Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08067-6 — The Botany of Mangroves P. Barry Tomlinson Index More Information Index Bold face numbers refer to main description; italic numbers refer to illustrations. Synonyms are not indexed unless cited in text; plate figures (PL.) refer to plate numbers. Aba-bin-senna, 59 Aegiceras corniculatum, 118, 303, 304, 305, PL. 8A, abiotic factors, 24 PL. 9H abscission, 74 distribution, 304 absorbing component of roots, 97 floral biology, 306 absorption of ions, 121 fruit and seed biology, 306 Acacia,54 growth and reproduction, 305 Acanthaceae, 167 Aegiceras floridum, 307 Acanthus, 167 Aegiceras fragrans, 303 epidermal glands, 170 AEP, (Atlantic Caribbean Eastern Pacific), key to species, 167 39, 44 taxonomy and nomenclature, 172 aerating, component of roots, 97 Acanthus ebracteatus, 171, 172 aerial roots, 90 ssp. ebarbatus, 172 development in Rhizophora, 106, ssp. ebracteatus, 171 107 Acanthus ilicifolius, 118, 168, 169, 170 types 93 growth, 168 aerial survey of mangal, 22 leaf morphology, 169 Aerope, 334, 338 reproductive biology, 171 agamospermy, 123 Acanthus volubilis, 172 Aganope, 260 Achyranthes,30 Aganope heptaphylla, 260, 261 Acrostichum, 309, PL. 20 Agathis alba,35 ecological and geographic distribution, 312 Aglaia cucullata, 279 key to species, 310 agriculture, 160 morphology and reproduction, 313 Agrostyphyllum,36 phenology, 313 algae, 17 rhizome, 73 allochthonous occurrence, 49 Acrostichum aureum, 54, 310, 311, PL. 20B Allophylus, 361, 34 Acrostichum danaeifolium, 311, 312, PL. 20C Allophylus cobbe, 34, 361 Acrostichum speciosum, 311 var. limo us, 361 Aechmea,36 var. marinus, 361 Aegialitidaceae, 299 Allophylus edulis, 361 Aegialitis, 299 Amboinese Herbarium, 3 anatomy, 301 Amoora cucullata, 279 ecological distribution, 301 Amphibolis, 141 geographical distribution, 53 Amphitecna, 219 key to species, 300 Amphitecna latifolia, 54, 219 Aegialitis annulata, 53, 82, 300, 300 PL. 9F Amyema, 18, 36 Aegialitis rotundifolia, 53, 301 Amyema mackayense,36 Aegicereaceae, 302 Anacardiaceae, 173 Aegiceras, 302 anaerobic, substrate, 15 key to species, 303 analytical methods, 20 406 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08067-6 — The Botany of Mangroves P. Barry Tomlinson Index More Information Index 407 anatomy seedling establishment, 200, 201 of leaves, 81, 82, 86, 84, PL. 9 western species, 204, 210 of roots, 103, 104 wood structure, 193, 200 of wood, 87, 89, PL. 10 Avicennia africana, 211 anchoring root, 97 Avicennia alba, 196, 201, 209, PL. 8C Anemopaegma, 35, 219 Avicennia balanophora, 210 Anemopaegma chrysoleucum, 219 Avicennia bicolor, 211 animal pollination, 127 leaf morphology, PL. 5E, 6 G diurnal, 127 Avicennia eucalyptifolia, 196, 210 nocturnal, 127 Avicennia germinans, 189, 197, 210, PL. 6F I, in Rhizophoreae, 330 PL. 9 Anisophylleaceae, 315 leaf morphology, 197 annual rings, 87 Avicennia integra, 205 anomalous secondary thickening, 87, 193 Avicennia intermedia, 208 Anous,18 Avicennia lanata, 196, 209 ants, tailor, 16 Avicennia marina, 196, PL. 4G Apocynaceae, 174 var. australasica 195, 196 apposition growth, 68 var. acutissima, 202 aquaculture, 160 var. alba, 202 