Raziskava o Fioreju dei liberi in njegovih razpravah, ki opisujejo L`arte dell`armizare, 1409 An examination of Fiore dei liberi and his treatises describing L`arte dell`armizare, c. 1409 • D AVI D M . C V E T B.Sc., Founder and Head Instructor Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts, 927 Dupont St., 2nd floor, Toronto, ON M6H 1Z1, Canada; e-mail: [email protected] Izvleček Excerpt Zapuščini Fioreja dei Liberi, nastali pred Fiore dei Liberi’s legacy created 600 years ago is 600 leti, je v 21. stoletju izkazana čast s skrb- honoured in the 21st century with the careful recon- no rekonstrukcijo in ponovno oživitvijo boril- struction and resurrection of the fighting art he de- ne veščine, ki jo je opisal v svojih razpravah z scribed in his treatises entitled “Flos Duellatorum” naslovom Flos Duellatorum in Fior di Battaglia. and “Fior Battaglia”. This paper will explore the Ta spis raziskuje moža po imenu Fiore in pred- man who bore the name Fiore and conduct a brief stavlja kratko primerjalno analizo treh različic comparative analysis of the three versions of the razprave. Te razprave veljajo za pomembne te- treatise. The treatises are considered important cor- melje današnjih raziskav in rekonstrukcij zgo- nerstones in today’s research and reconstruction of dovinskih borilnih veščin zahoda zaradi svoje historical Western fighting arts given their collection zbirke ilustracij, ki neverjetno jasno pričajo o of illustrations possessing remarkable clarity in con- izročilu te veščine, vsako ilustracijo pa spre- veying the concepts in the art, and the informative mljajo informativna besedila. text accompanying each illustration. Povzetek Summary Zapuščini Fioreja dei Liberi, nastali pred Fiore dei Liberi’s legacy created 600 years ago 600 leti, je v 21. stoletju izkazana čast s skrb- is honoured in the 21st century with the careful no rekonstrukcijo in ponovno oživitvijo boril- reconstruction and resurrection of the fighting art ne veščine, znane kot “l`arte dell`armizare”, known as “l`arte dell`armizare” he described in ki jo je opisal v svojih razpravah z naslovom his treatises entitled “Flos Duellatorum” and “Fior “Flos Duellatorum” in “Fior Battaglia”. Ta spis Battaglia”. This paper will begin with an explora- se začne z osvetlitvijo moža, ki je nosil ime Fi- tion of the man who bore the name Fiore revealing ore, in razkrije njegovo željo, da bi se učil in his desire to learn and train in the ancient fighting vadil starodavne borilne veščine pri največjih arts under the greatest German and Italian masters nemških in italijanskih mojstrih tiste dobe. of the time. His skills as a man at arms were criti- Njegova spretnost z orožjem je bila ključnega cal in his training of numerous notable “condottiere” pomena za usposabljanje številnih pomembnih and the description of their conquests in the tourna- “kondotjerjev” in opisovanje njihovih dosežkov ments they had participated in. The paper will also na turnirjih, ki so se jih udeleževali. Spis vse- conduct a brief comparative analysis of the three buje tudi kratko primerjalno analizo treh raz- versions of the treatise which include: Getty-Ludwig ličic razprave, ki vključujejo: različico Getty- version, MS Ludwig XV13 located in the John Paul Ludwig, MS Ludwig XV13 v muzeju John Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, USA; Morgan version, MILITARY HISTORY • 45 Getty, Los Angeles, ZDA; različico Morgan, MS MS M. 383, Pierpoint-Morgan Library, New York M. 383, knjižnica Pierpoint-Morgan Library, City, USA; Pisani-Dossi version, of the F. Novati col- New York, ZDA; različica Pisani-Dossi iz zbirke lection. The reconstruction and practice of armizare F. Novatija. In končno, rekonstrukcija in praksa cannot be complete without referencing and study- armizare ne moreta biti popolni brez sklicevanj ing all three treatises as each possess certain unique na vse te razprave in njihove analize. Vsaka ima qualities and attributes which contribute to fleshing določene edinstvene prednosti in lastnosti, ki out the art creating a complete self-defence and of- prispevajo k osvetlitvi te veščine, da se izdela fensive fighting art system comparable to many of celovit sistem samoobrambne in napadalne bo- today’s Asian and Eastern fighting systems. It is rilne veščine, primerljiv s številnimi današnjimi evident in the Western fighting arts community that azijskimi in vzhodnjaškimi borilnimi sistemi. V the treatises are considered important cornerstones svetu borilnih veščin zahoda je povsem jasno, in todays research and reconstruction of historical da imajo razprave mesto pomembnih temeljev Western fighting arts. The reasons are numerous, današnjih raziskav in rekonstrukcij zgodovin- but perhaps their greatest value is their collection of skih borilnih veščin zahoda. Razlogov je veliko, illustrations possessing