CEP Base Year Percentage of Directly Certified Students for CEP Total

CEP Base Year Percentage of Directly Certified Students for CEP Total

Percentage Total Students District NSLP % Students Eligible Percent Total of Directly in School Free & Certified eligible for (Calculated) District District for Free/Reduced Category 1 Category 2 IN Schl Entity CORP SCHOOL Meals (NSLP Total K-12 Reduced Students for NSLP Discount Discount IN Corp ID ID Number NCES NCES FCC FRN Corp Name Schl Name Count) Enrollment (Calculated) CEP Base Year CEP (Calculated) R or U Percentage Percentage 130438 0005276936 Adams Central Community Schools 0015 0020 52484 1800060 00006 Adams Central Community Schools Adams Central Elementary Sch 155 579 26.77% 155 R 0015 0021 52485 1800060 00007 Adams Central Community Schools Adams Central High School 71 364 19.51% 71 R 0015 0013 52486 1800060 00008 Adams Central Community Schools Adams Central Middle School 77 285 27.02% 77 R 303 1228 303 24.67% R 60% 60% 130178 0012130001 Alexandria Com School Corp 5265 5069 51065 1800120 00009 Alexandria Com School Corp Alexandria-Monroe Elementary 188 342 54.97% 188 U 5265 5041 51063 1800120 00011 Alexandria Com School Corp Alexandria-Monroe High School 362 788 45.94% 362 U 5265 5065 51064 1800120 00010 Alexandria Com School Corp Alexandria-Monroe Intermediate 273 450 60.67% 273 U 823 1580 823 52.09% U 80% 80% 130181 0013614850 Anderson Community School Corp 5275 5142 16030353 1800150 01847 Anderson Community School Corp Anderson Elementary School 580 611 94.93% 580 R 5275 4945 51088 1800150 00029 Anderson Community School Corp Anderson High School 1338 1886 70.94% 1338 U 5275 5102 16047652 1800150 02109 Anderson Community School Corp Eastside Elementary School 487 612 79.58% 487 U 5275 4953 16071301 1800150 00020 Anderson Community School Corp Edgewood Elementary School 266 333 79.88% 266 U 5275 5146 16030354 1800150 02110 Anderson Community School Corp Erskine Elementary School 469 539 87.01% 469 U 5275 5076 51085 1800150 02483 Anderson Community School Corp Highland Middle School 1196 1463 81.75% 1196 U 5275 4977 51084 1800150 00041 Anderson Community School Corp Tenth Street Elementary Sch 604 698 86.53% 604 U 5275 5033 51102 1800150 00044 Anderson Community School Corp Valley Grove Elementary Sch 554 656 84.45% 554 R 5494 6798 5494 80.82% U 90% 85% 130349 0002870780 Argos Community Schools 5470 5937 52074 1800180 00048 Argos Community Schools Argos Comm Jr-Sr High School 116 304 38.16% 116 R 5470 5936 52073 1800180 00047 Argos Community Schools Argos Community Elementary 167 321 52.02% 167 R 283 625 283 45.28% R 70% 70% 130745 0004836656 Attica Consolidated Sch Corp 2435 2057 53723 1800210 00049 Attica Consolidated Sch Corp Attica Elementary School 233 389 59.90% 233 R 2435 2053 53724 1800210 00050 Attica Consolidated Sch Corp Attica High School 175 364 48.08% 175 R 408 753 408 54.18% R 80% 80% 130261 0015313950 Avon Community School Corp 3315 2737 51365 1800270 00057 Avon Community School Corp Avon High School 630 2750 22.91% 630 U 3315 2728 222449 1800270 01256 Avon Community School Corp Avon Intermediate School East 218 752 28.99% 218 U 3315 2729 16038101 1800270 02092 Avon Community School Corp Avon Intermediate School West 229 710 32.25% 229 