Cheyenne Indian names latest update: September 18, 2021 (To view the names in English alphabetical order, click here. It's best not to write the š sound as "s" because s and š are different sounds in Cheyenne. It's fine to write the š sound as “sh” for obituaries or other publications that do not have the š letter. This list uses the official Northern Cheyenne spelling. You may prefer to use other spellings which are easier to read. Some simpler spellings are in parentheses in this list. Click on links to hear the names, then use your browser Back button to return to this page; audio links is work in progress.) Email corrections to kovaahe at gmail.com. CHEYENNE ENGLISH PERSON Aamėhe'e Always A Woman; Pemican Ann Knowshisgun Woman (?) Aameohne'e Walking Woman Jewel Yellow Robe; Johanna Limberhand; Mildred Redcherries Aenohe Hawk; Swifthawk; Swift Hawk Benjamin Bearchum Sr. > Bruce Bearchum Sr.; Henry Fisher Aenohe Ȯhno'kaestse Lone Hawk Aenohe Ȯhtamehnėstse Walking Hawk; Hawk Lee Lonebear > Creg Hart; Walking Joshua Two Moons; Jerome Shoulderblade Aenohe Ȯhvo'komaestse White Hawk Aenohe Ȯxhaa'eho'oesėstse High Hawk Ted Risingsun Aenȯhea'eotse Attacking Hawk; Charging Robert Big Back Sr. > Ron Hawk Big Back Jr.; Herbert Fightingbear; Kenneth Beartusk Aenȯhea'konoo'e Roosting Hawk Aenȯheameohtsėstse Walking Hawk Lee Lonebear > Creg Hart Aenȯhee'e Sitting Hawk Stacy Sitting Hawk; Robert Rudolph Sitting Hawk Aenȯheeve'hȧhtse Flying Hawk; Hawk Flying Glenn Littlebird Jr. Aenȯhe'ke Hawk Woman Sylvia Teeth White Dirt Aenȯhemeona'e Hawk Trail Woman Janis Spear < Nora Nicetalker Aenȯhenehovohe Chasing Hawk Aenȯhenestoohe Howling Hawk Peter Little Whiteman; Albert Longjaw ? Aenȯheso Little Hawk David Atwood; Christian Red Woman; Mike Bearcomesout; Billy Gardner; Edwin Biglefthand; Adolf Red Cherries; Walter Runsabove Ȧhtonoohtse'e (woman's name) A'ee'ėse Big Nose; Knob Nose; Pug Nose A'kavėhe'o Limberhand A'kavėhe'onahe Limberhand; Loosebones A'kėhahtahe Clubfoot A'kėhe'onahe Clubhand A'ko'xehe Hobo Madarus Bad Horse; Don Badhorses A'kotseehe Cartridge Belt A'oeaso Topknot Alex Spotted Elk > Alexander Littlecoyote Amȧhtoohe'e Howls Along Woman Ame'ha'e Flying Woman Velma Lame Woman Walker > Margaret Twomoon Town; Alvina Fisher; Erika Fisher Beerbower; Phylis Bearcomesout Ame'haohtse Flying Paul Wolf Name; Bert Twomoons; Debs Flying; John Flying Ame'haooestse Flying Ameohne'e Walks Along Woman Minnie Walksalong; Jackie Tang; Bernice Yellowrobe; Shannon Wolfname; Carol Whiteskunk Ameohtse Walks (Walks Along?) Ameohtsehe'e Walking Woman Hazel Killsnight; Sonja Headswift > J'Den Nichols; Martha Risingsun Ameohtse'e Walking Woman Helen Highwalker; Pearl Brady ?; Lenora Two Birds Ameo'o Translation uncertain: Sacred Sally Bites; Theresa Road Woman; Milky Way Highwalker; Josie Timber; Woman; Going Woman (?); Neela Bearcomesout; Sheryl Pemmican Woman Fisher Ameo'ȯsona'e (woman's name) Martha Eagle Feathers Bird Chief Ameona'e Walking Woman Amėsto'eeseo'o Travois Conrad Fisher Amėške'hehe Grease Woman Ametane'e Living Woman Eva Little Wolf King > Debbie Waters; Rayette King Amevaohtse'e Noisy Walking Woman Grace Bear Quiver; Angelica Rowland Amevonehnėstse Crawling Amone'hehe