A. N. C. • THE QUART ARTICLES ERNEST HEMINGWAY NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER GILBERT SELDES RING LARDNER, JR. CHAS. HANSON TOWNE FICTION JOHN DOS PASSOS WILLIAM McFEE MANUEL KOMROFF MORLEY CALLAGHAN ERSKINE CALDWELL DASHIELL HAMMETT DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. VINCENT STARRETT SPORTS BOBBY JONES GENE TUNNEY BENNY LEONARD CHARLEY PADDOCK HUMOR GEORGE ADE MONTAGUE GLASS GEO. S. CHAPPELL HARRY HERSHFIELD ROBERT BUCKNER DAVID MUNROE POETRY JOSEPH AUSLANDER A. WURDEMANN CARTOONS C. ALAJALOV WM. STEIG E. SIMMS CAMPBELL JOHN GROTH GEORGE PETTY NAT KARSON TY MAHON PHOTOGRAPHY FICTION • SPORTS • HUMOR GILBERT SEEHAUSEN PAUL TREBILCOCK CLOTHES • ART • CARTOONS 36 FEATURES PRICE FIFTY CENTS IN FELL COLOR THE LAST TOUCH IN DISTINCTION IN DRESS TALON-TAILORED TROUSERS cerutesL cJaS-'viAjz^ Even the most perfect tailor- could possibly provide. ing does not eliminate the Today, thousands of men unsightliness of the button who appreciate fine tailoring method of closing trousers. are wearing suits by the lead- Habit has preserved it. ing designers — with Talon- Men, because they knew no Tailored Trousers. other, have accepted it — are blind to it. They have found, in the little Talon Slide Yet its bulky ugliness is in utter discord Fastener, that effect of flawless cut and with the smart appearance men desire in finish which is the latest touch of tailoring fine clothing. refinement. And they have found a new With the new small Talon Slide Fastener convenience and security as well. for trousers, master designers are giving Try on a suit with Talon -Tailored Trou- men trim trouser distinction that only a sers (you’ll find them in the leading smooth, continuous, seam-like closure stores), and see for yourself. HOOKLESS FASTENER COMPANY, MEADVILLE, PA. • NEW YORK • BOSTON • PHILADELPHIA • CHICAGO • LOS ANGELES • SAN FRANCISCO • SEATTLE SLIDE FASTENER FOR TROUSERS NEWEST TAILORING IDEA FOR MEN Why TALON means new distinction in trousers 1. Talon eliminates ugliness of the button fly. Side wrinkles, gaps between buttons, and bulkiness are gone. 2. Talon excludes the possibility of unintentional and embarrassing disarray. 3. Talon creates continuous closure so smooth and thin that only a fine line indicates the opening. 4. Talon Slide Fastener for trousers is a special Talon Fastener made expressly for trouser use. 5. Talon is absolutely invisible when the fly is closed. 6. Talon is so light that it weighs less than but- tons and thread used on old type. 7. Talon is scientifically applied — no metal con- tacts — cannot catch in underclothing. 8. Talon means extra, time-saving convenience. 9. Talon is the only fastener that is not harmed by dry cleaning or pressing. 10. Talon, unlike the old buttons and button- holes, gives perfect, unchanging service far beyond the life of a suit. THERE IS ONLY ONE SLIDE FASTENER SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR MEN’S CLOTHING . ITS CORRECT NAME IS TALON d / ^JToe new PAKUTTER Instantly and automatically cuts open your pack of cigarettes. It prevents damage to the cigarettes when opening the pack, protects them, and eliminates loose tobacco in your pockets or handbag. 1 . Slide unopened pack into the PAKUTTER 2 . Press the button and the pack is open me PAKUTTER pays for itself! No stale or crushed cigarettes, keeps them fresh and intact. 3 . Placefinger under pack, and there are your cigarettes Other Models in Gold, Silver, and Colored Enamel. From $1.50 to $150 National Automatic Container Corp., 230 Park Ave., N. Y. C. Esquire is published quarterly bjr the Esquire Publishing Company, Inc. David A. Smart, President; Arnold Gingrich, , Vice-President; Alfred Smart, Secretary Vol. I No. I > and treasurer. Editorial, Circulation, Business Production h Mil'll* car, a ,,r. in;....; 1 : and Departments, 919 Nort Whole No. I for at Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3rd. 1879. Advertising c States. Porto Rico, and the Pliillippines, $1.50 a year in advance; in Canada. SI.00 a HE last word in waterproofs T— the Whiteway, one of the new U. S. Shelters , in smart eggshell white broadelotli. A eoat of excellent cut, w ith pleasant, casual lines. A single- hreasted model with fly front and raglan shoulders. Popular for its fashionable color, its good style, its comfort and its protection. Ask for Shelters made by the United States Rubber Company. Shelters “Shelters”, identi- fied by this label, include light- weights, gabar- dines, reversibles and wool flannels in many popular styles. All genu- inely waterproof. c^att^otLjLncj ti to cloth ^uuJiui cj hat taucje ^Liuluccj a to cjiuuietij Big guns arc trained on invisible targets. Instruments, rather than eyesight, must find the range and determine the direction that the giant projectile is to take. Without precision range finders, hitting the target is all a