NATIVE WORD IN ETHNOCULTURAL DIMENSION Scientific Papers Collection Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Ukrainian Institute of NAS of Ukraine Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University Departmenf of philology disciplines and methdology of teaching at primary school NATIVE WORD IN ETHNOCULTURAL DIMENSION Scientific Papers Collection Drohobych Posvit 2013 УДК 811.161.2:39 ББК 81.411.1663.5 Р 49 Published by the Academic Council of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University (protocol № 10 on 10/27/2013) N 49 Native word in ethnocultural dimension. Scientific Papers Collection / Comp. М.Fedurko, V.Kotovych, H.Fil. – Drohobych: Posvit, 2013. – 590 p. The collection contains papers and reports, which highlight views of the functioning of language as ethnocultural phenomenon. For researchers, teachers, graduate students and students. Reviewers: Catherina Horodenska, Philology Dr., professor, Head of Grammar department, Ukrainian Institute of NAS of Ukraine; Yaroslav Yaremko, Ph. Dr. (Philology), Docent of department of Ukrainian language, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University. Editorial board: Editorial Board Co-Chairmen: Valeriy Skotny, Philosophy Dr., professor, academission of APS of Ukraine, rector of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University; Mariya Fedurko, Philology Dr., professor (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University). Editorial Board members: Nina Klymenko, memb.-cor. of NAS of Ukraine, Philology Dr., professor (Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University); Tetyana Bilenko, Philosophy Dr., professor (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University); Petro Bilousenko, Philology Dr., professor (Zaporizhzhya National University); Zoya Valux, Philology Dr., professor (Kyiv National Linguistic University); Vasyl Vynnytsky, Philology Dr., professor (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University); Nina Huyvanyuk, Philology Dr., professor (Ivan Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University); Vasyl Greshchuk, Philology Dr., professor (Vasyl Stephanyk Prykarpattya National University); Dmytro Buchko, Philology Dr., professor (Volodymyr Hnatyuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University); Mykola Zymomrya, Philology Dr., professor (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University); Петро Мацьків, Philology Dr., professor (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University); Анатолій Поповський, Philology Dr., professor (Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs); Larysa Varsatska, Ph. Dr. (Pedagogy), Senior Researcher (Pedagogical Institute of APS of Ukraine); Ivan Kutnyak, Ph. D. (Philosophy), Docent (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University); Halyna Fil, Ph. Dr. (Philology), Docent (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University). Executive Secretary: Vira Kotovych, Котович, Ph. Dr. (Philology), Docent (Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University). ІSBN 974-966-2248-36-4 УДК. 811161.2;39 Надія Бабич (Чернівці) LANGUAGE AS A SPACE OF NATIONAL GENE EXISTANCE Засоби і способи збереження національної духовної і культурної пам’яті задля життєвого ладу на Землі залежить від багатьох чинників, зокрема й від ментальності народу. Про українську ментальність за останні десятиріччя написано дуже багато, хоча, на наш погляд, нині у чистому вияві не існує жодної ментальності. У долі українців багато що залежало від історичних, а також геопсихічних, соціопсихічних і культуроморфічних чинників. Народознавці наголошують, що саме в мовному коді знаходяться „гени” національного, і хто не знає цього коду, той не здатен зарахувати себе до певної нації. Сучасні тенденції до маргіналізації мовної практики, нехтування частиною членів суспільства сакральністю слова загрожує моральною і навіть фізіологічною видозміною, за якою фізичні зусилля не будуть спрямовані на духовне самоудосконалення. Ключові слова: психологічний тип, еволюційна пам’ять, глобалізація, слово, національна культура, мовна свідомість, сакралізація. Word is a great power and a great mystery. The more we want to learn about it, the more we have to delve into the history of mankind and its history. Statement of the problem. In a globalized world gradually leveled not only mental, linguistic, and religious and features the nation devalued role of historical memory and national ignored sacred power of words. Therefore, psychologists, linguists, ethnologists seeking at least delay these processes in order to preserve life down to the ground. One way to accomplish this mission is to return to the word of his sacred functions in all areas of human activity. Analysis of recent research and publications, which discuss the problem of the return of the Ukrainian language in the way of margin sacralization shows that