Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 2 APRIL 1974 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 3400 Farmers' Assistance, &c., Bill [2 APRIL 1974] Ministerial Statement TUESDAY, 2 APRIL 1974 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. W. H. Lonergan, Flinders) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. ASSENT TO BILLS Assent to the following Bills reported by Mr. Speaker:- Mental Health Bill; Public Defence Bill; Queensland Law Society Act Amendment Bill; Legal Practitioners Act Amendment Bill; Intestacy Act Amendment Bill. PAPERS The following papers were laid on the table:- Orders in Council under­ Money Lenders Act 1916-1973. ExpLosives Act 1952-1972. Water Act 1926-1973 and the Irriga­ tion Act 1922-1973. Harbours Act 1955-1972. Regulations under- Art Union Regulation Act 1964-1973. Queensland Marine Act 1958-1972. Impact Study of proposed Clinker Grinding Complex on Parker Island. (A) Proposal by the Governor in Council to revoke the setting ·apart and declaration as a State Forest of all that piece or part of State Forest 561, parish of Bribie, described as portion 281, parish of Bribie, as shown on plans Cg. 1890 and Cg. 1891 deposi­ ted in the Survey Office and contain­ ing an area of about 250 hectares- Under the Forestry Act 1959-1973. (B) A brief explanation of the proposal. Information concerning applications for Town Plans by Local Authorities (Part Answer to Question asked by Honourable Member for Red­ lands on 'March 28, 1974). MINISTERIAL STATEMENT DEPORTATION OF FIJIANS Hon. S. D. TOOTH (Ashgrove-Minister for Health) (11.8 a.m.): My attention has been drawn to the fact that the Common­ wealth Minister for Immigration, the Hon­ ourable Al Grassby, is reported to have made statements involving Queensland prison authorities in the controversy currently surrounding the deportation of a number of persons to Fiji. I therefore wish to indicate the extent to which our prison authorities have been involved. Questions Upon Notice [2 APRIL 1974] Questions Upon Notice 3401 Fourteen persons were brought in to Her port, has he given further detailed con­ Majesty's Prison, Brisbane, at 5.5 p.m. on sideration to the ideas of retired master Friday, 29 March 1974. They were held and accepted by virtue of 14 custody warrants mariner, Captain Moore, which I have signed by E. Webber, an officer in the submitted to his Department on at least Commonwealth Department of Immigration. three occasions in the past five years? The order was made by powers conferred upon him under section 39 of the Migration (2) As Captain Moore's plan for a Act, 1958 to 1966. passage to be cut through the southern tip of Moreton Island is practicable and would On their arrival, in accordance with normal solve the vexed problem of the continual prison procedures and regulations, they were searched, bathed and dressed in remand wasteful use of the Caloundra passage, will clothing. The searches were carried out he now initiate a full feasibility study of in accordance with the regulations, having this matter? due regard for decency and self-respect as set out in regulation 210. (3) Will he investigate the use of one of the Moreton Bay islands, e.g., Mud They were completely segregated from Island, as a store island for petroleum pro­ other prisoners. A hot meal was offered to them on Friday night but as they are, I ducts, as the use of such an island would understand, of Hindu religion, they refused preclude the risk of a devastating fire in to eat it and asked for bread only. They the present wharf facilities on the river? made no contact with other prisoners. I am informed they were very quiet and made Answers:- no complaint regarding their treatment at Her Majesty's Prison, Brisbane. (1 and 2) "Captain Moore's proposals for a new port for Brisbane have been fully They were surrendered to another officer investigated in the past and further studies of the Immigration Department named Thomas Burns at 5.25 p.m. on Saturday, are not needed." 30 March. (3) "The study undertaken by the Department of Harbours and Marine covers QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE all aspects of port operation and develop­ ment, including the operations of the oil COMMITTEE TO REVIEW FLOOD-RELIEF APPLICATIONS industry." Mr. Houston, pursuant to notice, asked The Premier,- NURSING STAFF NUMBERS AND PROBLEMS, Has the committee to review flood claims ROYAL BRISBANE HOSPITAL been set up? If so, who are the members of the committee and what are the pro­ (a) Dr. Crawford, pursuant to notice, cedures to be adopted by any flood victims asked The Minister for Health,- who wish to have their applications ( 1) What are the exact numbers of the reviewed? official establishment for (a) trained nurses, (b) trainee nurses and (c) nursing Answer:- aides at the Royal Brisbane Hospital, "Yes. The members of the committee excluding the Women's and Children's are:-Chairman-Mr. J. W. Ashfield, Hospitals? Stipendiary Magistrate; Mr. W. R. A. McAlpine, Public