Norton Antkology o f A merican iterature FIFTH EDITION VOLUME 2 Nina Baym, General Editor SWANLUND ENDOWED CHAIR AND CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN W • W • NORTON & COMPANY • New York • London Editor: Julia Reidhead Developmental Editor/Associate Managing Editor: Marian Johnson Production Manager: Diane O'Connor Manuscript Editors: Candace Levy, Alice Falk, Kurt Wildermuth, Kate Lovelady Instructor's Manual and Website Editor: Anna Karvellas Editorial Assistants: Tara Parmiter, Katharine Nicholson Ings Cover and Text Design: Antonina Krass Art Research: Neil Ryder Hoos Permissions: Virginia Creeden Copyright© 1998, 1994, 1989, 1985, 1979 byW. W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. The text of this book is composed in Fairfield Medium with the display set in Bernhard Modern. Composition by Binghamton Valley Composition. Manufacturing by R. R. Donnelley & Sons. Cover illustration: Detail from City Activities with Dance Hall, from America Today (1930), by Thomas Hart Benton. Collection, The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Since this page cannot legibly accommodate all the copyright notices, pages 2895- 2903 constitute an extension of the copyright page. ISBN 0-393-95872-8 (pbk.) W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110 http://ww\v. wwnorton.com W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., 10 Coptic Street, London WCIA IPU 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Contents PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION xxix ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xxxiii American Literature 1865-1914 I Introduction 1 Timeline 16 SAMUEL L. CLEMENS (Mark Twain) (1835-1910) 18 The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 21 Roughing It 25 [The Story of the Old Ram] 25 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 28 [The Art of Authorship ] 217 How to Tell a Story 218 Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences 221 BRET HARTE (1836-1902) 230 The Outcasts of Poker Flat 231 W. D. HOWELLS (1837-1920) 239 Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading 241 Editha 258 AMBROSE BIERCE (1842-1914?) 268 An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 269 NATIVE AMERICAN ORATORY 275 COCHISE (c. 1812-1874) 276 [I am alone] 277 CHARLOT(c. 1831-1900) 278 [He has filled graves with our bones] 279 vii viii / CONTENTS HENRY JAMES (1843-1916) 281 Daisy Miller: A Study 285 The Real Thing 323 The Beast in the Jungle 341 The Art of Fiction 370 The Great Good Place 385 The Jolly Corner 402 JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS (1848-1908) 424 The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story 426 Mr. Rabbit Grossly Deceives Mr. Fox 427 SARAH ORNE JEWETT (1849-1909) 430 A White Heron 431 The Foreigner 438 KATE CHOPIN (1850-1904) 455 At the 'Cadian Ball 457 The Storm 464 The Awakening 467 MARYE. WILKINS FREEMAN (1852-1930) 559 A New England Nun 560 The Revolt of "Mother" 568 BOOKER T. WASHINGTON (1856?-1915) 579 Up From Slavery 581 Chapter I. A Slave Among Slaves 581 Chapter II. Boyhood Days 589 Chapter XIV. The Atlanta Exposition Address 595 Chapter XV. The Secret of Success in Public Speaking 603 CHARLES W. CHESNUTF (1858-1932) 615 The Goophered Grapevine 617 The Wife of His Youth 624 CHARLES ALEXANDER EASTMAN (OHIYESA) (1858-1939) 632 From the Deep Woods to Civilization 633 Chapter VI. A Doctor among the Indians 633 Chapter VII. The Ghost Dance War 638 HAMLIN GARLAND (1860-1940) 645 Under the Lion's Paw 646 CHARLOTTE PERKINS OILMAN (1860-1935) 656 The Yellow Wall-paper 657 Why I Wrote The Yellow Wall-paper? 