U 3315 2730 16055402 1800270 02450 Avon Community School Corp Avon Middle School North 196 707 27.72% 196 U 3315 2736 51366 1800270 02095 Avon Community School Corp Avon Middle School South 217 766 28.33% 217 U 3315 2738 16040047 1800270 02194 Avon Community School Corp Cedar Elementary School 179 687 26.06% 179 U 3315 2740 16021224 1800270 01675 Avon Community School Corp Hickory Elementary School 144 522 27.59% 144 U 3315 2733 51367 1800270 00059 Avon Community School Corp Maple Elementary Sch 85 259 32.82% 85 U 3315 2739 51369 1800270 02330 Avon Community School Corp Pine Tree Elementary School 142 378 37.57% 142 U 3315 2726 16062166 1800270 02480 Avon Community School Corp River Birch Elementary 168 745 22.55% 168 R 3315 2735 51356 1800270 00390 Avon Community School Corp Sycamore Elementary School 109 422 25.83% 109 U 3315 2734 51368 1800270 00058 Avon Community School Corp White Oak Elementary School 88 288 30.56% 109 U 2405 8986 2405 26.76% U 50% 50% 130683 0011984135 Barr-Reeve Com Schools Inc 1315 1075 53405 1800330 00060 Barr-Reeve Com Schools Inc Barr Reeve Elementary School 67 240 27.92% 67 R 1315 1069 53406 1800330 00061 Barr-Reeve Com Schools Inc Barr Reeve Middle/High School 86 385 22.34% 86 R 1315 1073 53404 1800330 00062 Barr-Reeve Com Schools Inc Barr Reeve Primary Grade Sch 58 165 35.15% 58 R 211 790 211 26.71% R 60% 60% 130558 0013792056 Bartholomew Con School Corp 0365 0390 53003 1800360 00063 Bartholomew Con School Corp Central Middle School 335 798 41.98% 335 U 0365 0328 53017 1800360 02188 Bartholomew Con School Corp Clifty Creek Elementary Sch 389 499 77.96% 389 U 0365 0399 53007 1800360 00065 Bartholomew Con School Corp Columbus East High School 518 1568 33.04% 518 U 0365 0397 52996 1800360 00066 Bartholomew Con School Corp Columbus North High School 657 2055 31.97% 657 U 0365 0375 53005 1800360 02492 Bartholomew Con School Corp CSA Fodrea Campus 194 347 55.91% 194 U 0365 0346 53002 1800360 02421 Bartholomew Con School Corp CSA Lincoln Campus 112 348 32.18% 112 U 0365 0371 53015 1800360 00070 Bartholomew Con School Corp L F Smith Elementary 289 466 62.02% 289 U 0365 0369 52994 1800360 00071 Bartholomew Con School Corp Lillian Schmitt Elem School 520 723 71.92% 520 U 0365 0353 53009 1800360 00075 Bartholomew Con School Corp Mount Healthy Elementary Sch 181 403 44.91% 181 R 0365 0395 52993 1800360 00076 Bartholomew Con School Corp Northside Middle School 380 857 44.34% 380 U 0365 0357 53012 1800360 00077 Bartholomew Con School Corp Parkside Elementary School 269 737 36.50% 269 U 0365 0366 53018 1800360 00079 Bartholomew Con School Corp Rockcreek Elementary School 134 375 35.73% 134 R 0365 0392 52997 1800360 00080 Bartholomew Con School Corp Southside Elementary School 173 888 19.46% 173 U 0365 0377 53084 1800360 00081 Bartholomew Con School Corp Taylorsville Elem School 426 558 76.34% 426 U 0365 0363 53013 1800360 00082 Bartholomew Con School Corp W D Richards Elementary Sch 235 548 42.88% 235 U 4812 11170 4812 43.08% U 60% 60% 130515 0007882269 Batesville Community Sch Corp 6895 7217 52834 1800390 00084 Batesville Community Sch Corp Batesville High School 153 749 20.43% 153 R 6895 7229 52831 1800390 00087 Batesville Community Sch Corp Batesville Intermediate School 125 464 26.94% 