!■-■■■■ ■ ■■-. Don't Forget the Senior Party 4 » s THE BREEZE VOL.X HARRISONBURG, VA. DECEMBER 11, 1931 ( NUMBER 12 MERRY CHRISTMAS <^ Cast Announced For FROM THE SENIORS Music Clubs Conduct Y. W. C. A. Pageant Assembly Program TO BE HELD DEC. 14 Dr. Duke Discusses Seniors Head Many PROF. HUFFMAN SINGS Depicting the annunciation, the NOTICE State's Finances To entertain the college at the last shepherd's scene, and the manger Activities Here assembly of this quarter, the Glee, scene the annual Y. W. C. A. pageant The music faculty of the Har- FINDS VA. "WELL-OFF" Choral, and Aeolian Clubs presented will be given in Wilson Hall, Decem- risonburg State Teachers Col- SHOW VERSATILITY a musical program Wedesnady, Dec- ber 14, at 8 o'clock. lege, realizing that advanced Returning from a two-weeks trip to musical training is highly ad- Student Government—Harriet Ull- ember 9. Garnet Hamrick, president Pauline Efford, president of the Y. Montgomery, Ala., during which he vantageous to the public school rich, president, Katherine Bowen, vice of the Aeolian club, presided, and W. C. A. and Miss Grace Palmer of attended the conference of the South- teachers has issued the follow- president, Catherine Markham, secre- Pauline Perryman, president of the the Art Department are directing the ern Association of Secondary Sthools ing notice: tary-treasurer, Julia Duke, editor of Choral club, directed.- pageant while Bessie Grinnan and and Colleges, President S. P. Duke To the College: handbook, Sue Leith, recorder of As the guest of the Eeolian club, Louise Harwell are in charge of the addressed the student body in chapel Are you interested in Music? points. Professor Nelson Huffman, of Bridge- music to be sung by the Glee Club. Monday, December 7. After a few re- water college, sang The Star of Beth- Will individual instruction in House Presidents—Linda Sanders, The Madonna—whose identity will marks concerning his trip, Dr. Duke Music be helpful to you in your Negebie Ellis and Sallie McCormick. lehem and The Penitent. By special not be disclosed until the pageant is i spoke of the financial conditions of the request, he also sang The Trumpeter work? Representatives to Student Council shown will be supported by the fol- states. and Mighty Lak A Rose. To the students in Courses I, —Margaret Payne, Sallie McCormick lowing characters: "Only two states in the union," he II, III. By studying music you and Lelia Kearney. The combined Choral and Glee clubs The Shepherds: Mildred Garrett, sang eight old Christmas carols: 0 said, "paid more taxes to the Federal will be prepared to: Y. W. C. A.—Pauline Efford, presi- Virginia Ruby, Martha Warren, and Come, 0 Come Emmanuel, from the government this year than they did A. Play for lines to march dent, Louise Harwell, vice-president, Dorothy Lipscomb. French; God Bless Ye, Merry Gentle- last. These were Colorado and Vir- B. Play for assembly singing Bessie Grinan, secretary. men, English; The First Noel, Fren- The Angels: Catherine Howell, ginia. Virginia is in better financial C. Play for chorus Cabinet Members—Constance Mac- Dorothy Rhodes, Mary Cloe, Rhoda condition than any other southern D. Conduct chorus as part of ch; With Ox and Ass, French. In part Corkle, Gertrude Blake, Edna Motley two, they sang Come Follow Me, Eng- Price, Willie Bobbitt, Lucy Hubbard. state. She has paid off her road bond. extra-curricular activities and Frances Shelton. The Wise Men: Ercelle Reade, Jul- Her teaching staff has been cut very E. Train students in musical lish; We Bring You Glad Tidings, Class Officers — Mary Farinholt, Czechoslovakian; Deck the Hall with ia Duke, Betty Bush. ■ little, and salaries are being paid. In parts of plays and in operettas president, Florence Dickerson, vice- Joseph: Georgia Collins. some of the states, banks refuse to F. Teach sight singing Boughs of Holly, Welsh; and Was- presieL.it, Margaret Beck, secretary, sail Song, English. Jane Maphis will read the story of honor state checks, and some states G. Conduct music apprecia- Georgia Collins, treasurer, Catherine the nativity. have paid only 25% of their teachers' tion lessons Wherett, business manager, Julia salaries. Virginia should not com- H. Play for rhythms or danc- Duke, sergeant-at-arms. High School Club Schoolma'am Bazaar plain." He continued by saying that es Sfchoolma'am — Margaret Moore, the teaching profession is not any I. Play or sing for assemblies Editor-in-chief. Plans Year's Work Is Great Success more crowded if as much, than other —solo work. Breeze—Catherine Howell, Editor- professions in these times of depres- To students in Courses IV and in-Chief, Lelia Kearney, assistant edi- TO MEET MONTHLY sion. V. By studing music you will be JUNIORS WIN PRIZE tor. Mr. R. S. Tandy, minister of the prepared to: Athletic Council—Martha Warren, Under the