News ENTERTAINMENT __ SpORTS UWM students win Trip Shakespeare UWM Post sports "Rube Goldberg" performs its unique editor gives his national engineering blend of harmonies appraisal of this contest over break. tonight at Shank M year's women's (Page 3) Hall. (Page 5) basketball team. I I (Page 8) Volume 36, Number 43 Discussion of issues lacking in ugly debate By Jaci Gardell campus security, assuring fair distri­ bution of office space for student or­ As dirty politics once again in­ ganizations on the third floor of the vades the race for President, Univer­ union, the creation of a computer lab sity ofWisconsin-Milwaukee student for student organizations andtheregu- politicians did their best to continue lation of parking costs intheunionlot the tradition on a local level Monday Boehme discussed unionfoodser- in the Union Concourse. vice as well, saying that ours was The UWM Post and Times along "one of the best food services in the with Panther Publishers sponsored a UWSystem."Boehmewentontosay Union Policy Board debate between that prices should be regulated. Students for Union Reform [SURE] "Whether you buy a hamburger at party candidates' ArleneDunstanand the Gasthaus or the Court Grill, it Craig Koch andUsing UnionPolicies should cost the same," said Boehme. Better for Students [uUPBs] mem­ Mostofthe openingremarks made bers Andrea Boehme and Steve by SUREparty chair candidate Arlene —Post photo by Jim Sloslarek Crowley. Dunstan concerned what she termed uUPB members Andrea Boehme and Steve Crowley listen to questions at the Union Poll- cy Board debate Monday In the Union Concourse. Pledges of acleancampaignmade "taking back the union for the stu­ open elections for UPB two years by both parties seemed entirely for­ dents." not "kiss ass." service committee meetings?" gotten as the verbal sparring began "I ask you," said Dunstan, "is this The jousting began when Boehme went on to slag Dunstan ago. When Boehme denied the almost immediately following the really the student union, or is it just Dunstan stated she would allow about abstaining on the $5 million charged, Koch accused her of "hal­ openingcommentsofUPBChaircan- called that because we paid for it?" outside food vendors into the union budget vote last January. Dunstan lucinating." didate Andrea Boehme. Dunstan went on to outline a while reiterating that her opponent said she wasn't given enough time Union Policy Board Chair and Boehme said uUPBs platform in­ three point plan for the union which "likes it the way it is." to make an intelligent decision on Secretary are the only two cludes promoting the Kenwood Inn includedf ood service, student com­ In a brief rebuttal Boehme shot the matter. positionson the board elected by as it is the only hard liquor bar in the fort and student safety. Dunstan back that if "Arlene Dunstan cared The bout continued when SURE popular vote. Voting concludes to­ UW System, having a greater recy­ later stated she would work with so much aboutfood service why did party secretary candidate Koch ac­ day. cling program on campus, increasing union administrators, but she would she miss four out of five dining cused Boehme of voting against Brown's promises analyzed UWM classes too large simply throw them out sluggish American economy? ByKimberly Wilmot By Paul Van Slett The Brown message seems to be The cornerstone ofthe economic Therace for the Democratic presi­ reaching people with the stunning package that Brown has put forth is a Many University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee undergraduate stu­ dential nomination is down to two upset win in Connecticut over front proposal to creating 50 enterprise dents have more contact with their teaching assistants than with their major contenders, Bill Clinton and runner Clinton. Brown won the Con­ zones in areas of highunemployment professors. Jerry Brown. Brownisreceivingmore necticut primary Tuesday with 37 with high welfare dependency rates. So, on the upcoming anniversary of the Milwaukee Graduate attention since Paul Tsongas bowed percent ofthe votes. Business' setting up in these zones Assistants Associations creation, TAs are hoping that students will get out of the race due to his ballooning The question many voters are now and hiring the unemployed from this involved in their working conditions. campaign debt. starting to ask is: What would Jerry area would be given very generous The MGAA is currently in negotiations with UWM to exchange Brown'spopulistcampaign'scen- Brown do if we were to place him in but unspecified tax breaks. contract proposals. The proposal deals with the working conditions of tral theme is that Washington has the Oval Office? "That's a good temporary stop- teaching assistants that are employed by the university. Much of the been so corrupted by big money lob­ Brown, a former two-term gover­ gap,"saysUniversity ofWisconsin— bargaining centers around conditions that will affect all undergraduate byists and career politicians