Aratus pisonii,20 var. anomala, 202 Arbor excoecans, 247 var. australasica 195, 196 arch, root, 98 var. intermedia, 202 architecture, 60, 61, 62 var. marina,20I in Rumphius, 8 var. resinifera, 143, 192, 201 architectural models, 63, 61, 62 var. typica, 201 Ardisia, 307 Avicennia nitida, 212 Ardisia elliptica, 307 Avicennia officinalis, 195, 196, 205, PL. 4H, 5C, 6H, aridity, 58 8C, 13 E ascent of sap, 110 nomenclature, 205 Asplenium macrophyllum,36 Avicennia schaueriana, 212 Asplenium nidus,36 Avicennia tomentosa, 212 associates of mangroves, 17 Avicennia tonduzii, 212 summarized, 32 leaf morphology, 193 association group, 24 Avicenniaceae, 191 Asteraceae, 189 Azteca, 297 Key to genera, 189 Ateramnus, 241 back filtration, 114 attap, 187, PL. 16 C back mangal, 11 Attims’s model, 61 leaf shape, 34 Aubreville’s model, 62 Bactris major, 180 autochthonous occurrence, 49 bark characters, 41 Avicennia, 191, aerial roots, 92 Barringtonia, 14, 265 anomalous growth, 193 embryo and seedling, 266, 267 architecture, 197 formation, 13 eastern species, 203, 205 key to species, 265 floral biology, 193, 199 Barringtonia asiatica, 265 flower types, 194, 195 Barringtonia conoidea, 266 generic description, 192 Barringtonia racemosa, 266, Pl. 7A, B hair anatomy, 197 Barringtonia edulis, 265 in Australia, 204 Bataceae, 213 key to species, 203, 204 bat pollination, 127 leaf and hair anatomy, 202 Batidaceae, 213 leaf morphology, 196, 197 Batis, 14, 213 pneumatophores, 96 Batis argillaceus, 214 reproductive biology, 198 Batis maritima, 213, 214 root system, 198 bats, 310 root type, 93 beach community, 14 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08067-6 — The Botany of Mangroves P. Barry Tomlinson Index More Information 408 Index bee pollinators, 128 butterfly pollination, 128 beetle pollination, 128 buttress, root, PL. 13A Bermuda, 57 Bertholletia excelsa, 265 cable component, of roots, 96 Bignoniaceae, 215 Caesalpinia, 35, 254 bijugate phyllotaxis, 320 key to species, 251 biogeography, 43 Caesalpinia bonduc, 254, 255, 256, PL. 7H incomplete knowledge in mangroves, 54 Caesalpinia crista, 255 biotic factors, 26 Caesalpinia major, 254 bird pollination, 127 Caesalpinioideae, 251, 252 birds, 18 key to genera, 252 Biscayne Bay, 10, PL. 1F, G CAI (Central American Isthmus) 44 Bombacaceae, 221 Calamus, 187 Bontia germinans, 211 Calamus erinaceus, 35, 187 branch orders in roots, 94 Calophyllaceae, 226 Brazil nut, 265 Calophyllum, 226 breeding mechanisms, 123, 124 Calophyllum inophyllum, 226, 227, PL. 5I Brownlowia, 377 Campanotus anderseni,19 key to species, 377 Camptostemon, 221 Brownlowia argentata, 34, 377 key to species, 221 Brownlowia tersa, 377 Camptostemon philippinensis 223 Bruguiera, 343 anther structure, 224 architecture, 346 nomenclature, 223 color variation, 345 Camptostemon schultzii, 221, 222 ecological distribution, 345 geographical distribution, 223 embryo development, 140 indumentums, 223 flowers PL. 23 growth, 223 geographical distribution, 345 root system, 223 key to species, 344 shoot construction, 223 large flowered species, 345 canopy leaf shape, 79 aspect, 16 nomenclature, 343 height, 16 root knees, PL. 12C, D stratification, 16 