ISSN 0867-3888, e-ISSN 2353-5962 AKADEMIA WYCHOWANIA FI ZYCZ NE GO IM. BRONISŁAWA CZECHA W KRA KO WIE FOLIA TURISTICA Vol. 50(1) – 2019 KRAKÓW 2019 Editorial Board prof. nadzw. dr hab. Wiesław Alejziak – Editor-in-chief prof. nadzw. dr hab. Zygmunt Kruczek – Associate Editor dr Bartosz Szczechowicz – Editorial Board Secretary dr Mikołaj Bielański – Proxy of Open Access prof. nadzw. dr hab. Andrzej Matuszyk prof. nadzw. dr hab. Ryszard Winiarski prof. nadzw. dr hab. Maria Zowisło dr Sabina Owsianowska Thematic Editors prof. nadzw. dr hab. Maria Zowisło – Thematic Editor for Humanities prof. nadzw. dr hab. Zygmunt Kruczek – Thematic Editor for Geography dr Bartosz Szczechowicz – Thematic Editor for Economics Scientific Council prof. David Airey prof. dr hab. Andrzej Kowalczyk (University of Surrey, UK) (University of Warsaw, Poland) prof. Richard W. Butler prof. dr hab. Barbara Marciszewska (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK) (Gdynia Maritime University, Poland) prof. Erik Cohen prof. Josef A. Mazanec (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) (MODUL University Vienna, Austria) prof. Chris Cooper prof. Douglas G. Pearce (Oxford Brooks University, UK) (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zeland) prof. (emeritus) Graham M.S. Dann prof. Philip L. Pearce (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Alta Campus, (James Cook University, Australia) Norway) prof. nadzw. dr hab. Krzysztof Podemski prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Dziubiński (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) (University of Physical Education in Warsaw, prof. dr hab. Andrzej Rapacz Poland) (Wrocław University of Economics, Poland) prof. Milan Ďuriček prof. Chris Ryan (University of Presov, Slovakia) (The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zeland) prof. Charles R. Goeldner prof. (emeritus) H. Leo Theuns (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA) (Tilburg University, Netherlands) prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Gołembski prof. (emeritus) Boris Vukonić (Poznań University of Economics, Poland) (University of Zagreb, Croatia) prof. Jafar Jafari prof. nadzw. dr hab. Bogdan Włodarczyk (University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA) (University of Lodz, Poland) prof. nadzw. dr hab. Magdalena Kachniewska prof. Arch G. Woodside (Warsaw School of Economics, Poland) (Carroll School of Management, Boston College, USA) prof. nadzw. dr hab. Marek Kazimierczak prof. nadzw. dr hab. Michał Żemła (Poznan University of Physical Education, Poland) (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland) Editors of this Volume Wiesław Alejziak, Bartosz Szczechowicz Statistical Editor dr Stanisław Matusik Language Editor (English version) Soren Gauger, AmE Native Katarzyna Smith-Nowak (native speaker) Folia Turistica – journalWDVN¿QDQFHGZLWKLQWKHIUDPHZRUNRIFRQWUDFW 1R3'81IURPWKHIXQGVRIWKH0LQLVWHURI6FLHQFHDQG+LJKHU(GXFDWLRQ LQWHQGHGIRUWKHSRSXODULVDWLRQRIHGXFDWLRQ The translation of the volume was co-financed from the funds of the Małopolska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. in Kraków Address: University of Physical Education, Krakow al. Jana Pawła II 78, 31-571 Krakow, Pawilon IV, pok. 316, tel. +48 12 6831139 We wish to inform that in relation to all papers published in Folia Turistica, the version which is considered to be primal is the printed one. ISSN 0867-3888, e-ISSN 2353-5962 © Copyright by University of Physical Education, Krakow, Poland Opracowanie DTP: Ryszard Sasorski (Dział Nauki i Wydawnictw w Krakowie) Druk: Drukarnia Eikon Plus Dominik Sieńko, ul. Wybickiego 46, 31-302 Kraków Nakład: 250 egzemplarzy Vol. 50(1) FOLIA TURISTICA 2019 CONTENTS Aleksander Tyka: Publisher’s Foreword – A Word from the Rector . 5 Wiesław Alejziak, Bartosz Szczechowicz: From the Editors . 7 Bartosz Szczechowicz: “Folia Turistica” in 1990-2018 – a Bibliometric Analysis . 15 Tomasz Rusin: Analysis of Quotes from Articles Published in “Folia Turistica” in 1990-2016. 37 Wiesław Alejziak: Methodological Imaging of Academic Works© as a Method of Visualizing Academic Activities (Based on Articles Published in “Folia Turistica” in 2014-2018) . 67 Stanisław Matusik: Statistical Tools and Methods Used in Works Published in “Folia Turistica” between 1990-2018 . 99 Andrzej Kowalczyk: Where are the Boundaries of the “Geographical” Approach in the Research on Tourism? Reflections after the Analy- sis of Articles Published in “Folia Turistica” Journal in the Years 1990-2018 . 133 Grzegorz Gołembski: Contribution of “Folia Turistica” Journal to the Development of Research and Popularisation of Economic Kno- wledge in the Scope of Tourism . 151 Michał Żemła: The Contribution of ”Folia Turistica” to the Deve- lopment of Research on Marketing in Tourism . 175 Ewa Roszkowska: The Contribution of ”Folia Turistica” to the Development of Research and the Popularisation of Historical Kno- wledge on the Topic of Tourism. 