leadership of Negebie Church of Christ here, conducted the A. Play for lines to march Transforming the "little gym" in president, Ercelle Reade, vice-presi- Ellis, Covington, Virginia, president, devotional exercises. B. Play for assembly singing Ashby Dormitory into a veritably dent, Sue Leith, treasurer. the High School Club has drawn up oriental market place, the School- C. Play for chorus or glee (Continued to page 4) plans for the second quarter's work. club ma'am staff held its annual bazaar Seniors Win Class An intensive study will be made of D. Conduct chorus or glee Saturday evening December 5. In ad- extra-curricular activities, particul- dition to the booths displaying wares Hockey Honors club as part of extra-curricular Scribblers Choose arly those found in Junior high activities and refreshments, entertainment was schools. E. Train students in musical Four New Members provided in the form of dancing. SOPHS ARE SECOND The aims and principles underlying parts of plays and in operettas Stunts also were presented by the so-called extra-curricu!ar activities, Dispelling all doubt as to their sup- MEET IN STUDIO Junior Class and the Page Literary F. Conduct music appreciation and the objections made to them. eriority, the Seniors swept through a Society, the Juniors directed by periods or music appreciation Their present status in schools and season of spectacular class-hockey. phases of literature or history At the regular monthly meeting of the various types of these activities Berenice Bowden winning the prize. Exhibiting a dazzling brand of team- lessons the Scribbler,s the first to be held in are among the phases of of the subject In the advertising poster contest work and startling individual per- G. Play or sing for assembly their new studio, on December 11th, to be studied. The club also plans to open to freshmen Mignon Ross won formances, the Seniors vanquished all —solo work ' Christobel Childs, Orange, Madeline make out a functional progress for first prize. comers, and claims the title of "Class H. Play for rhythms or danc- Newbill, Harrisonburg, Sarah Lem- aveage size high school. "Expenses hawe not yet been pair," hockey Champions." es. mon, Atlanta, Ga., and Ruth Behrens, Anyone interested in this type of stated Catherine Bard, business man- The Seniors, however, did not cor- Individual lessons in Piano, were chosen..... as newJScribblers. _ _ i work...... .»,is wiuiaujcordially mviieuinvited to auenuattend tnethe ager of the Schoolma'am "but we feel ner all the outstanding plays or play- Voice, Violin and Organ maye Formal imation of the Scribblers , monthly meetings held in Wilson Hall, confident that the evening was a suc- ers, the Freshmen especially, produc- be begun at the beginning of took, place Friday, December 10, room 28. cess, in spite of the excitement creat- ed promising material for future var- any quarter. Credit is granted Katye Raye Brown, Chief Scribe, pre- ed by the loss of the subsequently rec- sity teams. to any student who takes 2 les- siding. Later the Sribblers were serv- overed wooden shoes." The interest in the games was keen sons each week for three conse- ed tea. Glee Club To Hold and many class supporters cheered cutive quarters and whose work The new Studio—recently secured Christmas Vespers Flower Garden Needs their teams to added effort. The result is satisfactory to the instructor. by the Scribblers in the basement of of the tournament showed: Jackson Hall is small but quite com- Bulbs And Seeds Seniors—first place. (Continued to page 2) ASSISTED BY MEN'S CHORUS Sophomores—second place. The Glee Club assisted by the Har- REQUESTS GIFTS Juniors—third place. H.T.C. Adds New Freshmen—fourth place. MAURY HI ALUMNAE risonburg Men's chorus will present the annual Christmas vesper "service The cut-flower garden of H. T. C. Volumes To Library A special invitation has been in Wilson Hall, Sunday afternoon, wihes to request that its name be add- December 13, at 4:30. ed to your Christmas lists. Y.f.CA. VARIETY OFFERED issued former students of Maury High School, Norfolk, to attend The following program wiil be In a previous isue of The Breeze the given: The Y. W. C. A. requests that The library staff announces that the annual play of the February need of H. T. C's. newest project were Prelude. published, those needs for bulbs and every member of the student the following new books are now Graduating Class, "What Hap- body bring a ten-cent toy to the available to the faculty and students: pened to Jones," in the Maury Procesional. Brightest and Best. seeds still exist. Harding. dining-room at dinner on Mon- FICTION auditorium on Friday night, This cut-flower garden, under the In Excelsis Gloria. Harker. direction of Miss Grace Palmer, prom- day, December 14.
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