September 3, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 27465 Robert D. Rasmussen Thomas M. Schuler Phil:ip A. Stanley John R. Taylor, III William Wallace, Jr. Ronald A. Wickes Earl K. Reed Randolph L. Schultz Sally A. Stansbury Carl W. Thiem Thomas H. Walsh, Jr. Rodney J. Wija.s Frank C. Revels Jerry D. Schutt John E. Steele Mark C. Thoman Larry E. Walther Ronald D. Wilczak Lynnae C. Reynolds Kenneth A. Schwarz Thomas G. Stefek Gregory E. Thompson Michael B. Warlick John A. Wilkerson Ronald R. Rhoads Peter R. Seal Dennis L. Steigmann Lloyd M. Thorne Char'les R. Wa.ters Richard P. Wilks Theron D. Rogers Vincent A. Sessa Blake R. Stephens John D. Thornton Ray E. Watkins Glenn R. Williams Sumner J. Rollings John L. Sexton Cortez D. Stephens John M. Thornton Jo A. Weatherford Herlis A. Williams, Jr. Christopher J. Ross Jerry M. Seybert Fria.nk D. Stephens Julius S. Tindall Randell A. Webb Cornell A. Wilson, Jr. Richard K. Rothell Thomas C. Shoger Mark Stevens Carl E. Treutle Alfred W. Webber Frances C. Wilson Samuel J. Routson Robert W. Skaggs Michael K. Stevens Lon A. Troxel Curtis A. Weber Gregory V. Wilson Byron D. Ruble James M. Sluder III Scott H. Stevens George T. Tucker Robert A. W. Wehrle Paul T. Wilson Charles H. Rucks Charles R. Smith III Clayton E. Stll1ings Ronald D. Twardy Randall B. West Robert T. Wolfertz Gregory M. Russell Edward M. Smith Randolph B. Straut-John G. Upton John A. Wester, Jr. Franklin P. Wood Francis X. Ryan Gary E. Smith man Steven K. Vandoren Michael J. Wheeler Michael S. Woodson Fay G. Sanford, Jr. Gullford V. Smith, Jr. John S. Street Frank A. Vargas III James R. Wheeler John A. Woodward Stephen T. York Randall E. Smith Joseph J. Streitz Thomas J. Venters Allen K. White John W. Saputo Brett N. Younkin Steven D. Summers Kenne,th A. Vincent Roderick E. White Ronald R. Sauer Peter K. Solecki Joseph M. Zeimetz Kenneth E. Schaub Wayne A. Spencer Kenneth W. Tarrent,Joseph M. Vizzier Michael G. Whitten George E. Zhookoff Gordon K. Schmaus Ma.re A. Spurgeon Jr. Joel R. Voneida Douglas L. Wood Robert R. Zimmerman Mark C. Schickner Keith J. Sta.Ider John M. Ta.ska Patricia A. Wahls Steven C. Wry Andrew D. Zinn EX·TENSIONS OF REMARKS LAKEWOOD, N.J., "TOWN OF CHAM­ climaxed the fullfilment of six goals it had curve ball to their clean-up hitter (Crum) PIONS" WINS LITTLE LEAGUE set some seven weeks ago. but I told him there's no club that can hold For Lakewood co-managers Steve "Butch" us to two runs, and if we hold them to two WORLD SERIES Belitrand, and Dick Work, it represented the we'd win." ultimate climax for a pair of friends whose Trailing 4-3 with two down in the third, HON. JAMESJ. HOWARD teams tied each other for third place during Tampa's Rick Davis sent a towering pop fly the regular season. to short center that, had it dropped in, would OF NEW JERSEY But most of all, the team's 15th consecu­ have scored Crum with the tying run. Rich­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tive victory added an illustrious chapter to ardson, however, charged, dived and speared Wednesday, September 3, 1975 Shore sports history. the would-be base hit with his glove hand. "This is certainly the biggest thrill of my "I ran my hardest and got in front of the Mr. HOWARD. Mr. Speaker, it is with life,'' said Belitrand amid a group of happy ball, so if I missed it, it wouldn't get past a great deal of pride and pleasure that kids. "Not for me, but for those 14 boys. I'm me," explained Richardson. "We work very I take this opportunity to offer my con­ so happy for all of them and they deserve hard on defense during practice and believe gratulations to the Lakewood Little everything they get." me, it pays off." Ten years from now, Belitrand may not And with the exception of a pair of Dion League baseball team on its stunning remember so fondly the victory at Howard Lowe errors spaced out over the final three victory over Tampa, Fla., in the Little J. La.made Memorial Stadium, here, as he innings, the Lakewood def.ense was excep­ League world series title game at Wil­ will a pair of dramatic comebacks on the way tionally sharp in leaving five Tampa runners liamsport, Pa. to the fine.le. stranded. The 4 to 3 win came on the strong arm "I can remember two key games very well­ '.'Dion is not used to playing shortstop," of Lakewood pitcher Bob DelConte who, Bergenfield and Burlington," smiled Beli­ said Belitrand. "It's a new position for him trand. "If