1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page i inspiration 1 Beginner Companion German Edition 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page ii Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford, OX4 3PP, UK A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 13: 978 1 4050 8431 4 ISBN 10: 1 4050 8431 6 Text, design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2006 First published 2006 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Designed by Anne Sherlock Illustrated by Mark Davies The publishers would like to thank Olivia Johnston for the Vocabulary Extra! exercises Printed and bound in Spain by Edelvives 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1405084316_txt_1 21/12/05 6:39 pm Page iii CONTENTS WORDLIST Welcome to the inspiration Companion 1 Unit 1 1 What information does the inspiration Companion 1 give you? Unit 2 8 • a summary of key words and phrases from each unit of inspiration 1 Student’s Book • pronunciation of the key words and phrases Unit 3 15 • translations of the key words and phrases • sample sentences showing the words and phrases in context Unit 4 21 • a translation of the Grammar Summary from inspiration 1 Student’s Book • alphabetical index Unit 5 26 • listening activities to practice key words and phrases • Macmillan English Dictionary ‘Star rating’ Unit 6 31 Abbreviations used in the Companion Unit 7 35 (art) article (phr v) phrasal verb (m) masculine (Am E) American English Unit 8 40 (v) verb (pron) pronoun (pl n) plural noun (TS) Tapescript (v*) irregular verb (prep) preposition (adv) adverb (adj) adjective (det) determiner (conj) conjunction Grammar Summary 44 (n) noun (f) feminine Alphabetical Index 52 VOWELS AND DIPHTHONGS Vocabulary Extra! 60 /I/big fish /bIg fIS/ /O:/ short talk/SO:t tO:k/ /U´/pure /pjU´(r)/ /i:/ green beans /gri:n bi:nz/ /œ/fat cat/fœt kœt/ /OI/boy /bOI / /U/should look/SUd lUk/ /ø/must come /møst køm/ /´U/nose /n´Uz/ /u:/ blue moon/blu: mu:n/ /A:/ calm start/kA:m stA:t/ /e´/hair /he´/ /e/ten eggs /ten egz/ /Å /hot spot/hÅt spÅt/ /aI/ eye /aI/ /´/ about mother /´baUt møD´/ /I´/ ear /I´/ /aU/mouth /maU∏/ /‰:/ learn words /l‰:n w‰:dz/ /eI/face /feIs/ CONSONANTS /p/ pen /pen/ /f/ far /fa:(r)/ /m/ make /meIk/ /b/ bad /bœd/ /v/ voice /vOIs/ /n/ nine/naIn/ /t/ tea /ti:/ /∏/ thin /∏In/ /N/sing /sIN/ /d/ dog /dÅg/ /D/ then / Den/ /h/ house /haUs/ /tS/ church /tS‰:tS/ /s/ snake /sneIk/ /l/ leg /leg/ /dZ/ jazz /dZœz/ /z/noise/nOIz/ /r/ red /red/ /k/ cost /kÅst/ /S/ shop /SÅp/ /w/ wet /wet/ /g/ girl /g‰:l/ /Z/ measure /mez´(r)/ /j/ yes /jes/ 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you (pp. 6–7) all (pron)★★★ /O…l/ alle It’s nice to meet you all. and (conj)★★★ /œnd, ´nd/ und I’m Barbara and this is Carl. boy (n)★★★ /bOI/ Junge Carl is the boy from the USA. English (adj) /"INglIS/ englisch; Engländer(in) Rosie and Anita are English. everyone (pron)★★★ /"evriwøn/ alle Hi everyone. It’s nice to meet you. friend (n)★★★ /frend/ Freund(in) This is my friend Carl. from (prep)★★★ /frÅm, fr´m/ aus Dominic is from Switzerland. girl (n)★★★ /g‰…l/ Mädchen The girl from Poland is Barbara. Hello! (interj)★★★ /he"l´U/ Hallo! Hello! We’re very pleased to be here. 1 Hi! (interj)★ /haI/ Hi!; Hallo! Hi! My name is Dominic. meet (v)★★★ /mi…t/ kennen lernen It’s nice to meet you all. Mexico (n) /"meksIk´U/ Mexiko Mexico is in Central America. name (n)★★★ /neIm/ Name What’s the name of the boy from the USA? new (adj)★★★ /nju…/ neu Here are your new English friends – Anita, Rosie, Kieran and Steve. nice (adj)★★★ /naIs/ nett; angenehm Hello! It’s nice to meet you all. Poland (n) /"p´Ul´nd/ Polen Barbara is from Poland – a country in Eastern Europe. pleased (adj)★★ /pli…zd/ erfreut We’re very pleased to be here. school (n)★★★ /sku…l/ Schule Kieran and Steve are at school in York. Switzerland (n) /"swIts´l´nd/ die Schweiz Switzerland is a very beautiful country with lakes and mountains. teacher (n)★★★ /"ti…tS´/ Lehrer(in) The name of the teacher is Tony Dale. (the) USA (United States of /D´ ju… es "eI/ die USA (die Vereinigten People in the USA speak English. America) (n) Staaten von Amerika) Welcome to …★★ /"welk´m t´/ Willkommen in... Welcome to York, everyone! 