f .rt T 33 ì. I stuffand it was kinda hard to say it to pee all people who sought a peaceful resolution I am incgnsed with Paley's communique contain your name. Two intra-Agency ple here who are just really feeling such joy of the Vietnam conflict. There are some IWIN, 4/24175], complete with battle rflèmoranda, pertaining to activities on be- after they've been thinking of practically who cheered the advance of the pRG cartographics, dotted lines, arrows and half of the anti-war movement are being nothing else but this day for the last ten forces-I consider such a position as pro- shaded territory. withheld in accord with exemptions (b) years. My mom says,that everyone çlse feels war, as that of those who urged the invasion I am incensed with Dave McReynolds (l)-and (b) (5) of the Freedom of Infbrma- pretty much the same way as I do. I now of North Vietnam and Cambodia. who, lome months àgo at a seminar o4 'tion Act. The other item, which contains feel very guilty for putting such heavy I'm very disappointed when IVIN, a pacilìsm ànd socialism (in DC), excused your namê irì a list of individuals, is denied thoughts to an event that definitely warrants pacifiit magazine, uses the term libe¡ation the bodily and psychological oppression of in¡àccord with exemptions (b) (ó) and (b) endless celebration and I also just started in association with military campaigns. gays in Cuba with the oid "but look at (7 ), of the Act. Mr. Charles A. Briggs, Chief, thinking about the fact that everyone who It is relatively easy to be opposed to everything else that's changed" line. This iq Services Sta[ made the decisions regarding comes back from a visit to North Vietnam war when the military advantage is seeming- akin to asking black people to support the frst two items; Charles W. Kane, cannot stop talking about the Vietnamese' ly with the repressive side (the bad guys), apartheid.in South Atiica because the Director of Security, is the denying ofücial tremendous joy of lifê and optimism in the but it is just as important to be opposed to standard of living of black people in that on the other item. face of all odds and how this was the base war when the military advantage swings to nation-state is higher than that of blacks in As provided by the Act; you may appeal fo¡ so much of their incredible persevefanc€. the more sympathetic side. To do otherwise other African nåtion-states. If you a3kgd a these decisions to the CIA Info¡mation Re- How hard it is to be optimistic when all is to support the concept of the just war. black to do that you would be açcused vibw Committee, within 30 days, via the you've ever lived in was the belly of the Are pacifists to be relegated to the ¡ole of rightfully of supporting þenocide and undersisned. -ROBERT S. YOUNc campfollowers suicidal behai¿ior by black people. Yet gay beast?! Well I'm feeling pessimistic and al- of armed struggles? Not to ' \¡ Freedom of Information Coordinator 'so guilty about it and I shall stop, cease protest the PRG military violation of the - people "should look at the total picture"?! r' Central lntelligence Agency Peace being May 1 and desist immediately. If the Vietnamese Paris Accords is to make hollow ou¡ I don't feel like told to commit,. ,, Washington, DC 1975 I Vot. Xl¡ No. 17 ;l .. could be optimistic under bombs, at least peace work of the past several years. suicide for socialism anymoÍe. I don't feef ' Freedom of Information? ! I can be without them. -DIANE BECKER What is to be done? We need to be co¡r- like looking at battle maps fìom Southeast 5. The Spirit of Terror is Born I Murray New York, NY cerned about the fate of third force peoplé; Asia and reading Paley's rehash of the pious Bookchin Feliz Libe¡tad ! M ! ! More power to the hopefully they will be able to play an active doublespeak of people whose strategy for Vietnamese! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !@$%T&*! Right On! role in the úork of reconciliation within "libe¡ation'l (rvhat a jokp!) includes the 9. Louise Michel:. "Angel" of the Paris Hurray and thank the fucking lord they Vietnam; hopefully a new set of political rocketing of cities, the taking of ter¡itories Commune I'MârionLeighton finally did Actually don't thank the fuck- and the establishment of states. OK it! Thank you for your timely Indochma prisoners will not take the place of present lt's 12.The IWW Rolls Oq..,l Croig Ledford ing lord. More power to jncredible human special 5lll7Sl. I especially ap political prisoners. for the PRG or GRUNK to kill babies and IWIN, 15. America's Decentralist Dean Mild¡ed strength.