PML8James Page i Friday, October 10, 2003 3:53 PM The Peter Martyr Library Volume Eight Predestination and Justification i PML8James Page ii Friday, October 10, 2003 3:53 PM Editors of the Peter Martyr Library, Series One General Editors John Patrick Donnelly, S.J., Frank A. James III, Joseph C. McLelland Editorial Committee W. J. Torrance Kirby, William J. Klempa, Paula Presley, Robert V. Schnucker Editorial Board Irena Backus Alister E. McGrath Institut d’histoire de la Réformation Wycliffe Hall Université de Genève Oxford University Peter S. Bietenholz John McIntyre University of Saskatchewan University of Edinburgh Fritz Büsser H. Wayne Pipkin Institut für Schweizer Associated Mennonite Biblical Reformationsgeschichte, Zurich Seminaries, Elkhart, Indiana Emidio Campi Jill Raitt Institut für Schweizer University of Missouri, Columbia Reformationsgeschichte, Zurich Richard C. Gamble Pamela D. Stewart Reformed Theological Seminary McGill University, Montreal Robert M. Kingdon John Tedeschi Institute for Research in the Humanities University of Wisconsin–Madison University of Wisconsin–Madison John H. Leith† Thomas F. Torrance Union Theological Seminary of Virginia University of Edinburgh Diarmaid MacCullough John Vissers St. Cross College, Oxford University The Presbyterian College, Montreal Michael Percival-Maxwell Cesare Vasoli McGill University, Montreal Università di Firenze The Peter Martyr Library Volume Eight Predestination and Justification Two Theological Loci Peter Martyr Vermigli Translated and Edited with Introduction and Notes by Frank A. James III VOLUME LXVIII SIXTEENTH CENTURY ESSAYS & STUDIES KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI USA N 2003 Title Page PML8James Page iv Friday, October 10, 2003 3:53 PM Habent sua fata libeli Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 1499–1562. [In Epistolam S. Pavli apostoli ad Romanos. English] Predestination and justification : two theological loci / Peter Martyr Vermigli ; translated and edited with introduction and notes by Frank A. James III. p. cm. — (Sixteenth century essays & studies ; v. 68) (The Peter Martyr library ; ser. 1, v. 8) Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 1-931112-27-4 (Cloth : alk. paper) 1. Bible. N.T. Romans—Commentaries. I. James, Frank A. II. Title. III. Series. BS2665.53V4713 2003 234'.9—dc21 2003007963 Cover art and title page by Teresa Wheeler, Truman State University designer Printed by Thomson-Shore, Dexter, Michigan, USA Text is set in Adobe Minion 10/13; display in Hadfield-DTC Copyright © 2003 by Truman State University Press, Kirksville, Missouri 63501 U.S.A. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any format by any means without written permission from the publisher. Printed by Thomson-Shore, Dexter, MI, USA. The paper in this publication meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the American National Stan- dard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48–1992. PML8James Page vii Friday, October 10, 2003 3:53 PM Contents Abbreviations Used in This Volume . ix General Editors’ Preface . xi Translator’s Preface . xii Translator’s Introduction . xv Part One Locus on Predestination Prolegomena . 3 Should Predestination Be Taught?. 3 Does Predestination Exist? . 10 Article 1: The Nature and Definition of Predestination . 15 The Nature of Predestination. 15 The Definition of Predestination . 19 The Definition of Reprobation. 23 Article 2: The Cause of Predestination. 25 The Fourfold Cause of Predestination. 26 Are Foreseen Good Works the Cause of Predestination? . 27 Testimony from the Church Fathers . 40 Contra Pighius . 40 Article 3: The Effects of Predestination . 51 Is Grace Universal? . 53 Is Grace Sufficient? . 58 Arguments to the Contrary . 60 Article 4: The Necessity of Predestination . 68 Is Necessity Imposed upon Us? . 69 Does Necessity Hinder Free Will? . 73 Does Foreknowledge Cancel God’s Justice? . 82 PML8James Page viii Friday, October 10, 2003 3:53 PM viii Contents Part Two Locus on Justification Prolegomena . 87 Justification . 87 Faith . 88 Works . 95 Proposition 1: Justification Is Not by Works . 96 Proof from Paul’s Letter to the Romans . 97 Proof from Paul’s Other Letters. 106 Proof from Other Scriptures . 111 Objections to Proposition 1 . 115 Proof from the Church Fathers . 143 Proof from Church Councils . 152 Proposition 2: Justification Is by Faith . 160 Proof from Paul’s Letter to the Romans . 160 Proof from Paul’s Other Letters. 165 Proof from Other Scriptures . 169 Objections to Proposition 2 . 172 Proof from the Church Fathers . 205 Proof from the Church Councils . 217 Proposition 3: Justification Is by Faith Alone . 218 Contra Richard Smith. 218 Proof from the Church Fathers . 228 About the Editor and Translator . 231 Scripture References. 232 Classical Patristic, and Medieval References . 237 Index . 