Sahlbergia 21.2 (2015), 6-39 6 Estonian Additions to Silfverberg’s „Enumeratio renovata Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae“ Coleoptera Catalog Uno Roosileht A faunistic list which updates H. Silfverberg’s “Enumeratio renovata Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae” with respect to Coleoptera in Estonia is presented. The data is from specimens in the collection of the Estonian Museum of Natural History and from specimens collected by the author. The material were collected by hand, using nets and sifters and in recent years also using window and pitfall traps. The Estonian section of Silfverberg’s catalogue is updated with 308 species. – Sahlbergia 21(2): 6–39. Uno Roosileht. Estonian Museum of Natural History, Lai 29A, Tallinn 10133, ESTONIA, +372 5516547; e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Coleoptera, faunistic list, Estonia Introduction H. Silfverberg’s catalogue of Coleoptera “Enumeratio 1961, Haberman 1962, Freude et al. 1964, 1967, 1971, renovata Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Bal- 1974, Haberman 1968, Kryzhanovskii 1965, Miländer tiae” was published in 2010, containing distribution data 1978, Voolma et al. 1997, Heliövaara et al. 2004, 2014) for beetle species in Finland (F), Karelia (K), Sweden (S), were used to determine the species. Different catalogs, Norway (N), Denmark (D), Latvia (A), Lithuania (I) and checklists, lists and articles (Burakowski et al. 1978, 1979, Estonia (E). The collection of the Estonian Museum of 1980, 1981, 1986, 1990, 2000, Ferenca et al. 2002, Telnov Natural History contains species, collected in Estonia be- 2004, Telnov et al. 2007, 2008, Süda 2009, Silfverberg fore 2010, whose data have not been previously published, 2010, 2014, Tamutis et al. 2011) as well as distribution at- and which therefore were not included in the list. New ma- lases (Süda & Miländer 1998, Voolma et al. 2000, Suomen terial has also been collected of species whose data, when Kovakuoriaisatlas 2010) provided valuable additional in- published, would update the catalogue of beetles. formation and helped to complete the work. Most of the specimens were also compared to the photos in the Lech This article gives an overview of species that are missing Borowiec online catalog 2007-2015, University of Wro- from Silfverberg’s 2010 catalogue, their localities, occur- claw. rences, collectors and determiners as given on the labels. The list below uses Silfverberg’s nomenclature (2010), up- Material and methods dating Silfverberg’s catalogue of Coleoptera with respect to Estonia (E). The names of collectors/determiners are In total, more than 3000 species of Coleoptera in the col- abbreviated as follows: Valentin Soo (VS), Uno Roosileht lections were reviewed. The most important collecting lo- (UR). calities are marked on the map (Fig. 1). The majority of the material were collected with traditional methods, using nets, from grass, trees, and shrubs. Most of the rove bee- tles (Staphylinidae) were collected using sifters, from river debris and decaying plant matter. Many species were sim- ply caught by hand. Several rare species were caught using window traps installed on tree trunks. Most of the mate- rial was collected by Valentin Soo (1905-1984) and Uno Roosileht. The material