بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم Qualitatitive and Quantitative Assessment of Groundwater Resources and Numerical Simulation in Shendi Sedimentary Subbasin River Nile state - Sudan By Elamin Dafaalla Suliman A thesis Submitted to the Graduate College in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master Degree of Science in Hydrogeology Supervisor Professor Adel Balla Magboul July 2017 بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم i اﻻستـــهﻻل قال تعالي: }وأنزلنا من السماء ماء مباركا{ ii DEDICATION TO MY FAMILY Specially for my MOTHER & MY F R I E N D S iii Acknowledgement الشككككككككككعكككك ر الككككعككككالككككمكككك ككككن اوﻻ الككككفق و ككككجككككنككككل كككك ا ككككفا الككككعككككمكككك المتواضع I would like to express all my thanks, And gratitude to Al Neelain University for fund and support. I would like to express deep gratitude and appreciation to Prof. Adil Balla Dean of faculty of petroleum and Minerals. for his close supervision and guidance throughout this work. Also I would like to thanks to Dr. ali Eisawi, Special thanks to the staff of faculty of Petrolum and Minerals. I wish here to thank Mr. ahmaed abd alroof, and I would like to thanks any one help me . iv Abstract The study area is located in Shendi basin , between latitudes 16˚30.618′ &17˚ 17′ 244″ N and longitudes 33˚ 25.200′.. & 34˚02.92′ E, The purpose of the study is to assess and evaluate the groundwater resources, both quantitatively and qualitatively in the Shendi basin. it’s about 172 Km from khartoum and cover an area of approximately 11100 Km2. The geological units in the study area composed of Superfecial deposits, Hudi chert, Shendi formation, Cretaceous Sedimentary sequences and basement complex in descending chronological order. Different methods were used to achieves the objective of the study .These include: ARC.GIS for spatial data processing , Digital Elevatin Model (DEM) for topographic feature manipulations, Aquifer Test for Hydraulic characterstics calculations, Aquahem for chemical species and water quality classifications, Rockwrok for cross-sectin construction,and Visual MDFLOW software for numerical simulation. This study has been carried out using the GPS, for location and elevation of wells,. Water level indicator to measure water table level Landsat images to construct the geometry of the area. From borehole lithology there are two aquifer zones namely upper unconfined to semi-confined aquifer and lower confined aquifer. The hydraulic characteristics were done using different pumping test methods. Accordingly the transmisstivity (T) ranges between 50 to 390 m2/d and hydraulic conductivity (K)ranges between 2.5 to 5.58 m/d , specific storage( S )ranges between 0.12to 0.15, Chemically the Groundwater in the study area is suitable for consumption and irrigation and industrial activities. Interpretation and results of hydro chemical species show that two types of water quality in study area(, calcium bicarbonate and sodium- v Potassium carbonates water type). From modeling application of groundwater model reveals suitable model deign that fairly simulate the groundwater system and determine the general flow direction and determine the discharge areas and recharge area depending on the simulated contour maps. Groundwater potentiality was well evaluated by numerical model results where the water budgets components were measured and tabulated المستخلص : تجع منطجة الدراسة ي حوض شندي ال سوبي ب ن طي طول ,E 02.92′˚34 & ..25.200′ ˚33 – و طي ع ض . N 244″ 17′ ˚17& 30.618′˚16 تهدف الدراسة الي تج م مصادر الم اه الجو ة من ج ث النوع ة و العم ة ي حوض شندي ال سوبي الفي يبعد عن الخ طوم حوالي 130 ك لو مت ، و تغطي منطجة الدراسة حوالي 11000 ك لومت م بع تتعون ج ولوج ة المنطجة من الوحدات الصخ ية اﻵت ة : ال سوب ات السطح ة ، الهودي ش ت ، و رسوب ات العص الع يتاسي ) متعون شندي ال سوبي ( و صخور اﻷساس . استخدمت العديد من الط ق للحصول علي أ داف الدراسة و تتضمن الب امج الحاسوب ة مث نظم المعلومات الجغ ا ة ي )( ي التوزيع المعاني للمعلومات و ب نامج )( لخ يطة الظوا الطبوغ ا ة و ب نامج )( لحسا الخواص اله درول ع ة لخزانات الجو ة و ب امج )( لتصن ف نوع ة الم اه ، ب نامج )( لتصم م مجسمات و قطاعات ع ض ة لطبجات الخزان الجو ي ، ب نامج )( للنمفجة ال قم ة ، و استدم جهاز ال )( لتحديد مواقع اﻵبار و إرتفاعها عن سطح البح و جهاز ق اس مستوق الم اه )( و صور اﻷقمار ا صطناع ة . من ﻻل التتابع الطبجي إتضح أن نالك نوعان من الخزانات الجو ة ، زان علوي شبه محصور الل غ محصور ، و زان سفلي محصور . لتحديد الخصائص اله درول ع ة من ﻻل تجار الضخ أستخدمت ط ق مختلفة ) تايس – كوب و جاكو ( وجد أن مدق ا م ارية )T( من 50- 390 مت 2 / ال وم ، و الموصل ة اله درول ع ة )K( 2.5 – 5.58 مت / ال وم ، و معام التخزين النوعي)S( 0.12 – . 