669 EDITH WHARTON (1862-1937) 670 Souls Belated 672 The Eyes 691 CONTENTS / ix MARY AUSTIN (1868-1934) 704 The Walking Woman 706 W. E. B. DU BOIS (1868-1963) 711 The Souls of Black Folk 713 The Forethought 713 I. Of Our Spiritual Strivings 714 HI. Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others 719 XIV. The Sorrow Songs 729 FRANK NORRIS (1870-1902) 736 A Plea for Romantic Fiction 738 STEPHEN CRANE (1871-1900) 741 The Open Boat 743 The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky 760 The Blue Hotel 768 An Episode of War 787 THEODORE DREISER (1871-1945) 790 Old Rogaum and His Theresa 792 JOHN M. OSKISON (1874-1947) 805 The Problem of Old Harjo 806 JACK LONDON (1876-1916) 811 The Law of Life 812 To Build a Fire 817 NATIVE AMERICAN CHANTS AND SONGS 828 THE NAVAJO NIGHT CHANT 828 The Sacred Mountains 829 Dance of the Atsalei, or Thunderbirds 831 CHIPPEWA SONGS 834 Song of the Crows 835 My Love Has Departed 836 Love-Charm Song 837 The Approach of the Storm 838 The Sioux Women Gather Up Their Wounded 838 The Sioux Woman Defends Her Children 838 Song of the Captive Sioux Woman 839 GHOST DANCE SONGS 839 Songs of the Arapaho 840 [Father, have pity on me] 840 [When I met him approaching] 841 Songs of the Sioux 842 [The father says so] 842 X / CONTENTS [Give me my knife] 842 [The whole world is coming] 843 WOVOKA(c. 1856-1932) 843 The Messiah Letter: Cheyenne Version 845 The Messiah Letter: Mooney's Free Rendering 846 GERTRUDE SIMMONS BONNIN (Zitkala Sa) (1876-1938) 846 Impressions of an Indian Childhood 848 The School Days of an Indian Girl 860 An Indian Teacher among Indians 870 HENRY ADAMS (1838-1918) 875 The Education of Henry Adams 877 Editor's Preface 877 Preface 879 Chapter I. Quincy (1838-1848) 880 Chapter XIX. Chaos (1870) 892 Chapter XXV. The Dynamo and the Virgin (1900) 902 American Literature between the Wars, 1914-1945 911 Introduction 911 Timeline 922 BLACK ELK (1863-1950) aw^J JOHN G. NEIHARDT (1881-1973) 924 Black Elk Speaks 925 III. The Great Vision 925 EDGAR LEE MASTERS (1868-1950) 937 Serepta Mason 938 Trainor, the Druggist 938 Doc Hill 939 Margaret Fuller Slack 939 Abel Melveny 939 Lucinda Matlock 940 EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON (1869-1935) 941 Luke Havergal 941 The House on the Hill 942 Richard Cory 943 Credo 943 Miniver Cheevy 944 Eros Turannos 945 Mr. Flood's Party 946 WILLA GATHER (1873-1947) 947 My Antonia 949 CONTENTS / xi AMY LOWELL (1874-1925) 1084 The Captured Goddess 1085 Venus Transiens 1086 Madonna of the Evening Flowers 1087 September, 1918 1088 Meeting-House Hill 1088 Summer Night Piece 1089 St. Louis 1089 New Heavens for Old 1090 GERTRUDE STEIN (1874-1946) 1091 The Making of Americans 1093 [Introduction] 1093 Tender Buttons 1105 Objects 1105 ROBERT FROST (1874-1963) 1115 The Pasture 1117 Mowing 1117 The Tuft of Flowers 1117 Mending Wall 1119 The Death of the Hired Man 1120 Home Burial 1124 After Apple-Picking 1127 The Wood-Pile 1128 The Road Not Taken 1128 An Old Man's Winter Night 1129 The Oven Bird 1130 Birches 1130 "Out, Out—" 1131 Fire and Ice 1132 Nothing Gold Can Stay 1132 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 1133 A Boundless Moment 1133 Spring