Index A close affi liative behaviors , 376–377 A C P . See Private Conservation Area (ACP) HDBs to familiar visitors , 378–379 African oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) , non-primate species , 374 21 , 23 study fi ndings , 375 African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) , 188 subjects and methods , 375 Agent Orange , 179 visual behaviors , 377 , 378 Agricultural ‘Pests’ , 138–139 Aportive lemurs (genus Lepilemur ) , 197 Agricultural frontier Arboreal samango monkeys , 303 account expansion , 328 ARCAs . See Ronda Conservation Areas and hunting pressure , 317 (ARCAs) Agricultural landscapes, primate interactions Asociación de Organizaciones del Corredor human-directed aggression , 140–141 Biológico Talamanca Caribe lethal control methods , 139 (ACBTC) , 365 livestock predation , 140 Aye-aye ( Daubentonia madegascariensis ) , 111 Agroecosystems , 7 , 137 Agroforestry techniques , 35 Agro-industrial enterprises , 21 B Allen’s swamp monkey ( Allenopithecus Baboon attacks , 140 nigroviridis ) , 182 Bakumba community , 183 Alouatta palliata , 353 , 362 , 365 Bears ( Ursus arctos ) , 302 Alouatta pigra , 9 1 Behavioral rehabilitation , 235 Amathole Mountains , 305 Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve (BMSR) , 405 Amazonian forest loss in Peru , 316 Bioclimatic zones , 317 Amboseli National Park , 302 Biological Species Concept (BSC) , 199 Animal Concerns Research and Education Black-and-white colobus ( Colobus guereza ) , Society (ACRES) , 295 302 Animal conservation , 129 , 130 Black-crested mangabeys (Lophocebus Animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs) , 352 aterrimus ) , 182 Anthropocene, biodiversity conservation , 64 Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary , 111 Anthropogenic habitats , 148 Bolafa ( Gilbertiodendron ) forest , 182 Anthropogenic matrix , 354 Bonobos , 181–187 Anthropological methodology , 217 Brachyteles hypoxanthus , 1 4 Ape–human interactions Brown howler monkeys ( Alouatta guariba ) , 15 aggression, hiding and distant affi liative Budongo Forest Reserve , 79 HDBs , 378 Bushmeat , 97 © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 415 M.T. Waller (ed.), Ethnoprimatology, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-30469-4 416 Index Bushmeat crisis children’s drawings , 266 APDS , 50 , 58 ecology , 264–265 in Bayanga , 57 education , 265–267 in Congo Basin rely , 47 empowerment , 267–268 consumption of , 48 events , 262 , 263 cooking pot , 56 fi eld site , 262 ethnographic and primatological human-modifi ed landscape , 268 approaches , 58 Javan slow lorises , 260 , 261 ethnoprimatology and multispecies LFP fi eld station, villagers/offi cials , 268–270 ethnography , 49 lorisids , 259 forest , 53–54 project introduction, local people , 262–264 hunter off-take and interview data , 51 slow lorises , 259 large-scale analysis , 48 social media , 268 line transect surveys , 50–51 Community run protected areas market , 54–56 ACP , 219 market data and interview methods , 51–53 ARCAs , 221 monkey, hunting , 56 CC , 219 , 220 nonhuman primate , 49 , 58 grassroots conservation , 221 regional market surveys , 48 , 49 Community-managed forests , 342 regional research , 49 Computer-based modeling , 317 Bushmeat trade , 180 Confi scated orphaned chimpanzee , 65 Business As Usual (BAU) approach , 31 Conservation Concession (CC) , 219 , 220 Conservation medicine approaches , 67 Copenhagen Climate Conference in 2009 , 222 C The Coastal Economy , 355 Callicebus oenanthe , 326 , 327 Costa Rican law , 365 Campbell’s monkey ( Cercopithecus campbelli Cretaceous marine fossil ( Belemnitella lowei ) , 111 americana ) , 400 Capybara ( Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris ) , 99 Crop feeding , 138 , 144 Caretta caretta , 405 Crop raiding , 82 Caribe Sur , 353 Crop-raiding primates , 144 Cebus nigritus , 9 1 Cross-river gorilla ( Gorilla gorilla diehli ) , 110 Central African Republic (CAR) , 49 Crude palm oil , 29 Chacma baboons ( Papio ursinus ) , 302 , 305 Culturally sensitive conservation actions , 150 Cheirogaleus medius , 404 Chimpanzees , 15 , 126 , 273–281 adult male chimpanzee , 146 D attacks , 145 , 147 Data analysis , 218 behavioural fl exibility , 149 Data collection and preparation , 322 crop ‘pests’ , 142–144 DeBrazza’s monkey ( Cercopithecus effects of deforestation , 273 neglectus ) , 182 livestock predation , 144–145 Decentralization process , 222 ‘pest’ primate , 141–147 Deforestation , 224 property damage , 147 , 148 Dehumanize rehabilitant orangutans , 236 , 240 standing crop nest count (SCNC) census , Demidoff’s dwarf galagos (Galagoides 275 demidovii ) , 182 subadult female chimpanzee , 143 Demilitarized Zone , 179 Climate change Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) , 22 , montane and pre-montane forests , 316 180–182 , 184 , 187 , 188 ramifi cations , 315 Disease risk analysis , 68 , 69 Collared