is mostly deposited at the Estonian Museum of Natural History V. Soo Coleoptera Collection, and the Estonian Museum of Natural History Coleoptera Collection. Several identification guides and handbooks (Szujecki Sahlbergia 21.2 (2015), 6-39 7 Fig. 1. Map of Estonia showing the main collecting localities. Sahlbergia 21.2 (2015), 6-39 8 List of species DYTISCIDAE Leach, 1815 Bidessus grossepunctatus Vorbringer, 1907. Võõpsu, 17.06.1958, 4 ex., from a lake with a water net. (VS/VS). Hygrotus quinquelineatus (Zetterstedt, 1828). Võõpsu, 10.06.1958, 2 ex., from a lake with a water net. Jaamaküla Narva River meander cutoff, 03.06.1965, 1 ex., from water with a water net. Loosina Lake Pihkva, 17.06.1975, 1 ex., from water with a water net. (VS/VS). Paunküla, 59º09’/25º19’, 17.08.1982, 3 ex., oxbow lake, from water with a water net. Tolli, 58º50’/24º16’, 22.08.1996, 2 ex., bog pond, from water with a water net. (UR/UR). Hydroporus glabriusculus Aubé, 1838. Tuudi, 30.06.1973, 1 ex., from a river with a water net. (VS/VS). Tolli, 58º50’/24º16’, 22.08.1996, 8 ex., bog pond, from water with a water net. (UR/UR). Nebrioporus canaliculatus (Lacordaire, 1835). Saaremaa Vanamõisa, 13.06.1997, 2 ex., from a sand quarry with a water net. Männiku, 59º19’/24º42’, 10.09.1999, 6 ex., sand quarry, from a puddle of water with a water net. (UR/UR). Ilybius crassus Thomson, 1856. Järvselja, 58º16’/27º19’, 23.07.2011, 5 ex., a puddle of water in a forest, from water. (UR/UR). CARABIDAE Latreille, 1802 Dyschirius intermedius Putzeys, 1846. Vaitka, 57º41’/26º10’, 05.06.2010, 1 ex., the sand banks of a river, moistened sand. (UR/UR). Tachys bistriatus (Duftschmid, 1812). Kavastu, 58º22’/27º06’, 17.06.2012, 1 ex., river bank, beaten from river debris. Koivakonnu, 57º35’/26º19’, 30.06.2012, 1 ex., meander scar, in the evening, netting from grass. (UR/UR). Porotachys bisulcatus (Nicolai, 1822). Vaitka, 57º41’/26º12’, 09.06.-26.06.2012, 1 ex., meadow, a single old birch snag, window trap. Vaitka, 57º41’/26º11’, 01.07.-27.07.2012, 1 ex., oak woods, dead willow, window trap. (UR/UR). Agonum consimile (Gyllenhal, 1810). Neeruti, 05.10.1958, 3 ex., river bank, river debris, sifting. (VS/VS). Kloogaranna, 59º22’/24º14’, 01.05.2000, 1 ex., seashore, under marine debris. (UR/UR). Agonum duftschmidi Schmidt, 1994. Vaibla, 58º24’/26º03’, 01.05.2014, 1 ex., lake shore, shore debris, sifting. Laanemetsa, 57º37’/26º14’, 26.07.2014, 1 ex., river bank, under a trunk. (UR/UR). Amara montivaga Sturm, 1825. Salme, 58º09’/22º15’, 12.07.2015, 1 ex., seashore, under a rock. (UR/UR). Amara convexior Stephens, 1828. Vaitka, 57º41’/26º12’, 22.06.-28.07.2013, 6 ex., dry meadow, pitfall trap. (UR/UR). Sahlbergia 21.2 (2015), 6-39 9 Amara fusca Dejean, 1828. Ellamaa, 18.07.1997, 2 ex., road verge, under a rock. Männiku, 59º19’/24º42’, 10.09.1999. 1 ex., sands, netting from grass. (UR/UR). Amara alpina (Paykull, 1790). Rannamõisa, 59º26’/24º31’, 24.07.2014, 1 ex., seashore, under a trunk. (UR/UR). Harpalus melanholicus Dejean, 1829. Mändjala, 58º12’/22º18’, 15.06.2011, 1 ex., hot sandy beach, from beneath a plank. (UR/UR). Harpalus serripes (Quensel, 1806). Voose, 59º12’/25º25’, 21.08.2011, 1 ex., dry meadow, netting from grass. (UR/UR). Harpalus autumnalis (Duftschmid, 1812). Piusa, 57º50’/27º29’, 02.07.