YEAR : 1910 EVENT: CITY/STATE: PERSONALITY : Group photo B.44 ASHRAM: Tolstoy Farm eks- d- xka/kh vkSj gjeu dSyuckd vius izeq[k lgokfl;ksa ds lkFk] VkWyLVk; QkeZ M. K. Gandhi and Mr. Herman Kallenbach with the pioneer settlers at Tolstoy Farm YEAR : 1912 EVENT: Family photo CITY/STATE: South Africa PERSONALITY : Ba, Bapu and P.K. Naidu’s Family B.45 ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh vkSj dLrwjck nf{k.k vÝhdk esa ih- ds- uk;Mw vkSj muds ifjokj ds lkFk] 1912 M. K. Gandhi and Kasturba with P. K. Naidu and his family in South Africa, 1912 YEAR : 1912 EVENT: Gokhale’s reception CITY/STATE: Capetown PERSONALITY : M.K. Gandhi & Gopal Krishan Gokhale ASHRAM: B.46 eks- d- xka/kh] xksiky d`".k xks[kys dk dsiVkmu esa Lokxr djrs gq,] 22 vDrwcj 1912 M. K. Gandhi receiving Gopal Krishna Gokhale at Capetown, October 22, 1912 YEAR : 1912 EVENT: Gokhale’s reception CITY/STATE: Durban PERSONALITY : Gopal Krishan Gokhale ASHRAM: B.47 ykWMZl xzkmUM+] Mjcu] esa xksiky d`".k xks[kys dh Lokxr lekjksg esa eks- d- xka/kh] 1912 M. K. Gandhi with Gopal Krishna Gokhale during latter’s reception at Lord’s Ground, Durban, 1912 16 YEAR : 1912 EVENT: Reception of Gokhale CITY/STATE: Durban PERSONALITY : Members of Reception Committee ASHRAM: B.48 eks- d- xka/kh Mjcu esa xksiky d`".k xks[kys] gjeu dSyuckd vkSj Lokxr lfefr ds lnL;ksa ds lkFk] 1912 M. K. Gandhi in Durban with Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Herman Kallenbach and members of the reception Committee, 1912 YEAR : 1912 EVENT: Reception of Gokhale CITY/STATE: Durban PERSONALITY : Gopal Krishan Gokhale B.49 ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh Mjcu esa xksiky d`".k xks[kys rFkk vU; yksxksa ds lkFk] 1912 M. K. Gandhi in Durban with Gopal Krishna Gokhale and others, 1912 YEAR : 1912 EVENT: Reception of Gokhale CITY/STATE: Durban PERSONALITY : Gopal Krishan Gokhale ASHRAM: B.50 eks- d- xka/kh] xksiky d`".k xks[kys rFkk Lokxr lfefr ds lnL;ksa ds lkFk] Mjcu] 1912 M. K. Gandhi with Gopal Krishna Gokhale, and members of the Reception Committee, Durban, 1912 17 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: South African Indian Community CITY/STATE: South Africa PERSONALITY : ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh os:ye esa nf{k.k vÝhdh fganh leqnk; B.51 ds lnL;ksa dks lEcksf/kr djrs gq, M. K. Gandhi addressing members of the South African Indian Community in Verulam YEAR : 1913 EVENT: CITY/STATE: Durban PERSONALITY : M.K. Gandhi, Mr. Herman Kallenbach and Ms. Sonja Schlesin ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh 1913 dh ,sfrgkfld lR;kxzg ;k=k ds iwoZ gjeu dSyuckd vkSj dq- lksU;k 'ysflu ds lkFk M. K. Gandhi with Mr. Herman Kallenbach and Miss Sonja Schlesin, B.52 before the historic Satyagraha march of 1913 18 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: CITY/STATE: Durban PERSONALITY : M.K. Gandhi, Mr. Herman Kallenbach and Ms. Sonja Schlesin ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh viuh lfpo dq- lksU;k 'ysflu vkSj gjeu dSyuckd ds lkFk tksgkfulcxZ esa] 1913 M. K. Gandhi with his secretary Miss B.53 Sonja Schlesin and colleague Herman Kallenbach at Johannesburg, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Great March CITY/STATE: Durban, Transvaal PERSONALITY : ASHRAM: B.54 lR;kxzfg;ksa dk tRFkk in;k=k ds nkSjku QkWDljLV ikj djds VªkUloky dh lhek esa izos'k djrs gq,] vDVwcj 9] 1913 During the march of Satyagrahis through Volksrust crossing into the Transvaal, 9 October, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Great