1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE H5 Cook, Walter D. Kidd, Andrew J. that is true and the strength of all that amination, and was admitted to the gen­ Cottrell, Richard F. Lowe, Francis D. is good, grant that this new week may eral practice of law in Kansas in 19'26. Drew, William E. Miles, Donald B. be rich in the culture of our souls and He served as assistant county attorney G alloway, William R. Miller, Joseph L., Jr. in the realization of the God-ordained and was elected county attorney of Craw­ c. Munns, Ralph B. Gandola, Frank V. Rich, Robert H. way of life. ford County, Kans. He also serv.ed as Griswold, Sam S. Smith, Howard W. Inspire our minds with a reassuring commissioner of public utilities of the Howell, Posey N., Jr. Smith, Roy F. vision of Thy gracious and beneficent city of Girard and also served as com­ Hynson, Franklin W. Strosnider, Charles M. purposes and our hearts with a splendor missioner of finance and revenue for his Jackson, Davis Williams, Ernest F'. of faith and courage which nothing can home town. He was a membzr of the CHAPLAIN CORPS ever eclipse or extinguish. American Legion, the Presbyterian Adams, Charles W. LeMay, Harold E. Enable us by Thy grace to fortify our­ Church, and the various Masonic bodies. Baird, Robert J. McGowan, John J., Jr. selves against every unworthy and in­ He always took an active part in civic af­ Gearan, Jeremiah F. Nolan, Francis D. W. ordinate impulse and every callous and fairs in his home community and led Ham, Ernest A. R ankin, Daniel S. cynical temper of ·mind which may as­ an active life up until a few months be­ K abele, David R. White, Henry P. sail us as we face our duties and respon­ fore his passing. He was considered to Kosky, David J. sibilities. be one of the best public speakers in CIVIL ENGINEER CORPS We pray that the ethic of good will southeast Kansas and was always sure Blo-sfield, Eugene F. Lindgren, Clarence W. and justice, of brotherhood and friend­ of a large and attentive audience where­ Br: __ egroom, John G. Miller, Allen J. ship, may be the foundation on which ever he appeared. Caler, William K. Mosher, Edwin I. we are seeking to build a worthy and an Tom, as he was universally known Cannon, Edward ·o. Newman, Andrew M. enduring civilization. · Compton, Charles C. O'Donnell, Paul R. among his friends and acquaintances, Cosgrove, John D., 2dPantle, W alter E. Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. was a self-made man. Members of Decker, Joseph R. R alph, Earl J. The Journal of the proceedings of Congress who served with him will re­ Eustis, Ernest L., Jr. Rockefeller, Stanley Thursday, January 10, 1952, was read member him as an able debater, and an F ye, Russell · C. S altsman, Irl Leonard and approv.ed. efficient and effective Member of this Goodwin, Ernest R. Smart, Robert F. legislative body. Gordon, Maurice M. Smith, Ernest K. Harvey, Norman Smith, John E. c. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Heintskill, Peter N. Swain, Frederick W. SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED Helmsing, Joseph H. Thompson, George H. Sundry messages in writing from the Hjul, Kenneth M. Turnbull, Charles E. President of the United States were com­ Mr. KILDAY asked and was given per­ Hobbs, Herbert C., Jr. Twichell, Nathaniel H. municated to the House by Mr. Hawks, mission to address the House for 20 min­ Hubbard, Marshall S. Walter, Sylvester H. one of his secretaries. utes today, following any special orders Jackson, John K . Whitney, Herbert W. heretofore entered. Klingenberger, WalterWimer, Frank B. Mr. FEIGHAN asked and was given R. Wing, William C. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Koetitz, Armin P. Wright, John S. permission- to address the House tomor­ Koopman, Harold A message from the Senate, by Mr. row for 20 minutes, following any special orders heretofore entered. DENTAL CORPS Landers, its enrolling clerk, announced that the Senate had ordered that the Mr. VAIL asked and was given per­ Burdette, Obed D. Wheeler, George E., Jr. mission to address the House today for Lourie, Lloyd S., Jr. Buell, Arthur B. Senator from South Carolina, Mr. JOHN­ Marker, Darrell A. Ewart, Harry G. STON, the Senator from Kentucky, Mr. 30 minutes, following any special orders Pollitt, Robert C. Jones, Benjamin F. UNDERWOOD, and the Senator from Kan­ heretofore entered. Stekette, Abraham Scheps, Gerson sas, Mr. CARLSON, be appointed members Swisher, Guy D. Clark, Wayne J. on the part of the Senate of the Joint PEWITT SCHOOL ENDS COMMUNITY The following-named officers of the Navy Committee on Postal Service in compli­ RIVALRY for permanent promotion to the grade of ance with section 13, Public Law 233, of lieutenant commander in the line and staff the Eighty-second Congress, first session. Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask corps indicated, subject to qualification sion. unanimous consent to address the House therefore as provided by law: for 1 minute and to include with my LINE remarks a statement by Mr. Robert M. Aaberg, Mildred D. Leighton, Mary E. THE LATE HONORABLE THOMAS D . WIN­ Hayes, of the Dallas News. and also a Baraw, Shirley R. Love. Winifred TER, A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE speech by.myself on October 21, 1951. Biadasz, Frances E. Mitchell, Francis S. STATE OF KANSAS The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Bonds, Mary K. Myrick, Mildred W. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the request of the gentleman from Canney, Ann L. Parks,. Melba R. Texas? Carte, Carrie C. Rawl, Elizabeth L. the gentleman from Kansas [Mr. Carver, Margaret E. Richard, Dorothy E. GEORGE]. There was no objection. Chenault, Josephine L. Riley, Katherine R. Mr. GEORGE. Mr. Speaker, it is my Mr. PATMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am in­ Coates, Margaret S. Schaefer, Carolyn W. sad duty to announce the death on No­ serting in the RECORD at this time a story Davis, Almira B. Stewart, Jean M. vember 7, 1951, of Hon. Thomas D. Win­ of the Paul H. Pewitt School, written by Ellis, Alma G. Stockert, Mabel M. ter, a former Member of the House of Robert M. Hayes, for the Dallas News, Forrester, Christine Sutton, Mildred E. on October 21, 1951. Joyce, Dorothy J. Swanson, Dorothy F. Representatives from the Third District Kelleher, Marie B. Ziegler, Kathleen of Kansas. He served in the Congress It was my pleasure to address the pa­ January 3, 1939, to January 1947. trons and friends of the Pewitt School SUPPLY CORPS We had been personal friends for district on the occasion of the dedication Ashton, Isabelle G. Mayes, Margaret W. many years. His untimely death was of the school last October, and I was so Ford, Ellen Schopfer, Jane E. Gorham, Helen R. a great shock to his many friends impressed by the wisdom and generosity throughout .the Third Congressional of Mr. Paul H. Pewitt, and by the subor­ MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS District, the State, and the Nation. dination of petty community jealousies Cranmore, Doris Thomas D. Winter was born July 7, to the greater good of improved educa­ 1896, at Columbus, Kans. He attended tional opportunities for the children that grade schools in Galena and Columbus, I am certain others would like to know Kans., and graduated from Columbus about it. A copy of the address is in­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Kans.) High School. He served in the serted herewith. Air Corps during the First World War, My State has recently passed progres­ MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1952 and on his return from service, be­ sive school legislation, popularly known The House met at 12 o'clock noon. came court reporter for the district court as the Gilmer-Aikin laws. A primary The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, of Crawford County. He made his home objective of these laws was to provide a D. D., offered the following prayer: at Girard, Kans. He was married to unit of administration large enough for Blanche Gracey, of McCune, Kans., in every child to have the advantages of a O Thou whom we reverently worship 1922, and she and their two children 4-year accredited high-school education. and adore as the infinite and infallible survive. While serving as court reporter It appears to me that the creation of the source of wisdom and ·the light of all he studied law, passed the State bar ex- Pewitt School district provides a proving XCVIII-10 146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE January 14 ground for the Gilmer-Aikin Foundation contract was awarded in May and construc­ alty to, our educational system in the Lon e school program, for it combines several tion began a few days later. Star State. It is a great joy to me to be with Though the school was completed in time you and to participate in this historic cere­ school districts of three counties into one for the fall term the official dedication was mony of dedication. unit, and so affords opportunity to test delayed. It was held Sunday afternoon. I am happy to share with you a deep ap­ the value of the new school program. It Congressman WRIGHT PATMAN delivered the preciation of the vision and generosity is well known that the school officials of principal address. manifested by our genial and loyal fellow Texas are watching the working out of E. B. Germany, president of Lone Star Steel citizen, Mr. Paul H. Pewitt, in whose honor the program at Pewitt in several fields­ Corp., introduced PATMAN and the Pewitt this school is named. His·very generous per­ transportation, financial, administrative, School band provided the music.
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