a STATllMENr NO. 27 of' '..., 'l'reatiee and interna·t10nal agreements registered or f~led and reoorded wi th the Secrete.r1a.t of th,e United Ne.t1ons " during the month at: May 1949 ' REIEVE, NO. 21 des Traites et accords ,1X3,ternationaux enregietrSs eu Claeses et 1necl"1te au repertoire au Secretariat de l'organisation des Nations Unies pendant le mo1e de _1 1949' • ~ .. /7 P. " , TREATms AND INrEBNATIONAL AGREEMENrS REGISTERED 'I'RA1"TES OR FlIED AND RECOBDED WITH TEE SECRETARIAT CIA8SES ET INSCRlf OF THE UNITED NATIOre . ) I. Treaties and international ~·eement8 registered Traites during the month of M~r 1949'- No. 445 BraZil, Canada, China, Cuba, Luxembourg, etc.: N° Lr 45 Brusil, Can Protocol amending,the Agreement for th~ Suppression of the Circulation Protocol€) ar.oon of Obscene Publications, signed at :Paris on 4 May 1910. Signed cirou~.ation at Lake Success, New York, .on 4 May 1949. Signe f.;. Lak Came into force on 4 May 1949, in accordance with Article 5, E"..1tre en vi the following States having at that date become Parties les Etats 9 to the Protocol.by signature wtthout reservation as to Protocole acceptance: Canada Canada, China, Norway, United Kingdom of Great Britain at d' J: and Northern Ireland. loes l~tats IT, Following are the States on behalf of which the Protocol P:cotocole a was signed on 4 May 1949 with reservation as to BrasiJ. acceptance: Yougos BraZil, Cuba, Luxembourg, Turkey, the United States Textes off1 of America, Yugoslavia. L'enre Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish official texts. The registration ex officio took place on 4 May 1949. ' :l0 446 Brasil, Ca Ro. 446 BraZil, Canada, China, Cuba, Luxembourg, etc.: Protocole ame Protocol amending the International Agreement for the Suppression of ;protection the White Slave Tra- f'ic, signed at Paris on 18 May 1904, and the de tra.ito International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave internativr. Traff:tc, signed at Paris on 4 May 1910. Signed at Lake Success, sit.:.snee a. P New York, on 4 May 1949. Entre en v:l Came into force on 4 May 1949, in accordance with Article 5, the Etats auive following States having at that date become Parties to the 1>ar s1gnat' Canade , Protocol by signature without reservation as to acceptance: d'lrle i ', Ca~d.a, China, Ncrr:way, United Kingdom of Great Britain I Lea Etats n i I a.n~ NOJ;'thern Ireland. Following ar.e the States on behalf of which the Protocol was a ete eigne signed on 4 May 1949 with reservation ae to acceptance: Brasi] BraZil, Cuba, Luxembourg, Turkey, United States of YOugOE hmerica, Ypgoslavia. Textes offj Chinese, English, 'French, Russian i.;ld Spanish official texts. The L'enrE resistration .x otf1c10 took place on 4 May 1949. TRA1'TES DU ACCORDS INrERNATIONAUX J1'NREGIS~~ OU CLASSES ET INSCRl1rS AU RJ.1llJER'lIOIRE AU SECRETARIAT DE L'OBGAN'ISATI0N DES 1'IA.':'IONS UNTiS ) ......... _- I. Traites et accords 1ntcrnationaux enregistres pendant le mois de mai 1949. N° 445 BnJsil, Canada , Chine, Cuba, Ltucsnbourg, etc• .rcvJ..at 1on Protocolo amsndanb 1 'arra.ngemant rele.tif.B. la :r'epression de la Signed circQ1.ation des Dubli0ations obscenee, signe a Paris le 4 UAi·1910. Signe E. Lake Success, New-York, le 4 mail91.-9.. Le 5, R~tre en vigueur le 4 mai 1949, confor.m6ment a l'article 5, ~ties lea Etats 9uivanta etant, a cette date, devenua Parties ~1 ~ to Prcboccf.e par signature sans reserve quant; a, l'acceptation : Canada, Chine, Norvege, Royaume-Uni de Grande ...Brelia.g1.l6 ;, Britain at d'Irlan'de du Nord. loes J~tats mentionnes ci-dessouB sont ceux pour- lesguels le )tocol Protoco1e a.ete aigne le 4 mai soua reserve d'acceptation :. BrasiJ., Cuba, Luxembourg, Turguio, Etata-Unis d'Amerigue, Yougoalavie. ~tate8 TeAtes officials anglais, chiuois, e8pa~ol, frangais et rusee. L'enresistreraent ~-2.!!~ a eu lieu le 11· IUai 19q·9. ;,exts. ~o 446 Bres1l, Canada, Chine, Cuba, Luxembourg, etc.: Protoco1e ameodant I'arrangement international en vue drasaurer une Js10n of protection efficace cont~e le trafic crilninel connu sous le no:rq , and the de tra.ito dOB bla,nohse J signe a Paris le 18 mai 1901~, et la Cooveutiot ie Slave internationals relative a la repression de,la traite des blanches, Success, signee a Paria le 4 mai 19101081g06 a Lake Success,New-York,la 4. md.19",. Entre en vigueur le 1l- mai 1949, conformemant a l'article 5, lea Le 5, the Etats ouivants etant, a cette date, devenus Parties au ~rotooole I to the par signature sans.reserve gtlant a l'acceptation : :eptance: Canada, Chine, Norv0ge, Royat1l!le-Uni de Grande...:aretaene et i Britain d'Ir1ande du Norde Lea Etats mentionnes ci-desBoua sont ceux pour lesguels le Protooo1e rtocol was a ete signe.le 4 mai 1949 sous raserve d~acceptation.: mea: Brasil, Cuba, Etats-Unis d'Amerigue, Luxembourg, Turgu1e, ra of Yougoslav1e. Textes offioials anglais, chino1a, eapagnol, franqa1s e~ russe. i6XtS. The L'anres1strement ex officio a eu lieu la 4 ma1 1949. 