March CITY/STATE: Durban, Transvaal PERSONALITY: ASHRAM: lR;kxzfg;ksa dk tRFkk in;k=k ds nkSjku QkDljLV B.55 ikj djds VªkUloky dh lhek esa izos'k djrs gq,] vDVwcj 9] 1913 During the march of Satyagrahis through From Volksrust crossing into the Transvaal, , 9 October, 1913 19 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: CITY/STATE: Durban PERSONALITY : M.K. Gandhi, Ms. Sonja B.56 Schlesin ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh viuh fxj¶rkjh ds ckn dq- lksU;k 'ysflu vkSj vU; yksxksa ds lkFk] 1913 M. K. Gandhi with Miss Sonja Schlesin and others after his arrest, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Hindu Women’s Association CITY/STATE: Durban PERSONALITY : M.K. Gandhi, Kasturba and others B.57 ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh vkSj dLrwjck fgUnw efgyk laxBu ds lnL;ksa ds lkFk] 1913 M. K. Gandhi and Kasturba along with the members of the Hindu Women’s Association, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Farewell party CITY/STATE: Durban PERSONALITY: M.K. Gandhi, Mrs. Polak ASHRAM: Phoenix settlement B.58 eks- d- xka/kh] Jh vkSj Jherh iksykd ds fQfuDl vkJe esa gq, fonkbZ lekjksg ds nkSjku] 1913 M. K. Gandhi at farewell party of Mr. and Mrs. Polak at Phoenix settlement, 1913 YEAR : 1914 EVENT: CITY/STATE: South Africa PERSONALITY : M. K. Gandhi, Kasturba, Herman Kallenbach and Parsee Rustomjee ASHRAM: Tolstoy Farm B.59 eks- d- xka/kh] dLrwjck] gjeu dSyuckd vkSj ikjlh :Lreth vU; lR;kxzfg;ksa ds lkFk VkWyLVkW; QkeZ] nf{k.k vÝhdk] 1914 M. K. Gandhi, Kasturba, Herman Kallenbach and Parsee Rustomjee along with the other satyagrahis, Tolstoy Farm, South Africa 1914 20 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: CITY/STATE: South Africa PERSONALITY : ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh lR;kxzgzg dsds la?k"kZla?k"kZ dsds nkSjku]nkSjku] nf{k.knf{k.k vÝhdk] 1913 M. K. Gandhi during the Satyagraha B.60 struggle, South Africa, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Pietermaritzburg Railway Station CITY/STATE: South Africa PERSONALITY: Herman Kallenbach and Sonja Schlesin B.61 ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh ihVjeSfjRlcxZ jsyos LVs'ku ij gjeu dSyuckd vkSj lksU;k 'ysflu ds lkFk M. K. Gandhi with Herman Kallenbach and Sonja Schlesin at Pietermaritzburg Railway Station YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Indian passive resisters CITY/STATE: Transvall PERSONALITY: Group of Passive Resisters ASHRAM: VªkUloky ckWMZj ij fganh lR;kxzghA lHkh efgyk;sa vkSj cPps rFkk bl tRFks ds pkj iq:"k] lR;kxzg B.62 djrs gq, tsy Hksts x, Fks ¼nh ejD;qjh fiDVksfj;y] 31 vDVwcj 1931½ Indian passive resisters on the Transvaal border. All the women and children and four of the men of the above group have been sent to prison in connection with the passive resistence movement (The Mercury Pictorial, October 31,1913) 21 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Stikers of Hattingh Spruit CITY/STATE: South Africa PERSONALITY : Group photo of Strikers ASHRAM: B.63 gfVax LizwbV esa gM+rkfy;ksa vkSj vU; yksxksa dks lEcksf/kr djrs gq, eks-d- xka/kh ¼nh fiDVksfj;y] 7 uoEcj 1913-½ M. K. Gandhi addressing strikers and others at Hattingh Spruit, November 7, 1913. YEAR : 1913 EVENT: M.K. Gandhi Addressing at Natal CITY/STATE: Natal PERSONALITY: ASHRAM: ukrky esa fgafn;ksa dk fojks/kA U;w dkWly esa eks- d- B.64 xka/kh fganh lR;kxzfg;ksa dks lEcksf/kr djrs gq,] 14 uoEcj 1913 The Indian trouble in Natal. Indian passive resisters at Newcastle, with M. K. Gandhi addressing