NumberTTHEHE 116, GGJuly 2003EOCHEMICALEOCHEMICAL NNEWSEWS 1 Newsletter of The Geochemical Society in cooperation with The European Association of Geochemistry NUMBER 116 ISSN 0016-7010 JULY 2003 Newsletter of the Geochemical Society 2 The Geochemical News EAG OFFICERS - 2003 PRESIDENT Terry Seward, ETH, Zurich PRESIDENT ELECT Bruce Yardley, Leeds, UK OUTGOING PRESIDENT Francis Albarede, Lyon, France TREASURER Catherine Chauvel, Grenoble, France SECRETARY Mark Hodson, Reading, UK EAG COMMITTEE THE GEOCHEMICAL SOCIETY MIRA BAR-MATTHEWS, ISREAL Larryn Diamond, Switzerland Jérôme GAILLARDET, FRANCE Alex Halliday, Switzerland SUSAN STIPP, DENMARK Riccardo Vannucci, Italy The Geochemical Society is a nonprofit scientific society founded to en- GERHARD WORNER, GERMANY Bruce Yardley, UK courage the application of chemistry to the solution of geological and cosmologi- cal problems. Membership is international and diverse in background, encom- passing such fields as organic geochemistry, high- and low-temperature geochem- THE GEOCHEMICAL NEWS istry, petrology, meteoritics, fluid-rock interaction, and isotope geochemistry. The Society produces a Special Publications Series, The Geochemical News (this July 2003 quarterly newsletter), the Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Series (jointly with the Mineralogical Society of America), the journal Geochimica et Editors Cosmochimica Acta (jointly with the Meteoritical Society), and co-publishes the Johnson R. Haas (Dept of Chemistry) electronic journal G3 (jointly with the American Geophysical Union: AGU); grants Carla M. Koretsky (Dept of Geosciences) the V.M. Goldschmidt, F.W. Clarke and Clair C. Patterson Awards, and, jointly Western Michigan University with the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG), the Geochemistry Fel- Kalamazoo, MI 49008 lows title; sponsors the V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, held in North America in phone: 269-387-2878 odd years and elsewhere in even years, jointly with the EAG; and co-sponsors fax: 269-387-2909 the Geological Society of America annual meeting and the AGU spring meeting. email: [email protected] The Society honors our first President, F. Earl Ingerson, and our first Goldschmidt Medalist, Paul W. Gast, with the Ingerson and Gast Lectures, held annually at Associate Editors the GSA Meeting and the V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, respectively. The Janne Blichert-Toft (Laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre, Lyon, France) Geochemical Society is affiliated with the American Association for the Advance- Yoko Furukawa (Naval Research Laboratory, USA) ment of Science and the International Union of Geological Sciences. Mitch Schulte (NASA Ames Research Center, USA) Members of the Organic Geochemistry Division are individuals with inter- Angelina W. M. G. Souren (Armadillo Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands) ests in studies on the origin, nature, geochemical significance, and behavior dur- Nathan Yee (University of Leeds, Great Britain) ing diagenesis and catagenesis of naturally occurring organic substances in the Earth, and of extraterrestrial organic matter. GS members may choose to be af- filiated with the OGD without any additional dues. The OGD presents the Alfred CONTENTS E. Treibs Award for major achievements in organic geochemistry, and Best Pa- per awards (student and professional) in organic geochemistry. From the President 3 by Judith A. McKenzie GS OFFICERS - 2003 Editor’s Corner 4 PRESIDENT Judith A. McKenzie, ETH, Zurich VICE PRESIDENT James I. Drever, University of Wyoming GS Business Office News 4 PAST PRESIDENT Michael Hochella, Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute GS Officer/Director Candidates 5 SECRETARY Jeremy B. Fein, University of Notre Dame INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY Eiichi Takahashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology Interview: Geoff Eglinton TREASURER Rebecca Lange, University of Michigan by V. Ragnarsdottir, A. Souren 6 CHAIR, OGD Kenneth E. Peters, US Geological Survey SECRETARY, OGD Peggy Ostrom, Michigan State University Geochemistry & Mineralogy on the Palouse GS DIRECTORS by Scott Wood 13 Roberta L. Rudnick, University of Maryland Review: Life and Death of Planet Earth Ed Sholkovitz, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Erwin Suess, GEOMAR, Kiel by P. Ward and D. Brownlee Eric Oelkers, Université Paul Sabatier Harry Elderfield, Cambridge University Review by Johnson R. Haas 21 Gil Hanson, SUNY-Stoney Brook 30 Years of Water-Rock-Human GS EDITORS Interaction - the WRI Conferences by Yosef Kharaka 22 GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA Frank Podosek, Washington University GEOCHEMICAL NEWS Johnson R. Haas, Western Michigan University Employment Announcements 26 Carla M. Koretsky, Western Michigan University INTERNET COORDINATOR Bob Nichols, Washington University