vm Supplement to the 8V0B3DA, Ukrainian Dally •яя липні in ***&*** No. 33 JERSEY СГГЖ; N, J., SATURDAY AUOUSfrlS, 193» VDb, VII я POLISH PERSECUTION OF A COMMON PROPAGANDA UKRAINIANS TRICK CAUSES OF- DIS-H-AR-M-ON During the month of June Po­ Where in. formes times. Poland Д NYONE who. is really interested. in Ще development of lish- authorities tried thirty-six jailed Ukrainian patriots for what, Ukrainian priests for so-called Uk- they were, now. she is taking ad- •**• Ukrainian-American liter must be truly dismayed by rainization of names and, passed-a vantage> of. the current, feeling the scarcity,, of harmonious. relations. and good will among total sentence, of - 231- months' im­ among. Western. Powers against a good portion of: our active young; people. Tftere. appears prisonment. Most of the" sentences the Nazis by. charging Ulwunian. were suspended, from two^to five patriots whom she arrests with to be tendency among them to split up into factions. To be years. being Nazi spies. Previously Uk- sure, this tendency is as yet incipient.. Perhaps.it is.only In this connection-the court sen­ ? rainians alone were held responsi- a passing phase, something that will soon disappear as more tenced a peasant from the-village ble for every outbreak of anti-Po-" of Mykhnivtsi to-six months' im- lish feeling resulting from Polish of our younger: generation perceive the-dangers, of factional . prisonment, because he.- insisted excesses. Now>- in the words-of a- strife and how much damage it did *t& -their elders. In any that his- new born baby-should New York Times dispatch fronv case, this-tendency must be immediately checked, before it have its name recorded wifh-^&HpP? Warsaw, dated-August 1?Щь Po­ rainian ending, thgfete^rr^nstefld lish political"- circles Germany fcv seriously impairs the effectiveness of our. younger genera­ of Polish:;і?щ being heW- responsible for renewed tion in realizing their potentialities-as. Americane^bf ЛЛсгаіп- In some cases sentences were Ukrainian agitation." The Poles - ian descent. Before it can be checked, however, some idea paused, in spite of:.numerous:wit­ are- easeful to point out fo the nesses who testified .that then? Times correspondent, that "thev. must be had of its.causes, so that they can be removed. names were actually pronounced in former Ukrainian -Nationalist lead­ As we see it, the principal cause lies in the fact thai,- ; the-way that the prieste concerned er Konovalets, killed at Rotterdam*, recorded і them, it Under, somewhat the Netherlands* last year, had his - in entering the field of Ukrainian-American life our younger different circumstances the court headquarters- in Berlin," and also . generation Has begun to take the divergent paths which in Ternopil sentenced Father Ihor that, "hiSv successor, named Mel- the older generation has beaten out as approaches to. the Sandetaky.. to one.' year's" imprison­ nyxv [Melnyk]; ai present in- Bra* ment, because he. insisted that,the. tislava, Slovakia, also..used to re*. attainment of- certain mutual aims; both here in America UkrainiancMldren in his religion side m Berlins whenceЛіе was sent, and in Europe. Of these aims, perhaps .the most outstanding. classes should" use the :Ukrainian, to Carpsibp^Ukrnme^itotter with is that of creation of a.free, and independent- Ukraine.- At language, and he-told the children, Premier Augustin VtHe«ji^ йІЗШр • not. to. be afraid to speak Ukrain­ P?fflSy 'neglected Ь&$*щІфй&і&&®- the present time when world-wide; conditions f appear con­ ian during, recess. %$@m him, however,- tW^fact^tigt the- ducive to the attainment in the near future of this aim, A.-, summary of political, trials leaders of the Ukrainian National-* each -political group, among, our people is redoubling its during; the month ,of June shows'. ists have lived in other Europeans activities and at the same time is attempting, to influence that 64 people were involved in 18. capitals too, mcluo^g -PariSj • t«#" . trials, and that the courts passed latter which, as heads hT- a•xe*tt&fl • the youth.- to follow in its footsteps along its.ideological a combined sentence of І8ІУ2 years.. tionary organization fighting not- path. Quite a number of our young-people-have done this, The individual- sentences ranged only against wtesaw but also but in the process some, of them have taken on the intoler­ from two months.to twelve years.. Moscow, they,had^Jgttit, when Some of the defendants received Communist influence in the French Q&^iernment threatened-th*l#;Bafe« ance and animosity of those before, them against those who monetary fines. For\ instance, on. ? have chosen to follow a different path. This intolerance and June 1st Father Ivan Myroniuk -ЩЩ* another examfleSifKwftovalete -• animosity, is. in turn responsible for a good deal ol.