Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1985-86 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 4-17-1986 The thI acan, 1986-04-17 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1985-86 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1986-04-17" (1986). The Ithacan, 1985-86. 23. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1985-86/23 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1985-86 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. -, - . ' . ..: . ' . - ' . ' ...~. ... :. ,. THE ITHACAN "The Student Newspaper For Ithaca ·college" Issue 22 April 17. 1986 - U.S. STRIKES LIBYA ·he Concerns for American students abroad nd 1rr .strengthen as terrorism tension mounts nn By Jennifer Callis ·re By David Klein > " ins Europt·.in Jrd\ <'I pl,111<, .ir<· <1 i\flt'r 1hr Uniwcl Slaws rnililary eld ~rm, rng I or11 <'rrl Ill .\nwnc·d 10- ,lllark upon the Libyan nlirs of • ·rs. ctay. ,md u1Hh'r,1.i1Hilllg tilt' ·he Tnpoli and Benghazi. there Lr.; the L%W' b tilt' w.il 1<·<1r wg,11d111g rww threat 1ha1 terrorism may ne Euro1w.in l<'rrorbm. 1lw .ip­ is spread to England. proac h 10 tr<1\'l'ilng 111 I lll<>J><' ~d. With Prime MinLr.;1er Margaret right now mu~I ll<' undn!-.tool!. Thatcher'.<-, appro\'cll to c11iow lrt' nol Jee1wd and 1gnowd .\nlt'rican 1111 fighter bornllt'rs 10 "P<•Opi<• dr<' C"clllllOW,." ! idilll, ns d<·1i.m from England. th1·w L'> Gu~ Larnbrou. m, 111 ·r of 111 ·<1rn rnnrern aboul the ~afety of :nt Trawl Ccnwr. "l>u1 tlw\· <1w !-.lill ·ul­ 1\mericans in Europe: more . tr~\'cling to !~t,t~Q,P('. :\Oll·'>lop sprrifically. studrnts studying at ~er f11ght~ e1rc h<'rnming popular and he the Ithaca College London people arc not tr,l\'(·ling 111 l.irg1· IC· Center. affiliart·d group-.. II thew \11·w ~at Accorcling to Su Wood. more frcqt1<·n1 non-~1op night<, ro Program Assistant of rntrrna­ these l'ilw~. l ll<'lic\'\' tlww 8" t ional Programs. the Ithaca would he ,1 (I('( r<',l',1' 111 1hc-.1· in­ >rs c;ollege London center is 1101 cidents. TW:\ run~ one !light th,ll dosing unless tht' students· IIT, departs from IFI\ ,md <,top<, 1ll ng safety appears to lX' in jropardy. Ronw. and :\th1·n~. ))('low tin<1l he The students in Lomlon have destimllion in c:.1iro ..\notlwr 1er been advised to be cawful about TW:\ flight dep,uts IFK and their travel plans· to olher slops in l'arL., lwforc dm\·ing ill ed rnuntrirs. The ;:idministration Tel ,\ Vil'.'' ,a h,tr.; been in contact with the "Tht' media h,L'> lwrnm<· 100 1is 1hrertor in London. as well as influentral in ii~ ("()\'<'r,ig<· of the iut the American Embassy for European t<·rron.,t 111rnlcnt<,," to guidance. should the situation says Gus 1.amhrou. "Tht·\· .ir<' abroad deteriorate before tile creating c1 t<·c1r 1,11twr 111,m ,111 students return horne. undersiarid1ng ... Mter contacting studen1s at l·or those of you Juch\ <'nough the London Center. many feel to h,l\'t' tll<' oppor1ur111y to lr<l\'l'I the tension rising as demonstra­ or study ahro,HI. keep .in opt·11 tions arc lwginning outside the miud ,l!ld I)(' c.iu11ou~. llu1 do American Embassy. When not we1~I<· 1111., opportunit~· ed question1·d about thdr fPt>lings Tlwrc aw c1 fell' guul!'lnw~ ll'lwn ~Iii of safety rn Lonclon clu<' to tra\'chng c1broc1d 1hc11 n1<1k<· good ch British in\'Oln:mcnt. students travel ~r·rN· di .im 11rn<" ea dairnerl that there is a grec11 dral -Cll1'\ kin 11'1111 rtw l .'i. r-.mlJ,t,'>\ IS. of wsentmcnt towards c.s. .-.:.,;..:;c_ · when \'OU ,1m1<· 111 c1 l!iwigi1 ld citizens becmtse of the attack. -::·:'--_·~ \~-. rnurllr\' .. \~k them if 1t1<·rc L" <1m Some• stuclrnts haw already ~-: ·-_ ~ local ri°nl'<, \'OU <,hould Ill' dll'dl<' cancelled their travel plans for of di tlw 11r"11c. .'.4'' 1he summer and are returning , _ "··· • ...:.:.::.. '•• , ;\lfporl ( Oil<,( IOlNH',', I', er home immediately after finals. ~,-:!'<,·_·:-=~important. ,o Parents of students have " .:::;:-_ t~:; ..