anything, they were the games that and he only plays short when Bobby pitches after allowing a two run homer in the got us this far." Lakewood rallied in eight in­ first inning, stopped the Tampa team in relief. He did an adequate job." nings to top Bergenfield in the state semi­ "Defense has helped us," he added. "George cold by not giving up a single hit for finals, and scored four runs in the last of Star, (Wayne) Richardson, and John Reizer the rest of the game. the sixth to beat Burlington, Vt. in the East­ did an excellent job. When it was 4-3 I cer­ DelConte's fine effort, which included ern Regionals. tainly wasn't worried, but I was su~prised a hit of his own, was backed up offen­ Co-Manager Work called the key: dis­ we didn't score more than four runs." sively by shortstop Dion Lowe who had cipline. It was Reizer's chop single over Tampa "This team is very discipllned,'' he main­ pitcher Vance Lovelace that launched Lake­ two hits· catcher Scott Schulman, sec­ tained. "We try to preach it and work the ond bas~man John Reizer. and third wood's four-run second. Reizer moved to sec­ kids hard. I think it helps the kids under­ ond on a wild pitch, and moved to third on baseman George Starr each turned in a stand that hard work and some dedication DelConte's line single to left putting runners hit. is what it takes to be a winner." at the corners. Other starters include Jay Teitlebaum Yesterday it took a masterful one-hitter After Gary Edwards walked to load the in right field, Wayne Richardson in cen­ by pitcher Bobby DelConte coupled with bases--still with no outs-starr duplicated ter field, Rich DelConte at first base, an.d enough drive to overcome a two-run deficit Reizer's infield safety over the mound that Gary Edwards in left field. The roster is in the first inning, a sensational diving catch scored Reizer with the first run. completed by Mark Goldberg, Alex Men­ by centerfielder Wayne Richardson in the DelConte raced home on a low ball that got third, and the polished poise that has be­ by Tampa catcher Rick Davis to tie the game. dez, Scott Moresco, Kenneth Lawrence, come their trademark that nailed down the Jay Teitelbaum's grounder to third scored and Paul Zabarsky. 29th annual Little League crown. Edwards with the go-ahead run, and Scott Much credit for this victory obviously "I knew in the second inning that when Schulman closed out the rally when his goes to the team's comanagers, Steve we got men on base, we'd end up winning ground ball to shor·t was booted to Cecil "Butch" Belitrand and Dick Work, who the ballgame," claimed Belitrand. "I said the Coley allowing Starr to s<:ore the fourth run. steered the Lakewood Little Leaguers other day that if we could cut down on our "It just seems that when we need a hit we strikeouts, and keep them from hitting the get it," said Work. "That kid (Lovel~ce) through the 15 consecutive victories ball out of the park, that we would win." which led to the Little League world threw it fast and our kids did the best they Lakewood did cut down on its total strike­ could. They didn't strike out a lot today championship crown. outs (seven) but the way it started out for and that's what counts. They- hung in there I would like to again off er my sincere DelConte, few realized at the time that and swung." congratulations on a job well done, and Rick Cum's first-inning two-run home run The Eastern Regiona.l champions appeared to submit for the RECORD an article com­ was the only hit the Southern Regional on the verge of striking again in the fifth champions would manage off the 12-year-old inning when they loaded the bases with two memorating this important piece of righthander. down for Edwards. But Edwards, hitless since shore area sports history which appeared "They were definitely the best-hitting team in the August 24, 1975, Asbury Park we faced," said DelConte in something of an the Mid-Atlantic Division II tournament, Press: overstatement. "The home run shook me up averted the threat when he popped back to a little and if it was in any inning but the the mound. IT WAS A DAY THEY'LL NEVER FORGET first, it wouldn't have bothered me." Edwards, though, could not avert Crum's (By Bill Edwards) It did little to upset his teammates who fifth tournament home run in the first in­ WrLLIAMSPORT, PA.-It was one day no one sent nine batters to the plate 1n a four-run ning.
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