root type, 93 structure, 66 small flowered species, 347 capillary rootlet, 107 Bruguiera cylindrica, 348, PL. 22E, PL. 23H capillary water storage, 83 ecological distribution, 348 Carapa, 50, 279 floral biology, 349 Cassine, 225 geographic distribution, 348 Cassine viburnifolia, 34, 225 growth, 349 Cassipourea, 145 Bruguiera exaristata, 347, PL. 8L, Cassipourea elliptica,54 PL. 23E-G Casuarina,14 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, 9, 64, 323, 345, PL. 4F, PL. Celastraceae, 225 8F, PL. 10C, PL. 12C, B Cerbera, 174 Bruguiera hainesii, 79, 349 key to species, 174 Bruguiera parviflora, 347, 350 Cerbera dilatata, 175 floral biology, 348 Cerbera floribunda, 177 growth, 349 Cerbera manghas, 175 root system, 348 floral biology, 176 seedling establishment, 348 growth, 175 Bruguiera sexangula, 323, 346 nomenclature, 176 bryophytes, 17 Cerbera odollam, 176, 177, PL. 5A bud, adventitious, 72 Ceriops, 349 bud morphology, 69 ecological and geographic distribution, 350 in Rhizophoreae, 70 key to species, 350 bud protection, 68 root knees, 94, PL. 11A bundle sheath extensions, 82 Ceriops decandra, 351 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08067-6 — The Botany of Mangroves P. Barry Tomlinson Index More Information Index 409 Ceriops tagal, 6, 70, 81, 351, 354, 358, PL. 8K, 10E, Cynometra cauliflora, 252 12A,B, 13F Cynometra glomerulata, 253 architecture, 352 Cynometra iripa, 253, 254 ecological distribution, 351 Cynometra ramiflora, 252 floral biology, 353 var. bifoliolata, 253 inflorescence structure, 353 Cymodocea nodosa,50 phenology, 352 Cyperus javanicus,31 root architecture, 353 seedling and sapling, 352 “Daemonorops leptopus”, 187 chloride concentration, 25 Dalbergia, 32, 260 Chocó mangrove refuge, 54 Dalbergia amerimnion, 259, 260 Chrysobalanus, 239 Dalbergia ecastophyllum, 260 Citrus, 360 deciduous mangroves, 75 climbers, 35 deer, 18 climbing fern, 35 defoliation of mangroves, 77 clonal development, 72 deforestation, 162 Clusiaceae, 226 Dendrobium, 35, 36 coastal protection, 161 Derris, 261 cold tolerance of mangroves, 58 Derris trifoliata, 261 colleters, 71 Dicaeum hirundinaceum,18 column, root, 98 dichogamy, 124 Combretaceae, 228 dichotomous branching in Nypa, 67, 68 key to genera, 228 dioecy, 134 competition between pollinators, 128 Diospyros, 242 Compositae, 189 Diospyros ebenum, 242 Conanthera, 224 Diospyros ferrea, 242 conductivity in xylem, 88 var. geminata, 243 Conocarpus, 237 var. littorea, 243 Conocarpus erectus, 237, 235, 238 growth rings, 243 growth and reproduction 235 Diospyros littorea, 243 pubescens, 239 Diospyros virginiana, 242 var. sericeus, 239 Dipodium,36 conservation, 163 Dischidia,36 conversion of mangal, 161 dispersal, 136, 146 coppicing, 71 obligate, 146 Coral Gables Canal, PL. 1D parameters, 146 corals, 47 distribution Cordaitales, 48 of mangroves, generalized, 46 cork warts in Rhizophora, PL.9C in Queensland, 55 crab, tree-climbing, 20 in Western Australia 56 crabs, 163 maps Crenea, 270, 271 of Aegialitis, 53 Crenea patentinervis, 29, 270 of Pelliciera, 45 Crescentia cujete, 219 of Rhizophora, 317, 318 crocodiles, I8, PL. 3D diurnal
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