Guesser Woman Stacibeth Spotted Elk< Florence Pine Amotsėhe'e Smoking Woman Anȧxeve (man's name) Aneahta'e Deaf Woman Ruth Killsnight's nickname Anėstaeševa'e Misty Woman (?) Anetȧhevehnėstse Walks Different Anetȧheveoeso Stands Different John Standsintimber Jr.; Michael Ryan Ortega Anetȧheveoo'e Stands Different Woman Danette Fisher Anȯhneo'o (woman's name) Julia Grave Woman Ano'ėstsehe'e Runsaway Woman (?) Anoohtse'e (woman's name) Anovaoo'o A Girl Beautiful; Falcon Esther Red Woman, Michelle Woman (?) Three Fingers, Joyce Bullcoming Ao'ėseto Hail Johnny Robinson; Lonnie Taylor Aseške (man's name, for a small Peter KOT; Emery Fisher; animal similar to a weasel) Glenn Littlebird Sr. Avoone'e Starving Woman; Fasting Grace Wolfname Wilson Woman Avoonenahkohe Starving Bear Eehe'e Camps All Over Woman; Wanda Russell Traveling Lady Eestseohtse'e Talks While Going Woman Pearl Brady E'ėhahta'e Broken Foot Woman Myra Dull Knife Flying E'ėškosa'e Broken Finger Woman E'kome'hahe'e Greasy Voice Woman E'oestoonahe Broken Jaw Jeff King E'omeahke Oil Gum E'ometaeso Little Missouri River E'še'ohtanehe High Forehead Emėškeha'e (woman's name) Hanna Harris Ena'heso Oldie Enoohtse'e Leave Everything Woman Esena'hane'e Inside Kills Woman Eseohtseva'e (woman's name) Evelyn Redbird Esevona'e Buffalo Cow Woman Fern Pine Spotted Elk; Patricia Brady Limpy; Tyler Nichols Esevona'keso Buffalo Calf Woman Esevonėhoehne'e Buffalo Comes Out Woman Jeanne Killsnight > Jeanne Risingsun Strangeowl > Alfretta Russell Esevoneme'ėhne'e Buffalo Appearing Woman Belle Teeth High Walker; Cheryl Bearchum; Adeline Fox, Shantaya Littlesun,La'Taezha Littlesun; Leanne Littlebear Esevonemeona'e Buffalo Road Woman Estseohtse'e Going Into the Woods Woman Estseovoeva'e Sinking Woman Ešeamėhe'e Day Walking Woman Elva Timber > Marcella Crazy Mule > Cehleesia Long Knife Ešeeva'e Day Woman Rhoda Glenmore > Misty Timber; Jolee Redcherries < Rose Redcherries < Lydia Wildhog; Chloe Ortega Ešeevȧhtamehnėstse Day Walker George Elk Shoulder Jr. Ešeeva'keso Little Day Woman Eše'he Ȯhme'ehnėstse Rising Sun Phillip Rising Sun Eše'he Ȯhmo'ȯhtavaestse Black Moon Robert Redfox ? Eše'he Ȯhnešesėstse Two Moon; Two Moons Roger Killsnight Sr. Eše'he Ȯhtamehnėstse Sun Walking Darren Yellowhair Eše'he Ȯhvo'komaestse White Moon Eše'hemeo'o Sun Road Anthony Whitedirt; Michael Ryan Ortega Eše'hemeona'e Sun Road Woman DeWanda Little Coyote, Valeo Weaselbear Beartusk Eše'henȧhkohe Sun Bear John Whitehawk Jr. Eše'heveho Sun Chief Harvey Mousetrail Russell Eše'hȯhma'aestse Red Moon Felix Orange Eše'hȯhme'ehne Rising Sun Eše'hȯxhaahketa Little Sun Eškȯseesa'e Sharp Nose Woman Pearl Storm Eškȯseesehe Sharp Nose Evana'hane Killsback Evana'hane'e Killsback Woman Joann Limpy > Zena Tang Evȧse'ova'e Going Back to the River Maya Sanchez Woman Evȧsova Butcher Eve'hanahe'e Eats About Woman Joan Limpy; Annie Little Whiteman Eve'haooestse Flies About Ben Bearchum Eve'haoohe Flies About Eve'haoohe'e Flies About Woman Evemeona'e Making Trails Woman Evelyn Killsnight Morgan < Rilla Killsnight Tallbull; Alliana Brady; Jolene Gardner Evotseta Rustling For Food (origin of Russell family name) Haa'ėsta'ehe Long Hair One of Custer's names Haa'ėstȧhetane