June 22, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7169 that diminish the effectiveness of the research whaling program, and do not H.R. 4589. An act to reauthorize the Tem- International Whaling Commission believe that imposing import prohibi- porary Assistance for Needy Families block (IWC) conservation program. This mes- tions would further our objectives. grant program through September 30, 2004, and for other purposes. sage constitutes my report to the Con- GEORGE W. BUSH. gress consistent with subsection (b) of THE WHITE HOUSE, June 22, 2004. f the Pelly Amendment. f MEASURES REFERRED The certification of the Secretary of Commerce is the first against Iceland MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE The following bills were read the first for its lethal research whaling pro- At 2:53 a.m., a message from the and second times by unanimous con- gram. In 2003, Iceland announced that House of Representatives, delivered by sent, and referred as indicated: it would begin a lethal research whal- Ms. Niland, one of its reading clerks, H.R. 3706. An act to adjust the boundary of ing program and planned to take 250 announced that the House has passed the John Muir National Historic Site, and the following bills, in which it requests for other purposes; to the Committee on En- minke, fin, and sei whales for research ergy and Natural Resources. purposes. The United States expressed the concurrence of the Senate: H.R. 3751. An act to require that the Office strong opposition to Iceland’s decision, H.R. 884. An act to provide for the use and of Personnel Management study current in keeping with our longstanding pol- distribution of the funds awarded to the practices under which dental, vision, and icy against lethal research whaling. Western Shoshone identifiable group under hearing benefits are made available to Fed- Iceland’s proposal was criticized at the Indian Claims Commission Docket Numbers eral employees, annuitants, and other class- June 2003 IWC Annual Meeting by a 326–A–1, 326–A–3, and 326–K, and for other es of individuals, and to require that the Of- purposes. fice also present options and recommenda- majority of members of the IWC Sci- H.R. 3706. An act to adjust the boundary of entific Committee, and the IWC passed tions relating to how additional dental, vi- the John Muir National Historic Site, and sion, and hearing benefits could be made so a resolution that urged Iceland not to for other purposes. available; to the Committee on Govern- commence this program. In addition, H.R. 3751. An act to require that the Office mental Affairs. the United States, along with 22 other of Personnel Management study current H.R. 3797. An act to authorize improve- nations, issued a joint protest asking practices under which dental, vision, and ments in the operations of the government of Iceland to halt the program imme- hearing benefits are made available to Fed- the District of Columbia, and for other pur- eral employees, annuitants, and other class- diately. The United States believes the poses; to the Committee on Governmental es of individuals, and to require that the Of- affairs. Icelandic research whaling program is fice also present options and recommenda- of questionable scientific validity. Sci- H.R. 4222. An act to designate the facility tions relating to how additional dental, vi- of the United States Postal Service located entific data relevant to the manage- sion, and hearing benefits could be made so at 550 Nebraska Avenue in Kansas City, Kan- ment of whale stocks can be collected available. sas, as the ‘‘Newell George Post Office Build- by non-lethal techniques. Since Ice- H.R. 3797. An act to authorize improve- ing’’; to the Committee on Governmental Af- land’s 2003 announcement, Iceland re- ments in the operations of the government of fairs. duced its proposed take to 38 minke the District of Columbia, and for other pur- H.R. 4363. An act to facilitate self-help poses. housing homeownership opportunities; to the whales and in implementing its lethal H.R. 3846. An act to authorize the Sec- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban research program, killed 36 whales last retary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Affairs. year. For this year, Iceland has pro- the Interior to enter into an agreement or H.R. 4471. An act to clarify the loan guar- contract with Indian tribes meeting certain posed taking 25 minke whales. The antee authority under title VI of the Native criteria to carry out projects to protect In- United States welcomes this decision American Housing Assistance and Self-De- dian forest land. to reduce the take and to limit it to termination Act of 1996; to the Committee on H.R. 4222. An act to designate the facility minke whales, and we appreciate Ice- Indian Affairs with instructions that when of the United States Postal Service