peccary ( Pecari tajacu ) , 98 Dzanga Sangha Dense Forest Reserve , 5 Colobus monkeys ( Colobus angolensis ) , 182 Dzanga-Ndoki Park , 13 Community conservation Dzanga-Sangha Dense Forest Reserve , 13 Index 417 Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas (APDS) intensity, grid cell usage , 85 , 88 cercopithecoid primates , 50 interactions rates , 80 , 81 gun hunters , 58 Lake Nabugabo, Uganda , 79 , 80 human in-migration , 50 Lake Victoria , 79 nonhuman primate species , 53 local community , 91 rainfall , 50 local human community , 89 socio-ecological setting , 49 M group , 79 mean activity budgets , 89 , 90 mechanisms , 89 E non-crop and crop foods , 81–82 Eastern potto ( Perodicticus potto ) , 182 political levels , 91 Effects of deforestation and Chimpanzees , 273 population’s ecosystem , 78 Egyptian religious beliefs , 118 primate behavioural ecology , 78 Electrocution , 362 , 363 primatology , 78 Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) , 64 ranging , 82 , 85–87 Environmental legal framework , 222 sentinel behaviour , 91 Erythroxylum coca , 316 tourism , 91 Eschrichtius robustus , 405 vervet monkeys , 79 , 83 , 84 Ethnographic methods , 216 Forest school designs Ethnographic research , 226 age-graded forest schools , 249 Ethnoprimatological research , 5 , 7 , 16 physical support facilities , 250 Ethnoprimatology , 1 , 10 , 11 , 16 , 96 , 175 program/activities , 251 conservation management , 14–16 small groups , 251 , 252 Ethnozoology , 118 staff , 250 , 251 Eubalaena australis , 405 Forest school practices Eyengo community , 183 behavioral rehabilitation , 249 guiding principles , 248–249 staff , 246 F Franzen’s study of hunting , 103 Fluid relationships , 2 Free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) , 29 Fongoli chimpanzees , 161 , 162 Frugivorous prey species , 49 Forest degradation behaviour , 82–83 behavioural observations , 80–81 G conservation approach , 91 Gandoca community , 354 conservation/management plans , 78 Garamba National Park , 180 cropland , 77 Gauge monkey , 305 DBH , 84 , 87 Generalized human–orangutan relationships , diet , 83–85 245 disturbed vs . undisturbed environments , German-controlled Cameroon , 22 89 , 90 Giving-up densities (GUDs) , 304 , 306–308 , environmental education , 91 310 , 311 Eucalyptus plantations , 78 “Global Epicenter of biodiversity” , 217 feeding , 83 , 85 Gorilla gorilla , 407 fi sh stocks , 79 Government, community based primate food species and frequency , 84 , 86–87 conservation fragments and landscapes , 88 data analysis , 218 fragments and limit terrestrial locomotion , data collection methods , 216 , 217 91 Governmental run protected areas , 218–219 generalized digestive system , 89 , 91 Grassroots conservation , 221 howler monkeys , 91 Grauer’s gorillas ( Gorilla beringei graueri ) , human interactions , 87–88 181 human populations , 78 The Great African War , 180–181 , 187 418 Index Great Ape Health Monitoring Unit (GAHMU) , generalized relationships , 241 , 245 , 247 68 individualized relationship , 241 , 244 , 247 Grid cell system , 82 rehabilitation/reintroduction , 242 , 243 Guajá cultural practices and monkeys , 2 ‘Human–primate confl ict’ resolution , 150 Guajá gender system , 2 Humans vs. orangutan peers , 244 Guajá kinship system , 2 Hunt bushbabies ( Galago senegalensis ) , 161 Guajá people , 2 Hyenas ( Crocuta crocuta ) , 302 GUDs . See Giving-up densities (GUDs) Guinea baboons ( Papio hamadryas papio ) , 161 Guiyero , 105 I Gymnogyps californianus , 407 Illegal wildlife trade , 267 Impala ( Aepyceros melampus ) , 403 In situ–ex situ links , 70 H Individualized orangutan–human relationships , Habitat conversion , 137 241 , 243 , 244 Hanuman the Monkey , 118 Infant–mother attachment relationships , 241 Hardin,Rebecca , 10 , 13 Informal conservation initiatives , 223 , 227 HDBs . See Human–directed behaviors (HDBs) Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Herakles Farms (HF) , 33 Nature (ICCN) , 188 Heterospecifi c alarm signals , 303 Integrated Conservation Medicine Programs , High Conservation Value (HCV) , 31–33 7 1 Hindu-based protection, monkeys , 121 International Animal Rescue , 260 Hogsback , 304–311 International Union for the Conservation of Homo sapiens , 399 Nature (IUCN) , 139 Howler monkey , 2 , 97 , 108 Isthmus of Gibraltar , 8 Human–animal relationships (HARs) IUCN Redlist of Threatened Species , 315 Abyssinian colobus monkeys , 383 Iyema , 187 ape–human interaction studies , 380 behavior patterns , 379 chronic human presence , 372–373 J familiar and unfamiliar visitors , 380 Javan slow loris ( N. javanicus ) , 260 farmed animals , 374 food , 381 gorillas’ social interactions , 381 K interpretation , 380 Kinkajou ( Potus fl avus ) , 101 pooling human-directed behaviors , 380 Kinship bonds , 2 positive and negative , 374 Kinship relations , 2 promote positive welfare
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