University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 10-29-1991 Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 20, October 29, 1991 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 24 No. 20, October 29, 1991" (1991). Central Florida Future. 1096. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1096 COLLAGE • 9 OPINION • 6 SPORTS • 16 Rich Hall fascinated Dave learns how to Knights collapse in 4th, with Hubcap WORLD . grow SOOlb pgnpkins fall to national c~amps ·Future© SeNing The University of Central Florida Since 1968 Vol. 24, No. 20 TUESDAY October 29, 1991 16 Pages · Nominees enter next round Homecoming Festivities with committee interviews by Jennifer Burgess STAFF REPORTER The Presidential Advisory Committee interviewed last week 12 semi-finalist candidates who have applied for the posi­ tion of UCF president. vious experience of the candi­ Wolf said. The committee members, dates, especially with branch He also feels that three or who are appointed by Board of campuses and budget cuts. four candidates have stood out Regents' Chancellor Charles Ross Wolf, former student as being really strong. Reed, spentWednesdaythrough member of the BOR and a mem­ The committee members are Friday conducting 90-minute ber ofthe Presidential Advisory looking for various qualities in interviews with each of the can­ Committee, said, "All have the candidates. Dr. Gary didates. The interviews con­ shown a real strong sense of Whitehouse, chairman of the sisted of opening statements leadership and determination." committee, said he is looking from the candidates, questions Wolf realizes the challenges for an individual who can offer from the committee and optional and obstacles the new president leadership to the community. closing statements. will have to face. He said he has seen a number of The questions asked by the "The ones that have inter­ potential presidents and is very 37-member committee con­ ested me most are the ones that enthusiasticaboutthecandidat.es. cerned issues a new president are not afraid to speak out and would have to face and the pre- are not afraid to show beliefs," SEARCH continued page 5 New SG pro temp vows. to seIVe . - students, build relationships by Rebecca Falcon Sunday, Langley said his idea of STAFF REPORTER a good pro temp is the ability to be, a leader, a liaison and an ''We're going to serve the stu­ example. dents like we're supposed to," said "I'm trying to get the SG Don Langley, newly elected Stu­ name in positive light," Lan­ dent Government Senate pro gley said. temp. Langley formerly acted as Langley received 20 of the 32 chair for the Organizations, Ap­ votes that were cast for pro temp propriations and Funding Com­ elections at Sunday's senate meeting. mittees. "I was very excited," Langley He also served on the Elec­ said. tions and Appointments commit­ Pro temp, Langley explained, is tee, the Legislative and Judicial a liaison between SG's Senate ex­ pon Langley Review Comm1ttee and the Jobs ecutive and judicial branch and the for Students Committee. administrative staff. He attended a Senate Leadership Workshop "It requires a lot of involvement with SG and actively Participated in the "Death of Higher itself," Langley explained. Education" rally in Tallahassee. Langley will be required to attend all Senate "I feel I'm qualified," Langley said. meetings and preside over them when SG Vice Now that he is elected, Langley wants to build ' President Mark Dogoli is absent. During his three minute speech to the Senate LANGLEY continued page 4 Building to get $1.5 million face lift by Cindy Barth Peter Newman, director of were looking at the Multi-Pur­ .CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE facilities planning, said,"We are pose Room in the Educational planning open office landscap­ Building, but the physical edu­ The UCF Administration ing~ which will give these areas cation department doesn't want Building will have a new look more usable space." to lose the space. At this point, we beginningJan.1. The areas undergoing reno­ are looking at other sit.es, but a John Bolte, vice-president of vation include the third floor decision will be made October 30 administration and finance, said cent.er core, Finance/Accounting as to where the staff and offices the more than $1.5 million for the .and University Relations, the will be moved," Coleman said . renovation was approved by the second floor personnel offices Loren Knutson, director of state legislature over a year.ago. and the Registrar's Office. recreational services, said the GOOD JOB! 'The money comes from the Pub­ Dr. Dan Coleman, director of physical education staff pro­ lic Education Capital Outlay institutional research in admin­ tested the possible relocation to UCF student Jen Agnew hugs Shahid Hanif, who ran a funds," Bolte said. 