BENGT-OVE ANDREASSEN Doctoral theses on Laestadius and the Laestadian movement 1937–2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30664/ar.86819 Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) he scope of this review is all doctoral have been produced about Laestadius and theses that exist on Laestadius and the the Laestadian movement; something sev- Laestadian movement. A total of thirty- T eral bibliographies bare witness to.1 one doctoral theses on Laestadius and the Laes- tadian movement are included in this review. This article is (limited to) a review of The Laestadian movement is an international doctoral theses produced in the period one, albeit primarily established in the Nordic from when the first thesis was delivered in countries, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The 1937 to 2018. The aim of the research is to review aims at presenting an overview of doc- toral theses, countries where they are produced, analyse the main tendencies in the doctoral academic disciplines that have contributed to theses. The article is structured by review- this research, and finally to discuss some main ing firstly theses on Laestadius and sec- tendencies. ondly theses on the Laestadian movement. Concerning the theses on Laestadius, I will Introduction present which country they are from, and This review article aims at providing a secondly, which parts of Laestadius’s work general overview of the main tenden- they cover (theology/church history, [reli- cies in thirty-one doctoral theses that are gious] philosophy, natural sciences, or folk- identified as dealing with either Lars Levi lore/mythology). In doing so, it becomes Laestadius (1800–61) or the Laestadian clear that it is his work as a priest that has movement. Laestadius and the Laestadian been given most attention, while his work movement have generated interest amongst in the natural sciences is not covered in researchers in different academic fields, doctoral theses at all. such as church history, theology, history, The theses on the Laestadian movement social anthropology, the study of religion, will also be mapped according to the coun- botany and philosophy (see Larsen in this try in which they are produced and secondly volume). In addition, Laestadius and the which period of the Laestadian movement Laestadian movement have gained crit- they cover. This is to say, whether they ical interest from journalists and intel- lectuals; especially the moment when the Laestadian revival broke loose in the 1840s 1 See bibliographies by Raittila (1967), Ryd- (see Kristiansen in this volume). In total ving (2000a), and Lindin and Rydving an enormous number of articles and books (2007: 159–79). Approaching Religion • Vol. 10, No. 1 • May 2020 91 cover the period before the big schism in Peace) (Finland, Norway and Sweden), the Laestadian movement in 1901 (1861– Conservative Laestadianism4 (which pri- 1900) or after (1901–2018). This is relevant marily exists in Finland), New Awakening because it will say something about which (primarily in Finland) and Lyngen group Laestadian groups are covered in the doc- (which exists only in Norway). More toral theses. groups could have been mentioned: in 2001, Jouko Talonen (2001: 53) counted Lars Levi Laestadius eighteen different Laestadian groups. In and the Laestadian movement general, the Laestadian groups can be char- The Laestadian movement – also referred acterized as centred on conservative Chris- to as Laestadianism – can be described as a tian ideas, emphasising the Bible as the Christian revival movement that occurred word of God, and highlighting the import- as a result of the preaching of the Swedish ance of the individual’s belief in the for- minister Lars Levi Laestadius. The revival giveness of sins in the name and blood of first erupted in Karesuando in the 1840s, on Jesus Christ. Laestadian groups are trad- the border between Sweden and Finland, itionally family oriented, sceptical of lib- and within a couple of years also spread eral theology, rejecting female and homo- to Norway and other parts of Finland sexual priests, and sceptical concerning the and Sweden. In the 1860s, migrants from use of contraceptives. The large number of Scandinavia also brought the Laestadian groups makes it important to stress that the movement to the United States (Talonen Laestadian movement (or Laestadianism) 2001). At the end of the nineteenth and is as diverse as any other religious tradition, the beginning of the twentieth century, which could be emphasised by writing the several internal conflicts arose, and the term(s) in plural – Laestadian movements Laestadian movement divided into sev- (or Laestadianisms). eral groups. Today the main groups are the Laestadius himself was not a trad- Firstborn2 (Finland, Norway and Sweden), itional minister in his time. He published Laestadianernas Fridsföreningars Förbund academic works in botany and meteorol- r.f (LFF, Laestadian Federation of the Peace ogy, and wrote several academic works in Associations) 3 or Rauhan Sana (Word of