Tallman Haa'ėstoo'onahe Long Jaw Haa'ėše Ȯxhasėstse From Far Away Haa'hae'ameohtse Windy Walker/Windwalker(?) Haa'hoeva'e Wind Woman (uncertain) Dora Littlehawk; Eldora Spotted Wolf Haeohe'hame Fast Horse Melvin Strangeowl Sr. Haeohemo'ėsa'e Fast Runner Calf Haestȯhe'hame Many Horses Haestȯhe'hame'e Many Horses Woman Sha'Nyssa Tate Haestȯhe'haohtse'e Many Flying Woman Connie Sanchez Haestȯhemeo'o Mockingbird ?? (Many Trails ?) Haestȯhemeona'e Many Trails Woman Martha Wolf Name; Emily Evans Haestȯhena'hane Many Kills; Plenty Coups James (“Junior”) Spear Sr. Haestȯhena'hane'e Many Kills Woman Alice Wooden Thigh Brady > Charlotte Sanchez, Ardeana Whiteshield, Taylor Whiteman, Decheiya Littlesun Haesto'tonȯhevesehe Many Braids Hahkota Grasshopper Hahnomȧhe'hehe Bee Woman Hattie Killsback Limpy Hahpėhe'onahe Closed Hand; Clenched Fist Ha'pee'e Torn Into Pieces Woman Eva Small; Beatrice Beaver Hart Hanȯseeeotse Dives Backwards James Big Back > James Wolfname Hao'emane'e Bossy Woman Hapȧhanaa'e (woman's name) Hase'hoveoo'e Victory Woman; Stands By Josie Limpy > CJ Yellowrobe; the Fire Woman Victoria Walksalong; Gilma Whitedirt; Emma Beerbower Haškoo'e (woman's name) Nina Big Back Hatavėseveeestse'e Bad Mouth Woman Hatavėseve'hame Bad Horse; His Bad Horse Hatavėseve'hamehe (His) Bad Horse Hatavėseve'hamėstse (His) Bad Horse Hato'ėstseahe Bushy Head; Bushy Hair; Tangle Hair Hatseške Ant Havėseveeestse'e Bad Talking Woman Eleanor Two Bulls Havėsevevoona'o Bad Morning Heahke (man's name) Harvey White Man Hea'ke Young Mule He'amȧhnee'ėstse Stands Above Michelle Three Fingers He'amȧhnestoohe Howls Above Teddy Wooden Thigh He'amȧxhoeso'e Highwaters He'amȧhtamehnėstse Walks Above; High Walking; Highwalker He'amamėhne'e Highwalking Woman He'amanahkohe High Bear Alex Standing Elk; David Strangeowl; Jim Little Bird He'amanestoohe High Holler He'amavehonevėstse High Chief Lawrence Hart He'amȧxhoo'ėstse Sits Above Joe Bearcomesout He'ametameohtseva'e (?) Goes Along High Woman (?) He'eene'e (woman's name) He'eme'ėhne'e Appears Woman He'emeona'e Woman Road Rena Little Head; Jennie Little Mouth He'emohto Woman Leggings He'emome'ėhne'e Goddess Appears Woman (?) He'enȧhkȯha'e She Bear Sylvia Strangeowl He'enestoohe'e Howling Woman Doreen Redneck He'evo'nehe She Wolf He'evȯsoo'ėstse Sits As a Woman He'exaa'e Hesta'ehe His Wounded Eye Milton Wounded Eye He'heenehe Wrinkled Face Thomas Bear Robe, Sr. He'heeno Blackbird Charlie White Wolf; Floyd Crazy Mule > Charles Sanchez Jr. He'heeno Ȯhmo'ȯhtavaestse Black Blackbird He'heeno Ȯhvo'komaestse White Blackbird John Russell Jr.; Leslie Bigback He'heenohka'e Blackbird Woman Adriann Killsnight He'heenohkeameohtse'e Blackbird Walking Woman Fanny Wolfvoice Woodenlegs He'heenohkeso Little Blackbird He'heško'nehe Wrinkled Wolf He'kamovesehe Hair Tied High He'kase Soft Belly He'ke'hame Little Mare He'keo'evahne Softly Walks Away He'konenamosėstse Strong Left Hand He'konoma'ȯhtse Hard Ground He'konovesehe Hard Hair He'koovenehe Wet Face Robert Bearchum He'ne'ȯhma'heo'o (woman's name) He'neška'e (woman's name) He'netoo'o Door (said to be origin of the family name Dahle) He'ohko Pipe He'ȯhma'aestse Red
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