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 2 Student Exchange (pp. 8–9) address (n)★★★ /´"dres/ Adresse; Anschrift "What’s your address?" "10 Market Lane." American (adj) /´"merIk´n/ amerikanisch; Amerikaner(in)"Is Carl American?" "Yes, he is." Belgian (adj) /"beldZ´n/ belgisch They’re from a Belgian international school. Belgium (n) /"beldZ´m/ Belgien The international school is in Belgium. day (n)★★★ /deI/ Tag They are in England for ten days. England (n)★★★ /"INgl´nd/ England York is a city in the north of England. exchange (n)★★★ /Iks"tSeIndZ/ Austausch They are on a student exchange in England for ten days. her (poss adj)★★★ /h‰…/ ihr Her name’s Rosie – she’s English. his (poss adj)★★★ /hIz/ sein His name’s Carl – he’s American. international (adj)★★★ /Int´"nœS´n´l/ international Barbara, Sara, Carl and Dominic are from an international school in Belgium. Mexican (adj) /"meksIk´n/ mexikanisch; Mexikaner(in) Sara’s from Mexico – she’s Mexican. my (poss adj)★★★ /maI/ mein Hi, my name is Jennifer. No.★★★ /n´U/ Nein. Is Kieran from the USA?" "No, he isn’t." phone number (n) /"f´Un nømb´/ Telefonnummer Anita’s phone number is 905366. Polish (adj) /"p´UlIS/ polnisch; Pole/Polin "Is Barbara English?" "No, she’s Polish." 2 student (n)★★★ /"stju…d´nt/ Student(in) "Is Tony Dale a student?" "No, he’s a teacher." Swiss (adj) /swIs/ Schweizer(in) Dominic is from Switzerland – he’s Swiss. visitor (n)★★★ /"vIzIt´/ Besucher Each English student has one visitor. Where?★★★ /we´/ Wo(her)? "Where’s Sara from?" "She’s from Mexico." What?★★★ /wÅt/ Was?; Wie? What’s your address? Who?★★★ /hu…/ Wer? "Who’s the boy from Switzerland?" "His name’s Dominic." Yes.★★★ /jes/ Ja. "Is Sara from Mexico?" "Yes, she is." your (poss adj)★★★ /jO…/ dein; Ihr "What’s your name?" "My name’s Brad." 1 That’s a great bag! (pp. 10–11) a (det)★★★ /œ, ´/ ein(e) This is a bottle of water. address book (n) /´"dres bUk/ Adressbuch My address book has all the names and addresses of my friends. alarm clock (n) /´"lA…m klÅk/ Wecker I looked at the alarm clock – it was three o’clock in the morning! an (det)★★★ /œn, ´n/ ein(e) This is an address book. bag (n)★★★ /bœg/ Tasche What’s in Barbara’s bag? bottle (of water) (n)★★★ /ÆbÅt´l ´v "wO…t´/ Flasche Wasser Barbara has a bottle of water in her bag. 1405084316_txt_1 2/12/05 4:38 am Page 3 boyfriend (n)★ /"bOIfrend/ Freund Is there a photograph of Barbara’s boyfriend in her bag? calculator (n) /"kœlkj´leIt´/ (Taschen)rechner "How much is £10 in euros?" "Use your calculator." It’s called … /Its "kO…ld/ Es heißt… "What’s this in English?" "It’s called a wallet." cat (n)★★★ /kœt/ Katze "What’s the name of Barbara’s cat?" "Suzi." chewing gum (n) /"tSu…IN gøm/ Kaugummi Do you like chewing gum? comb (n) /k´Um/ Kamm Do you have a comb in your bag? digital camera (n) /ÆdIdZIt´l "kœmr´/ Digitalkamera You can take great photos with a digital camera. English (n) /"INglIS/ Englisch "What’s this in English?" "It’s called a wallet." family (n)★★★ /"fœmli/ Familie There’s a photo of Barbara’s family in her wallet. favourite (adj)★★ /"feIvr´t/ Lieblings- "This is my favourite bag." "Yes, it’s a great bag!" guess (v)★★ /ges/ raten Guess what’s in my bag! great (adj)★★★ /greIt/ großartig; toll "That’s a great bag!" "Oh yes! This is my favourite bag." How do you spell it?/haU d´ ju… "spel It/ Wie schreibt man das? "How do you spell it?" "S-I-K-O-R-A." ID card (n) /aI "di… kA…d/ Personalausweis My name’s on my ID card. in (prep)★★★ /In/ in What’s in your bag? Irish (adj) /"aIrIS/ irisch Mackenna is an Irish name. key (n)★★★ /ki…/ Schlüssel Have you got the key for the house? 3 look (v)★★★ /lUk/ sehen; schauen Look! My name’s on my ID card. mini-disc player (n) /"mIni dIsk pleI´/ Discman; Mini-Disc-Player I listen to music on my mini-disc player. mother (n)★★★ /"møD´/ Mutter The watch is a present from Barbara’s mother. now (adv)★★★ /naU/ jetzt Now it’s my turn. Oh /´U/ Ach ja "It’s an Irish name." "Oh, I see." OK (adj)★★★ /´U "keI/ OK "Guess what’s in my bag!" "OK. A bottle of water?" packet (of tissues) (n)★ /ÆpœkIt (´v "tISu…z)/ Packung (Papiertaschentücher) I always have a packet of tissues in my bag. passport (n)★ /"pA…spO…t/ (Reise)pass English people don’t have ID cards – they have passports. pen (n)★★ /pen/ Stift; Kugelschreiber I need a pen to write down your phone number. photo (n)★★ /"f´Ut´U/ Foto; Aufnahme There’s a photo of Barbara’s family in her wallet.
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