matter of luck. With them, it is an exact science. What wind allowance is in range finding, shrinkage allowance is in Sanforizing. Both predetermine the mechanical adjustment that is necessary to compensate for nature s errors. Most men know that a fabric that has keen Sanforized is a fabric that won’t shrink. But few of them know why. Ask them and they will probably say that it is because it has been “pre-shrunk.” That isn’t it, at all. Pre- shrinking is just the old trial and error method of attempting, by guess and by gosh, to anticipate the results of the first few trips to the laundry. Sanforizing, on the other hand, is an exact scientific process of predetermining just how much a fabric will shrink, throughout its lifetime, and then shrinking it precisely that much in the process of finishing. Washable garments made from cotton and linen fabrics Sanforized-sbrunk WARNING keep their place and stay "put” in the style, in the fit and in the value as originally inbuilt in them by their makers. Do not be misled into believing tbat Pre-sbrunk is Sanforized-sbrunk. Tbere’s a vast difference. Pre-sbrunk For Sanforizing is the controlled mechanical process that shrinks wash- may mean only partially shrunk—Sanforized-sbrunk is able fabrics completely, permanently and uniformly. positive and complete — guarantees permanent fit. For your protection, buy wasbables identified by ibe words Nearly every kind of washable apparel . slacks, suits for sports and business wear, shirts, shorts, pajamas, work clothes ... is now available in Aanjpti/ydL -Aluwnk. fabrics Sanfori{eJ-shruttJ{. SANFORIZED PROCESS OF CONTROLLED SHRINKAGE -Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc., Patentee, 40 Worth Street, New York City 2 ESQUIRE — Autumn , 1933 — It’s no fun to be fooled when you’i Lektrolites come in a wide range of craving smoke satisfaction. Lektro- DYNAMIQUE models, from the simple and work- STREAMLINED lite defies the wind, the storm, and MODEL FILLER BOX manlike, yet handsome, plain ones at the acrid rasp of the sulphur match. as little as $5 to the tremendously Lights instantly and always. impressive ones, executed in costly * materials with the ultimate of crafts- LEKT RPLITE manship, at as much as $300. Of Lektrolite has made a social debut in course, they all light the same the pockets and homes of smart New the first time, with no Yorkers who abhor caloused finger which means, tips, blisters, and dickering with fuss, no muss, no mental hazard. lighter mechanics. Really, old fash- ioned “lighters” are so passe! * * Lektrolites are modernly conceived Gift giving is a keen delight when The FLAMELESS you can give the unusual. 1933’s per- in fashionable enamels and smart fect gift for the Birthday, favors, metals including silver, gold and bridge prizes and what have you, is a platinum. If you want real swank, Lektrolite. Incidentally, why not give Mystery Lighter you can have your initials or club yourself one? After all, you’re your insignia engraved on a Lektrolite at own best friend! slight additional cost. Remember, we Lektrolite borrows the firefly’s * will trade in your old “lighter” and magic and produces a new smok- If all the “lighters” hidden in thirty if your dealer doesn’t carry Lektro- ing delight. Simply lift the cap million desk drawers were laid end lite, use this convenient coupon. and there’s a soft glow ready to to end... they’d reach the heights of light your cigarette, cigar or pipe ridiculousness. But seriously, you can with first inhalation. trade in your old “lighter” toward a NO FLINTS • NO FLAME • NO WHEELS 1933 stream line Lektrolite. Rolls No mechanism, no batteries, no NO BUTTONS • NO BATTERIES NO MECHANISM • AUTOMATIC REFILL Royce does it, why can’t we? gadgets, no tricks. How does it work? Forgive us, LEKTROLITES ARE CARRIED but that’s our secret. However, IN THE SMARTEST SHOPS we guarantee it absolutely for at FROM COAST TO COAST least a year. Catalog on request. Prices are from If your dealer cannot supply you, address PLATINUM PRODUCTS COMPANY *5 >> *300 2 East 44th Street, New York, N. Y. Dept. 2 N YOUR L E K T R O L ESQUIRE—Autumn, 1933 . Edited IU/TX- Publishers: by c&q David A. Smart Arnold Gingrich THE QUARTERLY FOR MEN W. H. Weintraub COPYRIGHT 1933 BY ESQUIRE PUBLISHING CO. TITLE REG. U. S. PAT. OFFj As for General Esquire aims to be- A Magazine for It is our belief, in Content come the common Men Only offering Esquire to denominator of mas- Qontents for ^Autumn ipjj the American male, culine interests — to be all things to all that we are only getting around at last men. This is difficult to accomplish, all job that should have been done a Cover Design by Edward A. Wilson to a at a crack, and we would be foolish to long time ago — that of giving the mas- expect to work out the formula down culine reader a break.
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