Wichita State University Wichita State University NINETY-SIXTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT SINCE THE FOUNDING OF FAIRMOUNT COLLEGE Saturday Morning, May the Twenty-First, Niue-Thirty O'Clock Nineteen H1111dred and Ninety-Four Leuitt Arena The Commencement Assembly University Emblems THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION THE WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY MACE The University Marshal TI1e Vice President fo r Research and Governmental and lndu trial Relation The Vice Chair of the WSU Board of Trustees The Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students As the official symbol of the Univer ity's authority and power, the mace is The President of the WSU Alumni Association The Vice President for University Advancement carried in today' academic proc ion by University Marshal William E. Unrau. The President of the WSU Endowment As ociation Board of Governors The Student Commencement Speaker The mace was commi ioned in 1978 by Paul J. Magelli, former dean of Fairmount The Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs 11,e President of Wichita State University College of Libera l Arts and Sciences, as a memorial to his twin brother, Peter M. The President of the Student Government A sociation The Honored Member of the Cla of 1944 Magelli, and presented for the first lime at the 19 0 commencement. The President of the Faculty Senate n ,e University Officers Designed by artist Jonathan Graham Bonner of Providence, Rhode l land, the The Representative of the Kansas Board of Regents The University Dean mace is executed primarily in stainless teel, gold, and silver. The head of the The E ecutive Director of the Kansas Board of Regents The University Faculty mace is a gilt frame with 22 tainless steel spikes. TI,e points are sterling silver. A The Vice Pr ident for Admini !ration and Finance The Candidates for Degrees silver ball engraved with the three seals of Wichita State University-Fairmom,t College, the Municipal Univer ity of Widuta, and Wichita State University-is THE BANNER BEARERS suspended in the frame by two spring . The shaft i a stainless steel spring, and the handle is a gilt ball set with nine hematites. Kristopher A. Livingston, Wichita Slate U11iuersity Derek Morgan, College of EHgmeerfog Adrienne Marie Corticelli, Gmdualc School Lori Bullock, College of Fi,w Arts Rebecca Ann Hopkin . W. Frn11k Bnr/011 School of B11si1ws Paula Jittawait, College of H1.'llltl1 Professious Melissa D. Coleman, College of Ed11calio11 Andrew Ziegelbein, Fairmo1111/ College of Libeml Aris a11d Sciences David Ebers, Dioisio11 of Co11/i1wi11g £d11catio11 THE STUDE T MARSHALS THE PRESIDENTIAL MEDALLION The Presidential Medallion symbolizes the three distinct hi torical Kathy Hana , W. Frank Bnrtou School of Business Brenda K. Collins, College of Fi11e Aris phases of the University. Using imagery derived from the official seals of Philip Sean Hud peth, W. Frn11k Bar/011 School of Business Kyttra Heston, College of Fine Arts Paul S. Fiacco, College of Ed11cntio11 Carrie Hunsinger, College of Health Professio11s Fairmount College, the Municipal University of Wichita, and Wichita State James E. Finkeldei, College of Ed11catio11 Pamela Page, College of Health Professions Univer ity. three medallions engraved in 14-<:arat yellow gold form the trihedral Jennifer L. Reilly, College of £11gi11eeri11g Stacy Leftoff, Ftiirma1111t College of Li/lernl Aris aud Scimccs center of the ceremonial anaglyph. This centerpiece is surrounded by two terling Lieu Tram Thi Vu, College of £11gi11eeri11g Mary Macklin, Fairmo1111/ College of Lilieml Aris a11d Sciences silver hyperbolic fomlS designed to complement the University Mace. The Presidential Medallion is hung from black silk trimmed with gold. The medallion was designed and constructed by Wichita artists THE ACADEMIC DRESS Michael J. Oliver and Glenice Lesley Matthews in 1983. Today' academic dress evolved from caps and gowns worn in medieval Drab-W. Frank Barton School of Business w\iversities. The academic gown is the basic garment and by tradition is Light Blue-College of Education black for all degrees and ranks. The square caps or mortarboards are part of Orange-College of Engineering the prescribed academic dress. Accompanying the gowns are hoods, lined Brown-Z:ollege of Fine Arts with ilk in the official color of the institution conferring the degre<' and Pink-Z:ollege of Fine Arts-Music bordered in the color representing Lhe discipline of learning. The color of U,e Green-Z:ollege of HeaJU, Professions tassel designates the student's chool or college. Students receiving graduate Salmon-Z:ollege of Health Professions- ursing ALMA MATER degrees wear the color appropriate to the degree emphasi . Black-Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Our Alma Ma ter Wichita Gold-Division of Continuing Education Stands