Curator; Mr. L. A. (2) What are the present numbers of Hielscher, Deputy Under Treasurer; Mr. nurses at that hospital in the same U. D. Thorne, Second Assistant Under categories? Secretary, Premier's Department; and Mr. D. F. Wilson, Assistant Secretary, Co­ (3) In view of the urgency of staff ordinator-General's Department. Flood problems at the hospital, with threats of victims who have any complaints regarding strike action being mentioned, are there the assessment of applic~tions for assist­ any specific recommendations from W. D. ance should write to the Secretary, Flood Scott and Co. which could be immediately Assistance Committee of Review, P.O. Box 15, Brisbane North Quay, stating full implemented? details of their claim." ( 4) Although W. D. Scott and Co. have not yet completed their reports, in the NEW PORT FOR BRISBANE interest of the public, have they made any Dr. Crawford, pursuant to notice, asked general comments as to how nursing staff The Minister for Conservation,- in general, in any hospital, can be given ( 1) As he is conducting an investigation greater assistance with their method of into the establishment of a new Brisbane work and job satisfaction? 3402 Questions Upon Notice [2 APRIL 1974] Questions Upon Notice Answers:- receive representation from any organisa­ (1 and 2) "The approved establishment tion within the Hospita-l with a view to and the total number of full-time and part­ correcting any deficiencies. The Chairman, time nursing staff employed at March 28, who is also Chairman of the South Bris­ 1974, in various categories at Royal Bris­ bane Hospitals Board has advised that, bane Hospital is:- following a meeting of the student nurses at Princess Alexandra Hospital and at Royal Brisbane Hospital, he would antici­ Employed Establish- pate approaches being made to both _Boards -- ment and understands that a further meetmg has Full- Part- been arranged by the nurses at Princess time time Alexandra Hospital to document the items they desire to raise with the South Brisbane (a) Trained Nurses .. 276 189 125 Hospitals Board." (b) Student Nurses .. 601 432 .. (c) Nursing Aides, LOCAL AUTHORITY POWERS TO ENTER Assistants in Nurs- PRIVATE PREMISES ing and Cadet Nurses 173 183 57 Mr. Ahern, pursuant to notice, asked The 1,050 804 182 ' Minister for Health,- With reference to a regulation which (3 and 4) "Progress reports from the appeared in the Queensland Government Management Consultants are being received Gazette of February 9 and which appears by the North Brisbane Hospitals Board to give enormous powers to local and a proposed plan for developing authorities to enter premises, including organisational structures has been adopted private homes, with apparently no restric­ by the Hospitals Board. I am informed tions of any kind, are these sweeping that the Management Consultants and the powers necessary and what protection is Hospitals' Analyst teams have submitted provided against possible abuse? recommendations to the Board in an endeavour to maintain the available nursing Answer:- staff at a more constant level in the ward situation. These recommendations have "In reply to the Honourable Member I been adopted." appreciate his concern and agree that the provisions of the regulation of February 9 last, provided Draconian powers for local authorities and appear to ha:ve little respect (b) Dr. Crawford, pursuant to notice, for the normal rights of citizens. I wish asked The Minister for Health,- to set the Honourable Member's mind at ( 1) Has his Department ascertained the rest immediately by indicating my intention views of the secretariat and executive of to recommend to the Governor in Council the Queensland Nurses Federation with the early withdrawal of this regulation. In regard to the current problems pertaining the circumstances, however, I feel that the to nursing services at the Royal Brisbane Honourable Member is entitled to some Hospital? account of the circumstances under which (2) As it is of vital importance that it was promulgated. Late on the evening the nurses, who perform the basic work in of Friday, February 8, I was attending a a hospital, be given every consideration meeting of the Health Committee of the when they have legitimate problems, has Liberal Party organisation when I received his Department had any contact with the an urgent call from the Under Secretary Student Nurses Organisation to discuss of the Premier's Department, Mr. K. these matters and, if so, what are the Spann, asking me if I would make myself results and how quickly can the problems available for a conference in his office on be solved? an urgent matter. Upon my arrival at the Premier's Department I found a group of Answers:- senior officers of that Department together with the Director-General of Health and (1) "I am advised that representatives Medical Services, and several of the of the North Brisbane Hospitals Board, as Government's legal advisers in conference.
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