-tbedis- was tried, in .Lviw because of the. also lived at one time -іа^&Шщ^] substance of a sermon, he delivered which he was foroed to-leave too, •': unity among our young people who strive to help Ukraine. over the" graves of Ukrainian sol­ for to have remained then would* Before anything can be done to bring about cooperation diers on May .29th. Although Fa­ have meant - his ? arrest on; some among them, both these pernicious-elements must: first be ther Myroniuk produced the text trumped-up, charge by an .avowed, of his sermon, the court accepted Communist who had become, the- eliminated. • •Шv. the reports of police functionaries, new chief of>;poltoe.' : *{Ш Another contributory factor -in the appearance of fac­ who said that the sermon'was of polish circles are-fuUy aware**v an inciting, character. Father -My­ all-this* but-taking -advantage of ? tionalism among our younger generation, lies in- thecomplete roniuk was given a choice: two present-day conditions- they ,«*&-* failure of all efforts made, thus far to bring about some months in gaol or 2,000 Zloty fine. careful -tefConceali such faChVwff$ manner of cooperation between our youth organized into Some of і the sentences were ex­ fore tttdweyes-of the foreign press*-, tremely heavy in view of the thereby deluding}i?ome of it into, sectarian and non-sectarian leagues. In the past, such.efforts charges. Thus two and three year- the belief that the.many Ukram-. were at least made. Today, however, there is hot: even an sentences were passed by the court- ian•• patriot* 5 and revolutionaries attempt made in that direction. in Berezhany against the defend- who are - arrested-in Poland are, ents Kohut, "Kryveno and Teres- "Nazi spies/' ja& Ж$ШШШ&& Still another factor to be considered in this connection,, chyn, because police functionaries It is a well known-tnck,. this, is—personal ambition. Some of our older younger people .found in their possession a his­ name-calling to .which the. Poles have begun to see possibilities of personal advancement in- tory of Ukrainian nationalists. The have resorted. Propagandists have court of appeals in Lviw confirmed used it "a longvwhiie. In essense the field of Ukrainian-American life, and rivalry has sprung sentences from six to twelve years is an appeal to-one's hate, ~ up: among them-to. occupy various positions of influence Лтх against four- defendants accused of, fear, and it is done by giving " this life. Such- rivalry is natural, provided, however,. that - spreading leaflets of the OUN. namesT^** those whom ШИ»- it remains within the bounds of good sportsmanship. The problem of "loyrfty'*v*i^ pag%ndists .would have condemned" ceived attention when the court in ~Sjn тф$А,. The best antidc*- Lviw give an official of the "Na- against Un$TOisonoue-Hasan«-ci Finally, contributing to rise of factionalism among -our rodna Torhovlia" a choice, between ing^ are—trt* 'Jfes. Os>*^S»* a young people has-been the appearance of rank'intolerance a monetary fine and gaol, because ,Ье "in his desire to demonstrate his- реоьШМ^' ЙіЦд^Ж^и И on the pages of some of our youth publications. One or. ill-will' towards the Polish State, пщиСГ Ш& ЛШ two of them have even resorted to, the strife-stirring _"патет he .did not raise -the national flag in over the buildings of the said or­ Kremianets, in-Vorynia, -where calling,'J a device usually used to make a person form a ganization." Ukrainians are 75, per cent,* and* judgement without- examining the evidence on- which it the Poles 10 per cent of the total.' This month • fifteen Ukrainian population, 'the authorities hi should be based. societies were dissolved by Polish- set as theirgoal the erections*!! One youth publication, in particular, of recent origin, administrative authorities. While new Poflsh Peonl»*«ome# try the* existing Ukrainian societies are be- end of 193». In the Provine*^ has apparently forgotten that it and. the league that pub­ ing liquidated and new ones very •of' ^viw- foarv Somani? С&ШоШш lishes it are charged with, the duty of promoting, under­ seldom allowed **te come into be­ Ghurehesi six Chapels and seven.. standing, unity and cooperation among the younger gen­ ing) Polish People's Homes and People's -'Homes -are ріапіиЛ Др?з Roman Catholic Churohes in West­ this year. eration. Instead it fans the-flames-of discord among them ern • Ukraine, subsidised • by the by'such means as giving vent to the personal feelings and- Government, are constantly grow­ ' (Ukrainian Nttlonet mformit^i'» dislikes of the individual or individuals charged with edit­ ing in number. In the district of Service, LondtfiE? ing it; by making slurring innuendos about those young people who in the exercise of their democratic, rights at­ tempted last year to place their own- candidates in office of Ukraine and'likewise to them and their kind.
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