proudly on the hi ll Our sons and daughters bow to thee DATE OF GRADUATION Our heart with praise we fill This program is not an official list of confirmed graduates fo r the 1994 StudenL' names are listed in this program as lhey appear on the official Then, hail! our Alma Ma ter! Commencement at Wichita State University. Students listed in this graduation Ii t provided by the Office of the Registrar. Students' names read Hail! Grand and True during the University Commencement and individual coJJege recognition commencement program, with the exception of those names followed by an Long wave the Yellow and Black asterisk("), a double asterisk (''''), or a triple asleri k (.... ), are candidates for ceren1onies are a they appear on graduation cards provided by their Oh Wichita, Here' to you! degrees in May 1994. academic colleges. 2 3 The Commencement Program 1994 Commencement Guests UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT STEPHEN M. JORDAN Executive Director, Knnsns Board of Regents Processional ....................................................................................................................... "Pomp and Orcumstance,'' Elgar Wic/,ita Slate U11ivcrsity Commt•11ceme11/ Orcl,estm Stephen Jordan received the BA degree in political science from the University of orthem Colorado in 1971; and the MPA degree Jay C. Decker, Co11d11ctor in 1979 and the PhD in public administration in 19'10 from the University of Colorado-Denver. Opening of the Ceremonies ............................................................................................. William E. Unrau Jordan has held several key policy and budget positions in higher education. From 1975 to 1980, he served as principal policy /budget analyst for higher education, Office of State Planning and Budgeting, Colorado; from 1985 to 1989, as vice chancellor Mars/1a/1 Wiclri/11 Slate Universitv Invocation .......................................................................................................................... "Amazing Grace," ewton · for budget and facilities and a sistantsecretary to the Board of Regenls, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center; and from Brandon W. McCray 1989 to 1994, as deputy executive rurector for finance and planning, Arizona Board of Regents. Graduate St11de11t,M11sic Ed11catio11 Jordan brings to his post ome twenty years of experience in tmiversity-legislature communication and cooperation. Wich.ita Welcome and Introduction of Guests ............................................................................. Eugene M. Hughes State Univer ity cordially welcomes Stephen Jordan, whose participation in today's ceremony represents the ongoing cooperative Preside11I, Wid,iln Slnte U11iversity compact made by Wichita State University, the T<ansa Board of Regents, and the State of Kansas. Welcome to the Honored Clas of 1944 and the Class of 1994 ......................................................................................................... Paul S. Allen C. President, WSU A/1111111i Associntio11 FRANK SABATINI Greetings from the Kansas Board of Regents ................................................................ Prank C. Sabatini Member, Kansas Board of Regents Represe11/ntive, Knusas Board of Rege11ts Awarding of Honors ......................................................................................................... Eugene M. Hughes Frank Sabatini received the BS degree in industrial management in 1954 and the LLB degree in 1957 from the University of Kansas. Commencement Addres ................................................................................................. Kathy Lee Ben7Jng He practiced law in Topelal for twenty-five years. In 1979, Sabatini joined the Capital City Bank, Topeka; he ha been chairman of BA, Co1111111micntio11s, Elliott School of Commm1icnlio11, the bank since 1979 and bank president for the past three years. ln 1991, he was appointed to the Kansas Board of Regent . Fairmarml College of Liberal Aris a11d Sciences Wichita State Univer ity welcomes Frnnk Sabatini's participation in today's ceremony as reaffirmation of the educational Conferring of Degrees ....................................................................................................... Eugene M. Hughes mi sion hared by the University and the Kansas Board of Regents. and John E. Dreifort /11/erim Vice President for Academic Affnii GALEY COLEMAN Wichila Stnfe University ( Assisted by Michael P. Tilford ... Fairmount Founders' Award Recipient Dean of /lie Graduate School ,I~ Galey Coleman is an unabashl>d advocate for Wichita and Wichita State. Born in Independence, Kansas, Mrs. Coleman graduated Wichita State University and the Doctoral Dissertation Faculty Advisers from Miss Porter' Schoo] in Farmington, Connecticut.
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