Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Card Reference Automatically generated from White Wolf ’sCSV card lists. 2009 06 09 Included Sets: •Jyhad •Vampire: The Eternal Struggle •Dark Sovereigns •Ancient Hearts •Sabbat •Sabbat War •Final Nights •Bloodlines •Camarilla Edition •Anarchs •Black Hand •Gehenna •Tenth Anniversary •Kindred Most Wanted •Leg acies of Blood •Nights of Reckoning •Third Edition •Sword of Caine •Lords of the Night •Blood Shadowed Court •Twilight Rebellion •Keepers of Tradition •EbonyKingdom Aabbt Kindred Abebe Clan: FollowerofSet Clan: Samedi Group: 2 Group: 4 Capacity: 4 Capacity: 4 Disciplines: for pre ser Disciplines: nec obf thn Independent: Aabbt Kindred cannot perfor m Independent (D) actions unless Nefer titi is ready.Aabbt Kin- LoB:U dred can prevent 1 damage each combat. Aabbt Kindred are not unique and do not con- Abiku test. Clan: Osebo FN:U2 Group: 4 Capacity: 6 Aaron Bathurst Disciplines: cel obt POTAUS Clan: Nosferatu antitribu Laibon: Abiku gets +1 stealth when hunting. Group: 4 EK:U Capacity: 4 Disciplines: for obf pot Abu Nuwasi Sabbat Clan: Ishtarri Third:V Group: 4 Capacity: 3 Aaron Duggan, Cameron’sToady Disciplines: cel for Clan: Lasombra Laibon Group: 2 EK:U Capacity: 2 Disciplines: obt Accorri Giovanni Sabbat Clan: Giovanni Sabbat:V,SW:U Group: 5 Capacity: 6 Abd al-Rashid Disciplines: ani nec DOM POT Clan: Assamite Independent Group: 2 LotN:U Capacity: 5 Disciplines: obf CEL QUI Adana de Sforza Independent: (Blood Cursed). Clan: Brujah AH:V3, FN:PA Group: 4 Capacity: 11 Abdelsobek Disciplines: aus CEL OBF POTPRE PRO Clan: FollowerofSet Camarilla Brujah Inner Circle: Combat cards Group: 5 cost Adana 1 less blood. +2 bleed. Capacity: 5 KoT:PB2 Disciplines: for nec obf pre ser Independent: Abdelsobek can untap a vam- pire or mummyyou control as a +1 stealth ac- tion. LotN:U Adelaide Davis Aeron Clan: Malkavian Clan: Nosferatu antitribu Group: 3 Group: 3 Capacity: 4 Capacity: 9 Disciplines: aus dem obf Disciplines: aus pro ANI OBF POT Camarilla Sabbat Archbishop of London: Minions op- CE:V,BSC:X posing Aeron in combat takeanadditional point of damage during strikeresolution if the range is close.Once each combat, Aeron may Adhiambo burn a blood for a press. Clan: Tzimisce Gehenna:U Group: 4 Capacity: 6 Disciplines: pot ANI VIC Afifa, The Herald Clan: Caitiff Laibon: Adhiambo gets +1 stealth when equip- Group: 4 ping with a weapon from your hand and +1 Capacity: 1 stealth on actions to enter combat with other Disciplines: dom minions. LoB:U Camarilla: When you put a Gehenna card in play, your preybur ns 1pool. If you do not put a Gehenna card in playdur ing your discard Adonai phase,aready vampire you control other than Clan: Salubriantitr ibu Afifabur ns 1blood, or you bur n 1pool. Group: 2 Gehenna:U Capacity: 7 Disciplines: for AUS VAL Agaitas, The Scholar of Antiquities Sabbat: Adonai can enter combat with any Clan: Harbinger of Skulls ready Camarilla vampire controlled byanother Group: 2 Methuselah as a (D) action. He gets +1 Capacity: 6 strength when in combat with a Tremere.