,. ~'I''' \ '" -, - . UNIVERsrrt SYSTEM of GEOR~l, ", ';-,," .' '.. .' , ." "," . " .. ' I < , /: ' • ."L-; . \~,. '~ '~~,~ ',':r: GEORGIA SCHOOL,.·········'r OF TECHNOLOGY' ANNOUNCEMENTS . c 1946-1947 ATLANTA GEOR--GIA .... ~) , UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA Volume XLIII August, 1946 Number 2 1947 1948 BUqLETIN GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY / Atlanta, Georgia SMTWTFS 1 2 8 4 G 6 7 A SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICAL, CERAMIC, CHEMICAL, CIVIL, 8 9 10 1112 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ELECTRICAL, GENERAL, INDUSTRIAL, MECHANICAL, PUBLIC 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930 ___ _ HEALTH AND TEXTILE ENGINEERING; ARCHITECTURE, CHEM­ ISTRY, PHYSICS, AND INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT. SIlT'WTFS __ 1 I '8 " 5 6 7 8 91011 18 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 ,17 as 29 80 81 __ _____SlIITWTI'S 1 2 8 " 6 6 789 ANNOUNCEMENTS 10 11 12 18 U 15 l6 17 18 19 20 21 2228 24 26 26 27 28 29 80 1946 - 1947 SMTWTFSSMTWTF 1 2 8 " 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 298081 ___ _ Entered at the Post Office at Atlanta, Ga., as Second Class Matter under Act of Congress of July 6, 1894. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided in Section B03, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized. CALENDAR 1946·1947 FALL QUARTER 1946 September 24 All entering freshmen required to report for orientation. TABLE OF CONTENTS September 26·28 Registration of upper classmen. September 30 Classes begin. Late registration fees apply. October 3 Last day for registration. P.t.GE October 5 Last day for adding a subject to study list. October 19 Last day for dropping a subject from study list with. out penalty. SCHOOL CALENDAR • 2 November 9 End of deficiency report period. November 28·30 Thanksgiving recess. BOARD OF REGENTS 5 December 14 Classes end. December 16·19 Examinations and preregistration. ADMINISTRA TIVE COUNCIL 6 December 20 Christmas holidays begin WINTER QUARTER 1947 COMMITTEES 7 January 2 Registration. OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION 10 Janu~ry 3 Classes begin. Late registration fees apply. January 7 Last day for registration. January 9 Last day for adding a subject to study list. FACULTY 16 January 23 Last day for dropping a subject from study list with· Ii" ,I out penalty. GENERAL INFORMATION • 34 February 15 End of deficiency report period. March 15 Classes end. GENERAL REGULATIONS 39 March 17·20 Examinations and pre·registration. March 21·22 Spring recess. DEPARTMENTS AND COURSES 47 SPRING QUARTER 1947 GRADUATE DIVISION 164 March 24 Registration. March 25 Classes begin. Late registration fees apply. March 28 Last day for registration. EXTENSION DIVISION 166 March 31 Last day for adding a subject to study list. April 14 Last day for dropping a subject from study list with· DEAN OF STUDENTS 170 out penalty. May 3 End of deficiency report period. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION-RESEARCH 172 June 5 Classes end. June 6·10 Examinations and pre· registration. HEALTH SERVICE 174 June 8 Baccalaureate Sermon. June 11 Commencement Day. LIBRARY • 176 SUMMER QUARTER 1947 June 13·14 Registration. ATHLETICS 178 June 16 Classes begin. Late registration fees apply. June 19 Last day for registration. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES. 183 June 21 Last day for adding; a subject to study list. July 4' Holiday SCHOOL STATISTICS 191 July 6 Last day for dropping a subject from study list with· out penalty. INDEX 195 July 26 End of deficiency report period. August 26 Classes end. August 27·30 Examinations. FURTHER INFORMATION BACK COVER AIIWINIHUlll1 bllL171U GEORGIA ,CIIOOL A f.ltQUUTI<AL U~IIIf.£illl4 ATMlUI< Iffl(t. • OF TECfI NOLOGY AUPlTltlOIot • CiYMHMIDII bR.l\lN 1I/1lMllU'!' ULI."'. U. ([U.MI( lll~IIIHR.l1U J ..... _'45 (IVIL U.llIltll.llICi <NtIotI<t.L f. HI H t 11.1114 <M HIIHt'!' !lIILPI'" (HtMIHR.Y UMtX (l/UIotU PI R.MITII!.Y "111114 NUL. bR.llHIIi THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA Ut.(TR.I(6.L lII41HtR.I"' tH4INf.tR.IN~ PUVIU • Wl<MUIH BOARD OF REGENTS ~~~n~tIIJL~m. ilPlUllllol) Ul!.ll~ OHMITlR.Y :~~NtlN pll!l4~\~l Y IlIflUUn UO"U~ bUllPI"' *MARION SMITH, Atlanta, Georgia, State-at-Large {lH.b"VL LI&UIlY FlU" Mt(MUIUL r.UIIUll14 January 1, 1946 - January 1, 1953 MlllTUY ptPUTMfNT IIlVAl UWDR.V ® OLO UIP UHX ALBERT S. HARDY, Gainesville, Georgia, State-at-Large DlP nIP MILPIU PlYtIH bill"'" February 26, 1945 - January 1, 1950 rIvEt rUIIT ~ U~lU(R &IILPIIG ~~t)lI\n"(~ll'Ufn mu) FRANK M. SPRATLIN, Atlanta, Georgia, State-at-Large HI<ItR.IIW January 1, 1946 - January 1, 1953 :~t~~I~:I~~~t'<tt.l lImn."M) HeM""" "IlUllItY TlXTIll bdilVI1I4 EARL B. BRASWELL, Athens, Georgia, State-at-Large vtrtUM' UJ,lINIHUTIlII Vt.lUIUH. January 1, 1943 - January 1, 1949 Y. lot C. t.. POPE F. BROCK, Atlanta, Georgia, State-at-Large January 1, 1943 - January 1, 1948 JAMES PETERSON, Soperton, Georgia, First District. f. May 9, 1945 ~ January 1, 1948 i ~(. EDWARD R. JERGER, Thomasville, Georgia, Second District Ihl ,) January 1, 1943 - January 1, 1947 \I! " CASON J. CALLAWAY, Hamilton, Georgia, Third District February 26, 1945 - January 1, 1951 t til C. J. SMITH, Newnan, Georgia, Fourth District January 1, 1943 - January 1, 1949 RUTHERFORD L. ELLIS, Atlanta, Georgia, Fifth District January 1, 1943 - January 1, 1947 MILLER R. BELL, Milledgeville, Georgia, Sixth District January 1, 1943 - January 1, 1950 Roy N. EMMET, SR., Cedartown, Georgia, Seventh District January 1, 1945 - January 1, 1952 S. PRICE GILBERT, Sea Island; Atlanta, Georgia, Eighth District January 1, 1943 - January 1, 1950 **SANDY BEAVER, Gainesville, Georgia, Ninth District January 1, 1945 - January 1, 1952 WILLIAM S. MORRIS, Augusta, Georgia, Tenth District January 1, 1944 - January 1, 1951 LEONARD ROBERT SIEBERT, Secretary, State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. W. WILSON NOYES, Treasurer, State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga. • .Chairman and Acting Chancellor Ir.:.' "Vice-Chairman J ;STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE ,FACULTY THE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Admission-CARMICHAEL, HEFNER, W. S. TAYLOR (2), H. S. WEBER (1). Attendance-NARMORE, GRIFFIN, FULMER (2). BLAKE RAGSDALE VAN LEER, Sc.D. AND ENG.D., President Ceremonies-NARMORE, ZSUFFA, LITTLE, BRIGGS, HOWEY (2), SPICER (1). PHIL BLASIER NARMORE, PH.D., Executive Dean Curriculum-EMERSON, NARMORE, HEFNER, CHAPIN, J. W. MASON (2), ROBERT IRVING SARBACHER, Sc.D., Dean of Graduate Studies WALKER (1), BROWN, B. L., (3). CHERRY LOGAN EMERSON, B.S. IN M.E. AND E.E., Dean of Engineering Executive-NARMORE, EMERSON, HEFNER, GRIFFIN, SARBACHER, CHAPIN, PROS- • RALPH A. HEFNER, PH.D., Dean of General Studies SER (3), J. W. MASON (2), H. S. WEBER (1). GEORGE C. GRIFFIN, B.S. IN C.E., Dean of Students Honors and Prizes-RAINEY (2), CHAPIN, R. L. HILL (1), WHITLEY (3). LLOYD WALTER CHAPIN, M.A., Registrar (Council Secretary) Infirmary-MoRRIS, NARMORE, GRIFFIN, ALEXANDER, DR. FLOYD W. McRAE. ROBERT STRITE, B.S., Comptroller LibrarY-PERRY (2), CROSLAND, H. S. WEBER (1), PAUL WEBER (2), HOWEY (3). GERALD A. ROSSELOT, PH.D., Director of the Engineering Experiment Station Professional Degrees-EMERSOllf, NARMORE, CHAPIN, AND HEADS OF DEGREE JAMES ERSKINE McDANIEL, M.A., LL.B., GRANTING DEPARTMENTS. Director of the Cooperative Department Public Relations-ZsuFFA, DENNISON (3), BELLINGER (3), RAINEY (1), B. H. ROGER SHEPPARD HOWELL, B.S. IN M.E., M.Sc., Director of the WElL (21). Extension Division Radio Broadcasting-ZsUFFA, HONNELL (2), FOLK (1) HERBERT (3) FULTON MRS. ,JAMES HENLEY CROSLAND, Librarian (WGST). " LESLIE FRANCIS ZSUFFA, B.S. IN M.E., M.E., AND M.B.A., Rules and Regulations-J. W. MASON (2), MOLL (2), WYCKOFF (1), JOHNS Director of Public Relations (1), CHAPIN, HOLLAND (3). GLENN W. RAINEY, A.B., M.A., Associate Professor of English Schedule-NARMORE, EMERSON, HEFNER, GRIFFIN, SARBACHER, J. W. MASON (Faculty Representative) (1), REYNOLDS (2). MARTIAL ALFRED HONNELL, B.S. IN E.E., M.S. IN E.E., E.E., Standing-NARMORE, EMERSON, HEFNER, GRIFFIN (NON-VOTING). Professor of Electrical Engineering (Faculty Representative) State Residence-STRITE, GRIFFIN, CHAPIN. DONNELL WAYNE DUTTON, B.S. IN M.E., M.S. IN A.E., Professor of Aeronautical Engineering (Faculty Representative) Student Activities-GRIFFIN, ZSUFFA, ANDERSON (2), SISK (1), VIDOSIC (3). CAPTAIN JOSEPHUS A. BRIGGS, U. S. NAVY, Student-Faculty Honor-PoPE (3), PROSSER (2), JOHNS (1), AND THREE STU- Professor of Naval Science and Tactics DENT MEMBERS SELECTED BY STUDENT COUNCIL. LT. COLONEL BIRD LITTLE, U. S. ARMY, Student Loan and Scholarship-NARMORE, STRITE, GRIFFIN. Professor of Military Science and Tactics Tenure and Advancement-NARMORE, EMERSON, HEFNER, W. S. TAYLOR (2), HOWEY (1), PAUL WEBER (2), WARREN (3). University Center-WALKER (3), DANIEL (3), J. W. MASON (1), NARMORE (2). SPECIAL COMMITTEES OF THE FACULTY Advanced Planning-J. W. MASON, CROSLAND, BUSH-BROWN, EVANS, STRITE, NARMORE, WARREN. Fees and Tuition-HowEY, J. W. MASON, HOWELL, STRITE, C. M. GRIFFIN. Foreign Students-ERVIN, ALLEN, CAMPOAMOR, JOHNS, PERSHING. Guidance-MoORE, WALKER, GRIFFIN, D. M. SMITH, W. S. TAYLOR, PROCTOR, HEFNER. Laundry-HoLLAND, C. M. GRIFFIN, GAILEY, FOLK. Mailing Permits for Publications-ZsuFFA, PAUL WEBER, CLIETT. Public Works Committee-EMERsON, BUSH-BROWN, DICKERT, H. W. MASON, EVANS. Student Lecture Program-FosTER, EDWARDS, LOWANCE, AND FOUR STUDENT " ,I" MEMBERS. Surplus Government Property-SAvANT, DICKERT, CASE, ROSSELOT, ANTHONY. Veterans' Affairs-AJAx, BROWN, MOORE, HOWELL, H. W. MASON, GROSECLOSE, WYSONG. Visual Aid to Education-SWEIGERT, FOLK, GRUBB, ALLEN, WILLIAMS, McKIN~ LEY, CROSLAND. Vocational-Technical Institutes-HowELL, Cox, JOHNSON, CASE, DICKERT, H. W. MASON. Teaching Aids Manual-SWEIGERT, RAINEY, SISK, JOHNSON, JACOBS. ADMINISTRATIVE· PERSONNEL 11 ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL MILTON T. WHITFIELD, Techwood Dormitory Cashier CHARL~S R. FRAZIER, 786 Cumberland Road, N .E. I. The President's Office Assl,stant Purchasing Agent BLAKE RAGSDALE VAN LEER, Sc.D.
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