Downloaded from http://pygs.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021 NOTE TO INDEX TN the following index, the names of authors of papers, etc., are printed in small capitals, thus : ' W. CAMDEN,' but titles of Journals, Proceedings, etc., the scientific names of fossils, and the names of places* in which a work has been published, are printed in italics. Names of localities mentioned in the papers are printed in ordinary type. Thus the following entry in the Bibliography would be indexed in the same style of type used in the title: ' M. SIMPSON, Notes on Ammonites communis, in the Lias at Whitby. Proc. Yorks. Gecl. Soc, vol. I., No. i. Leeds.' In the case of anonymous articles (ANON.) and all works published in London, examples of which occur on most of the pages, no reference has been made either to ' Anon.' or ' London ' in the index, though the gist of the items is, of course, indexed as usual. It is perhaps as well to bear in mind that any references to pages after 476, refer to the localities on, and authors of, the geological survey maps and sections. * This will be appreciated by those interested in topographical bibliography. Downloaded from http://pygs.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021 INDEX A , H. A., 209 Addresses by J. Phillips, 136 Abandoned Mines, List of, 291 H. C. Sorby, 165 Plans, 276, 281, 301 W. C. Williamson, 187 ABBS, H. C, 220 ,, on Fossil Plants, 184 ABEL, F., 91, 188 „ to Tyneside Field Club, 182 Aberdeenshire, Cretaceous, 297, 298, Adel, Flint Implements, 121 305 Adlingfleet, Map, 501 Aberford, Map, 499 Admiralty Chart, 26 Abnormal Spirifera, 259 Publication, 133 ' About Yorkshire,' 267 ,, Report, Spurn, 73 Abstracts of Proceedings Geol. Soc, 352, Adwalton Stone Coal, 331, 430 423, 435, 436, 448, 458, 467 lEgoceras (?) finitimum, 468, Acanthothyris, 221 Aerolites, 254 ,, crossi, 221 (Wold Newton), 282 ,, senticosa var. fileyensis, Affinities of Anthracoptera, 257 221 ,, Astromyelon, 176 ,, spinosa, 221 Cannel, 430 Accumulation of Chalk, 363 „ Dodoxylon and Cordaites, Acidity, MoorlandWaters, 311, 320, 331 253 Acklam, 220, 280 Fossil Plants, 307 Brow, 222 ,, Matonia pectinata, 317 Map, 486, 496 ,, Palaeozoic Plants, 337 ACKROYD, \V\, 311, 320, 323, 331, 340 „ Povosphcera, 362 ACKROYD, WILLIAM (Obituary), 377 Sigillarise, 166 Ackton, Map, 483 Afforestation, Commission on, 435 Aclisina, 302 AGASSIZ, L., xxxi., 51, 63 Acrespire (Halifax), 208 AGASSIZ, M., 65 Acrolepis, 133 Agden Reservoir, 106 hopkinsi, 420 Age of the Earth, 340 Actinocamax grossouvrei, 378 Mammoth, 265 „ plenus, Swanland, 375 Man, 203 ,, quodratus, 444 ,, Millstone Grit, 67 Action of Heat on Sandstones, 93 „ Palaeolithic Man, 146 Acton Hall Colliery, 271, 283 Pennine Chain, 159, 160, 164, „ borings, 273 165, 166 ADAMS, A. LEITH, 147, 157, 167 ,, Pennine Peat Moors, 364 ADAMSON, J. E., 195 Wealden, 324, 335 ADAMSON, S. A., xxx., 188, 189, 190, Yoredales, 343 192, 194, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, Aggregate Deposits, 301 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, Agricultural Geology, 137, 354 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, Agriculture, 18, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30, 34, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 232, 245 123 ADAMSON, S. A., Obituary, 228, 230 and Geology, 64, 256 Adderton Quarries, 5 ,, and Lime, 68 Addlecroft, Map, 489 ,, Practical, 152 Addresses by J. Aitkin, 120 Text Book, 167 W. Barrett, 116 West Riding, 60, 62 R. Carter, 147 Wold District, 62 „ R. A. C. Godwin-Austin, Yorkshire, 186 117 Aids in Practical Geology, 408 Downloaded from http://pygs.