Vol. 1 No. 1, September 2017 e-ISSN 2597-4718 p-ISSN 2597-470X International Journal of Humanity Studies IJHS Published by Institute for Research and Community Services Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 Pages 1-133 e-ISSN 2597-4718 of Humanity Studies p-ISSN 2597-470X IJHS, e-ISSN 2597-4718, p-ISSN 2597-470X, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017 International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) publishes scientific full papers written in English. IJHS is a biannual, published twice a year, namely in September and March. Editor in-Chief Yoseph Yapi Taum Sanata Dharma University Managing Editor Truly Almendo Pasaribu Sanata Dharma University Editors Barli Bram Sanata Dharma University Theodore Fernando Open University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Maria Corazon S. A. Castro University of the Philippines, Philippines Harris Hermansyah Sanata Dharma University Hendra Kurniawan Sanata Dharma University Kunjana Rahardi Sanata Dharma University Anton Haryono Sanata Dharma University Albertus Bagus Laksana Sanata Dharma University Novita Dewi Sanata Dharma University Baskara T. Wardaya Sanata Dharma University Ouda Teda Ena Sanata Dharma University David C. E. Tneh Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia Reviewers Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo Sanata Dharma University Deron Walker California Baptist University, USA I Dewa Putu Wijana Gadjah Mada University Raqib Chowdhury Monash University, Australia Pranowo Sanata Dharma University Hendy Yuniarto Beijing Foreign Studies University, China Paulus Sarwoto Sanata Dharma University Nelly Martin The University of Auckland, New Zealand Antonius Herujiyanto Sanata Dharma University Behnam Aghayani Payame Noor University, Iran Enny Anggraini Sanata Dharma University Christopher Allen Woodrich Gadjah Mada University Website Staff Ricadonna Alvita Sanata Dharma University Editorial Address Sanata Dharma University Jl. Affandi, Tromol Pos 29, Mrican, Yogyakarta 55002, Indonesia Telephone (0274) 513301, 515352, Fax (0274) 562383 Email: [email protected] Website: http://e-journal.usd.ac.id/index.php/IJHS IJHS, e-ISSN 2597-4718, p-ISSN 2597-470X, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017 Table of Contents Type chapter title (level 1) .................................................................................................................................. 12 WHEN THE EARTH CONQUERS THE HEAVEN: A STUDY OF NARRATOLOGY ON KANA INAI ABANG NGUAK IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF A. J. GREIMAS Sri Astuti and Yoseph Yapi Taum .................................................................... 1 45 NEGOTIATING THE PATH OF FAME: TRADITION AND MODERNITY IN THE PUBLIC PERSONA OF ROEKIAH (1917–1945) Christopher Allen Woodrich ......................................................................... 17 THE SEA, THE VOLCANO AND THE TIGER: SOME ANIMISTIC SYMBOLS IN ORAL TRADITION AND MODERN INDONESIAN LITERATURE Marina Frolova .............................................................................................. 29 45 MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION AS SEEN IN FORREST CARTER’S THE EDUCATION OF LITTLE TREE Ignatius Indra Kristianto ................................................................................ 37 POTEHI IN NEW ORDER’S RESTRAINT: THE LOST OF INHERITOR GENERATION OF CHINESE WAYANG CULTURE Hendra Kurniawan ......................................................................................... 47 45 MAKING PEACE AMONG CONFLICTING IDENTITIES: AN AUTOETHNOGRAPHY Monica Ella Harendita .................................................................................... 56 CURRENT TREND IN NAMING BABIES IN JAVANESE COMMUNITY Carla Sih Prabandari ...................................................................................... 63 45 IDIOMS CONTAINING THE WORD HATI AND TRANSITIVE VERBS IN BAHASA INDONESIA LANGUAGE Praptomo Baryadi Isodarus ............................................................................ 71 PRAGMATIC PHENOMENA CONSTELLATION IN SPECIFIC CULTURE DIMENSION LANGUAGE STUDY R. Kunjana Rahardi ........................................................................................ 84 GENDER DIFFERENCES AND THE USE OF METADISCOURSE MARKERS IN WRITING ESSAYS Truly Almendo Pasaribu ................................................................................. 93 IJHS, e-ISSN 2597-4718, p-ISSN 2597-470X, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017 PROMOTING INDONESIAN TOURISM TO CHINESE TOURISTS THROUGH JOURNALISM STRATEGY IN WECHAT Hendy Yuniarto ............................................................................................. 103 THE TYPES AND THE FUNCTIONS OF THE FILLERS USED IN BARACK OBAMA’S SPEECHES Paulus Yanuar Kharismawan ........................................................................ 