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These are some ---~-;~= • We break down each residence and spots you might want to check out. ~~~~-;a::~~ . offer tips on making it on the inside. !!!!!:~~=~~o..;:,;iiiiiiiiiii;i;;i;;ii Halifamous, 6 Shop 'til You Drop, 12 Halifax notables. From Dalhousie's We highlight some of Halifax's finer own Dawgfather to Sloan shopping establishments. University Glossary, 7 Common terms you may or may not ~~~~~~ Must Own Albums, 14 1 :..: A listing of past staff picks. be familar with. ~-___; 1.-..l Regular Features This Week 4. Editorial 8. Useless Tidbits 6. News Briefs 10. Contributing 8. Burn Baby Burn Doodles and utterly fictional desk setups by The Halifax Bar Scene, 10 Loukas Crowther Of legal age? Not sure where to go out? Check out our listings of our favorite hotspots. Editor-In-Chief A •staff contributor• is a member of the paper defied as a person who has had three volun · Chris LaRoche teer articles, or photographs of reasonable length and/or substance published in three edit dalgaz tte Cd different issues within the current publishing year Copy Editor TI>e Gazette is the official written record of Nadine LaRoche Dalhousie University, which has existed :,ince 18611. and is open to participation from all stu· copy mdc~lgdzette ca dents. It is published weekly during the aca· demic year by the Dalhousc C.azettP Publishing Layout/Design Society. Loukas Crowther The Gazette is a student·run publication. Its primary purpose is to report fairly and objec· lc w, oot ~tud10s.cc::1 tivcly on issues of importance and interest to the students of Dalhousie University, to pro· The above Is not the key to sucuss. I The Big Lebowskl News Editors vide an open forum for the free expression and exchange of ideas, and to stimulate meaning­ Reid Southwick ful debate on issues that affect or would other· Jess McDiarmid wise be of intere 1 to the student body and/<>r Dalhousie is yours for the taking society in general. The views of our writers are news dalgazette.ca not the explicit views of Dalhousie University. A nihilistic approach to academia This publication is intended for readers 18 years of age or older. Opinions Editor BY: CHRIS LARocHE ly an original idea, and these facili­ a few more to decide what university Sarah Vanderwolf All students of Dalhousie University, as wei! as any interested parties on or off-campus. Editor-in-chief ties-writing centres and such-can actually meant to me. opt. ons "''dalgazette.ca arc invited to contribute to any section of the all be found at my.dal.ca, or in your This process will no doubt be the newspaper. Please contact the appropriate ed· itor for submission guidelines, or drop by for ou have probably heard it a hun­ academic calendar. I would rather same for a lot of you, but you will ap­ Arts Editors our weekly volunteer meetings every Monday Ydred times by now: summer is not waste trees. proach it with different ideas, back­ Lindsay Dobbin at 4:30 Room 312 in the Dal SUB. The Gr=tte reserves the right to edit all submissions and nearly over, the school year is un­ Other editorials have offered grounds and interests. Your experi­ Bridgette Sullivan will not publish material deemed by its edito· derway, and a new phase of your life more general introductions to aca­ ences will teach you all you're ever news dalgazette.ca rial board to be discriminatory, racist, sexist. homophobic or libellous. Opinions expressed is about to begin. Aside from these demia: personal stories from edi­ going to learn here, so, perhaps, I in submitted letters are solely those of the au· statements of the obvious, there is tors, explanations of academic pro­ would recommend paying attention Sports Editor thors. Editorials in the Go.ume are signed and represent the opinions of the writer(s), not very little someone like myself can grams, breakdowns of university to them. Joey Ryba necessarily those of the Gazette staff, Editorial actually say about "beginning aca­ social groups, and anecdotes giving On that note, I am still obligated sports•aldalgazette.ca Board, publisher, or Dalhousie University. demia" that hasn't been said before. small insights into life at Dalhousie. to make reading this editorial worth The Gazette contents are © 2005 and may not I cannot predict the twists and turns But my own experiences at univer­ your while, and you, through student Photo Editor be reprinted without the express written per· mission of the Editor(s)-in-Chief. you will invariably take as you work sity, in comparison with the Rhodes levies, are paying me to do so. With Rafal Andronowski your way through your degree. I can­ scholars, do-gooders and real achiev­ this relatively small gun to my head­ photos o datgazette.ca not tell you about the people you will ers who are often enshrined on the I always crack under pressure-I've CONTRIBUTORS FOR THIS ISSUE _,;,, '":!'~~~--~·~,.;, date, the lessons you were learn, or my.dal.ca webpage, seem to have decided that it is in your interest to the hardships you will face. been profoundly boring (and cer­ be offered some anti-advice. That All contributions were by the above mentioned staff. All I can tell you with any reason­ tainly don't make for good glossy is, rather than just spouting off the able degree of honesty is that these photos).Too much of my time here normal lessons of working hard and Hey, when they made the alphabet, they should've put U and I together. Come on over things will happen, you will be forced at Dalhousie was spent clicking pens making a difference, which I'm sure and join our happy little motley crew (criie?). Meetings happen every Monday at 4:30 to act on them, and no single bit of in the Registrar's office, and as most you will all take so very seriously dur­ p.m., In Room 312 of the Dalhousie SUB. Whether you want to write, give us Ideas, or advice is going to guide you through of you may soon discover for your­ ing Frosh week, I'll give you some ad­ take pictures, we can find a place for you. them. University, the general wis­ selves, much of the rest was spent vice that you wouldn't normally find dom goes, is something completely talking loudly over beers in a pub, if you only looked in normal advice unique for everyone. re-installing MSN Instant Messenger avenues. This all presents me with a bit of a on antiquated library computers, or You, as a student at this univer­ problem, though: what can I write in trying to concentrate on an essay at 4 sity, should do what you want, and For ad rates and booking schedules, contact our advertising department: this first editorial of the year that isn't a.m. in the morning. nothing else. N ;> advice or some preachy statement in And so I am presented with the Do not aspire to anyone but who (902) 494.6532 which I pretend to know the key to near-inescapable option of worth­ you want to aspire to.
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