;• .-Thursday, November 2, 1972-1 no be held Sunday at the National State Bank on Morris avenue, Springfield, at 3 p.m. Infor- FRIDAYDEADLINE x Total accounting' All Items other than spot news should Runnells property mation about the committee is available from Virginia Woo/f times 2 Barbara Hemllnger at 376-9233 or Helgn be In our office by noon on Friday. urged by POW unit Gruendl at 353-2469, Penard added. for seniors housing Paul Penard of Springfield, chairman of the In cats of tmargency SELL BABY'S old toys with a The Zip Code 81 actors play 4 characters Union County POW and MIA Committee, has Want Ad. Call 686-7700, dolly » te call., proposed by Ulrich called for "a total accounting of all our men" if 5:00. a peace settlement Is reached in Southeast VOLVO GOES TO GREAT 376-0400 for Police Deportment for Springfield IT " Freeholder Walter E. Ulrich, chairman of the , Edward Albee's Broadway success, "Wha's theory provides the basis for our production." Asia. •-.... or First Aid Squad ^Department of.. Public Affairs and General Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" will be presented "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" was LENGTHS TO STOP YOU Welfare of the Union County Board of Chosen"- with a new and different interpretation by the Albee's first Broadway play in 1962, following Penard stated that the MIAs outnumber RETIREMENT 376-0144 for Flrf< PTartmint 07081 •Freeholders, announced this week that he plans Union College Dramatic Society under the his off-Broadway success with "The ZooPOWs held in North Vietnam by more than two "to ask the Board qf Freeholders to review the direction of Donald Julian of North Plalnfield, Story," "The American Dream," "The Death to one, "A horrible crime and injustice will be IN SHORT ONES use of some of the county property at Runnells professor of English at Union College as well as of Bessie Smith," and "The Sandbox." committed by every citizen of this country If SALE!!! Come tesl-stup our Volvos PublUhtd tfry Thix.doy by Trumcx Publishing Carp. Hospital for the construction of senior'citizens playwright and director. Among those appearing in the Union College these men are forgotten in our euphoria of with 4-wheel power 4VUaun|g|n ov.., Sfolngflald, H.J. 07061 - 686-7700 housing. "Virginia Woolf" will be staged in the production are Mark Mangan of 412 Harrison peace," Penard said. "We cannot have another V ROSEKBERG'S disc brakes. I Ubrich stated that housing studies con- Campus Center theatre of Union College's ave., Roselle, and Miss Jill Lerner of 848 Nilcs North Korea, where our men went unaccounted L. 44 NO. 5 Mailing AAJruii SPRINGFIElDrNJ.,THURSDAY.lNOVEMBER9, J972 Subscription Rat* Second Clasi Postag* \ ductged by the New Jersey State Office on Cranford campus on Wednesday, Thursday. rd., Union. for." "' - ' SPECIAL P.O. Bo« 69, SprlngfUld, N.J. 07081 M.SO Y.orly ' Pold at Spilngll.ld, K.J. 20 Cents Per Copy Aging, under the direction of Peter M. Shields, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Nov. 15, 16, 17, Tic.keets may be purchased at the door. GUN SHOP LONG TERM LEASING AVAILABLE He said that those interested in working with point to the need for such housing. "There is an 18, and 19, at 7:30 p.m. A 3 p.m, matinee per- 2266 Springfield Ave. formance is also scheduled for Sunday. « -ihe-eommittee-fihould attend (ho noxMneeting— • -estimated shortage of 3,600senior housing units PAINTERS, ATTENTIOMJ Sell yourself to 30,000 , Union, N.J. SNYTHE VOLVO me. in Union County," said Ulrich. "This takes into Prof. Julian has cast eight students—four families witti a low-cost . ' '; . USED CARS DON'T DIE...they iujt trade-away. Sell 684-3989 . consideration those units already planned and men and four women—in the four characters of Want Ad. Coll M6 7700. , ' yours with a low-cost Want Ad. Call 686-7700. 326 MORH1S JIVE., SUMMIT 273-4200 approved for construction. "Virginia Woolf." The play iB not double- 'casted, so_why_the ejetra actors? __ -.. Republican sweep helps 3 gain local offices " "In addition to the need for seniors housing," "When we examine the personalities of NOW YOU CAN he continued, "there is also a need for socinl Martha and George," Prof. Julian explained, and medical services for those aged alrtady in "we notice male and female traits in each. This housing but unable to. care for themselves.' Town races Dr. Udut appointed aide FOOD SUPERMARKETS CHARGE FOOD I ON FOOD PURCHASES OF $15 OR MORE go to Stiso, to UnioA College prexy SALE TODAY thru SAT. ' -\ AT ANY TWO GUYS FOOD SUPERMARKET The appointment oT Dr.the University of Miami and Edward Udut of Elizabeth as served for several years as a ••*•••.