them, 14 November, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Indian Strikers at Natal CITY/STATE: Newcastle PERSONALITY : ASHRAM: B.65 U;wdkly dh ,d lM+d dk n`'; ftlesa ukrky dh dks;yk [kknku ds fganh gM+rkyh etnwj fn[kkbZ ns jgs gSa] 14 uoEcj 1913- A street scene at Newcastle, showing Indian strikers from the Natal coal mines, November 14, 1913 22 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Thambi Naidoo addressing at Newcastle CITY/STATE: South Afica/Newcastle PERSONALITY : Thambi Naidoo ASHRAM: B.66 U;wdkly esa lR;kxzfg;ksa dks lEcksf/kr djrs gq, rkEch Ukk;Mw] 14 uoEcj 1913 Passive resisters at Newcastle being addressed by Thambi Naidoo, November 14, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: CITY/STATE: Volksrust PERSONALITY : ASHRAM: B.67 QkWDljLV dh vksj tkusokys dbZ ifjokjksa dks iqfyl us baxksxks esa jksd fy;k Fkk] 21 uoEcj] 1913 A number of families were detained by the police at Ingogo on their way to Volksrust, November 21, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Indian coal mine workers CITY/STATE: Transvaal PERSONALITY : Group of Coal Mine workers ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh dks;yk [kku ds fganh ewy ds gM+rkyh dkexkjksa ds ,d NksVs ls lewg ds lkFk 29 vDVwcj 1913 ds fnu U;wdkly ls ckgj ljdkj ds bfexzs'ku B.68 fjLVªhD'ku ,DV dk mYya?ku djus vkSj fxj¶rkjh nsus ds fy, VªkUloky ckWMZj dh vksj tkus okys jkLrs ij M. K. Gandhi leading a small group of striking Indian coal mine workers out of Newcastle on October 29, 1913, en route to the Transvaal border to defy the Government’s Immigration Restriction Act and to court arrest 23 YEAR : EVENT: CITY/STATE: PERSONALITY : ASHRAM: B.69 dqN gh fnuksa esa 4000 lR;kxzgh gM+rkyh rS;kj Fks mUgksaus viuh vko';drkvksa dh fpUrk dks eks- d- xka/kh ds dU/kksa ij Mky fn;k Within days 4,000 strikers were on the move, they placed demanding logistical concerns on M. K. Gandhi YEAR : EVENT: CITY/STATE: PERSONALITY : ASHRAM: B.70 fp= ds vxzHkkx esa iko jksVh vkSj tsyh ds fMCcs ns[ks tk ldrs gSa Loaves of bread and a couple of jerry cans can be seen in the foreground of the photograph YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Crossed into the Transvaal CITY/STATE: Transvaal PERSONALITY : M.K. Gandhi, Herman Kallenbach and Sonja Schlesin ASHRAM: eks- d- xka/kh muds utnhdh nksLr vkSj lg;ksxh Jh B.71 gjeu dSyuckd vkSj dq- lksU;k 'ysflu dks fp= esa igpkuk tk ldrk gSA bl lewg us 6 uoacj 1913 ds fnu VªkUloky esa izos'k fd;k Fkk M. K. Gandhi, his close friends and supporters Mr. Herman Kallenbach and Miss Sonja Schlesin can be identified. The group crossed into the Transvaal on November 6, 1913 24 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Meeting at Hindu headquarter CITY/STATE: B.72 PERSONALITY : ASHRAM: fgUnq eq[;ky; esa lHkk 21 uoEcj 1913 Meeting at Hindu headquarters November 21, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: CITY/STATE: Grey Street PERSONALITY : B.73 ASHRAM: xzs LVªhV ij LdkmV vkSj fidsfVax djrs gq, dk;ZdrkZ 21 uoEcj 1913 Scouts and pickets in Grey Street November 21, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Outskirts at Indian Recreation Ground CITY/STATE: PERSONALITY : B.74 ASHRAM: bfUM;u fjØh,'ku xzkmaM ij py jgs izn'kZu dk ckgjh Hkkx] 21 uoEcj 1913 Outskirts of the demonstration on the Indian Recreation Ground, November 21, 1913 YEAR : 1913 EVENT: Woman addressing the crowd CITY/STATE: Johannesburg PERSONALITY : B.75 ASHRAM: A Johannesburg woman addressing
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