CANADIAN MEDICAL PHYSICS NEWSLETTER Le BULLETIN CANADIEN nterACTIONS de PHYSIQUE MÉDICALE PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40049361 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: COMP/CCPM Office PO Box 72024 Kanato North RPO OTTAWA, ON K2K 2P4 CANADA A publication of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists and the Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine http://www.medphys.ca ISSN 1488-6839 First portal image based on Cherenkov radiation 53 (2) avril/April 2007 Place color Standard Imaging advertisement here. InterACTIONS Volume 53, Number 2– avril/April 2007 33 Message from the COMP Chair-Stephen Pistorius 34 Message from the CCMP Chair-Dick Drost 35 Message from the Executive Director— Nancy Barrett 36-39, 62 COMP Professional Survey– Peter McGhee 40-41 CNSC Feeback Forum—Kavita Murthy 41 RadSim An educational program to simulate radiation interactions By: Frank Verhaegan, François DeBlois McGill University , Montreal QC 41 Congrès Francophone de Physique Médicale en 2008 42 Stumbling across a piece of history By: Gavin Cranmer-Sargison Saskatoon Cancer Centre, Saskatoon, SK 45 Funding for Tanzania RT Training -Parminder S Basran 46 3rd Annual Workshop of the AQPMC—Luc Beaulieu 48 COMP/CARO — Toronto 2007 Announcement 51-60 WESCAN 2007 Abstracts 61 Request for proposals– COMP Annual Meetings LAC 62 Real-time internet projects-Milton Woo 63 Harold Johns Travel Award Announcement 64-65 COMP Call for Nominations-Peter O’Brien 66 Associate Physicist Position-Calgary AB Cover Image At Toronto Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre, we are investigating the use of Cherenkov radiation for portal imaging applications. Cherenkov radiation is an electromagnetic shock-wave of light produced by a charged particle (e.g., an X-ray excited electron) passing through a dielectric medium with a velocity greater than the speed of light in the medium. For example, electrons with kinetic energy greater than 260 keV can generate Cherenkov radiation in water. We propose to use the Cherenkov mechanism to develop a new, high quantum efficiency, megavoltage X-ray detector for both geometric and dosimetric verifications in radiotherapy [see Mei, Rowlands, and Pang, Med. Phys. 33, 4258 (2006)]. The upper figure illustrates a modified video-based electronic portal imaging device (EPID) to demonstrate that images can indeed be obtained using Cherenkov radiation. The clear acrylic plate (~ 1 cm thick) is used to convert X-ray energies into light using the Cherenkov process, in place of the conventional Cu plate/phosphor screen in a video-based EPID. The lower figure shows the Cherenkov image of a Rando phantom taken with the modified system using a 6MV beam. Image provided by Geordi Pang, Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre. This work was supported by the Individual Discovery Grant Program awarded by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Canadian Medical Physics Newsletter / Le bulletin canadien physique médicale 53(2) avril/April 2007 31 The Canadian Medical Physics Newsletter, which is a publication of the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) and the Canadian College of COMP EXECUTIVE CCPM BOARD Physicists in Medicine (CCPM) is published four times per year on 1 Jan., 1 April, 1 July, and 1 Oct. The Chair: President:: deadline for submissions is one month before the Stephen Pistorius, Ph.D. Dick Drost, Ph.D., FCCPM publication date. Enquiries, story ideas, images, and CancerCare Manitoba Nuclear Medicine Department article submissions can be made to: 675 McDermot Avenue St. Joeseph’s Health Care London Winnipeg, MB, R3E 0V9 268 Grosvenor Street Parminder S. Basran, Ph.D., MCCPM Tel: (204) 787-4134 London, ON. N6A 4V2 Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Fax: (204) 775-1684 Tel: (519) 646-6100 x64141 2075 Bayview Avenue, TG-217 [email protected] FAX: (519) 646-6135 Toronto, ON, M4N 3M5 [email protected] Email: [email protected] Past Chair: Phone: (416) 480-5100 Ext: 1087 Fax: (416) 480-6801 Peter O’Brien, M.Sc., FCCPM Vice-President: Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional David Wilkins, Ph.D., FCCPM Members of the Editorial Board include: Cancer Centre The Ottawa Hospital Boyd McCurdy: [email protected] 2075 Bayview Avenue Box 927, 501 Smyth Road Michelle Cottreau: [email protected] Toronto, ON, M4N 3M5 Ottawa, ON. K1H 8L6 Tel: (416) 480-4622 Tel: (613) 737-7700 x70010 Fax: (416) 480-6801 FAX: (613) 247-3507 Please submit stories in Publisher 98, Word 6.0, peter.o’[email protected] Word 97, or ASCII text format. Hardcopy submis- [email protected] sions will be scanned to generate an electronic Chair Elect: document for inclusion in the Newsletter. Images in Jason Schella, M.Sc., FCCPM Registrar: Tiff format at 300 dpi resolution are preferred. Nova Scotia Cancer Centre Wayne Beckham, Ph.D., FCCPM 5820 University Avenue Vancouver Island Cancer Centre Halifax, NS B3H 1V7 2410 Lee Street Victoria, BC, V8R 6V5 All contents of the