111 LEXICAL AND SYNTACTIC AMBIGUITY IN HUMOR Intan Nur Charina ......................................................................................... 120 BEYOND BORDERS: NOTES ON THE COLONIAL AND POST- COLONIAL DYNAMICS IN THE AMERICAS, EUROPE AND INDONESIA Novita Dewi ................................................................................................. 132 IJHS, e-ISSN 2597-4718, p-ISSN 2597-470X, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017, pp. 1–16 International Journal of Humanity Studies http://e-journal.usd.ac.id/index.php/IJHS Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia WHEN THE EARTH CONQUERS THE HEAVEN: A STUDY OF NARRATOLOGY ON KANA INAI ABANG NGUAK IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF A. J. GREIMAS Sri Astuti and Yoseph Yapi Taum STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa, Sintang and Faculty of Letters Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta [email protected] and [email protected] DOI: https://doi.org/10.24071/ijhs.2017.010101 received 8 June 2016; revised 4 April 2017; accepted 15 July 2017 Abstract Kana Inai Abang Nguak is a folk lyric by the society of Dayak Desa which is spoken in formal ritual language by chanting. The characters in kana are usually related with the life in nirvana and represents the thoughts and world view of Dayak society. This paper is meant to discuss one kana entitled Inai Abang Nguak using narratology perspective of A. J. Greimas. Greimas’s narratology studies gradually reveal surface structure and deep structure of a story. Surface structure reveals the context and story sequences. Deep structure reveals the syntax structure (actantial and functional scheme) and also semantic structure, which are three semantic axis including desire pursued axis, power axis, and communication axis. The text Inai Abang Nguak consists of seven-sequence(act)-story actantial scheme which centers on Inai Abang as the subject of the story. The success of earth in conquering the heaven (nirvana) is caused by three factors: 1) although the heaven is blessed with eternal life, the heaven is actually blood-related with this earth; 2) the heaven’s act in capturing earth’s ritual leaders is a heavy violation that has to be fought against by the earth; 3) the power of the earth as one unit (human beings, animals, spirits, and magical powers) to attack the heaven and bring back harmony to the earth. It can be concluded that Greimas narratology can be used to understand surface structure, deep structure, and even discursive structure of a folk story. Keywords: narratology, physical structure, mental structure, semantic axis, and world view Introduction Tradition of telling stories in front of the public is the most important form of cultural performance in various parts of the Nusantara, including the Dayak society in Borneo. Dayak Desa tribe, for example, perform kanuak and kana as a cultural performance whose objective is not merely to entertain but also to give expression of the society’s various dimensions of perspective. Kanuak and kana is a form of literature that is sung by the performer in front of an audience. Kanuak is a form of story that uses daily language and tells about daily life. The characters 1 IJHS, e-ISSN 2597-4718, p-ISSN 2597-470X, Vol. 1, No. 1, September 2017, pp. 1–16 in kanuak are both human beings and animals. The performer of kanuak does not need any special skill in telling stories. Meanwhile, Kana is also a form of literature that is spoken in front of people. The difference from kanuak is that kanuak uses a language form that is easier to understand, while kana uses the poetic Dayak Desa language, a form of distilled language that sounds unique and special. Kanuak is a ritual text. In other words, kanak language is a formal-ritual language with archaic features (Appell, 2010). The characters in kana are the characters of nirvana. The delivery of this story uses a different style of story-telling compared to other Dayak Desa oral literature. Kana is performed by chanting. Kana performance usually takes a very long time; sometimes it takes days, weeks, and even months to finish. According to a source, there has never been a story teller that could finish one title of a story. Usually a story teller only finishes half of it. Each story in kana is unique and special. Each teller can tell a story with various titles. Each story appears with many variations. Each character can also undergo a very different story line under different titles. Every title of the story is inherited from the ancestors. Thus, the title and the story are ready to use, while the story teller can tell the story without having to prepare a new story. As explained before, kana is narrated by chanting. Every line of one part has to end in the same syllable. A story teller can change the sound by ending the previous sound. For example, the teller does it by changing u assonance to
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