130 PROCEEDING E SOCIETYTH F O S , 1954-56. XII. THE CARRE HERALDIC PANEL. BY THE REV. T. D. S. BAYLEY, M.A., F.S.A., AND FRANCIS W. STEER, F.S.A. In their paper on "Painted Heraldic Panels" in Ant. J., xxxv (1955), 68—87 presene th , t writers considere distinctione dth drawe b o st n between the lozenge-shaped and usually anonymous hatchment (normally a large framed canvas) and the less common framed panel of wood (normally a relatively small rectangle), usually painted wit epitaphn a arme d th san o ht person commemorated. They traced, after protracted research develope ,th - men thesf o t e painted heraldic panels fro funerae mth l escutcheon earlief o s r date, their affinity with similar panels on the Continent, and their eventual use as the survival of "pieces of honour" formerly used at noblemen's funerals. Other writers appear to have confused the panel with the hatch- ment. Fro correspondence mth have ew e received from antiquaries having a special knowledg f funeraeo l custom heraldryd an s s cleai t i r, thae th t conclusion reachee sw d have been widely accepted. Over fifty examples of painted heraldic panels in England were described in Aid. exhaustivn a J.;t no s thi et includeswa i listt bu , mans da y types sa possibl illustrato et e developmeneth thif o t s particular branc f heraldiho c art as it affected all degrees of society. When our paper was well advanced, our attention was drawn to the Carre panel, now in the National Museum of Antiquitie f Scotland o ss funera it f O l. significanc were w e e convinced, thoughe w t t advisabli bu t consulo et Lore th t d Lyori Kin Armf go s whoo ,t our surprise, held a contrary opinion. He wrote: 1 "Panels such as the Carre one are bright and cheerful things and would be more related to a marriage panel, though they might -well be commissioned simpl decoratioa s ya baroniaa r nfo l hall eithe somn ri e gable end r oveo , r a fireplace." We therefore were content 'with a brief reference 2 to the existence of this panel lest we should be guilty of a lack of respect for the judgment of Sir Thomas Innes of Learney. We have now completed an investigation, and are abl provo et e tha dismissee tw mera n di e footnote wha probabls i t e yth finest surviving example in England or Scotland of the panels we were discussing. 1 Letter dated 20th August 1954. 2 Ant. J., . 86p , n. 2 . THE CARRE HERALDIC PANEL. 131 DESCRIPTIOA CARRE TH P ENO PANEL . The overall dimensions of the panel (PI. XXXII), which is of oval shape, are 71^ ins. from top to bottom, and 56^ ins. across the widest part; within the frame, the corresponding measurements are 63f ins. and 49f ins. The panel is made up of seven boards of uneven width and about f in. thick. centr e panee th Th f occupiees o li ovan a blacf y lo d b k upon whic paintes hi d a splendidly designed achievement of arms: Guleschevrona on argent three mullets field, withinthe all of bordera cheguyof the secondd firstan (for Carr f Cavers)eo , impaling, Quarterly , Azure4 d an 1 , a garb or, in chief two mullets argent, and a crescent at the fess point (for Wauchop); crossa r O , engrailed3 d an 2 sable (for Rait f Edmonston)ho . The shiel s surmountedi n esquire'a y b d s helme whicn o ta tors s hi e argent and gules, bearing a crest, A stag's head erased proper, with ten tines or. Above is a scroll with a motto, Tout Droit. The shield is suspended by a guige which is partly obscured by the lower portion of the helmet, which latter is set, like the shield, against a lambrequin of uncommon beauty and skilfu silverld paintinan d . re n gi Belo e shielw th decorativa s di e cartouche painted golflanked dan y db military accoutrements which include lances, pennons, a cannon and a cuirass—incongruous addition memoriae th o s t female a cartouche f lo Th . e is inscribed: THE ATCHEVMENT OF-1 JOHN CARRE F CAVER O S LADY; HI & S- MARGREAT, WAUCHOP, IMPAILD, THERW- -ITH & Y! 8, BRAINCHESS BELONGING TO EAC F THEHO R FAMILES- •1709- Aroun e panel e edgth dth f eo , upo nbackgrouna d less dark thae nth black centre oval, are painted sixteen shields each with a scroll bearing the name of the family to which it is attributed. Commencing at the head on the dexter side they are: . Carr1 Cavers,f eo aboves 2a . Sable2 three boars' heads coupedr Forresfo , or f Fingask o t . 3. Argent a chevron gules between three ears of rye proper, slipped vert, for Riddel thaf o l t Ilk. 4. Argent three torteaux, two and one, for Morton of Cambo. 