-27.07.2013, 3 ex., 27.07.-18.08.2013, 5 ex., railway verge, burned forest edge, pitfall trap. (UR/UR). Harpalus honestus (Duftschmid, 1812). Tabina, 57º49’/27º17’, 18.08.2013, 1 ex., sand quarry, under litter. (UR/UR). Harpalus servus (Duftschmid, 1812). Tallinn Mähe, 06.09.1982, field verge, under a rock. (UR/UR). Harpalus flavescens (Piller & Mitterpacher, 1783). Vaitka, 57º41’/26º11’, 15.07.2006, 1 ex., river bank, under a trunk. (UR/UR). Stenolophus teutonus (Schrank, 1781). Vasknarva, 58º59’/27º43’, 10.05.2015, 4 ex., shallow boat channel in reed field, reed litter, sifting. (UR/UR). Perigona nigriceps (Dejean, 1831). Koivakonnu, 57º35’/26º20’, 01.09.2013, 1 ex., cattle corral, horse manure, sifting. Kanaküla, 58º14’/25º09’, 08.06.-19.07.2014, 1 ex., mixed forest, spruce snag, window trap. (UR/UR). HYDROPHILIDAE Latreille, 1802 Hydrochus elongatus (Schaller, 1783). Koseveski, 58º43’/26º51’, 08.08.2015, 1 ex., pond, from water with a water net. (M. Vool/UR). Paracymus aeneus (Germar, 1824). Saaremaa Siiksaare, 21.06.1957, 1 ex., seashore, seaweed, sifting. (VS/VS). Hydrophilus piceus (Linnaeus, 1758). Jõesuu, 58º23’/26º07’, 07.08.2010, 1 ex., lake shore, under a rock, reared from a pupa. (UR/UR). Cercyon granarius Erichson, 1837. Pärnu, 58º21’/24º34’, 13.05.1988, 1 ex., seashore, reeds, sifting. Uulu, 58º16’/24º32’, 27.04.1991, 1 ex., seashore, seaweed, sifting. (UR/UR). Cercyon sternalis Sharp, 1918. Mustjõe, 59º16’/25º27’, 20.04.1988, 1 ex., mixed forest, litter, sifting. (UR/UR). Sphaeridium marginatum Fabricius, 1787. Taheva, 57º36’/26º20’, 30.08.2014, 1 ex., garden, dung, sifting. (UR/UR). Sahlbergia 21.2 (2015), 6-39 10 HISTERIDAE Gyllenhal, 1808 Abraeus granulum Erichson, 1839. Saaremaa Viidu, 17.06.1968, 1 ex., dry meadow, sheep manure. Saaremaa Kiratse, 02.06.1972, 1 ex., dry meadow, sheep manure. Saaremaa Viidu, 17.07.1972, 2 ex., dry meadow, sheep manure. (VS/VS). Saprinus rugifer (Paykull, 1809). Koivakonnu, 57º35’/26º19’, 21.05.-24.06.2011, 2 ex., oak woods, a dying oak, window trap. (UR/UR). Hypocaccus dimidiatus (Illiger, 1807). Tallinn Rannamõisa, 27.08.1978, 2 ex., seashore, sifting. (VS/VS). Ruhnu, 57º48’/23º15’, 01.-07.07.2003, 1 ex., sandy beach, under a trunk. (UR/UR). Hetaerius ferrugineus (Olivier, 1789). Tallinn Haabersti, 10.07.1953, 2 ex., field, compost, sifting. (VS/VS). Pärnu, 18.04.1995, 1 ex., river bank, from an anthill. Vormsi Hullo, 24.05.1995, 1 ex., forest edge, from an anthill. (UR/UR). HYDRAENIDAE Mulsant, 1844 Limnebius aluta Bedel, 1881. Koseveski, 58º43’/26º51’, 08.08.2015, 1 ex., pond, from water with a water net. (M. Vool/UR). Limnebius atomus (Duftschmid, 1805). Vasknarva, 58º59’/27º43’, 07.08.2014, 2 ex., a shallow boat channel in reed field, from water with a water net. (UR/UR). Ochthebius auriculatus Rey, 1886. Tolli, 58º50’/24º16’, 22.08.1996, 1 ex., bog pond, from water with a water net. (UR/UR). Ochthebius dilatatus Stephens, 1829. Tallinn Rannamõisa, 16.11.1978, 1 ex., seashore, debris, sifting. (VS/VS). Palupõhja, 58º25’/26º14’, 01.05.2010, 1 ex., river bank, debris, sifting. (UR/UR). Ochthebius bicolon Germar, 1824. Tallinn Kose, 16.10.1949, 1 ex., mixed forest, plant litter, sifting. Taebla, 13.10.1953, 3 ex., oak woods, plant litter, sifting.
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