Return to home page APEBH 2009 Asia-Pacific Economic and Business History Conference 主催:オーストラリア&ニュージーランド経済史学会 開催地:学習院大学 開催日:2009年2月18-20日 テーマ:『国際経済&ビジネスにおけるアジア太平洋』 Home Call for Papers Registration Programme Prizes and Awards Keynote Lecture Accommodation Functions Venue Contacts Return to home page 2009 Conference The 2009 Conference will be hosted by Gakushuin University When: 18-20 February 2009 Where: Gakushuin University, Tokyo (Japan) “Asia-Pacific in International Economy and Business” Return to home page Call for Papers English Version PDF Copy - Japanese Translation Return to home page Registration APEBH 2009 Registration Form APEBH 2009 Credit Card Payment Form Please complete the above forms, photocopy for your records, and post, fax or e-mail to: Shinobu Majima Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University 1-5-1 Mejiro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-8588, JAPAN Fax: +81-3-5992-1007 E-mail: [email protected] 上記の用紙をご記入後、控えのコピーをお取りになった上、郵送、ファックス、または、電子メールにて、登録手続き をお願い致します。 支払いに関しましては、上記クレジットカード支払用紙をご利用いただくか、または下記の口座へ振込みをお願いいた します。 三菱東京UFJ銀行 目白駅前支店 普通口座 店番 174 口座番号 0481335 171-8588 東京都豊島区目白1-5-1 学習院大学 経済学部 准教授 眞嶋史叙 Fax: +813 5992 1007 E-mail: [email protected] Return to home page Programme Please Note: The permission of the author is required to use any material from the papers presented at this conference. All sessions will be held in West 1 Building Wednesday 18th February Registration, 10.00-11.00 Block One, 11-12.30 1. Historiographical Reflections Wednesday 11:00 - 12:30 Chair - Chris Lloyd Yuzawa, Takeshi Gakushuin University, Japan Recent trends of business history in Japan Ohnuki, Mari and Masanori Takashima, Bank of Japan Recent trends in researches in Japanese economic history: from the viewpoint of archival materials in the Bank of Japan Archive Lunch, 12.30-13.30 Block Two, 13.30-15.00 2. Colonisation and Migration Wednesday 1:30 - 3:00 Chair - David Clayton Gupta, Bishnupriya University of Warwick, UK Information and Capital Flows in Colonial India: The Industrial Divide between British and Indian Business Ward, Anthony Brock University, Canada Unsustainable Property Rights on Aboriginal Reserves on the Canadian Prairies, 1870 to 1910 Carter, Susan University of California, Riverside Celestial Suppers: The Political Economy of America’s Chop Suey Craze, 1900-1930 3. Environmental issues Chair - Larry Lepper Harris, Edwyna, Robert Brooks and Yovina Joymungul Monash University, Australia The effects of centrally determined water prices on irrigation water demand: evidence from the Victorian State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, 1906-1984 Nattawoot Koowattanatianchai, Michael B Charles and Ian Eddie, Southern Cross University, Australia Accelerated Depreciation: Establishing a Historical and Contextual Perspective 4. Australian Business History Chair - Rick Garside van der Eng, Pierre Australian National University Philips in Australia since 1926: Host Country Policies and Parent Company Strategy Pearse, Malcolm Macquarie University, Australia The Management Rush Coffee, tea break, 15.00-15.30 Block Three, 15.30-17.00 Chair - Martin Shanahan 5. Social Capital and Community Development Frost, Lionel Monash University, Australia The formation and persistence of innate social capital in an Australian country town: a case study of Mildura, 1887-1944 Reveley, James University of Wollongong, Australia Social Capital in Pluralistic Joint Ventures: The case of Lyttleton Stevedoring Company, 1977-89. Heller, Michael Queen Mary, University of London, UK Ilford and the Marketing of a Suburb: a multi-stakeholder and sustainable approach Visit to Historial Museum, 17:00 - 18:00 Conference Reception, 18:00 - 19:30 at Hitachi Club Thursday 19th February Block Four, 9-10.30 Chair - Edwyna Harris 6. Energy in postwar Japan Kobori, Satoru Nagoya University, Japan Japan's energy policy during the 1950s: the reasons for the rapid switch from coal to oil Shimanishi, Tomoki Rikkyo University, Japan Economic Growth, Resources and the Environment: The Use of Fossil Fuels in Japan's postwar industrialisation Umeno, Naotoshi University of Hyogo, Japan Historical analysis about the early stages of the Iran-Japan Petrochemical project 7. East Asian Business History from Depression to Postwar Chair - Dong-woon Kim Ryu, Sang-yun Seoul National University, Rep of Korea The Impact of the Great Depression on the Korean Silk Industry David Clayton University of York, UK Counterfeiting under colonialism: the evolution of legal regimes proteching intellectual property in Hong Kong, c.1948 - 1962 Yamafuji, Ryutaro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Organization of the Multinational Enterprise: A Study of Mitsui & Co. in China 8. Restrictive Practices Chair - Richard Sutch Wilson, John and Martin Shanahan University of South Australia Lobbying and