239 PML8James Page ix Friday, October 10, 2003 3:53 PM Abbreviations Used in This Volume CAS Calvinism and Scholasticism in Vermigli’s Doctrine of Man and Grace. John Patrick Donnelly. Leiden: Brill, 1976. COR In Selectissimam D. Pauli Priorem ad Corinth. epistolam Commentarii. Zurich: C. Froschauer, 1551. DIAL Dialogue on the Two Natures in Christ. Trans. and ed. John Patrick Don- nelly, S.J. Peter Martyr Library, vol. 2. Kirksville, Mo.: Sixteenth Cen- tury Journal Publishers, 1995. EW Early Writings: Creed, Scripture, Church. Trans. Mario Di Gangi and Joseph C. McLelland. Ed. Joseph C. McLelland. Peter Martyr Library, vol. 1. Kirksville, Mo.: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, 1994. HRR Peter Martyr Vermigli: Humanism, Republicanism, Reformation / Petrus Martyr Vermigli: Humanismus, Republikanismus, Reformation. Ed. Emidio Campi in cooperation with Frank A. James III and Peter Opitz. Geneva: Droz, 2002. LC Loci Communes of Peter Martyr Vermigli. London: R. Masson, 1576; Basle: P. Perna, 1580–82 (3 vols.). LLS Life, Letters, and Sermons. Trans. John Patrick Donnelly, S.J. Peter Martyr Library, vol. 5. Kirksville, Mo.: Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1998. LPJ Commentary on the Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah. Trans. and ed. Daniel Shute. Peter Martyr Library, vol. 6. Kirksville, Mo.: Truman State University Press, 2002. OL Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation. 2 vols. Trans. and ed. Hastings Robinson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press for the Parker Society, 1846–47. OTD Oxford Treatise and Disputation on the Eucharist, 1549. Trans. and ed. Joseph C. McLelland. Peter Martyr Library, vol. 7. Kirksville, Mo.: Truman State University Press, 1995. PG Patralogiae cursus completus … series Graeca. 161 vols. Ed. J. P. Migne. Paris, 1857–96. Indices 1912. PL Patralogiae cursus completus … series Latina. 221 vols. Ed. J. P. Migne. Paris, 1844–64. Supplements 1–5, Paris, 1958–74. PMI Peter Martyr in Italy: An Anatomy of Apostasy. Phillip M. J. McNair. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1967. ix PML8James Page x Friday, October 10, 2003 3:53 PM x Predestination & Justification PMRE Peter Martyr: A Reformer in Exile (1542–1562): A Chronology of Biblical Writings in England and Europe. Marvin W. Anderson. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf, 1975. PPRED Peter Martyr Vermigli and Predestination: The Augustinian Inheritance of an Italian Reformer. Frank A. James III. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. PW Philosophical Works: On the Relation of Philosophy to Theology. Trans. and ed. Joseph C. McLelland. Peter Martyr Library, vol. 4. Kirksville, Mo.: Sixteenth Century Journal Publishers, 1996. ROM In Epistolam S. Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos commentarij doctissimi. Peter Martyr Vermigli. Basel: P. Perna, 1558. VWG The Visible Words of God: An Exposition of the Sacramental Theology of Peter Martyr Vermigli. Joseph C. McLelland. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1957; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965. PML8James Page xi Friday, October 10, 2003 3:53 PM General Editors’ Preface he reputation of Peter Martyr Vermigli (1499–1562) rests largely on his role T in the Sacramentarian controversies of his time. This partial perception dis- torts his career as biblical exegete. Volume 6 in our Library, Commentary on the Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremiah, presents one of Vermigli’s lecture series pre- sented after he left Italy to join Martin Bucer at Strasbourg. The present volume turns to Vermigli’s next academic appointment, as regius professor of divinity at Oxford. He chose to lecture on Romans to address the ills of church and society, a fitting complement to his lectures on 1 Corinthians. The present book consists of only two of the treatises contained in Martyr’s large and influential Romans commentary; they are among the longest of his loci—those “commonplace” devices in vogue from the later Middle Ages and used increasingly by Martyr in his lectures, at least in their published form. These two are full-blown tracts, methodically developed and seeking to cover the chief “heads of doctrine.” The doctrines of predestination and justification are familiar shorthand for the Reformed faith. Each formed the center of a minor war of words and confer- ences, pitting the Reformed against Roman, Lutheran, and Anabaptist opponents. It is fortunate that in Frank James we have a scholar well acquainted with both topics and with Vermigli’s texts. Dr. James has studied and commented on them through many years and two doctorates; we are proud to introduce his first con- tribution to our Library through two of Vermigli’s substantive texts on disputed questions. As Dr. James’s introduction makes clear, the polemical context informs Vermigli’s
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