Pools 1133 Once by the Pacific 1134 Two Tramps in Mud Time 1134 Departmental 1136 Desert Places 1137 Design 1137 Neither out Far nor in Deep 1138 Provide, Provide 1138 The Gift Outright 1139 Directive 1139 The Figure a Poem Makes 1141 SHERWOOD ANDERSON (1876-1941) 1143 WINESBURG, OHIO 1 144 Mother 1144 Adventure 1149 "Queer" 1154 xii / CONTENTS CARL SANDBURG (1878-1967) 1160 Chicago 1161 Halsted Street Car 1162 Child of the Romans 1162 Fog 1163 Prairie Waters by Night 1163 Cool Tombs 1163 Grass 1164 WALLACE STEVENS (1879-1955) 1 164 The Snow Man 1166 A High-Toned Old Christian Woman 1166 The Emperor of Ice-Cream 1167 Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock 1167 Sunday Morning 1168 Anecdote of the Jar 1171 Gubbinal 1171 Peter Quince at the Clavier 1172 Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird 1174 The Death of a Soldier 1175 The Idea of Order at Key West 1176 A Postcard from the Volcano 1177 Study of Two Pears 1178 The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man 1179 Of Modern Poetry 1179 Asides on the Oboe 1180 An Ordinary Evening in New Haven 1181 I ("The eye's plain version is a thing apart") 1181 IX ("We keep coming back and coming back") 1181 XII ("The poem is the cry of its occasion") 1182 XXII ("Professor Eucalyptus said, 'The search' ") 1182 XXVIII ("If it should be true that reahty exists") 1183 XXX ("The last leaf that is going to fall has fallen") 1183 The Plain Sense of Things 1 184 ANGELINA WELD GRIMKE (1880-1958) 1185 The Closing Door 1186 ANZIA YEZIERSKA (1880?-1970) 1202 The Lost "Beautifulness" 1204 WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS (1883-1963) 1214 The Young Housewife 1216 Portrait of a Lady 1217 Willow Poem 1217 Queen-Anne's-Lace 1218 The Widow's Lament in Springtime 1218 Spring and All 1219 To Elsie 1220 The Red Wheelbarrow 1221 The Dead Baby 1222 CONTENTS / xiii The Wind Increases 1222 Death 1223 This Is Just to Say 1224 A Sort of a Song 1225 The Dance ("In Brueghel's great picture, The Kei•rmess" ) 1225 Burning the Christmas Greens 1225 Lear 1227 The Ivy Crown 1228 Landscape with the Fall of Icarus 1230 The Dance ("When the snow falls the flakes") 1231 EZRA POUND (1885-1972) 1232 To Whistler, American 1234 Portrait d'une Femme 1234 A Virginal 1235 A Pact 1235 The Rest 1236 In a Station of the Metro 1236 The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter 1236 Villanelle: The Psychological Hour 1237 Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (Life and Contacts) 1239 THE CANTOS I ("And then went down to the ship") 1246 XVII ("So that the vines burst from my fingers") 1248 XLV ("With Usura") 1251 H. D. (HILDA DOOLITTLE) (1886-1961) 1253 Mid-day 1254 Oread 1255 Leda 1255 AtBaia 1256 Fragment 113 1257 Helen 1258 The Walls Do Not Fall 1259 1-6 1259 20-24 1264 39-43 1267 ROBINSON JEFFERS (1887-1962) 1270 To the Stone-Cutters 1271 Shine, Perishing Republic 1271 Hurt Hawks 1272 November Surf 1273 Carmel Point 1273 Vulture 1274 Birds and Fishes 1274 MARIANNE MOORE (1887-1972) 1275 Poetry 1276 A Grave 1277 To a Snail 1278 xiv / CONTENTS What Are Years? 1278 Bird-Witted 1279 The Paper Nautilus 1280 Nevertheless 1281 The Mind Is an Enchanting Thing 1282 In Distrust of Merits 1283 A Face 1285 "Keeping Their World Large" 1286 O to Be a Dragon 1286 EUGENE O'NEILL (1888-1953) 1287 Long Day's Journey into Night 1289 T.
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