Newsletter are copyright of Cana- Tel: (902) 473-6011 dian Organization of Medical Physicists and the Fax: (902) 473-6120 Tel. (250) 370-8225 FAX: (250) 370-8697 Canadian College of Physicists in Medicine. Please [email protected] do not reproduce without permission. [email protected] Secretary: William Ansbacher, Ph.D., FCCPM Chief Examiner: ADVERTISING (both corporate and job) enquiries BC Cancer Agency Michael Evans, M.Sc., FCCPM can be made to: 2410 Lee Street McGill University Health Centre Nancy Barrett Victoria, BC, V8R 6V5 1650 avenue Cedar Executive Director COMP/CCPM Tel: (250) 519-5621 Montréal, QC, H3G 1A4 P.O. Box 72024, Kanata North RPO FAX: (250) 519-2024 Tel. (514) 934-8052 Kanata, ON K2K 2P4 [email protected] FAX: (514) 934-8229 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Phone: (613) 599-1949 Treasurer: Fax: (613) 559-1949 Maryse Mondat, M.Sc., FCCPM Secretary-Treasurer: Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemon Narinder Sidhu, Ph.D., FCCPM 5415 boulevard de l’Assomption Saskatoon Cancer Centre Corporate Advertising Montréal, PQ, H1T 2M4 20 Campus Drive Tel: (514) 252-3425 Saskatoon, SK S7N 4H4 Tel: (306) 655-2696 1/2 page 1 Addn. Fax: (514) 252-3558 page pages [email protected] Fax: (306) 655-2701 [email protected] Member $120 $120 Councillor for Communica- Announcement General Board Members: Corporate tions: John Rowlands, Ph.D., FCCPM Member $180 $240 $120 Michelle Cottreau, M.Sc. Katharina Sixel, Ph.D., FCCPM Non Profit Queen Elizabeth Hospital Organisation $270 $360 $150 60 Riverside Dr. Box 6600 Corporate Non- Charlottetown, PE, C1A 8T5 $360 $480 $240 Tel: (902) 894-0203 COMP/CCPM Office Member Fax: (902) 894-2276 Color Add $480 (when available) [email protected] COMP Secretariat COMP/CCPM Office Councillor for Professional P.O. Box 72024 Affairs: Kanata North RPO Job Advertising Options Peter McGhee, Ph.D., FCCPM Ottawa, ON, K2K 2P4 Canada OPTION 1 ($240): Job posting on COMP/CCPM Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences website only (updated monthly) Centre Telephone: (613) 599-1948 980 Oliver Road Facsimile: (613) 599-1949 OPTION 2 ($360): Job posting on COMP/CCPM Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 6V4 E-mail: [email protected] website AND in InterACTIONS! (single page) Tel: (807) 684-7325 Website: www.medphys.ca OPTION 3 ($400): Job posting is immediately e- Fax: (807) 684-5801 mailed to COMP/CCPM members (no website or [email protected] InterACTIONS! posting) 32 53(2) avril/April 2007 Canadian Medical Physics Newsletter / Le bulletin canadien physique médicale Message from the COMP Chair: In my previous message I described the we felt that it was important to foster a process which led up to the Strategic Plan- cohesive community and to increase ning workshop which was held in Novem- membership, to provide a forum to build ber. Today I am pleased to be able to pro- national consensus on a variety of issues, vide some of the outcomes of this exercise. to improve and expand our educational Since my last message the COMP execu- programs, to raise our profile both nation- tive has reviewed the Strategic Planning ally and internationally and ensure that Report which was prepared for us by COMP operates and manages its re- Paulette Vinette (the Facilitator) and we sources is the best possible way. Some will be holding a teleconference in March specific actions included the idea of run- to implement a communication strategy, ning a summer school and I am currently gather feedback and ultimately put plans drafting terms of reference for a Science into place to achieve the goals we have set and Education Committee which will for ourselves. coordinate activities in this regard. I am also hoping that, through this committee The input that we had obtained prior to the our student members, who are crucial to workshop was gathered from two sources, the future success of this organization, telephone interviews with key stakeholders will have some greater input into the ac- from within the organisation (including tivities of COMP. Please let me know if members of the COMP executive and any of these ideas resonate with you. CCPM board) and from a broader on-line survey. These two groups rated the organi- Those of you who monitor our web-site Dr. Stephen Pistorius sation similarly on how well we were or that of the IOMP will have noticed that COMP President meeting the organizations objectives, COMP has created (with thanks to BEST which included the promotion and ex- Medical Canada for partial financial sup- change of scientific knowledge and infor- port) a travel award for senior residents or mation, and linking to the activities of clinical medical physicists who are within other similar organizations. We clearly 2 years of completing their residency. have some work to do, as we were not This travel award will support travel to Vision: COMP’s vi- rated as excellent in meeting any of our six and from a developing country, with the objectives.
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