ând perseverance. Less powet to preciated the articles by Tom In the US we can work send not OK for LBJ or RMN to kill babies? / Cornell, to humani- ¡ the corporate war machine ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Jim Forest, and Staughton Lynd, Some tarian aid to both South and North Vietnam. Obviously, it isn't. If you can't co. J. Loomis just the US system you can't Recy-"híng Good Grief I realized that I really never of the other,articles caused me to wondeÌ- It is again timely to press for unconditional operate with 1 8. Changes believed that I would see the day when the How can the public understand what peace amnesty in our own country. And it is es cooperate with other violent (physically Given the waste-not-want-not (etc.) 20. Reviews US was out of Vietnam to say nothing is about when people in the peace move- pecially important for us to mâintain ¿ or psychologically) systems. There is a flourishes with which President Ford about Cdmbodia. A FAR OUT day ofjoy visible peace scale on which violent behavior against ment rejoice at the military victory of the movement which speaks out. launched his "Whip lnflation Nqw" Cover: Drawing of Michael Bakunin for the Vietnamese, O,nly aside from my Provisional Revolutionary Govemment for peace on all occasions. LAZAR human beir.rgs can be measured. The Saigon and -ED program, it is only fitt¡nÈ that a siz- (1814-1876) by Phyllis Hochberg, absolutely dying of relief that American. the military conquest of Cambodia? Cambridge, Mass, regime, the PRG, North Vietnam and the be US are same place on this scale.. able stock of those little red WIN but: , bombs will no longer falling on Viet- With the PRG military d¡ive now success all at the namese villages (and 'ful is impossible speak of either tons has been acquired-cheap-þy ¡¡s more important, vil- people will point to the "success" of I'm inclined to âgree with the position of It tptaliy to pacifÌst publishes lagers) I also have a very sad and depressing armed struggle. Twenty-five years of armed Tom Cornell and Jim Fo¡est about the end "liberation" or "pfotecting democracy" commune which although people and get me beliçve ¡ealization that this is a tremendous struggle in Vietnam has resulted in millions of the Vietnam war. It would ¡eally have while killing to WlN, a magaz¡ne which takes it name victory you for the Vietnamese and in many dead, tortured, and maimçd, and held back been something to rejoice about, ifvictory any mofe. from Workihop in Nonviolence and to STAFF ways a welcome defeat 'fhere are dialogical in one ba{tle against a peaceful struggle which might have ended had come by nonviolent means. revolutionary strug- which several welf-known ant¡war * the imperialist war machine greaf gles going on. ¡r and-a im- with real human success. We in the peace It is not fo¡ me to criticize the op If the WRL and the WIN leaders have contributed. ln that the M¡ris C¡kus Sus¡n C¡k¡rs. Chrrck F{lc petous to continue to wage those battles, it movement need edito¡iai collectìve want to save their repu- . to be clear that armed strug- pressed for taking up the sword, but.I caft President's Wl N program-whiclí the Mrry Mayo. St¡s¡n Pincc' Frcd Ro¡cn is not nearly a defeat of the machine itself. gle cannot be successful in terms of the total tations as both nonviolent and revolution- close my eyes to the consequences of vie magazine once labeled a "quack Murr¡y Roccnblith .MutñâThomå¡cs, So although I am absolutely flipped out human situation, and that any armed vic- ary facilitators of change, why don't they i1 lence, History is ruthless on that score. I with happiness and remedy" for. i nfl ation-has been total support fo¡ the tory represeñts a setback to the end of of Violence breeds future violence. Have the cooperate with these struggles by dispatch- Vietnamese in abandoned. buttons are agaín THEIR victory, I'm also real- wa¡ and the creation.of peacemaking inótru- rockets and missiles of the North Viet- ing more reporteri and workers tç them? "WlN UNINDIC.ÍED ly torn about people here hollering "we ments and institutions. nameþ killed no innocents? Is the PRG a These are the struggles we can learn from fashionable;" its subscribers were told CO@NSPIRATORS won! ! ! ! ! !" all over the place. hope I I'm ex- As events unfolded it seems that the US stranger to the machine gun? best. in a recent letter appealing for funds plaining it right, I'm really confused 1, about was better prepaied to accept a military de- The problem for the pacifist stillro Despite.
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