193 Maria Zowisło: The Contribution of ”Folia Turistica” to the Deve- lopment and Popularisation of Philosophical Research on Tourism 217 Sabina Owsianowska: Tourism from an Anthropological Perspective in the Journal “Folia Turistica” (1990-2018). 239 Andrzej Matuszyk: Pedagogical Reflections on Tourism in the “Folia Turistica” Journal (1990-2018). 263 Ryszard Winiarski: The Contribution of “Folia Turistica” to the Re- search on Free Time and Recreation in Poland . 285 Zygmunt Kruczek: Contribution of the Journal ”Folia Turistica” in Research and Popularisation of Knowledge in the Scope of “Krajo- znawstwo” (Sightseeing) . 293 4 CONTENTS Magdalena Kachniewska: Scientific Communication in the World of Digital Technologies: Conditions and Perspectives Regarding the Development of Scientific Journals. 307 REVIEWS, COMMENTS, SCIENTIFIC CONTROVERSY, MEMORIES Wojciech Biernacki: “Folia Turistica” – 49 Used Opportunities Viewed from the Perspective of Former Creators and Editors of the Journal . 351 Sabina Owsianowska: “The Language of Tourism Man”. Memories of Professor Graham Dann (1941-2018) . 371 * * * Information and Instructions for Authors. 379 Vol. 50(1) FOLIA TURISTICA 2019 PUBLISHER’S FOREWORD – A WORD FROM THE RECTOR The idea of celebrating the fiftieth issue of “Folia Turistica” at the Uni- versity of Physical Education in Krakow, is not accidental, even though it does not mark the round anniversary of thirty years of the journal publica- tion, which will occur in 2020. However it provides a splendid opportunity to commemorate people who, over the last few decades, have established the journal’s image, bolstering the scientific status of the Academy and creating its unique atmosphere. The team editing the journal has analyzed the aca- demic articles pertaining to tourism. They have aimed to show the evolution of “Folia Turistica” over the past thirty years, successively adapting to the de- mands of the publishing market, academic communities, and the conditions for specialist journals at various times. The results of the analyses unequivo- cally show that “Folia Turistica’s” path has been effective. Over the years it has made its mark, and become one of the most highly rated and widely read academic tourism periodicals, which can only make my University proud. The journal is becoming more recognized around the world year by year, which can be measured by the annually increasing number of cited works in the Web of Science and SCOPUS databases. The editors support innovative pub- lishing initiatives and accept original publications, especially those support- ing socio-economic development, thus improving the status of the journal. This is largely the work of many passionate scholars, employees of the Tour- ism and Recreation Faculty at our University, and in particular, the members of the Academic Council and the editorial board of “Folia Turistica”, who have created the image of the journal for years. And here, on behalf of myself and the heads of the University, I would like to extend my warmest gratitude to all those involved with “Folia Turistica” for their creativity, commitment, passion and energy they put into editing the journal. For my own part, I shall make every effort to help “Folia Turis- tica” carry out its ambitious aims in the years to come. Professor Aleksander Tyka Rector of University of Physical Education in Krakow Vol. 50(1) FOLIA TURISTICA 2019 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.4494 FROM THE EDITORS Our editorial team’s idea of making a special edition of the fiftieth issue of Folia Turistica (FT) was born quite suddenly, but it ripened slowly. Over time, however, we gained the conviction that it is right to look back and even criti- cally appraise the articles we have published over nearly thirty years, in one of the oldest and, or so we gather, most respected journals exploring tourism from an academic standpoint. For while at present there is a greater support for publishing initiatives that are entirely original and based on innovative ap- proaches, particularly those that support socio-economic development, scholar- ship perhaps cannot progress without evaluating the path it has come. This is all the more true when it comes to a journal, which is, after all, a work in prog- ress, merging and integrating the academic reflections of scholars from many different fields and a range of academic communities, generating discussion and critical appraisals of theoretical concepts and methodological approaches. Making this kind of self-evaluation of our journal also seems justified in that it has been attempted by one of the world’s top academic tourism journals, Annals of Tourism Research. There we find a compelling metaphor, in which book publications are compared to static lakes and ponds, as opposed to aca- demic journals, which
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