'This money istration and finance, said the the Multi-Purpose Room be­ race in the Special Olympics. (Michael DeHoog/FUTURE) goestowardrenovationsandbuild­ staff and offices will have to be cause the space was needed for ing." relocated during the work. ''We classes and instruction. CLASSIFIEDS page 8 2 The Central Florida Future October 29, 1991 • STUDENT GOVERNMENT • is Proud • to facilitate this week's . HOMECOMING FESTIVITIES , .. in its ongoing. funding of the Award-Winning . CAMPUS ACTIVITIES BOARD • • ~~CAB~ • m UNIVERSITYOFCEN1RAL FLORIDA CAMPUSAcTIVITIES BOARD • • • • • • • • • • The Central Florida Future October 29, 1991 3 -- ( .I 1 • .Presidential Search Presidential hopefuls converge on campus AU1letics, branch campuses, budget cuts top list of topics in 90-minute interviews FormerUCF The long-haul has started. arts and sciences. lar to UCF. He also said he feels know a campus thoroughly." Presidents In UCF's 28-year history Cahn also said a good educa­ it is important for the students She also said a president should there have been two presidents, tion can be obtained while en­ of those campuses to "identify spend a great deal of time in the Dr. Charles Millican and Dr. ·gaging in athletics. He sees the with campus." individual departments getting Trevor Colbourn, who have athletic program as an impor­ Hooker said an athletic de­ to know the faculty. stepped down to become presi­ tant part of the university. partment is important to the Okerlund'sapproachtoplan­ dent emeritus. He previously worked in un­ university. "I recognize fully the ning is task-oriented, she said. • 1 This past summer UCFs third dergraduate universities and value of athletics in bringing presid~nt, Dr. Steven Altman, re­ most of his written work tends attention to the university," · • John W. Shumaker is signed and Dr. Robert Bryan is to focus on the undergraduate Hooker said. the president of Central C~m­ temporarily at the r~ins. experience. Hooker also realizes the value necticut State University. He The .quest for a fifth presi­ Cahn said his administra­ of academics when cutting the said he has previous experience dent is in the hands of a 36- tive style focuses on listening to budget. "I cut services in non­ with budget cuts. Shumakerhas member committee and should others. "I like to listen,'' he said. academic areas first," he said. been forced to cut 20 percent be decided by December. Hedescribeshimselfasa"stu­ from his budget in the past two The Presidential Search •PeggyElliottis thechan- dent-oriented president." years. He said that the budget Committeeinterviewed12semi- cellor of Indiana University problems are often complex and finalistsforthe UCFpresidency Northwest. She has previous • H. Ray Hoops said diver­ this generally causes misunder­ last week. The interviews lasted experience with branch cam­ sity on the campus adds to the standings. He said the solution for about 90 minutes and the puses in Indiana. She describes education of everyone. to this pr-0blem involves keep­ candidates gave a speech and Indiana University Northwest "I believe in distinct affirma­ ing everyone informed of bud­ 1965-1978 fielded questions. as "one university with eight tive action," Hoops said. The get cuts through informative Dr. Blaine Brownell, provost front doors." vice chancellor for academic af­ meetings. ofthe UniversityofNorthTexas, She said she believes in di­ fairs at the University ofMissis­ Shumaker has also had ex­ was scheduled to interview, but versity on campus and said that sippi said he believes in the value perience in dealin,gwith branch withdrew from the process. extra-curricular activities are of a strong general education. campuses. Thecommitteewillselectabout theplacetofindit. She also said Written evaluations for univer­ Herecognizestheimportance five finalists on Oct. 31. The new · that it is important for night stu­ sity administrators are impor­ of athletics and co-curricular president should be picked at the dents to "connect with campus." tant, he said, because they give activities. He said they give stu­ beginning of December. She said the university should them an idea of how they are dents an "enrichingexoerience." not be set apart from the environ­ doing. Shumaker said international MEET THE CANDIDATES ment and community. She said Hoops feels most passionately education is important and en­ athletics are important in build­ about ''being able to view myself courages students to study • In his lengthy opening ingrecognition and are the ''key to in a positive light." abroad to "add to skills statement, Ruben Arminana building the university." and... think internationally." confronted the issue that many Elliott descnbes her leader­ • Clara M.
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