Meetings Announcements 27 SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS AND REVIEWS IN MINERALOGY Meetings Calendar 30 AND GEOCHEMISTRY (CO-EDITOR) Scott Wood, University of Idaho Newsletter of the Geochemical Society Number 116, July 2003 3 From the President Peter K. Swart, Program Committee, The 2003 Goldschmidt Conference – “Frontiers in I would like to take this opportunity to recognize your important service to Geochemistry” the geochemical community and thank you for the time and effort you have devoted to the activities of your respective committees. I would especially like to thank the 3 outgoing chairs for insuring that the work of the society As lectures come to an end and the field season begins, the 1st of July is accomplished. For those of you who would like to more actively partici- marks the true beginning of the geochemist’s summer in Switzerland. More pate in The Geochemical Society and have not, as yet, been tapped to time is available to think about new and old scientific projects and write the serve on one of the committees, remember to express your interest on manuscripts that are long overdue. And, many of us are now turning our next year’s dues form. thoughts towards making preparations to join our colleagues at the up- coming 13th Annual Goldschmidt Conference to be held in Kurashiki, Ja- pan from 7 to 12 September 2003. The State of Geochemistry th Dr. Yukihiro Matsuhisa, the chair of the Organizing Committee, informs me The 13 Annual Goldschmidt Conference in Japan is the first to be orga- that preparations for the Conference are well underway. A total of 1,162 nized outside of the USA or Europe. The large number of abstract submit- abstracts were received, many more than expected. The organizers have ted to the conference is an excellent indication that the trend towards larger now constructed the program, which comprises 9 general symposia and Goldschmidt conferences continues, regardless of location. Indeed, the 53 special symposia and will be divided between approximately 800 oral Goldschmidt conferences have come to represent an excellent opportu- presentations in 10 parallel sessions and approximately 350 posters. To nity to interact with fellow geochemists from around the world. This annual enable students and young researchers to attend the conference and review of state-of-the-art geochemistry is becoming an increasingly impor- present their papers, 90 individual grants will be awarded. Based on ab- tant event in every geochemist’s calendar and its popularity signifies the stract submittals, the most popular symposia topics include “Origin and healthy state of the field of geochemistry. Recognizing, however, that it is distribution of life in the Universe”, “Geochemical immobilization and long- not possible for many members of GS and EAG to attend the upcoming term isolation of waste”, “Subduction zone processes and global material conference in Japan, it is an appropriate time for me to remind you that the circulation”, and “Early solar system processes”. The program is available 2004 Goldschmidt Conference will be held in the sophisticated and charm- on the conference website at http://www.ics-inc.co.jp/gold2003. Cambridge ing city of Copenhagen, Denmark. And, in 2005, the Goldschmidt Confer- Publications will again publish the abstracts as a special supplement to ence will once again return to a North American location on the western Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Delegates will be given a copy of this frontier of the USA, to be held in Moscow, Idaho. As a preview for 2005, volume, as well as receiving the printed program volume and the abstracts see the article on geochemistry in Idaho on page 13 of this issue of GN. and program on CD-ROM. Details on individual presentations, including the date, time, location and style (oral or poster), have been or will be For those of you who are planning to travel to Japan in September, I am th forwarded to the authors. Please note that slide projectors will not be avail- sure you will agree with me that the 13 Annual Goldschmidt Conference able. All oral presentations should be prepared for either PowerPoint or promises to be a scientifically exciting event at the “Frontiers in Geochem- overhead projectors. istry”, one to be shared with colleagues from around the world in a unique culture setting. I am personally looking forward to a simulating conference If you have not, as yet, registered, the deadline for the reduced price reg- and to meeting you in Kurashiki. I wish you a pleasant journey. istration is 7th July for members of the sponsoring societies (GSJ, GS, EAG and MSA). After this date, registration will continue, but the reduced fees With best wishes, will no longer be available. Note that a reasonably priced childcare pro- gram has been arranged and is now outlined on the conference website. Judith A. McKenzie
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