COMMAND, CONTROL, the elements of combat power while si- teams to divisions and corps. SICPS con- COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS multaneously collaborating and sharing sists of various systems, specifically the AND INTELLIGENCE (C4 I) SYSTEMS data in near-real time. Maneuver Control SICPS command post platform (CPP), System 6.4 provides maneuver functional which includes the command post local U.S. Army C4I programs and activities are and battle staff tools to commanders and area network (CP LAN) and command the foundation for tactical digitization and staffs from battalion to Army service com- post communications system (CPCS); the service operations in the 21st century. The ponent command (ASCC). The command command center system (CCS); and the Army organizations with responsibilities to post of the future (CPOF) serves as a deci- trailer-mounted support system (TMSS). acquire, develop and sustain C4I systems in- sion support system, providing real-time The Army Airborne Command and clude the U.S. Army Communications-Elec- situational awareness and collaborative Control System (A2C2S) provides the ma- tronics Command, the Communications- tools for tactical decision making, plan- neuver commander and his staff with a Electronics Research, Development and En- ning, rehearsal and execution manage- highly mobile, self-contained and reliable gineering Center and the following pro- ment for commanders and staffs from bat- airborne digital command post. This highly gram executive offices (PEOs): PEO Com- talion to ASCC. Battle command common mobile system allows the commanders of mand, Control and Communications-Tacti- services (BCCS) provides the tactical the units of employment and units of action cal; PEO Intelligence, Electronic Warfare server/service infrastructure in support of to maintain situational awareness and exer- and Sensors; and PEO Enterprise Informa- network-enabled systems from battalion to cise command and control, either from a tion Systems. ASCC. temporary remote site or while on the move These organizations provide and sus- Battle command also includes theater ef- through the battlespace. tain advanced digital and electronic sys- fect-based operations advanced concept The Mounted Battle Command on the tems that support various mission areas in technology demonstration (ACTD) and Move (MBCOTM) provides maneuver the tactical environment, including digital common software. commanders and staffs with a highly mo- battle command, platforms and hardware Battle command delivers high-quality bile, self-contained and reliable combat ve- support, C4 support to air and missile de- capability, enhances warfighter perfor- hicle-based digital command post, which fense, C4 support to network operations, mance and reduces system complexity. provides maneuver commanders situa- C4 support to intelligence operations, C4 Battle command rapidly adapts and tional awareness and a common opera- support to fires and effects, sensors and fields capabilities in a dynamic environ- tional picture, which allows commanders sensor systems, current force unattended ment. In designing hardware and software to maintain situational understanding sensors, night-vision sensors, radios and strategies to best support tactical, opera- while on the move and physically sepa- communications systems. tional and strategic applications, battle rated from a fixed command post. command uses cutting-edge capabilities Digital Battle Command and adapts technology for the current C4 Support to Air and Missile Defense Project Manager (PM) Battle Command wartime environment. Another representative Army battle produces, deploys and sustains current Information is a significant source of command system (ABCS) component is and future Army battle command system combat power. Battle command is leading the Air and Missile Defense Workstation (ABCS) software. change and integrating current capabilities (AMDWS), the air and missile defense PM Battle Command provides integrated into future innovations. component of the ABCS. AMDWS serves command-and-control (C2) software, train- as a battlespace awareness information ing and support to the joint land compo- Platforms and Hardware Support management system that contributes to nent warfighter. The Standardized Integrated Com- combat effectiveness by retrieving, fusing Fire-support command and control in- mand Post System (SICPS) provides and distributing time-sensitive informa- cludes advanced field artillery tactical data modular, interoperable and fully inte- tion necessary to achieve decision-cycle system (AFATDS), Centaur, fire-support grated, campaign-quality command post dominance. terminal unit (FSTU), forward entry device platforms and the C4I physical infrastruc- The Forward Area Air Defense Com- (FED), gun display unit