2748 2748LCOUNC1l1 It the Government is concerned about throughout Australia, been com- the flexibility of the panel, I can only pleted? repeat what I1 said when I1commenced to (2) If so, when are the results of this speak; that is, we are not interfering with study likely to be released? the flexibility. We merely desire that four people should be on the panel instead of (3) Ii not, at what stage is the study. two, with the Government still retaining and what is the programming for the right to appoint anyone else it desires. completion? I am not quite so concerned about the The Hon. N. E. BAXTER replied; Inclusion of a person recommended by the (1) Yes. Western Australian Council of Social Ser- (2) The summary of recommenda- vice. Such a member would probably be tions was released in the Study a lay person and I am not always in Team Report R3 of October, 1975. favour of the efforts of such people because and may be obtained through the mostly they have not had any particular Parliamentary Library, training. (3) See answer to (1). I want to point out for the last time that we are not interfering with the flexi- bility of the panel. We want at least a 2. HEALTH member of the medical profession ap- pointed and, under the amendment, a Hairdressers' Salons representative of the WACSS. The Min- The Hon. R. F. CLAUGHTON, to the ister is still in a position to appoint any Minister for Health: other person he desires. (1) Is an inquiry being conducted into Progress the health aspects of hairdressers' Progress reported and leave given to sit salons? again, on motion by Mr Clarko. (2) Has such a report been finalised? (3) If so, is the Minister recommend- ADJOURNMENT OF THE HOUSE: ing any changes to legislation or SPECIAL regulations for the industry? MR ONEIL (East Melville-Acting Premier) E5.59 p.m.): I move- The Hon. N. E. BAXTER replied: That the House at Its rising adjourn (1) No, until Tuesday, the 5th October, at (2) Health aspects of hairdressers 4.30 p.m. salons were investigated conjointly with Industry 1971-1972 period. Question put and passed. Model Health By-laws were sub- House adjourned at 6.00 p.m. sequently amended and changed to Hairdressers Establishment Regu- lations 10th November, 1972. KQg~aieQnui (3) Not applicable. Tuesday. the 5th October, 1976 3. RAILWAYS Perishables: Cartage The PRESIDENT (the Hon. A. F. Griffith) took the Chair at 4.30 p.m., and The Hon. D). J. WORDSWORTH, to read prayers. the Minister for Health, representing the Minister for Transport: AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT (1) Is the Minister aware that a plac- Tabling ard In the main street of Onow- THE PRESIDENT (the Hon. A. F. angerup indicated to customers a Griffith): Honourable members, I desire shortage of certain fruit and vege- to lay upon the Table of the House the tables due to the railways mislay- Auditor- General's report for the year ing aLconsignment? ended the 30th June, 1976. (2) Do such inconveniences often The report was tabled (see paper No. 362). occur? (3) Is any compensation paid In such QUESTIONS (7): ON NOTICE cases? I. TRANSPORT (4) Is the consignee expected to pay RoDad Vehicle Limits Study the cost of locating lost goods? The Hon. R. Thompson for the Hon. (5) What conditions are laid down H. W. GAYFTR, to the Minister for concerning the ability of a green- Health, representing the Minister for grocer to cart his own fruit and Transport: vegetables in regard to- (1) Has the study by the National Association of Australian State (a) types; Road Authorities into the econo- (b) weight; and mics of road vehicle limits (c) frequency of trips? (Tuesday, 5 October, 1976] 274974 (6) What alternatives do Westral (5) Is it the intention of the Govern- offer for the consignment of per- ment to increase the staff at this ishables to Onowangerup? station? (7) Is the Government considering changing the present restrictions The Hon. N. E. BAXTER replied; in the future? (1) 1 sergeant, 2 constables. The Hon. N. E. BAXTER replied: (2) 1 sergeant, 1 constable. One con- (1) No. stable at present on annual leave from September 6 to October 10, (2) No. 1976. (3) Yes. A claim for the value of the goads not received should be (3) Approximately 80 square miles. lodged with Westrall. (4) Approximately 7 000. (4) No. (5) Consideration will be given in c-on- (5) Under the Transport Commission junction with the requirements Act there are two different licences throughout the remainder of the on issue for the carriage of fruit State when the current Academy and vegetables. Details of these Training Course gradustes on licences and conditions regarding November 26, 1976. the cartage are as follows:- (1) (a) Types: Beans, beetroot, brussel