burke’s Buffalo and Surv. Logs (Fraelick).”[F. 14] B. General research re: court transcripts, 1998. Box 5 1. USA vs. Francis P. Salemme, et.al., 1/9/98-9/29/98. [F. 15-19] Box 6 a. Ibid. [F.1-12] 2. USA vs. Stephen M. Rakes, 5/27/98- 6/19/98. [F.13-21] C. Files re: JUDGEMENT RIDGE; may include printed materials; correspondence; photographs; audio materials; video materials; professional materials. Box 7 1. “Chapter 14 - Chelsea React II.” [F. 1] 2. “Chapter 20: Jim Killing Zanty’s.” 3. “Court/Big Day Ch.21.” 4. “Part 2 (Resolved) Boys Caught.” [F. 2] 5.
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