November 6, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H12461 HEALTH CARE Whereas this year the Yankees opened a day night, the Yankees once again re- (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina new stadium and hope to emulate the suc- turned the World Series trophy to New cess achieved in the ‘‘House that Ruth asked and was given permission to ad- York City, the 27th time they have Built’’; done this. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- Whereas during the 2009 regular season, the vise and extend his remarks.) Yankees had the best record in baseball, We are proud of our Yankees, and I Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. going 103–59; could go on and on for hours discussing Madam Speaker, included in the 2,000 Whereas the Yankees finished at the top of the Yankees. I recall just last weekend pages of the Pelosi takeover bill are the American League East Division; I spent time with friends of mine, Dr. massive cuts in Medicare that will hurt Whereas the Yankees went on to beat the Witherspoon and Dr. Brown, talking seniors across the country. According Minnesota Twins 3 games to 0; about the Yankees of yesteryear and to the nonpartisan Congressional Budg- Whereas the Yankees then faced off today. And of course we talked about et Office, these cuts are $162 billion, against the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim the long line of outstanding players in the American League Championship Se- causing many seniors to lose their cur- ries, and emerged victorious in 6 games; and the great success that they have rent coverage or limit their choices. Whereas that victory represented the 40th had. We talked about Babe Ruth, Mick- But that is not all. The Pelosi takeover American League Pennant that the Yankees ey Mantle, and of course now we can also increases seniors’ Medicare pre- have won; talk about Matsui as well. scription drug premiums by 20 percent Whereas the Yankees were matched up We have important business to con- over the next decade. against a valiant Philadelphia Phillies squad sider in this House today and tomor- These negative policies hurt seniors. for the World Series title; row, but it is fitting that we take a That is why I am pleased that senior Whereas the Yankees were able to defeat small amount of time now to congratu- organizations like Sixty Plus Associa- the defending World Series Champions by 4 late the New York Yankees on their games to 2; tion and the Senior Citizens League World Series victory. stand tall for seniors against the Pelosi Whereas this victory represents the Yan- kees’ 27th World Series Championship win; Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- takeover. Whereas this number of championship wins ance of my time. Squeezing Medicare and Medicaid is 17 more than their next closest compet- Mr. CHAFFETZ. Madam Speaker, I half a trillion dollars is an attack on itor; yield myself such time as I may con- senior citizens. A better bill is H.R. Whereas the contributions of the Yankees’ sume. 3400 for affordability and accessibility. players throughout the season were all vital I rise today in support of House Reso- Our bill will save jobs, while the Pelosi in securing the title; and lution 893, congratulating the 2009 takeover will kill jobs with record 10.2 Whereas the Yankees were guided to vic- Major League Baseball World Series unemployment. tory by Manager Joe Girardi, General Man- ager Brian Cashman, President Randy Le- champions, the New York Yankees. In conclusion, God bless our troops, For the 27th time in the history of and we will never forget September vine, and the leadership of Hank and Hal Steinbrenner: Now therefore be it the World Series, the Yankees have 11th in the global war on terrorism. Resolved, That the House of Representa- once again proven to be the champions Our prayers and sympathy are with the tives congratulates— by defeating the Philadelphia Phillies families of Fort Hood, Texas. (1) the 2009 Major League Baseball World to win the World Series. Again they f Series Champions, the New York Yankees, have distinguished themselves as the for an outstanding season and a record 27th dominant team in baseball. b 0915 World Series Championship win; and (2) the players, coaches, staff and leader- On a cold November evening, the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER game kept fans riveted to their seats PRO TEMPORE ship of the Yankees organization for their great success. until nearly midnight in the sixth The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- game of the series with the Phillies DE ETTE G ). Pursuant to clause 8 of rule ant to the rule, the gentleman from until Mariano Rivera threw his 41st XX, the Chair will postpone further New York (Mr. TOWNS) and the gen- and final pitch of the game to end the proceedings today on motions to sus- tleman from Utah (Mr. CHAFFETZ) each game. pend the rules on which a recorded vote will control 20 minutes. The Yankees, also affectionately or the yeas and nays are ordered, or on The Chair recognizes the gentleman known as the ‘‘Bronx Bombers’’ be- which the vote incurs objection under from New York. cause of their stadium’s location in the clause 6 of rule XX. GENERAL LEAVE Bronx, achieved another exciting vic- Record votes on postponed questions tory for the storied franchise. After will be taken later. Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members finishing the regular season with base- f have 5 legislative days in which to re- ball’s best record of 103 wins, they CONGRATULATING THE NEW YORK vise and extend their remarks. showed their consummate profes- YANKEES The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there sionalism by winning it all. They finished the regular season by Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I move objection to the request of the gen- defeating the Minnesota Twins and to suspend the rules and agree to the tleman from New York? then the Angels to capture the Amer- resolution (H. Res. 893) congratulating There was no objection. ican League Championship. Moving on the 2009 Major League Baseball World Mr. TOWNS. I yield myself such time to the World Series, the Yankees de- Series Champions, the New York Yan- as I may consume. kees. Madam Speaker, I rise today as a feated the National League’s champion The Clerk read the title of the resolu- proud New Yorker to call up this reso- Phillies by winning four out of six tion. lution honoring the New York Yankees games in the series even though the The text of the resolution is as fol- on the occasion of their victory in the Phillies gave it their all to the very lows: 2009 World Series. end. H. RES. 893 With this win, the Yankees once It is of particular note that the Yan- kees’ 27th World Series wins puts them Whereas the New York Yankees are the again have broken their own record as most successful franchise in the history of the most successful Major League in an unequaled place in baseball his- Major League Baseball; Baseball franchise, and of course the tory. They have now won 17 more Whereas prior to this year the Yankees had most successful professional sports World Series than their closest com- won 26 World Series Championships, the franchise in our Nation’s history. petitor. most in the Major Leagues; The achievements of the Yankees are I also want to congratulate the rest Whereas this historic franchise is located made even more remarkable by the of the Yankees organization, all of in the Bronx and is known as the ‘‘Bronx high caliber of the teams they faced whom deserve credit for providing a Bombers’’; throughout the season and in the play- terrific season for so many devoted Whereas the Yankees franchise has in- cluded all-time great players; offs. The defending champions, the fans. I would also like to congratulate Whereas for many years the Yankees Philadelphia Phillies, had an out- the Philadelphia Phillies, their fans played baseball in the historic Yankee Sta- standing season and performed well and their players for putting together dium; during the World Series. But Wednes- an exciting season. VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:36 Jan 30, 2010 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD09\H06NO9.REC H06NO9 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H12462 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 6, 2009 On a particular note, I have the dium area. In fact, I can tell when the the work we have to do. At 11 a.m., in honor of standing here and helping to Yankees are doing well by just opening Mr. TOWNS’ great city and mine, the honor Harry Kalas, who affected so my window and hearing the sound of a Yankees will have a ticker tape parade many people throughout his career. We crowd. Whenever you hear the crowd— along the Canyon of Heroes. After that, were sad to see his passing earlier this I live that close to the stadium—you they will go to city hall at 1 o’clock year; but he touched the lives, in a know the Yankees have scored a run or where every other elected official ex- very positive way, of countless Ameri- gotten a big hit. cept Members of Congress will be there cans, and we will miss him. The Yankees have been a tradition in taking pictures with the Yankees. I reserve the balance of my time, the neighborhood and have been a tra- So that is one of the reasons why we Madam Speaker.
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