125 R 6895 7219 52832 1800390 00085 Batesville Community Sch Corp Batesville Middle School 143 484 29.55% 143 R 6895 7218 52833 1800390 02381 Batesville Community Sch Corp Batesville Primary School 127 451 28.16% 127 R 548 2148 548 25.51% R 60% 60% 130362 0002904274 Baugo Community Schools 2260 1705 52129 1800420 00089 Baugo Community Schools Jimtown Elementary School 122 417 29.26% 122 U 2260 1701 52131 1800420 00090 Baugo Community Schools Jimtown High School 182 569 31.99% 182 U 2260 1707 16030282 1800420 02026 Baugo Community Schools Jimtown Intermediate School 276 587 47.02% 276 U 2260 1703 52130 1800420 00091 Baugo Community Schools Jimtown Junior High School 123 322 38.20% 123 U 703 1895 703 37.10% U 60% 60% 130220 0011833654 Beech Grove City Schools 5380 5453 51221 1800450 00092 Beech Grove City Schools Beech Grove Middle School 331 502 65.94% 331 U 5380 5449 51225 1800450 00093 Beech Grove City Schools Beech Grove Sr High School 518 924 56.06% 518 U 5380 5457 51222 1800450 00094 Beech Grove City Schools Central Elementary School 339 472 71.82% 339 U 5380 5463 16021087 1800450 00881 Beech Grove City Schools Hornet Park Elementary School 322 479 67.22% 322 U 5380 5461 51227 1800450 00095 Beech Grove City Schools South Grove Intermediate School 488 671 72.73% 488 U 1998 3048 1998 65.55% U 80% 80% 130759 0006499560 Benton Community School Corp 0395 0445 53781 1800480 00097 Benton Community School Corp Benton Central Jr-Sr High Sch 397 888 44.71% 397 R 0395 0433 53727 1800480 00098 Benton Community School Corp Boswell Elementary School 105 144 72.92% 105 R 0395 0421 53780 1800480 00100 Benton Community School Corp Otterbein Elementary School 146 344 42.44% 146 R 0395 0446 16046629 1800480 02403 Benton Community School Corp Prairie Crossing Elementary Sch 255 475 53.68% 255 R 903 1851 903 48.78% R 70% 70% 130600 0005793187 Blackford County Schools 0515 0489 53158 1800570 00102 Blackford County Schools Blackford High School 218 531 41.05% 218 R 0515 0491 53161 1800570 00103 Blackford County Schools Blackford Junior High School 161 301 53.49% 161 R 0515 0485 53176 1800570 00107 Blackford County Schools Montpelier School 132 223 59.19% 132 R 0515 0494 53159 1800570 00108 Blackford County Schools North Side Elementary School 179 287 62.37% 179 R 0515 0501 53164 1800570 00126 Blackford County Schools Southside Elementary School 252 426 59.15% 252 R 942 1768 942 53.28% R 80% 80% 130637 002871630 Bloomfield School District 2920 2417 53295 1800600 00112 Bloomfield School District Bloomfield Elementary School 258 505 51.09% 258 R 2920 2419 53296 1800600 00113 Bloomfield School District Bloomfield Jr-Sr High School 151 421 35.87% 151 R 409 926 409 44.17% R 70% 70% 130609 0014899355 Blue River Valley Schools 3405 2803 53179 1800660 00140 Blue River Valley Schools Blue River Valley Elem School 151 356 42.42% 151 R 3405 2801 53178 1800660 00141 Blue River Valley Schools Blue River Valley Jr-Sr HS 94 265 35.47% 94 R 245 621 245 39.45% R 70% 70% 130354 002870582 Bremen Public Schools 5480 5943 52079 1800900 00166 Bremen Public Schools Bremen Elem/Middle School 422 972 43.42% 422 R 5480 5941 52078 1800900 00168 Bremen Public Schools Bremen Senior High School 148 506

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