0.15 و من ﻻل الدراسة اتتضح ان الم اه الجو ة ل منطجة الدراسة تصلح ﻻستخدامات اﻻنسان و ال ق والصناعة . وظه ت نتائج التفس الع مائ ة ان نالك نوعان من سحنات الم اه الجو ة ) صوديوم ب ع بونات وصوديوم بوتاس وم كاربونات( واظه تطب ق النمزجة ال قم ة للم اه الجو ة نموذ مﻻئم لنظام الم اه ووجود اﻻتجاه العام للج يان والتص يف والتغفية اعتمادا علل ائط كنتورية، وتم تج م امعان ة وق اس م زان ة الماه الجو ة من نتائج النموذ ال قمل vi Table of Content ii….…………………………………………………………………………اﻻية Dedication……………………………………………………………………iii Acknowledgement……………………………………………… …………. iv Abstract……………………………………………………………………….v CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 Location and area extent ………………………………………………... 1 2.1 Physiographical features ………………………………………………….2 1.2.1Topography ……………………………………………………………...2 1.2.2 Climate and vegetation cover ……………………………………….......2 1.2.3 Drainage System ………………………………………………………..2 1.3 Populations ………………………………………………………………. 3 1.4 Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………...4 1.5 objectives ………………………………………………………………....4 1.6 Method of the study ……………………………………………………...4 1.6.1 Fieldwork ……………………………………………………………….4 Survey …………………………………………………………...5 Monitoring ……………………………………………….………5 1.6.2. Laboratory work …………………………………………….………….6 1.7 Previous study …………………………………………………………….6 CHAPTER TWO Regional Geology ………………………………………………………….....8 2.1 The geological Units …………………………………………….……..…8 Basement Complex ………………………………………….………..8 2-1-3 Nubian Sandstone Formation ………………………………….……….9 2.1.4. Hudi Chert Formation ………………………………………….………9 2.1.5 Superficial Deposits …………………………………………….………9 vii 2-2 Geology of study area ………………………………………………….10 2-2-1 Cretaceous Sedimentary (Nubian Sandstone) Formation …………….10 ……………………………………………………..…10 sandstone …………………………………………………………...11 ……………………………………………………………11 2.2.2 Hudi Chert …………………………………………………………….12 2-2-3 Superficial Deposits& Recent Sediments …………………………….12 2.2.4 Sedimentary structure ………………………………………………....13 2.3. Tectonic Setting ………………………………………………………..14 CHAPTER THREE Hydrogeology ……………………………………………………………….17 3.1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………..17 3.2 Water Resources Distribution in the world ……………………………..18 viii 3.3 Water resource in Sudan ………………………………………………...18 3.3.1. Surface water …………………………………………………………18 3.3.2. Groundwater ………………………………………………………….18 Water-Bearing Formation …………………………………………...18 Cretaceous Sedimentary (Nubian sandstone) formation…….……..18 Umm Rauwaba formation………………………………….………19 Quaternary Sediments…………………………………………...…19 Basement Rocks ……………………………………………………..19 3.4 Hydrogeology of study area ……………………………………………..19 3.4.1 Surface water in study area ……………………………………………19 River Nile\ …………………………………………………………...19 Seasonal valleys ………………………………………………….…19 3.5. Groundwater in the study area ……………………………………...…20 3.5.1. Aquifer lithology and thickness ………………………………………20 Cretaceous sedimentary (Nubian sandstone) formation …………….24 Recent sediment ……………………………………………….…….24 3.5.2 Aquifer Characteristics………………………………………………...24 3.5.3 Hydraulic head in the study area ………………………………………24 3.5.5 Aquifer Properties ……………………………………………………..25 conductivity (K) …………………………………………..27 Transmissivity (T) …………………………………………….…..…27 …………………………………………………….…….…28 CHAPTER FOUR Groundwater Modeling (Shendi Basin Case Study) ………….……………..29 4.1 Introduction ………………………………………………...……………29 ix 4.2 Visual MODFLOW……………………………..………..…….……………………29 4.3 Model Grid and Layers ……………………….....………………………30 4.4 Model Input Data……………………………………………………...…31 4.4.1Aquifer type …………………………………..….…………………….31 4.4.2Observation wells …………………………….….……………………..31 4.4.3 Groundwater Discharge ……………………………………………….32 4.4.4 Groundwater Recharge ………………………………………………..33 4.4.5 Hydraulic Properties ………………………………..…………………33 4.4.6 Initial Condition …………………………….…………………………34 4.4.7 Boundary Condition …………………….……..………………………34 4.3 Model Calibration …………………………….…………………………35 4.5.1 Calibration Statistics ………………………………….……………….37 4.6 Model Results …………………………………...………………………38 4.7 Zone Budget ……………………………………..………………………41 CHAPTER FIVE Hydrochemistry of groundwater 5.1 Introduction…………….……………………………..…………………43 5.2Physio-chemical parameters …………………………..…………………44 5.2.1 Color ………………………………………………..…………………45 5..2 Taste and Odor…………………………………..………………………45 5.2.3 Temperature ………………………………….…..……………………45 5.2.4 Turbidity ………………………………………………………………45 5.3 Chemical properties ……………………………..………………………45 5.3.1 Electrical Conductivity (EC) …………………..………………………45 5.6 Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) ……………………………………….51 5.3.4 Total Hardness (TH) ………………………………………………….52 5.3.5 Major cations ………………………………...…….………………….53 Sodium…………………………………………………………….…53 Potassium (K) …………………………………………………….…55 Calcium (Ca) …………………………………………………..……56 x Magnesium (Mg) ……………………………………………………57 5.3.6 Major Anions.……………………………………………………...…..59
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