characterology our people more engaged and ethnographers (reissue works I.Nechuy- Levitsky, S.Kylymnyka , O.Voropaya) or ethnopsychologist (published in Ukraine O.Kulchytskoho individual works, B.Tsymbalistoho, Yevhen Onatsky, work V.Hramovoyi etc.), but much less - linguists, among whom, by the way, there is no consensus on the assessment of the situation in language practice (cf. looks L.Stavytskoyi, I. Dziuba, O. Tkachenko et al.). At this stage, the study of problems and implementation of already achieved results is hampered by unconscious (or conscious) content diminished notions national language, the language of the state, the native language and the language of "practical". The ability to speak the sounds that make out the contents and call describing has only human. "Imagination through the images and pictures of the world involves the will, dictating thoughts, urges to work. This means that word, but through word - imagination, can awaken all of all cells of the human body. What is consciousness? This, in essence, is a huge array of words that contains evolutionary human memory. It follows that the words that are in the language of the people, proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, even letters of the alphabet carry the evolutionary experience of the people. Persistent linguistic communication, or even an outline, which is primarily a same letters shall contain valuable human experience to preserve and maintain its life down to Earth" [see 3]. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the causes of the current trend in the loss of human perception of itself a descendant of ancient history, heopsyholohichnyh and spiritual traditions, neglect of duty to pass these traditions to new generations, appeals misleading unification of all things on earth. Organizing offers ancient and modern proponents of the theory of magical properties of words and their scientific evidence is needed, we believe, to minimize the destruction of language in its national status code. What were on Ukrainian dawn of its history, we can learn not only for historical scientific papers, but also from mythology. I.Nechuy - Levitsky in the "Worldview Ukrainian people", analyzing the Ukrainian mythology, said that "the ancient Ukrainian people praising the light of heavenly forces, Godiva dark forces to embrace yourself the favor of heaven to prysyluvaty every effort to serve its practical purpose [...]. Young weaker soul could not even think of magical thinking and had to call the help themselves to the imagination. The ancient people had to think to guess the forms of paintings, not a shower, all peoples religion ahead of philosophy and science" [8, 4]. Under this "fantasy" people created (and worshiped) "light of the gods": God Boss, Sun Goddess, Dawn, Cloud, Spring, god Hromovyk (shepherds, farmers, huntsman, Warrior), and spirits and pivduhy: mermaid Mavky, polisuny, polovyky, goblins, devils, witches, Witcher, ghouls, ghouls. I. Nechuy-Levytskyy described two mythical images - Fate and poverty, and finished his work section of pantheism in Ukrainian mythology: metamorphosis (transformation of man into a tree, grass, dew, flower, bird, animal, etc.), the establishment of peace and amicable tree, the creation of man. Deep analysis (with high scores!) of this work I.Nechuy-Levitsky in pislyaslovi "eye Vseobiymayuche Ukraine" gave Olexa Myshanych. In particular, it agreed with the writer, "Analyzing the Ukrainian mythology Nechuy-Levitsky out of the principles that were the foundation of celestial phenomena and human imagination personified them heomorfniy and zoomorphic form, adapting them to their daily needs. The people created images of gods according to their taste and psychological, moved from earth to heaven shapes his life and the social hierarchy" [8, 85]. No matter how civilized, westernized and globalized, realistic, materialistic, etc. we did not consider ourselves today, but most of us has all the same and is aware of the pagan gods, spirits and pivduhiv about metamorphosis and are often looking for a horse, dog, cat says, "like a man!" and asks whether - and a joke or seriously, "I wonder who you were in a past life? Perhaps a good person...". Not to say that this belief - but this memory millennial forms of life of our ancestors. He and Nina breaks or read somewhere, sometime, or transferred. The most valuable material to study the Ukrainian mythology give the old carols and songs that performs valysya in pre-Christian times, as well as national poetic creativity. "The most important driver of ancient folk epic poetry is wonderful, educated divination, signs and various other superstitions that prevailed in the popular imagination, despite all the pious efforts to dispel it, even in the XVI - XVII centuries. It met all the wonderful epic spiritual aspirations superstitious old" - we read in the
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