sprouts, cab- bage, capsicums, cauli- 5. BUILDING BLOCKS flower, celery, cucum- Bremner Bay ber, fresh fruit, lemons, The Hon. D. J. WORDSWORTH, to lettuce, mint, parsley, the Miniter for Health, representing peas, pineapple, rhubarb1 spring onions, tomatoes. the Minister for Lands; (b) Weight: Unlimited. (1) How many residential blocks in (c) Frequency of trips: Un- Bremer Bay have been thrown limited. open by the Lands Department In (2) (a) Types: All fruit and vege- recent years? tables. (2) On what dates were these auctions (b) Weight: 500 kilograms. held? (e) Frequency of trips: Un- (3) What prices did they realise? limited. (6) Westrall offers a twice per week (4) Have amenities been provided in overnight service for perishables to Bremner Bay since the last blocks Onowangerup. were sold? Acceptance days at Kewdale are (5) When is the next allocation ex- Mondays and Wednesdays with pected to be auctioned? closure at 1.30 p.m. Transit is per piggy-back truck on overnight (5) How many will be provided? freighter train to Katanning- (7) Will consideration be given to thence by road to Onowangerup ensure that some of the purchases arriving 8.45 a.m. Tuesdays and will be from people wishing to live Thursdays, full-time in the area, rather than (7) Any further changes regarding the hold the land for casual holiday carriage of fruit and vegetables purposes? will be considered in light of the present Southern Western Austra- The Hon. N. E. BAXTER replied: lia Transport Study. (1) 26 lots since 1st January, 1973. (2) 24th March, 1973, and 21st Aug- POLICE ust, 1976. South Nedlad (3) Auction 24/3/73: The Hon. R. F. CLAUGHTON, to the Price Minister for Health, representing the Lot reallsed Minister for Police: 48 $810. (1) What is the police force staff 49 $850. establishment at South Hedland? 53 $800. (2) How many officers are currently 55 $850. on duty at South Hedland? 56 $825. 57 $840. (3) What is the area currently served 59 $875. by the South Hedland police sta- 60 $800. tion? 66 $675. (4) What is the Population within this 69 $750. area? 70 $625. 2750 [COUNCIL,] Auction 21/8/76: (d) Lockridge Community Health Price Centre- Lot realised These premises are being 39 $1825. leased from the State 40 $1 150. Housing Commission. 41 $2575. 42 $2 650. (2) The Commonwealth Government 66 $1 925. grants to (a), (b) and (c) are 97 $2050. based on 15% of the capital cost. 98 $2000. The Commonwealth Government 100 $1'775. grant to the Lockridge Community 101 $1 675. Health Centre to cover lease is 102 $1800 90% of costs. 103 $1 825. 125 $2250. 126 $2325. 7. CAPE LE GRANDE NATIONAL 121 $2 300. PARK 128 $2325. Dieback Disease (4) None by Lands Department. The Hon. 1). J. WORDSWORTH, to (5) and (6) Not known. The Lands the Minister for Health, representing Department is currently consider- the Minister for Forests: ing the preparation of a design of subdivision over vacant Crown (1) Has die-back been found to exist land to provide further residential in the Cape le Grande National lots in this townsite. Park? (7) No. The Land Act precludes such (2) What flora is affected to date? discrimination. (3) Is It expected to spread to other indigenous flora in that area? HEALTH CENTRES (4) What introduced species found in Construction Costs domestic gardens and tree-breaks The Hon, R. F. CLAUGHTON, to the could be affected by this disease? Minister for Health: (5) Will this park be Placed under (1) Would the Minister provide the quarantine in a similar manner to information as requested for each sections of the State Forests? of the following health centres- (6) If not, what precautions does the (a) Geraldton Regional Health Government intend taking to stop Centre-the contract price; or control the spread of this dis- (b) South Hedland Health Centre ease? -the contract price; The Hon. N. E. BAXTER replied: (c) Teaching Health Centre, (1) Yes. Claremont-the estimated cost of construction; and (2) Species of Banksia, Dryandra, Blackboys and Zamia Palms. (d) Lockridge Health Centre-the Other plant types may also be af- price at which the contract fected but they have not been was finalised? identified. (2) What were the Australian Gov- (3) No. All species likely to be af- erment grants for each of the fected will probably already be in- above centres? volved. The Hon. N. E. BAXTER replied: (4) Many introduced, as well as in- (1) (a) Geraldton Regional Commu- digenous, species can be host to nity Health Centre- PhYtophthora cinnamomi. The Contract price $1 129'782 Department of National Develop- and subject to consultants' ment, Forestry and Timber Bureau fees, Departmental charges (now the CSIRO Division of and rise and fall clause.
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