New Opportunities – Pre-Intermediate English-German-French Wordlist English Headword Pronunciation German French Example Sentence Module 1 about /əbaυt/ ungefähr environ There are about 40 people in my office. active /ktiv/ aktiv actif The hotel has lots of games for active youngsters. adventure /ədventʃə/ Abenteuer l'aventure It's a book about Johnson's adventures at sea. agree /əri/ übereinstimmen être d'accord Paul and I don't agree on everything. all over / ɔl əυvə/ überall partout dans People came from all over the world to watch the Olympic Games. all-night /ɔl nait/ die ganze Nacht geöffnet ouvert toute la nuit We stopped at an all-night café for a hot meal. alone /ələυn/ allein seul She didn't like living alone in the house. ambulance driver /mbjələns draivə/ Krankenwagenfahrer le chauffeur d'ambulance My son wants to be an ambulance driver when he grows up. anyway /eniwei/ trotzdem tout de même Tom was ill, but I went to the party anyway. around /əraυnd/ um ... herum autour de There was a high fence around the school. article /ɑtikəl/ Artikel, Beitrag l'article I read an interesting article about fishing. at /ət, t/ am, bei à, au Her aunt met her at the station. average /vərid / Durchschnitt moyen I buy £40 worth of food a week on average. avoid /əvɔid/ vermeiden éviter She avoided trouble by keeping quiet. away /əwei/ weg throw away: jeter Throw that food away, it's rotten. barbecue /bɑbikju/ Grillparty le barbecue We had a barbecue on the beach. bet /bet/ wetten parier I bet him £5 that he wouldn't win. bike /baik/ Fahrrad le vélo He fell off his bike. bit /bit/ bisschen petit peu The TV's a bit loud. Can you turn it down? boring /bɔriŋ/ langweilig ennuyant The programme was so boring she fell asleep. breakfast /brekfəst/ Frühstück le petit déjeuner I usually have breakfast at 7.30. busy /bizi/ geschäftig, fleißig occupé She's a busy mother of three small children. buy /bai/ kaufen acheter Sam's just bought a new computer. café /kfei/ Café le snack-bar At lunchtime we went to the café for a snack. camp /kmp/ Zeltlager, Ferienlager le camping After hiking all morning, we returned to the camp. can’t (– stand …) /kɑnt/ nicht aushalten ne pas pouvoir She wants to be a nurse but she can't stand the sight of blood! – Seite 1 von 92 – English Headword Pronunciation German French Example Sentence care /keə/ sich sorgen, kümmern se soucier de He doesn't seem to care about other people. carrier bag /kriə b/ Tragetaschen le sac à provisions Jack offered to fill the old lady's carrier bags. census /sensəs/ Erhebung, Zählung le recensement Class 3 held a traffic census to see how many cars came to school. change /tʃeind / ändern changer As we travelled, the view changed from mountains to fields. changing (the – face of…) /tʃeind iŋ/ sich verändernd changeant These new mobile phones are the changing face of communications. check /tʃek/ überprüfen vérifier The firemen check all the equipment daily. chocolate /tʃɒklət/ Schokolade le chocolat Can I have a piece of chocolate? climb / climbing /klaim, klaimiŋ/ klettern/Klettern grimper, l'escalade She climbed to the top of the hill. close /kləυs/ dicht, nahe près Don't stand so close to me. closed-down / kləυzd daυn/ geschlossen, aufgegeben fermé The High Street is full of closed-down shops. collect /kəlekt/ einsammeln ramasser, rassembler I'll collect everyone's papers at the end of the test. common /kɒmən/ gemeinsam commun They became good friends because they had a lot in common. complete /kəmplit/ beenden, ausfüllen terminer, achever Complete the test and then hand in your answers. copy /kɒpi/ kopieren, nachahmen copier He copied the painting and tried to sell it for a lot of money. couch potato /kaυtʃ pə teitəυ/ Stubenhocker, träger Mensch qqn qui passe son temps devant la My brother's a couch potato. Every night he just sits there watching TV. TV council /kaυnsəl/ Rat, Gemeinderat l'administration communale Northampton Borough Council has offices in the town centre. countryside /kntrisaid/ Land la campagne Let's go for a walk in the countryside creative /krieitiv/ schöpferisch créatif She was a very creative and successful artist. criminal (noun) /krimənəl/ Krimineller, Verbrecher le criminel Some criminals will do anything to get what they want. cruel /kruəl/ grausam cruel I think it's cruel to keep wild animals in zoos. cycle / cycling /saikəl, saikliŋ/ mit dem Fahrrad fahren rouler à vélo Suki cycles to school every day. dangerous /deind ərəs/ gefährlich dangereux It's dangerous to walk alone at night around here. day /dei/ Tag le jour We went to Paris for ten days. deliver /dilivə/ ausliefern livrer Can you deliver this parcel before Christmas? describe / description /diskraib, diskripʃən/ beschreiben / Beschreibung décrire, la