y q Yokohama Kamakura Fujisawa Miura Hakone Odawara Yugawara i w !0 e !2 r ● Kanagawa Prefecture is home to a great many of Japan's Sapporo foremost sightseeing spots, in the areas of nature, history, culture, and industry, etc. Since it is also close to Tokyo and boasts highly convenient transportation, it draws large num- Japa n bers of tourists annually. This pamphlet offers information on some of the Prefecture's most scenic spots, as well as on ●S end ai attractions by theme. Kanagawa A castle town during the Edo Period, the area prospered as ●Tokyo Ky oto Nagoya one of the primary post stations along the Tokaido Road. ● ● ●Os aka Odawara APage 14 ●Fuku oka ● F Kamaboko (fish cake) is a tra- Od aw ara ditional Odawara specialty. Hakone Yug aw ara ● Hakone APage 16 ● Yugawara APage 18 Visitors can enjoy hot This is one of Japan's foremost spring baths as well as the Japanese style international resort areas complete Rotenburo baths. Known since long ago for its hot with hot springs(Onsen). springs (Onsen), the area was frequented by many literary per- Yosegi-zaiku is a traditional sonalities and artists of the past. craft of Hakone utilizing dif- ferent shades of natural wood to create complex patterns. photo : Yokohama Port Area & Mt. Fuji 2 Yokohama Sankeien APage 4 Garden is a prime Yokohama example of Japan's tra- ditional culture and a great way to experience the glorious colors of the four seasons. Kamakura APage 8 Yabusame(horseback archery) is a traditional military art the ● participants shoot arrows from Yokohama is an international atop running horses. port city that continues to grow and develop to this day, ever The ancient city of since the Port of Yokohama Kamakura was the opened 150 years ago. seat of the Kamakura Shogunate about 800 Yokoham a ● years ago. Fujisaw a This popular beach spot is K am akura the perfect place to enjoy APage 10 the area's seaside views, Fujisawa particularly Enoshima. Miu ra ● ● APage 12 The Shonan Beach is the ideal Miura spot for a variety of marine sports. ● History & Events Page 20 Enjoy fresh fish caught at ● Hot Springs (Onsen) Page 22 Misaki Port in a variety of different kinds of dishes. ● Industrial Tourism Page 24 Miura is known for good fish- ● The Spectacular Night Views Page 26 ing, especially for tuna, and for ● Savor & Flavors Page 28 farming commodities including the daikon radish. ● Shopping & Souvenirs Page 30 ● Accomodations Page 32 ● Access & Free Pass Page 34 ● Model route & Informarion Page 36 ● Map Page 38 3 Recommended Areas in Yokohama http://www.welcome.city.yokohama.jp/eng/tourism/ About 150 years ago, Yokohama was one of the first ports in Japan to open its doors to foreign trade, which led toward an age of enlightenment. The city still has kept up its constant growth. In this harbor town with a rich interna- tional flavor, you can enjoy unique sightseeing spots. ●qYokohama Landmark Tower This is Japan's tallest building at 296m. It has a hotel and restau- rants on the 1st to 70th floors, and its Sky Garden observatory floor on the 69th floor (273m high). Shopping and restaurants are con- veniently located in the adjoining w Landmark Plaza shopping mall. ●Yamashita Park Japan's oldest seaside park, this popular spot offers a beautiful view of 045-222-5030(Sky Garden), the port.(Nippon Yusen Hikawa Maru: Charlie Chaplin was one of the 045-222-5015(Landmark Plaza) ● 3 minutes walk from Minatomirai-Line famous passengers on the Hikawa Maru passenger ship now anchored in (Minatomirai Sta.)