Trade Protection in Colonial Australia Amaral, Luciano Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Rent Seeking and Economic Growth: Europe and East Asia, the Cases of Portugal and Taiwan (1950-2007) Coffee, tea break, 10.30-11.00 Block Five, 11-12.30 9. Technological change II (high tech) Chair - Wendy Spinks Coopersmith, Jonathan Texas A&M, USA The Decline of Fax and the Rise of Keitai, e-mail, and the Web in Japan and the United States Shimizu, Hiroshi Hitotsubashi University, Japan Breakthrough Illusions in the case of semiconductor laser technology in the US and Japan 10. Business Organisation (Metals) Chair - James Reveley Tanaka, Akira Nagoya City University, Japan The Role of Sogo Shosha in Mass Procurement System of Resource: Japan’s Develop-and-Import Scheme of Iron Ore in the 1960s Sugawara, Ayumu Tohoku University, Japan Rio Tinto Company's investments in Australia in the 1950s 11. Trade and Investment Chair - Satyendra Singh Uche, Chibuike Humboldt University, Berlin/University of Nigeria Trade and Industrial Policy in Africa: the Impact of China’s Growing Influence in the Region Christopher Pokarier Waseda University, Japan ‘An interest in Japan’: The political economy of Australia-Japan investment linkages Lunch, 12.30-13.30 Block Six, 13.30-15.00 12. Welfare Capitalism Chair - Anna Kuokkanen Lloyd, Christopher University of New England, Australia Crises and Responses in Social Democratic Welfare Capitalism: Diverging Trajectories and Patterns in the 21st Century Viktorov, Ilya Stockholm University, Sweden The Swedish Employers and Wage-Earner Funds Debate under the Crisis of Fordism 13. Technological change - the long view Chair - Shinobu Majima Reiner, Martha Miami-Dade University, USA Asia-Pacific Transnational and Inter-regional Contexts Singh, Satyendra University of Winnipeg, Canada The roles of organizational slack and market orientation in the creation of product development capability in the emerging markets of Asia Kimura, Masato Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation International Expositions and Technology Transfer in late Nineteenth Century and early Twentieth Century: Japan's Case 14. History of Economic Thought Chair - Lionel Frost Larry Lepper Victoria University of Wellington, NZ The Communication of Economic Ideas: Rhetoric and Prose Style in the Early Works of J M Keynes Wilson Lee Polytechnic University of Hong Kong A Chinese Economist and the Great Depression Coffee, tea break, 15.00-15.30 Block Seven, Butlin Lecture, 15.30-17.00 15. Butlin Lecture Chair - Pierre van der Eng Professor Osamu Saito Hitotsubashi University, Japan An industrious revolution in East Asia? Tokugawa Japan and the Great Divergence debate. Annual General Meeting, Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand, 17.00-18.00 Conference Dinner, 7 pm onwards at Four Seasons Hotel Chinzanso (details on conference website) Friday 20th February Block Eight, 9-10.30 16. Business Organisation in Asia Chair - Ayumu Sugawara Inaba, Kazuya Yamaguchi University, Japan The Change of R&D system of Japanese Chemical Corporations in the 1980's: Concerning the Case of Polysilicon business in Tokuyama Corporation Kim, Dong-woon Dong-Eui University, Republic of Korea The Holding Company System as New Corporate Governance in Korea’s Chaebols: The Case of LG Tu, Chen-ying National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan Determinants of International Advertising Agencies Entry Taiwan Market - the Evidence form 1985-2005 17. Chinese Economic History II Chair - Ryutaro Yamafuji Ho, Chun-yu and Dan Li Georgia Institute of Technology USA Bond Market and War: Evidence from China 1921 - 42 Lin, Chih-lung National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan Sino-American airmail carrying contract, 1929-1930 Morgan, Stephen, Joerg Baten, Debin Ma, Qing Wang Nottingham University, UK/University of Tuebingen/London School of Economics/University of Munich Evolution of Living Standards and Human Capital in China in 18-20th Century: Evidences from Real Wage and Anthropometrics Coffee, tea break, 10.30-11.00 Block Nine, 11-12.30 18. Session - Liquidity, Foreign Exchange and Adjustment Chair - Takeshi Yuzawa Garside, Rick University of Otago, NZ International pressures and economic adjustment in Japan, 1980-2000 –futile or effective? Tongurai, Jittima and Kazuo Toritani Oita University, Japan Corners Hypothesis and the Proposals on Foreign Exchange System for East Asia: A Perspective from the Incompatible Trinity Sutch, Richard University of California, Riverside, USA The Liquidity Trap: A Lesson from Macroeconomic History for Today 19. Technological change and Business Development - Textiles Chair - Bishnupriya Gupta Choi, Eugene Hitotsubashi University, Japan Another path to industrialisation: The rattling spindle,
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