5. Gules on a chevron argent three mullets of the field, for Lord Jedburgh. This shiel surmountes di baron'a y db s coronet. 6. Azure on a fess argent three martlets sable, for Rutherford of Hundaly. 1 A debased form of " German Text" has been used for these first three words. 2 The surnames and territories are spelt as on the panel throughout this description. 132 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1954-56. 7. Or on a bend azure an estoile of six points between two crescents of the field, for the Duke of Buccleuch. This shield is surmounted by a duke's coronet. liona 8 .r QuarterlyO rampant, 4 d an 1 ,gules within doublea tressure, flory, counterflory, of the last, the royal arms of Scotland; 2, Or a . fess chequy azure and argent, in chief a label of three points gules, for Stewart , Argent3 ; saltirea between four roses gules, Macfarlaner fo ; all within a border company argent and azure. For Lord Ochiltree. This shield is surmounted by a baron's coronet. On the sinister side, commencing at the top, they are: 9. Wauchop quartering Raith of Edmonston, as above, for Wauchop of Edmonston. Guleschevrona 10 n o argent between three cinquefoils pierced ermine,s a many round buckles azure, r Hamiltofo f Redhouseno . 11. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Per fess azure and or, in chief an imperial crown, basen i thistle,a both proper, augmentationr fo , Quarterly3 d an 2 ; , , Argent4 d benda an 1 azure, r Sandilands fo , Argent3 d a an 2 ; human heart gules ensigned with an imperial crown or, on a chief azure three mullets of the field, for Douglas. For Lord Torphichen. This shield is surmounted by a baron's coronet. Argent a bend12 n o azure between o unicorns'tw heads erased sable, three cross crosslets fitchee of the field, for Dennison of Redhall. Rait13 Edmonstonf ho aboves a , . 14. Argent three escutcheons gules within a border of the last semee of cinquefoils of the first, for Hay of Monkton. Argent15 three otters' heads erased gules, r Fullartofo thaf no t Ilk. Argent16 three falcons' heads erased gules, r Nicolsofo f Laswadeno . t musI repeatee b t d tha arme th t s described attribution e aboveth d an , s assigne thes themo da t ye ar appea,panele th n o r; minor differences will be detected if the arms are checked against those given for these families standarn i d work referencef so t sucbu , h difference outside ar s scope eth f eo this paper. It may be noted that there has been very little modern repaint- bees ingsucd ha ns an , h a don mainls ei y confine touching-uo dt p with white where necessary. e mouldeTh d frame containin e pane gth s been ha lo somt , e extent, renewe modern di n time spaintes whewa t ni d red doubo n , accorn i t d with Lore th d Lyon' spurpose vie th panee f wth o notef s ea o l d above, although innee th r edge (i.e. that facin panele gth renderes )i matco dt outee hth r oval backgroun whicn do sixteee hth n subsidiary shield placede originae sar Th . l backin panee th f go l (PI. XXXII) consist fouf so r boards, each 12 ins. wide and 1-j in. thick. At suitable points on the panela can be seen four holes which 1 At each side of the motto, and at the edges of the panel near the arms of the Duke of Buccleuch and of Fullarton on the dexter and sinister sides respectively. Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot.] [VOL. LXXXVIII. PEDIGREE "A' THOMAS CARRE = JOHR dauSI f No . FORRES= T = dau. of MORTON SIR THOMAS CARRE = dau f SCOTTo . , RUTHERFORD= OF CAVERS RIDDELL OF THAT ILK OF FINGASK FERNIHERSF O CAMBF O O T DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH1 HUNDALF O Y dau f LORo . D OCHILTREE SHIELD 3 SHIELD 2 SHIELD 4 SHIELD 7 SHIELD6 SHIELD 8 1 1 GEORGE CARRE == dau. of FORREST LORD JEDBURGH == dau. of RUTHERFORD OF CAVERS OF FINGASK OF HUNDALY SHIELD 5 1 JOHN CARRE OF = [JEAN] KER WEST NISBET, BROTHER SI O RT THOMAS CARRE OF CAVERS •AGNES, dau. of = JOHN CARRE OF = MARGARET, SIR ANDREW CAVERS dau. of JOHN CARRE OF WAUCHOP OF CAVERS SHIELD 1 EDMONSTON 1st wife PEDIGREE "B" WAUCHOP == dau. of SANDILANDS, HAMILTON == dau. of DENNISON RAITH OF == dau f F FULLARTOo .O = Y HA N = dau. of NICOLSON LORD TORPHICHEN (}F REDHOUSE F REDHALO L EDMONSTON THAF O K TIL MONKTON OF LASWADE SHIEL1 D1 SHIELD 10 SHIELD 12 SHIELD 13 SHIELD 15 SHIELD 14 SHIELD 16 * 1 WAUCHO dau= f F HAMILTOo .O I > N RAITH OF | EDMONS F REDHOUSO 'EON E EDMONSTON = dau.
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