description The police asked for a description of the person who drove the car. different /difərənt/ verschieden différent Our sons are very different from each other. dive / diving /daiv, daiviŋ/ tauchen / Tauchen plonger, la plongée She dived off the rock into the sea. do /du/ machen, tun faire Jane loves doing exams. I hate them! dog /dɒ/ Hund le chien We got a big dog to frighten away burglars. dream /drim/ Traum le rêve I had a dream about my dog last night. – Seite 2 von 92 – English Headword Pronunciation German French Example Sentence early /li/ früh tôt Let's get there early, before everybody else. earn /n/ verdienen gagner She earns £27,000 a year. eat sth /it smθiŋ/ etw. essen manger qch I was so hungry, I could have eaten a horse! eco-camp /ikəυ kmp/ Öko-Camp le campement d'opposants She wanted to save the countryside so she joined the others at the eco-camp. écologistes eco-protest /ikəυ prəυtest/ Umweltprotest le mouvement de protestation When they planned the airport they didn't think there would be an eco- écologiste protest. eco-protestor /ikəυ prə testə/ Umweltdemonstrant le résistant écologiste The eco-protestors sat down in front of the police. education / edjυkeiʃən/ Erziehung, Ausbildung l'éducation, la formation The government has promised to spend more on education. energetic / enəd etik/ dynamisch, Energie geladen énergique Their style of dancing is very energetic. enjoy /ind ɔi/ genießen prendre plaisir à The park was lovely, and I enjoyed the walk. er // äh euh "Where do you think you're going?" "I'm, er, taking the dog for a walk." everywhere /evriweə/ überall partout There was broken glass everywhere. exciting /iksaitiŋ/ spannend captivant It was a pretty exciting game. executive /izekjətiv/ leitender Angestellter, le cadre supérieur The chief executive has a big expensive car. Geschäftsführer expectancy /ikspektənsi/ Erwartung espérance (de vie) Men in Glasgow have a life expectancy of 69 years. expensive /ikspensiv/ teuer cher We can't afford this – it's too expensive. face (the changing – of the UK) /feis/ Gesicht le visage, l'aspect The face of Leeds city centre has changed a lot in the last 10 years. fade /feid/ abklingen, verklingen disparaître progressivement The sounds faded away into the distance. fashion /fʃən/ Mode la mode The latest fashion is to wear skirts over trousers. fat /ft/ dick gros You'll get fat if you eat all that chocolate. fine /fain/ köstlich, ausgezeichnet bon We sell fine food from around the world. folk music /fəυk mjuzik/ Volksmusik la musique folk The last group at the concert played folk music. foot /fυt/ Fuß le pied His car broke down so he had to get there on foot. for /fə, fɔ/ für pour John's responsible for all the money. forest /fɒrəst/ Wald la forêt He got lost in the thick forest. four-fifths / fɔ fifθs/ vier Fünftel quatre cinquièmes She cut the cake into five pieces and then ate one, leaving four-fifths. free (– time) /fri/ frei, Freizeit libre He makes model aeroplanes in his free time. from /frəm, frɒm/ von de (origine, provenance) Name three ways in which this picture is different from that one. fruit /frut/ Obst, Frucht le(s) fruit(s) Bananas are my favourite fruit. gap year /p jiə/ Auslandsjahr année passée à l'étranger avant les Between school and university, I had a gap year in Australia. études supérieures – Seite 3 von 92 – English Headword Pronunciation German French Example Sentence get (- back) /et bk/ zurückkehren, zurückkommen revenir After a year abroad, I couldn't wait to get back home. get (- cold) /et kəυld/ frieren attraper (froid) When it started snowing, he began to get cold. get on with /et ɒn wið niməlz/ zurechtkommen, auskommen s'entendre avec Zak gets on well with animals, and wants to be a vet. get up /et p/ aufstehen se lever He went to bed late, and couldn't get up the next morning. get up to sth /et p tə smθiŋ/ etw. anstellen préparer (un mauvais coup) You have to watch him all the time. He's always getting up to something. glass /lɑs/ Glas, Scheibe le verre The ball hit the window and broke the glass. go ( – for a walk) /əυ/ (spazieren) gehen aller (se promener) Should we stay in or go out for a walk? go up /əυ p/ hinaufgehen, -steigen monter She went up the ladder and rescued the cat from the tree. go /əυ/ gehen aller I go to bed at 10 o'clock every night. grow /rəυ/ züchten, aufziehen (faire) grandir, (faire) pousser I'm going to grow daffodils in the garden this year. growing /rəυiŋ/ wachsend croissant A growing number of people believe in ghosts. growth /rəυθ/ Wachstum la croissance Tourism is a growth industry in this country. government /vəmənt, vənmənt/ Regierung le gouvernement The new government promised not to increase taxes.
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