Policing and the Clash of Masculinities

Policing and the Clash of Masculinities

Scholarly Commons @ UNLV Boyd Law Scholarly Works Faculty Scholarship 2016 Policing and the Clash of Masculinities Ann C. McGinley University of Nevada, Las Vegas -- William S. Boyd School of Law Follow this and additional works at: https://scholars.law.unlv.edu/facpub Part of the Law and Gender Commons, and the Law and Society Commons Recommended Citation McGinley, Ann C., "Policing and the Clash of Masculinities" (2016). Scholarly Works. 1268. https://scholars.law.unlv.edu/facpub/1268 This Article is brought to you by the Scholarly Commons @ UNLV Boyd Law, an institutional repository administered by the Wiener-Rogers Law Library at the William S. Boyd School of Law. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 544-497,2016 mmx- Yt2? =arinnn2 mix-.rinn.-T, , 21, fIR mvllpmn, YnxR i!', 2015-1 2014 01=a ' w-'Tn 'nmn vnnpn , n mnrn- ?r ,znrT =ai , ' =a'' ,,pn wun ( rBy . 2a~g~l~ myv'n wimnt~ '-r'ntt 1 wmn~lrl'rlnZn w-nm t]'=ala VF',M20 15 =Vnp2 onuin-i 7,nt "nr ,=inirw Ernn~n tv nr:7-na vtv nr~ry , ma==m ",(avi ,=aumre)O=a .V'1rn = ,m xv .' ,m y , YT= n Irx M=a 'p 7,n a,m=,Y nm'in'tm mi,-in ,vwrin,= nia'np oan ,ny ninnna m'nmnnnn, -,n~n wnm mn ri t mu'l -'i?, nT0 =.-n t n(imenerR omr onun-i mn ni= m'm, nann nnn~n = ~a mn=a -mn uztina=' n:nrrin:wtvinn =apnn nl anxn ,'n naryn minnn in "xtm ,=1n, I=a'Yn wn =a, '' n , ' ; ,(Dan Hamilton) v r ,n-TV ; ynvn nv (Nettie Mann) ,tr?1 ,n tYv 1nrsn nn in (Jeff Stempel) 71t:m flIn-mri2 T tz X',(Frank Rudy Cooper) nnn pi tiuiv , .n-'i-nir n r'in ,2mpnv '~IN .m~~~~~n~21'1'T fl1Xi2)1 -7n~h1 ift in mmt - n n v- nn-ii nnn .2o ninn w3niv 5y1T~'1 tnnn .1 rimfl Ip'3fl nipi1 5w1T~'l ri-il-I .2 ~'rnn2''r~tl ~'X~W rri Po 1 . rl~rl- YM 2TI'flM lq; 3 nin''1 " '3112712n, 'Y=X 1l 2015-1 2014 01=7:1 .7-71 V U01Mj-11 252- 245-244 ,242-237 ,60-51 ,35-33 V ? 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