•; .' Wasserman administrative assistant to the counselor' where he was Convince Yoursi 91 M president of Union College responsible for. the discipline, si. .M was announced this week, by counseling, and activity " Our Trim is Better m Buehrer beats Ruff - Pr. Kenneth W. Iversen, programming of - un- >Mifeh&. president. dergraduate and graduate for clerk's position Dr. Udut earned a bachelor students. Our Trim is Better Following the impetus of a sweep across the of arts degree with a major in He later joined Miami's top of the ticket,-local Republicans won on speech, a master of education administration as financial Tuesday in contests for two seats on the Bring the Kids. degree in student personnel aid officer and worked in Chuck Steak Township Committee and for the post of services, and a master of arts housing, the office of the dean township clerk. Republican Edward Stiso Jr. WE LOVE EM degree in American history, of men, and tests and Rib Steak defeated Arthur Kesselhaut for a three-year all from the University of measurement. Dr. Udut also term-on-the-governlng-body-by 454 votes, 4,230 1790 Springfield Avo Miami. He won his doctorate served two years as a Short Cut to 3,776. MAPLEWOOD in educational administration research assistant in the _ Robert Wassermarr won from John Marino from the iTni»i»rcjty—of- -Oftico of (net - for aflne-year term bjrl84 votes, 4T090 br3;908. 486 Eagle Hock Awa. Alabama. Research and Services at the hnr—Birelim1 duteuled Dnilg Ruff lei WEST ORANGE Dr. Udut was the recipient University of Miami. CHOICE township clerk by 672 votes, 4,277 to 3,605. (All of a graduate assistantship in While pursuing his . BEEF these totals are without the absentee ballots.) residence hall counseling at education and employment at The victory gives the Republicans a 4-1 the University, Dr. Udut held TI majority on the governing body. a variety of business positions :• 1"! The three candidates at the head of the GOP which enabled'him to gain ticket were closely bunched. Well ahead of experience -in management. Our Trim I* Better \««u«i i Our' rim U B*tt*r the remainder of the slate. Sen. Clifford P. Case He managed a fraternity Boni less Shoulders WGm* . PRODUCE DEPTX California Chuck Full cut faS—H' -trounced—Democrat—J?aul—J.—Krebs—la— house, two motels with pools, Springfield, as he did throughout the state. His Now there ore SWEIT CALIfODNIA golf and tennis courts, ' an Crossrib local margin was 5,352 to 2,425. Richard Nixon apartment uilding, a health extended his presidential landslide locally, studio, and a restaurant while Honey Dews winning 4,999 votes to 3,310 for Sen. George BEST WISHES — Dorl« Ruff, Democratic candidate for township clerk, extends her working his way through Gov't. Inlpoctad Our Trim It Bitter ••/;?!»,«•••• -.'•« McGovern. wishes for a successful term to her victorious Republican opponent, Arthur three sedans school in Miami and Alabama. OurTrfm it Bettor Buehrer. " • Chicken Breast Chicken lamb Chops State Sen. Matthew J. Rinaldo, building his Dr. .Udut is married to the Ground own landslide in his race for the House of Bananas I Genuine -former-Judith—Fischer—o: Quarter! ~T'M f^ Representatives, led Democrat Jerry English, Belmar who is employed by i to 2,981. f : Kaufman and Kaufman, law p 'fRESH LEAN Ibi m lb. —bollt lifer— SWEET FLORIDA JUICE The President carried 11 oT Springfield's 13 firm in Elizabeth. W . districts, all-except the 8th and llth. Rinaldo ' won 12 of the 13, all but the llth, and Sen. Case GOV'T.INSPECTED CHICKEN PARTS 3N5 TrodHlonol hond»haK«t ft -She •4r ata Jehn Morlr ~Rr4j-^#_ London BrOil swept the boards, winning in all ll Club plans trnncrhtic; cflndidotl" ggrea t thtt Republicap n wlnrwrv .ym »lhg»t.-..q.ri<l: Rypgblfednt Ed Stl»6 Jr. qnd'-.R6Wft" -liv-the—elaoont local oonleet.—WaBserman '.2 Drumsticks! Thighs I Legs ' th« two on the Townshfo WassBrmon. (Photo-Grophlc») "carried seven of the 13.districts, the 1st, 2nd, If you think Volkswagens'only come in one basic sedan, Shoulder Steak ByABNERGOLD report on absentee ballots which gave the CMOICl \ iiuiiiiiiiuiiiiinumiiuiiiiiiiliimiiiiiiuimuuiniiuiiimiiiitiuiiinHtiMniimiiuimiiiir 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 13th, Over the past years, Jl here.'are. three surprises tor you. : ramble,Jiike ( Dttf J imtramtniw M Uio GOP hag usually carried the DistricUl, 3, The atmosphere at the tai municipal Democrats a big edge. Republican heAoDUfiile^ nlgBfwau "From 'ouTward appearances the calmest ArB^le.and^hike. _._ ^l»l At scheduled-UilB"wee1«enff for VWjum PanetoWm I „ members'and'Quests of the - •- -,%-• - Boiled Ham SUGAR CURfD SpN£USS 6RISKEI s j$qr. Wasserman 'broke through 2nd, 9th BuftrmatJoD of tUe tutor* ) The Bret several districts to report' In were Union County; Hiking Club. C TOWNSHIP .- •-•''-',•" :'J traditionally Republican and they showed the ib 69 Sliced Bacon VAC PACK TOWNSHIP.
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