located the Committee reports, the bill be referred land’s constructive work with the at 550 Nebraska Avenue in Kansas City, Kan- pursuant to the order of May 27, 1988, to the United States at the IWC on a variety sas, as the ‘‘Newell George Post Office Build- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban of whaling issues. These adjustments, ing’’. however, do not change our assessment H.R. 4363. An act to facilitate self-help Affairs for a period not to exceed 60 days. that Iceland’s lethal research whaling housing homeownership opportunities. The following concurrent resolution program is of questionable scientific H.R. 4471. An act to clarify the loan guar- was read, and referred as indicated: validity and diminishes the effective- antee authority under title VI of the Native H. Con. Res. 450. Concurrent resolution rec- American Housing Assistance and Self-De- ognizing the 40th anniversary of the day civil ness of the IWC’s conservation pro- termination Act of 1996. gram. rights organizers Andrew Goodman, James In his letter of June 16, 2004, Sec- The message also announced that the Chaney, and Michael Schwerner gave their retary Evans expressed his concern for House has passed the following bill, lives in the struggle to guarantee the right without amendment: to vote for every citizen of the United States these actions, and I share these con- and encouraging all Americans to observe cerns. I also concur in his recommenda- S. 2017. An act to designate the United States courthouse and post office building the anniversary of the deaths of the 3 men by tion that the use of trade sanctions is located at 93 Atocha Street in Ponce, Puerto committing themselves to ensuring equal not the course of action needed to re- Rico, as the ‘‘Luis A. Ferre United States rights, equal opportunities, and equal justice solve our current differences with Ice- Courthouse and Post Office Building’’. for all people; to the Committee on the Judi- ciary. land over research whaling activities. The message further announced that Accordingly, I am not directing the the House has agreed to the following f Secretary of the Treasury to impose concurrent resolution, in which it re- MEASURES PLACED ON THE trade sanctions on Icelandic products quests the concurrence of the Senate: CALENDAR for the whaling activities that led to H. Con. Res. 450. Concurrent resolution rec- The following bill was read the first certification by the Secretary of Com- ognizing the 40th anniversary of the day civil merce. However, to ensure that this and second times by unanimous con- rights organizers Andrew Goodman, James sent, and placed on the calendar: issue continues to receive the highest Chaney, and Michael Schwerner gave their level of attention, I am directing U.S. lives in the struggle to guarantee the right H.R. 884. An act to provide for the use and delegations attending future bilateral to vote for every citizen of the United States distribution of the funds awarded to the and encouraging all Americans to observe Western Shoshone identifiable group under meetings with Iceland regarding whal- Indian Claims Commission Docket Numbers ing issues to raise our concerns and the anniversary of the deaths of the 3 men by committing themselves to ensuring equal 326–A–1, 326–A–3, and 326–K, and for other seek ways to halt these whaling ac- rights, equal opportunities, and equal justice purposes. tions. I am also directing the Secre- for all people. f taries of State and Commerce to keep this situation under close review and At 4:04 p.m., a message from the EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF to continue to work with Iceland to en- House of Representatives, delivered by COMMITTEES courage it to cease its lethal scientific Mr. Hays, once of its reading clerks, The following executive reports of research whaling activities. I believe announced that the House has passed committees were submitted: these diplomatic efforts hold the most the following bill, in which it requests By Mr. LUGAR for the Committee on For- promise of effecting change in Iceland’s the concurrence of the Senate: eign Relations. VerDate May 21 2004 06:36 Jun 23, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JN6.044 S22PT1 S7170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 22, 2004 *Thomas Fingar, of Virginia, to be an As- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- League; $100, 2000, CALPRIG; $100, 2002, Doc- sistant Secretary of State (Intelligence and formation contained in this report is com- tors without Borders; $200, 2003, Howard Research). plete and accurate.) Dean; $115, 2003, Forests Forever; $120, 2003, *James R. Kunder, of Virginia, to be an As- Nominee: Lewis William Lucke. Environment C.A.; $100, 2003, Doctors with- sistant Administrator of the United States Post: Swaziland.
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