447 Be19iuD1 and France: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement designed to facilitate the , N° 447 Belgigue et movelIBnt of persons between the met~opol:ttan territories of Echange de note Belgium and France. Paris, 8 and 12 April 1949. la c1rculatj Came into force on 1 May 1949 by the exchange of the above-mentnoned balsa et i:r notes and in accordance with their provisions. I Entre en ViE French official text communicated by the Permanent Representative et coni of Belgium to the United Nations, The registration took Texte of'fic 1949~ place on 10 May de Bel No. 448 Israel: L'enree Declaration of acceptance of the obligations contained in the Charter N° 448 Israel: of the United Nations. 29 November 1948. Declaration d 'El Presented to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on de· 1 'Organ1 1 Decem.ber 1948. By the decision of the Gar.eral Assembly of Presentee au S 11 May 1949" Israel was admitted as a Member of the le lar dece United Nations. en date du 1 Eng1i~h official text. The registration ex officio took plaqe on l'Organiaatj 11 May 1949. Texte official 11 ma.1 1949. , No. 449 Honduras" Guatemala, Chile, United states of America, Uruguay" etc.: .~ No 449 uonduras~, G1) American Treaty on Pacific Settlement (Pact of Bogota). Signed at Traite amer:l Bogota on 30 April 1948. In accordance with Article LIII, the Treaty came into force on a Boso Conforn 6 May 1949 in respect of MeXico and Costa Rica, which le 6 deposited their instruments of ra'\iification with the Pan American Union on 23 November 1948 and 6 May 1949, respectively. , respect English, French" Portuguese and Spa.nish official texts Textes communicated by the Secretary~eneral of the Pan American Union" acting on behalf of the Contracting Parties in accordance with Article LVII of the Treaty. The registration took place on 13 May 1949. a / •..... ~... ,. " ~ the N° 447 Belgigue et France Ecbange de notes constituant un accord dana le but de fac111ter la c1rcttlation des personnes entre lee territoires m6tropo11tains :mt1oned belsa et f~anQaie. Paris, 8 et 12 av~il 1949. Entre en v1gueur le ler mai 1949 par l'echanga dSedites notes ltive et conformament a leurs d1s]Ositione. Texte officiel franqaia communique par le representant :pe~nent de Belsigue aupree de l'Organisation des Nations Un1es. L'enregistremant a eu lieu le 10 ma1 1949. rter N° 448 Israel : Declaration d'accaptation 488 obligations contenues dans la Charte de· 1 'Organisation des Nations Un1ath Le 29 novembre 1948. ly of Presentee au Seoretaire general de l'Organisat1on des Nations Unies le ler decambre 1948•.Par decisi~n de l'Aeeemblee generale en date du 11 mai 1949, Israel a ete admis comma Membra de qe on l'Organ1sat1on des Na~ions Uhies. Texte official aog1ais, L'enresistrement d'offica a eu lieu le 11 ma1 1949. :y, etc.: N° 449 .i!onduras~, Guat6mal.a, .chili" Etate-Unis d'Amerigue, urugue,y, etc. : .t Tra1te americain de reg1e.ment pacitique (Paota de Bogota). S1~e . a Bogota, le 30 avri1 1949. on Confo~ement a l'artiole LIII, ie Traite est antre en v1euear le 6 mei 1949 en oe gUi coneeme le Mexigue et Costa...Rloa" lesguelB ont depose leurs instruments de ratification 8UpreS de l'UOion panam6ricai~e lea 23 nove.mbre 1948 et 6 mal 1949 respectivemant. Textes offioiels ang1ais, eepegnol, franqais et. portUSa18 communiques par le Seoret8.1re general de l'Un1on pana.mer1cain~, agiseant au nom des Parties contraotante8 ~ation conformement a l'artiole LVII du Traite. L'enreg1$t~ a eu lieu le 13 mai 1949. ,Norway -and Sweden: ., "., • i' N° 1~50 Treaty concerning the mutual accepta.noe of unemployment instrance Nerve" Traite c 'premiu~ paid in thtl other country (with annexes). Signed at contr ',I.! Oslo on 13" December 1948. a Osl Came into force on l' Janu.ary 1949 in acccedence w1rtb' Article ,. :F~ntre en Norwegian and Swedish, official texts cOtmmmicated 'by the Permanent Textes 0; Representative of Norway to th~ United Nations. The l~epl'e, ".. .': .," " " registration took place on 16' May 1949.' ' des NI Ne>: 451 "Norway and' the United S",jate~l, United KinSd~m. and French Occupied N° 451 Norve Zone s of Germaill: britanni Agreed Minutes of the Trad(~ DiscuBsions of the Mixed CoDlllission of Minutes l Norway 'and the United State~,,'United Kingdom and Fxtench Occupied comma: 'Zones of Germa~.
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