replacement (GDU- ture, with joint capabilities, to comman- mand and Control (FAAD C2) is the en- R), joint automated deep operations coordi- ders and staffs—from brigade combat gagement operations piece of the AMD- nation system (JADOCS), lightweight for- ward entry device (LFED) and pocket-sized forward entry device (PFED). Battle command sustainment support system (BCS3) fuses sustainment informa- tion from multiple sources into a single mission-focused and tailored, map-centric visual display. Strategic battle command is the Army battle command system component that The Army airborne provides Army, joint and coalition comman- command and ders with readiness reporting, force projec- control system tion and situational awareness through the (A2C2S) Global Command and Control System- Army (GCCS-A) and the Defense Readiness Reporting System-Army (DRRS-A). It is the Army’s component program office for Net- Enabled Command Capability (NECC). Tactical battle command combines mul- tiple complex capabilities into an inte- grated tool set, allowing warfighters to vi- sualize the battlespace and synchronize October 2009 I ARMY 339 Joint network node (JNN) CCS. FAAD C2 collects, stores, digitally processes, displays and disseminates real- time tactical cueing and tracking informa- tion, the common tactical air picture, and command, control and intelligence infor- mation to all short-range air defense weapons. The Air and Missile Defense Planning and Control System (AMDPCS) is the hardware component of the Army’s air and missile C2 system. It consists of an as- semblage of modular and reconfigurable shelters, unique air and missile defense hardware/software, standardized auto- mated data processing equipment and communications suites. Joint Network Node (JNN) network also be received from other air platforms, commercial technology insertion will pro- such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). C4 Support to Network Operations vide the Army with a high-speed and high- In addition to being the Army’s premier The Joint Network Management Sys- capacity backbone communications net- radar MTI ground station, CGS has tem (JNMS) is a software system consisting work focused on rapidly moving informa- evolved into a multisensor ground station of modules for planning and engineering, tion in a manner that supports comman- that receives, processes and displays sensor monitoring, control and reconfiguration, ders, staffs, functional units and capabili- data from the Predator UAV, tactical UAV spectrum management and security (infor- ties-based formations. JNN is now WIN-T (TUAV), airborne reconnaissance low, U-2, mation assurance/communication secu- Increment 1, a joint compatible communica- Guardrail Common Sensor and the inte- rity). It provides the commanders, combat- tions package that allows the warfighter to grated broadcast service, while maintain- ant commands, joint task forces and service use advanced networking capabilities, re- ing a small footprint. CGS capabilities are component headquarters a common, auto- tain interoperability with current force sys- being channeled into a distributed com- mated planning and management tool that tems, and keep in step with future incre- mon ground system-A (DCGS-A) through will plan, monitor and control the joint ments of WIN-T. It is a rapidly deployable, preplanned product improvements, which communications and data backbone associ- early entry system housed in an S-250 shel- will be disseminated in a network-centric ated with a joint task force/joint special op- ter and mounted on a Humvee expanded environment. CGS, with its JSTARS and erations task force. capacity vehicle. other sensor feeds, fulfills an urgent Air- The Integrated System Control (ISYS- Land battlefield requirement by providing CON) V(1), V(2), V(4) provides the signal C4 Support to Intelligence Operations an Army/Air Force sensor and attack con- commander and staff with a centralized The Common Ground Station (CGS) is trol capability designed to locate, track, automated planning and control capability a rapidly deployable and mobile tactical classify and assist in attacking moving and to assist in managing tactical communica- data processing and evaluation center that stationary targets beyond the forward line tion systems in support of combat forces, integrates imagery and signals intelligence, of troops. CGS is the only wide-area sur- weapons systems and battlefield auto- surveillance and reconnaissance data prod- veillance system that has the resolution mated systems. It functions as the battle- ucts into a single visual presentation of the and real-time capability to provide the field signal command-and-control manage- battlefield, providing commanders with commander with the data necessary to be
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