fields such as Sami mythology and reli- gious phil osophy; most of them, however, remained unpublished while he lived (see 2 In 2015–16 the Firstborn group were divided in two in Finland. This division is discussed in Ollilainen’s article in this vol- ume. 4 The term ‘Conservative Laestadianism’ is in 3 LFF is an umbrella organization for nine this article used in accordance with Finnish member congregations in Finland located researchers. ‘Conservative Laestadianism’ is in Ostrobothnia, along the western coast- the group which historically is a part of the line in Finland. In southern Finland, there ‘Old Laestadian’ tradition and that relates are congregations in Helsinki. Rauhan Sana to SRK (Suomen Rauhanyhdistysten Kes- is a monthly bulletin in Finnish that has kusyhdistys ry, the central organization of been also used as a name for the same Laes- Conservative Laestadians) as their central tadian group. LFF and Rauhan Sana are sis- office/organizational office, located in Oulu. ter congregations with the Norwegian Alta Although the role of the SRK is essential in group, and belong to the same Laestadian the context of Conservative Laestadianism, tradition, sometimes referred to as ‘Little it cannot include or refer to the Conserva- Firstborn’. tive Laestadianism in its entirety. Approaching Religion • Vol. 10, No. 1 • May 2020 92 Rydving 2000a). In addition, he published the project of looking at the scholarly con- his own monthly bulletin, Ens Ropandes struction of Laestadius and the Laestadian Röst i Öknen (The voice of one crying movement and its discursive entangle- in the wilder ness) in the period 1852 to ments with other cultural systems and aca- 1854, wrote a lot of letters to scientists and demic disciplines. However, a review that church officials, and 466 of his sermons (in is limited to doctoral theses must be con- Finnish, Swedish and Sami) have been pre- sidered as one of several steps in order to served (Elgvin 2010: 36). get a broader picture of the research on Laestadius and the Laestadian movement. A discourse-inspired review This review is inspired by a discourse- Doctoral theses as material for a systematic analytical approach. A well-established idea review in theory on discourse analysis is that a dis- A systematic review is a method of making cursive approach provides a research per- sense of large bodies of information, and to spective rather than a particular method identify where little or no research has been (cf. Hjelm 2011; von Stuckrad 2014: 3). done and where new studies are needed This article’s basis in discourse analysis (Petticrew and Roberts 2006: 2). Systematic arises out of a perspective that academic reviews of doctoral theses have also been research can be treated as a field of discur- used to map tendencies within academic sive practices. Thus, ‘discourse’ is under- disciplines (such as history, see Amirell stood as ‘communicative structures that 2006; Ryymin et al. 2019). One should of organize knowledge in a given commu- course be aware that a review of doctoral nity…’ (von Stuckrad 2014: 11).5 Doctoral theses does not provide the full picture of theses on Laestadius and the Laestadian the research within a field. In Swedish his- movement are thus treated as expressions toriographical research, researchers have of how knowledge within this research area pointed out that doctoral theses might be has been produced and organized. One of used as a ‘rough indicator’ of developments the focus areas of this article is to identify in historical research (Amirell 2006: 261). and discuss which academic disciplines Thus, doctoral theses provide a starting have contributed to this research. point in order to map tendencies. Doing Inspired by a discourse-analytical a review on doctoral theses in a ‘limited’ approach, I will argue that it is helpful to area also contributes to the process of self- review tendencies in doctoral theses on reflection within the research on Laestadius Laestadius and the Laestadian movement, and the Laestadian movement. because this kind of review contributes to Doctoral theses are interesting because there are certain academic criteria they have to fulfil in order to be approved: they should 5 The full quote reads: ‘Discourses are com- be of a certain extent, bring in new knowl- municative structures that organize knowl- edge in a given community; they establish, edge about the field, be updated on other stabilize, and legitimize systems of mean- recent developments, and be able to refer ing and provide collectively shared orders to a data material that has been collected, of knowledge in an institutionalized social analysed and discussed. A doctoral thesis ensemble. Statements, utterances, and opinions about a specific topic, systematic- is often definitive for an academic career. It ally organized and repeatedly observable, is expected that the doctoral students place form a discourse’ (von Stuckrad 2014: 11). themselves within the field, and, one might Approaching Religion • Vol.
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