+1 Disciplines: for AUS NEC bleed. BL:U1 Sabbat: When you playacard, you maydraw its replacement from your prey’slibrar y instead of your own. Put the card drawnface-up in front Adrianne of you. It is still considered to be in your hand, Clan: Toreador to be playedordiscarded as normal. Group: 1 BL:U2 Capacity: 6 Disciplines: aus cel pot pre Agatha Camarilla: +1 bleed. Clan: Nosferatu antitribu Jyhad:V,VTES:V,Tenth:B Group: 2 Capacity: 4 Disciplines: POTobf Sabbat Sabbat:V,SW:U Agrippina Aisata Swanou Clan: Nosferatu Clan: Akunanse Group: 1 Group: 5 Capacity: 4 Capacity: 7 Disciplines: pot OBF Disciplines: abo ANI FOR VIC Camarilla Laibon: Dur ing your master phase,you may Jyhad:V,VTES:V,Tenth:A draw a card and move a card from your hand to either your ash heap or the top of your librar y. EK:U Agru Kabera Clan: Ishtarri Group: 4 Aisha Capacity: 6 Clan: FollowerofSet Disciplines: cel nec pre FOR Group: 2 Capacity: 6 Laibon: +1 bleed. Disciplines: ani aus ser PRE LoB:U Independent: Once each turn, Aisha maybur n 1blood to get +1 intercept. Ahmose Chambers AH:V3, FN:PS1 Clan: FollowerofSet Group: 5 Capacity: 3 Aisling Sturbridge Disciplines: obf ser Clan: Tremere Group: 2 Independent Capacity: 5 LotN:U Disciplines: dom AUS THA Camarilla: Yo unger Tremere cannot blockAis- Aidan Lyle ling. Clan: Tremere FN:U,CE:PTr Group: 5 Capacity: 7 Disciplines: dom AUS CHI THA Aiyana, The Wolfcatcher Clan: Ahrimane Camarilla: Aidan gets an optional press each Group: 4 combat. Capacity: 3 KoT:V Disciplines: pre spi Sabbat: Aiyana gets an optional press each Aimee Laroux combat when opposing a werewolf,and she Clan: Daughter of Cacophony can bur n ablood each round to prevent all Group: 4 damage a werewolf inflicts on her that round. Capacity: 2 Ster ile. Disciplines: for pre LoB:U Independent: Yo umay use four transfers and burn 1 pool to giveAimee an additional levelof Melpominee.Aimee cannot playreaction cards. LoB:U Akram Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut Clan: Brujah Clan: Assamite Group: 2 Group: 2 Capacity: 8 Capacity: 9 Disciplines: pot pre CEL QUI Disciplines: aus obf CEL QUI THA Camarilla primogen: Once each turnafter Independent: Al-Ashrad can bur n alocation completing combat, if Akram and the opposing that requires a Camarilla clan to bring into play minion are still ready,Akram maybur n 1blood as a (D) action that costs 2 blood. +1 bleed. to begin another combat with the opposing (Blood Cursed). minion. AH:V3, FN:PA AH:V3, CE:PB Aleister Crowley Aksinya Daclau Clan: Malkavian Clan: Gangrel antitribu Group: 5 Group: 4 Capacity: 7 Capacity: 9 Disciplines: aus obf DEM PRE THA Disciplines: cel tha ANI FOR PRE PRO Camarilla: Frenzy cards cannot be playedon Sabbat: Once each turndur ing ableed against Aleister. you, if Aksinya isready and untapped, you may KoT:PM2 discard a master card from your hand to redi- rect the bleed to anyother Methuselah. Alejandro Aguirre Third:V Clan: Tremere antitribu Group: 3 Alan Sovereign Capacity: 5 Clan: Ventr ue Disciplines: ani aus dom tha Group: 3 Sabbat: If Alejandro is ready,hemay tap be- Capacity: 6 fore range is determined in anycombat that Disciplines: for pre AUS DOM does not involvehim to inflict 1 unpreventable Camarilla: When you playaninvestment card, damage on each combatant. add an additional counter to it from the blood CE:V,Third:PTr, BSC:X bank. CE:V,BSC:X Aleph Clan: Malkavian Alan Sovereign Group: 1 Clan: Ventr ue Capacity: 4 Group: 3 Disciplines: dom AUS Capacity: 6 Camarilla Disciplines: for pre