/Business hours differ Yamashita Park) 045-641-4362(Nippon Yusen Hikawa Maru) by shop/ ● 3 minutes walk from Minatomirai-Line (Motomachi-Chukagai Sta., Exit 1)/ http://www.yokohama-landmark.jp/skygarden/ [Hikawa Maru: Open 10:00-17:00 (Entry until 16:30)/Closed Mondays and other occasions (Open Monday if it is a holiday, and closes the next weekday instead)]/ ●eYokohama Chinatown http://www.nyk.com/rekishi/e/exhibitions/hikawa.htm With over 500 shops, this is one rYokohama Marine Tower of the world's best Chinatowns. Built to commemorate the 100th anniversa- The current symbol of Yokohama ry of the opening of the Port of Yokohama, Chinatown is "We Are Chinatown." the Tower was renovated in 2009 to mark The area boasts 150 years of its 150th year. It also has an Observatory history. Hall to view the city, restaurants and event 045-662-1252 halls. It is popular among tourists and local (Yokohama Chinatown Development residents as a place to relax. Association) 045-664-1100 ● 1 minute walk from Minatomirai-Line ● 1 minute walk from Minatomirai-Line (Motomachi-Chukagai Sta., Exit 3)/ (Motomachi-Chukagai Sta., Exit 4)/ Business hours & holidays differ by shop / Business hours differ by floor and shop./ http://www.chinatown.or.jp/ http://marinetower.jp/eng.html 4 6Q 6QM[Q ;QMQJCOC-CKMQ ●t 6Q 0 㧔1RGPKPIQHVJG2QTV 㧕 1UCPDCUJK 5JKPCICYC ;QMQJCOC (GUVKXCN,WPGPFR +PVGTPCVKQPCN 2CUUGPIGT 5GCUKFG2CTM ;COCUJKVC2KGT 5WTTQWPFKPICTGCQH 2WMCTK5CPDCUJK2KGT 6GTOKPCN ;QMQJCOC5VC 5JKP[COCUJKVC 4COR 6QM[W 5GC$WU6GTOKPCN 6Q[QMQ VQ;COCUJKVC2CTMCPF ;QMQJCOC)TCPF 4Q[CN9KPI 0KRRQP[WUGP /KPCVQOKTCKRWMCTKUCPDCUJK2KGT +PVGTEQPVKPGPVCN*QVGN *KMCYCOCTW 6Q;QMQJCOC .KPG R 2CEKHKEQ;QMQJCOC $C[$TKFIG ;QMQJCOC$C[3WCTVGT ;QMQJCOC4GF$TKEM ;COCUJKVC2CTM5KIJVUGGKPI ;QMQJCOC/KPCVQ ●u 5GC$WU6GTOKPCN /KTCK/CP[Q%NWD 9CTGJQWUG4GF$TKEM 5QIQ;QMQJCOC5JQR 9CTGJQWUG2CTM ;QMQJCOC R &QNN/WUGWO -CPCICYC 5VC ;QMQJCOC 1UCTCIK,KTQ 2TGH /GFKC6QYGT 2CPRCEKHKE;QMQJCOC ●y <QW0Q*CPC2CTM ;COCUJKVC2CTM ;QMQJCOC /GOQTKCN*CNN /WUGWO 9GUVGZKV 'CUVGZKV $C[*QVGN6QM[W ;QMQJCOC9QTNF2QTVGTU ●w -CPCICYC[CR /CTKPG6QYGT QH/QFGTP .WOKPG R ;QMQJCOC ! 3WGGP ̉U ;QMQJCOC -CPCICYC6QWTKUV+PHQTOCVKQP%GPVGT /KPCVQPQ/KGTW .KVGTCVWTG 5VCVKQP6QWTKUV;QMQJCOC R r 1MC2CTM 5SWCTG %QUOQ9QTNF 0CXKQU;QMQJCOC ;QMQJCOC 5KNM/WUGWO *QVGN0GY)NCPF +PHQTOCVKQP%GPVGT5JQR )TCPF/CNN2CTM/KPCVQOKTCK5VC i (TCPEG[COC ;QMQJCOC %WUVQOJQWUG ! R i-CPCICYC ! +PFWUVTKCN6TCFG%GPVGT ;QMQJCOC$TKVKUJ*CNN ;QMQJCOC 2TGHGEVWTCN +PHQTOCVKQP&GUM /QVQOCEJK ;QMQJCOC 5JKP6CMCUJKOCEJQ ;COCVG DCP-CP 6CMCUJKOC[C 5VC ;QMQJCOC#TV/WUGWO )QXGTPOGPV ;QMQJCOC %JWMCICK5VC 5VC #TEJKXGUQH*KUVQT[ ●q;QMQJCOC 5CMWTCIKEJQ/KPCVQOKTCK-CPPCK ;QMQJCOC +YCUCMK/WUGWO 5QVGVUW .CPFOCTM6QYGT 0KJQPQFQTK5VC (QTGKIP)GPGTCN ;QMQJCOC /KVUWDKUJK/KPCVQOKTCKR %GOGVT[ ;COCVG/WUGWO 5VC +PFWUVTKCN/WUGWO ;QMQJCOC+PHQTOCVKQP ;QMQJCOC /KPCVQOKTCK.KPG %WNVWTG%GPVGT R /QVQOCEJK2CTM 4Q[CN2CTM i;QMQJCOC%KV[ /QVQOCEJK 6KP6Q[ /KPCVQOKTCK ;QMQJCOC $CUJCOKEJK5VC 2QTV1RGPKPI ;COCVG /WUGWO 4COR *QVGN ;QMQJCOC%JKPCVQYP 5JQRRKPI DCP-CP 6CMCUJKOCEJQ5VC 5CKN6TCKPKPI2QTV/WUGWOR /GOQTKCN*CNN ●e 5VTGGVU ,4-GKJKPVQJQMW.KPGCPF0GIKUJK.KPG5JKR0KJQPOCTWR -CPCICYC2TGH 'JTKUOCPP*CNN *KUVQTKECN/WUGWO %JWMCICK/QVQOCEJK $GTTKEM*CNN 5CMWTCIKEJQ6QWTKUV ;COCVG5GK[QMCP -GKJKPM[WMQ +PHQTOCVKQP%GPVGT $CUJCOKEJK #XGPWG ;QMQJCOC2CTM .KPG /WPKEKRCN5WDYC[ ! ;QMQJCOC5CMWTCIKEJQ 9CUJKPIVQP*QVGN +UJKMCYCEJQ;COCVG ,4 5CMWTCIKEJQ5VC o ;QMQUWMC .KPG ;QMQJCOC5VCFKWO -CPPCK5VC %CVJQNKE ,4 5CMWTCIKEJQ5VC +UJKMCYC ;COCVG%JWTEJ 6QMCKFQ 4COR .KPG -CPPCK5VC ;COCVG ;COCVG2CTM +UJKMCYCEJ Qޓ 6WPPGN ;QMQJCOC2CTM4COR 5VC $NWHH *QVGN%JCVGNGV+PP DCP-CP ;QMQJCOC ●tOsanbashi Yokohama ●yZou-No-Hana Park uYokohama Red Brick Warehouse/ International Passenger Terminal This harbor park was redeveloped to com- Red Brick Warehouse Park This is the entrance for Yokohama Port which greets memorate 150 years since Yokohama This historical red brick warehouse was reno- international travelers. This docking terminal for large Port opened. It has an open park area to vated to combine modern history with a com- cruise ships has a variety of entertainment, including view the port and sea, and the adjoining mercial facility. Red Brick Warehouse Park is a 2,000 square meter hall and 24 hour rooftop plaza. Zou-No-Hana Terrace cafe area to relax. a relaxing place to view the sea with a wide open design. 045-211-1515(Building 045-211-2304(Terminal information) 045-661-0602(Zou-No-Hana Terrace) 1)/ 045-227-2002(Building 2) ● 7 minutes walk from Minatomirai-Line (Nihon-odori Sta., ● 5 minutes walk from Minatomirai-Line (Nihon- ● 6 minutes walk from Minatomirai-Line (Bashamichi Sta., Exit 3)/Business hours differ by floor and shop/ odori Sta., Exit 1)/ http://www.city.yokohama.jp/me/port/general/zounohana/ Nihon-odori Sta.)/Business hours differ by building, floor and http://www.osanbashi.com/en/index.html shop./ http://www.yokohama-akarenga.jp/index.html iYokohama 3 Towers oWestern-style Buildings in These are the Yokohama Port Opening Yamate (Yamate District) Memorial Hall made from red bricks, the Yamate District played an important Islamic Mosque style blue dome of role in Yokohama's history as a resi- Yokohama Customs, and the dignified dential area for foreigners from the design of Kanagawa Prefectural Government time Yokohama Port opened. We sug- Offices. These buildings have been symbols gest that you take a stroll to enjoy its of Yokohama for many years, popularly atmosphere, and tour the Seiyokan called the Jack, Queen and King. Building now open to the public. ● http://www.yamate-seiyoukan.org/ ● Each tower is a 1 to 3 minutes walk from The Yokohama City Port Opening Diplomat's House Minatomirai-Line (Nihon-odori Sta.) Memorial Hall "the Jack" !Yokohama0 City Transit and Sightseeing Bus Tour sightseeing spots with an open schedule using the "Akaikutsu" retro style sightseeing tour bus (Adult ¥100, child ¥50). Or rely on the Yokohama Bayside Line to conveniently tour the main sightsee- ing spots on a fixed schedule. Bayside Line provides complete guide explanations in Chinese, Korean and English languages. 045-664-2525(Yokohama City Call Center) The Yokohama Customhouse The Kanagawa Prefectural Government ● Office Open 10:30-11:30 & 12:30-16:30, excluding holi- "the Queen" "the King" days and the New Year beak/ http://www.yokohama-bus.jp/ 5 Recommended Areas in Yokohama http://www.welcome.city.yokohama.jp/eng/tourism/ Spring Fall SummerSummer Winter ●!Yokohama1 Sankeien Garden In this large Japanese garden, you can see a great vari- ety of flowers everywhere in the garden throughout the year. The garden has 17 historic buildings, which was reconstructed from places such as Kyoto and Kamakura.
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