remarkable clarity in con- toda njihova največja vrednost je morda prav veying the concepts in the art, and the imformative zbirka ilustracij, ki neverjetno jasno pričajo o text accompanying each illustration, together creat- izročilu te veščine, informativna besedila ob ing a recipe for a comprehensive resource supporting vsaki ilustraciji pa skupaj s slednjo predstavljajo today’s research, practice and reconstruction of his- recept, ki je kot izčrpen vir v pomoč današnjim torical Western fighting arts. raziskavam, praksi in rekonstrukciji zgodovin- skih borilnih veščin zahoda. Keywords: Fiore dei Liberi, military history, his- torical fencing, armoured combat, Western martial Ključne besede: Fiore dei Liberi, vojaška zgo- arts, swords, arms, armour, grappling, armizare dovina, zgodovinsko sabljanje, oborožen boj, zahodne vojaške borilne veščine, meči, orožje, oklep, borba za nož, armizare Synopsis Fiore dei Liberi’s legacy created 600 years ago is st Povzetek honoured in the 21 century with the careful recon- struction and resurrection of the fighting art he de- Zapuščini Fioreja dei Liberi, nastali pred scribed in his treatises entitled Flos Duellatorum and 600 leti, je v 21. stoletju izkazana čast s skrb- Fior di Battaglia. This paper will explore the man no rekonstrukcijo in ponovno oživitvijo boril- who bore the name Fiore and conduct a brief com- ne veščine, ki jo je opisal v svojih razpravah parative analysis of the three versions of the treatise. z naslovom Flos Duellatorum in Fior di Batta- It is evident in the Western fighting arts community glia. Ta spis raziskuje moža po imenu Fiore in that the treatises are considered as important cor- predstavlja kratko primerjalno analizo treh nerstones in today’s research and reconstruction of različic razprave. V svetu borilnih veščin za- historical Western fighting arts. The reasons are nu- hoda je povsem jasno, da imajo te razprave merous, but perhaps their greatest value is their col- pomembno mesto temeljev današnjih raziskav lection of illustrations possessing remarkable clarity in rekonstrukcij zhodovinskih borilnih veščin in conveying the concepts in the art, and the inform- zahoda. Razlogov je veliko, toda njihova naj- ative text accompanying each illustration, together večja vrednost je morda prav zbirka ilustracij, creating a recipe as a comprehensive resource sup- ki neverjetno jasno pričajo o izročilu te vešči- porting today’s research, practice and reconstruction ne, informativna besedila ob vsaki ilustraciji of historical Western fighting arts.1 1 In recent years, a number of books have been published containing translations of Fiore’s works as well as interpretations of the fighting techniques. Several related research projects are also available online. Marco Rubboli, Luca Cesari, Flos Duel- latorum – Manuale di arte del combattimento del XV secolo, Rimini 2002; Massimo Malipiero, Il Fiore di battaglia di Fiore dei Liberi da Cividale, Udine 2006; Robert Lovett, The Exiles Fiore Project, http://www.the-exiles.org/FioreProject/Project. htm (accessed May 10, 2008); Hermes Michelini, Mich Shire, Fiore de’ Liberi, The Flower of Battles, http://www.aemma.org/onlineResources/liberi/wildRose/fiore. html (accessed January 21, 2008). In addition, the subject has been discussed in 46 • VOJAŠKA ZGODOVINA pa skupaj s slednjo predstavljajo recept, ki se je The Man izkazal za izčrpen vir v pomoč današnjim razi- skavam, praksi in rekonstrukciji zgodovinskih Despite the significant impact Fiore’s treatise has borilnih veščin zahoda.1 had on the modern reconstruction of historical fight- ing arts, in particular, armizare,2 very little is known O njemu of the man who bore the name Fiore dei Liberi. To date, given the extensive and ongoing research being Kljub pomembnemu vplivu, ki ga ima Fiore- conducted world-wide by a variety of historical fenc- jeva razprava na sodobno rekonstrukcijo zgo- ing schools and academies3 the only definitive source dovinskih borilnih veščin, zlasti, armizare,2 for Fiore’s biography has been the prologue written je le malo znanega o človeku, ki je nosil ime by Fiore himself contained in each of the three ver- Fiore dei Liberi. Vse do danes je na podlagi sions of the treatise.4 obsežnih in stalnih raziskav, ki jih po vsem The treatise, authored by Fiore himself, styles him svetu izvajajo številne zgodovinske sabljaške as »Fior Furlan de Ciuida dostria« in the Getty’s5 šole in akademije3, edini odločilni vir za Fio- prologue, »Fiore Furlan de Ciuida dostria« in the rejevo biografijo prolog, ki ga je napisal sam Morgan’s version6 and »Fior furlano dei liberi de Fiore in je v vsaki od treh različic razprave.4 Ciuidal dostria« in the »alter prologus« in the Pisani- Razprava, katere avtor je sam Fiore, ga Dossi version.7 The
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