AUS DOM Jyhad:V,VTES:V,Tenth:A Advanced, Camarilla: While Alan is ready, youmay pay some or all of the pool cost of equipping from anyinvestment cards you con- trol. Merged: Dur ing your master phase,ifAlan is ready,you maymoveacounter from anyin- vestment card to your pool. Promo-20051001 Alessandro Garcia Alfred Benezri Clan: Brujah antitribu Clan: Pander Group: 4 Group: 3 Capacity: 4 Capacity: 6 Disciplines: pot pre pro Disciplines: aus dom PRE THA Sabbat: Alessandro gets +1 strength in com- Sabbat bishop: Alfred gets -1 strength in com- bat with a Lasombra. bat with an ally. Third:PB CE:V,BSC:X Alex Wilkins Alfred Benezri Clan: Caitiff Clan: Pander Group: 5 Group: 3 Capacity: 1 Capacity: 7 Disciplines: cel Disciplines: aus dom PRE THA Camarilla: If Alexsuccessfully bleeds,the tar- Advanced, Sabbat bishop: If Alfred is ready, get Methuselah maybur n an additional pool to he maytap before range is determined to end takecontrol of Alex. combat between twoother Sabbat vampires. KoT:V Merged: Archbishop of Montreal: Once each referendum, he maybur n 1blood to gain 1 vote. Alexandra Anarchs:U2 Clan: Toreador Group: 2 Capacity: 11 Ali Kar Disciplines: dom ANI AUS CEL PRE Clan: Assamite Group: 3 Camarilla Inner Circle: Once during your turn, Capacity: 3 youmay tap or untap another ready Toreador. Disciplines: obf qui +2 bleed. DS:V,CE:PTo Independent: (Blood Cursed). Anarchs:U2 Alexis Sorokin Clan: Ravnos Alicia Barrows Group: 4 Clan: Malkavian antitribu Capacity: 8 Group: 4 Disciplines: for CEL CHI OBF PRO Capacity: 9 Disciplines: AUS DEM OBF POTPRE Independent. Red List: Once each combat, Alexis maydodge as a strike. She maysteal an Sabbat Archbishop of Mexico City: If you equipment card as a (D) action. She gets +1 control the Edge during your untap phase,you bleed when bleeding a Methuselah who con- maylook at the hand of another Methuselah trols a ready Toreador. and discard up to twoGehenna cards from it. KMW:U/PAn Gehenna:U Allanyan Serata Al-Muntaquim, The Avenger Clan: Toreador Clan: TrueBrujah Group: 5 Group: 4 Capacity: 9 Capacity: 8 Disciplines: ani AUS CEL OBT PRE Disciplines: obf pre FOR POTTEM Camarilla primogen: +1 strength. Independent: Dur ing your untap phase,you KoT:V maybur n aCaitiff you control to giveAl- Muntaquim +1 bleed for the remainder of the game.Al-Muntaquim untaps whenevera Allison Maller Gehenna card is played. He cannot use cards Clan: Brujah that require Celerity.Scarce. Group: 3 LoB:U Capacity: 4 Disciplines: cel pot pre Alonso Petrodon Camarilla Clan: Nosferatu CE:V/PB,BSC:X Group: 5 Capacity: 10 Allonzo Montoya Disciplines: for tha ANI DOM OBF POT Clan: Abomination Camarilla Nosferatu Justicar: When Alonso Group: 3 bleeds successfully,each anarch controlled by Capacity: 6 the target takes 1 unpreventable damage.+1 Disciplines: ani aus OBF SER bleed. Independent: Allonzogets +1 stealth on ac- KoT:V tions that require Serpentis.Allonzocannot blockundirected actions.Scarce.Ster ile. Alonzo Guillen KMW:U Clan: Nosferatu Group: 3 Almiro Suarez Capacity: 6 Clan: Tremere Disciplines: ani for pot OBF Group: 3 Camarilla: Dur ing your untap phase and your Capacity: 2 discard phase,ifAlonzoisready,you maybur n Disciplines: aus the Edge to look at another Methuselah’shand.
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