that it is nor of California from 1975-83, pre­ Milwaukee Economics Professor students at UWM. no longer responsive to the needs of sided over a rapid sustained expan­ William Holahan. "It enables entre­ Issues that are involved include class size, TA orientation, training average Americans—in effect, throw sion of the world's eighth largest preneurs inthecentral city of Chicago and evaluation procedures and concerns for international students. the bums out. But it is not enough to economy. How would he handle the or Milwaukee to competemore effec­ The working conditions that the MGAA Bargaining team is asking tively against third world competi­ for will improve the quality of education for students in the classes they *H tors." are teaching, according to MGAA Bargaining team member Melissa l§w8K:'*^*f ' Jlllli UWM Professor Ian Harris, an Venable. ^^ illifllill? expert incommunity based economic "TA working conditions equal students' learning conditions," said ;:li! : development, doesn't like Brown's ... ill Venable. "They're [negotiations] important to all undergraduates." m proposal. One example she uses is that when classes are over-enrolled, it '^lili "Usually enterprise zones not only becomes difficult for TA's to lead a class. ^ • have tax breaks but they also forego a "It's more than one person can deal with," said Venable. lot of other federal regulations like Another issue the MGAA is working on is waving tuition for TA's. • environmental standards and affir­ The UW System, Assembly Bill 465, the tuition waiver bill, has WmmW. & V mative actionquotas.Ifeelthoseregu- recently been amended and is on its way to the full Assembly. s 4 lations are important," said Harris. The new version allows the UW Board of Regents to remit in-state Brown has also proposed reform­ tuition for graduate assistants with appointments of 33 percent or ing the welfare system so that instead higher. of receiving a check, the unemployed Venable encourages students and other TAs to share their concerns wM liljg would recieve a voucher. by attending meetings every other Sunday evening, with the next Vouchers would be turned in to a meeting scheduled for March 22. "~—rosi pnoio oy IYIIKB I\MKOWSKI private employer who couldthenhire Former California Gov. Jerry Brown meets with students out­ "They [university officials] seem very open to bargaining," said Venable. "We hope to be done by the end of the semester." side Weasler Auditorium on the Marquette campus last week. Please see Brown page 4 Page 2 The UWM Post Thursday, March 26, 1992 Week in Brief Compiled by Sandra Spann Bareboat certification available to Naylor to read from original 'Raptivisf to UWM Sailing Club members works April 21 at Centennial Hall speak at UWM The Sailing Club at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is offering Sister Souljah, activist and "the American Sailing Association Bareboat Certification to Sailing Club Gloria Naylor, best known for brary Literary Society, assistedby female voice" ofthe rap group Public members for the third consecutive year. her novel "The Women of a grant from the Wisconsin Hu­ Enemy, will speak on Friday, March This class includes five classroom sessions on the UWM campus and a Brewster Place," will read from manities Committee. 27, at 8 pjn. in the Union Ballroom at weekend of live-aboard water instruction on a charter boat in Door County. her works at the Milwaukee Pub­ There are no tickets for the pro­ the University of Wisconsin-Milwau­ ASA Bareboat Certification classes will be held on the UWM campus lic Library's Centennial Hall, 733 gram; however, a $5 contribution kee. starting in April. To register or for additional information call Steve Janny N. Eighth St., on Tuesday, April to the Milwaukee Public Library Souljah has earned a reputation as at 358-3652 or Brian Peck at 271-3981. 21 at 7 p.m. Foundation is suggested. For a powerful orator through her univer­ Naylor's appearance in Mil­ group arrangements, contact sity lectures and appearances on "The 1 waukee is sponsored by The Li­ Marsha Sehler, 226-8703. Oprah Winfrey Show"and"Geraldo." 'Keep the Change campaign to Asarapping activist, or"raptivist," fund special activities Souljah also has recorded her mes­ sage in a hip-hop single, "The Final Student efforts have been ing March and April, students will UWM Popcorn Forum to address Solution: Slavery's back in Effect" launched to increase awareness of be donating toward one of the spe­ racism in middle schools Her new album, "360 Degrees of homelessness and hunger through cial activities planned during April, Power," is due to be released late this the "Keep the Change" campaign the declared Homelessness and A popcorn forum on Wednes­ The speakers will discuss re­ month. at the University of Wisconsin-Mil­ Hunger Awareness Month. day, April 8, 1992 from 12:30- cent racial incidents in Milwau­ Souljah's appearanceis sponsored waukee.
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