- S.:-·~ ·Tr,llll~ ,Uld IJinTil''> dfl' \ l'f\ 1d rnntacted President Whalen _ ,... :. .. European mode~ of 1ran~porl<1- is regarding the safety of students -~ :::..;..s,::::;:-..... · · _. · _- lion. They aw ,111 t'l1joval>l1· Wd\ lb in London. ~~~i:f:!i!:rtc~~-,.g:·::, . • -..; · . · to see EuroJX'. in<'XJ)('n~111·. ,uHI Whl'n spr.iking to one . "'"' ··- -~ · ~- ~- . ~P.:;;;-~:i...,Cnopn. ~ ·' wry accessil>I<·. concerned parent. she statt·d Ithaca C<Jllege students stand outside of the Ithaca London Center in the Southwest section of London. -Stay 111 youth hoswb. or twd rhat, "Pre.sidrnt Whalen seerne<I and break.sl,L'>I~ ·r ry to <1\ oid upset about something an<I :\merirnn hotel'i. unprepared to speak to -Do not hang out 1n t:ml>,b~~ parents." She continued to say d1Stricts. rhat''his attitude wa'> hardlined: c.ampus concerns recognized Has terrorism 111 Europe af­ he had no plans. or answers. so far,the President repliedthar fected Ithaca College·s London By Kris wend The host of the forum. Marc and would not take total respon­ Roberts. began the evening by no one thing in particular stood centr.r! "The slluatio·n -ha; af· sibility for the safety of student~." ICB-T\"s campus 6 show and discussing some of the many out in his mind but rather thal he ft;,·tcd !he fall seme~ler's enroll· President Whalen stated that the Student Government co­ accomplishments which Presi­ is very proud that many thing.s nwnL Parcnls are hesitant to "Ithaca College London Center sponsored an open forum on dent Whalen has been respon­ have been accomplished. send their kids atiroad." s,1y!i Among them President Whalen ,• . is remaining open" and expects Monday night in lhe Chapel. The sible for over his past eleven Su Wood. to have the academic inteSTity of purpose of !his forum was 10 years at Ithaca College. The mentioned the retired debt. the Understandin!,( the !>Huc1tron p the program be maintained. give llhaca College students the President modestly stated that. \'t'I)' successful fund raising and acting as a consciow, drive. the stabilized ruition. and I, when asked if students feel chance 10 find out more about "Most of my time is spent here 1raveler makes the opportunity ;t threatened or uncomfortable. if President Whalen and 10 ask working with rn}' vice president. the s1reng1hening of the rt·rnain what it has always been: they have the alternative of him any questions they had my deans, and my directors. It academic program, in particular. a chance to grow and unders­ :r returning home and completing concerning current campus is the management team as a the Business School. tancl foreign cultures. and in­ The President was asked J, their finals in Ithaca. he stated issues. The forum was also held whole that makes Ithaca tt>ract with people whose several important questions ). that if students wanted to come to provide an opportunity for the successful." lifestyles are different from our :r home they could and we would President to talk with students When asked what he felt his see Whalen page 4 own. see London page J about his concerns. greatest achievement has been g 2 THE ITHACAN April 17, 1986 Campus Wide Hunger Fast on May 2 By Anita Engler penses such as rent and elec­ and Fishes averaged serving up your meal plan for an entire and in the Textor Hall areas for trical bills. 1400 meals a month so far in day you know that you will student, faculty and staff not par­ Getting pudgy? Starve for a day Loaves and Fishes, another 1986. This is surely a good directly be supporting the lives ticipating in the meal plan. Sign and help someone else put on a social service organization de,als reason to believe that there are of many residents. If you are a ups for the Hunger Fast will be pound. Giving up your meal plan strictly with the resident of many who depend on this group student on the 19 meal plan. in the Terrace and Towers din­ for just.. one day would play a Ithaca, that are primarily to survive. Again, as with the skipping three meals will donate ing halls, Tuesday April 22. from cr;uciol role in raising enough unemployable; such as the Salvation Army, Loaves and S7.00. If you are on the 14 meal sam-7:30pm. "Fast day will be money to ensure the survival of learning disabled, mentally ill or Fishes has recieved great sup­ plan. skip­ 1-'riday May 2. Remember, thr two important local charity chroAic alchoholics. some of port from the community ping two meals in one day money you donate will go groups for an entire year. these people have part time jobs through donations of food. woold donate S6.00, and if you directly to local organizations. The Ithaca College Student but in general, income and However. since grants have are on the five meal plan, skip­ There is a problem of hunger all Government, Pi Lambda Oli and welfare are far too small for any been limited, Loaves and Fishes ping one meal will donate ~.25. over the world even here in Ithaca College Religious Council means of obtaining acceptable has encountered an 58,000 debt If 1000 students can give up their Ithaca, New York.
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