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021 Downloaded from http://pygs.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021 5o6 INDEX. Ammonites from Drift, 433 Ammonites limatus, 448 „ Hessle, 189 „ luridis, 458 ,, Inferior Oolites, 239, 388 „ maculatus, 448 Jurassic, 262, 361 „ miles, 437 Kellaways Rock, 456 „ mulgravius, 408 Lias, 103, 156, 160, 172, „ mutatus, 468 181, 187, 201, 267, 274 „ natidus, 458 „ Lias and Oolites, 97 „ nautiliformis, 437 „ Lias (Distribution), 127 ,, nitescens, 458 Lias, Monograph, 166, 177 „ nitidus, 458 ,, Monograph, 64, 229 ,, obsoletus, 468 Oolites, 203, 221, 229 ,, owt'ssws, 436 ,, Scarborough Limestone, „ ovatulus, 468 448 „ owenensis, 448 Speeton, 378, 389 „ perarmatus, 448 ,, Type, 448 ,, perigrinus, 458 Ammonites aculeatus, 458 „ phillipsi, 458 ,, acnticarinatus, 437 ,, pinguis, 458 „ alternatus, 408 polyophyllus, 408, 422 ,, andraei, 448 „ puteolus, 448 „ anguiformis, 448 ,, quadricornutus, 437 „ annuliferits, 448 ,, radiatus, 437 ,, arctus, 437 „ regularis, 458 ,, athleticus, 448 „ resupinatus, 408 aureolus, 436, 468 „ reticularis, 408 ,, aureus, 408 ,, retusus, 458 birdi, 436 „ ripleyi, 408 ,, boulbiensis, 408 ,, scoresbyi, 437 ,, braikenridgii, 457, 458 ,, semicelatus, 437 cereus, 448 „ serpentinus, 420 ,, communis, 88 ,, simpsoni, 448 ,, compactilis, 437 ,, sinuatus, 468 „ cornutus, 437 „ siphuncularis, 448 ,, crassiusculosus, 448 ,, socialis, 468 „ CJ assoides, 458 ,, solitarius, 448 „ crassulosus, 448 ,, spicatus, 468 crosbeyi, 448 subconcavus, 408 ,, defossHS, 458 ,, subtensis, 468 „ dennyi, 408 ,, subtriangularis, 458 ,, denotatus, 448 „ sulcatus, 437 „ depressus, 436 ,, tenellus, 448 „ elegantulus, 465, 468 ,, transformatus, 458 „ exaratus, 408 „ trivialis, 448 „ fabricates, 437 „ turriculatus, 436 ,, fasciatus, 458 ,, validis, 458 „ figulinus, 436 ,, vermis, 458 „ flavus, 448 „ vortex, 436 „ fonticulus, 448 „ vorticellus, 458 ,, foveatus, 458 „ whitbiense, 437 ,, gagateus, 458 Ammonoidea, 293 ,, gracilis, 468 Amotherby, Map, 486 „ gubernator, 458 Amphibia, fossil, 216, 234 ,, Aasta^ws, 468 Amphibian remains, Yaredale, 135, 136 heptangularis, 468 Ampleforth, Map, 495 ,, heterogenes, 448 Analyses of Barnsley Coal, 269 heterophyllus (Whitby), 120 Ben Rhydding Water, 92 hyperbolicus, 468 Bones, 68 ,, integricostatus, 448 Bradford Water, 171 ,, latescens, 458 Building Stones, 127 „ lectus, 437 Chalk, 150 ,, Lias 475 C'eveland Dyke, 395, 404 Downloaded from http://pygs.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021 INDEX. 5<>7 Analyses of Cleveland Iron, 116, 433 Ancient Glaciers, Midlands, 304 ,, „ Ironstone, 115 „ Nuts, 111 Coal, 83, 340, 342, 350, 390 Plants, 433 Coke, 340, 342, 350, 390 ,, Sea Beach, Sewerby, 225 Concretion, 200, 208 „ Slag heaps, 445 „ Dinsdale Spring, 209 Stone Implements, 128, 293 Fire Clay, 91 ,, Trees, 111 Harlow Car Waters, 102 Volcanoes, 292, 294 Harrogate Springs, 116,183 ANDERSON, TEMPEST, 301 Waters, 92, 105, Andesite, Borrowdale, 295 107, 110, 114, 119, 121, ANDREWS, W., 246, 253, 254 122, 131, 132, 134, 147, 'Anecdotes of British Topography,' 193, 251, 259, 268, 271, xxxiii. 316, 317, 318 Angermanland Granite, Easington,3I2, ,, Huddlestone Limestone, 321 150 Angiosperms, Ancestors of, 392 Stone, 361 ,, Mesozoic, 196 Hull Water, 171 Anglian Sculpture, 437 Ilkley Spa, 468 Anglo-Saxon Burial Mounds, 373 Iron, West Riding, 140 Angram, Griffithides, 421 „ Iron Ore, Cleveland, 124 Map, 492 Iron Ores, 84, 101, 103 Trilobite, 398 ,, Ironstone, 129 Angrove Stone, 393 Jet, 404 Anhydrite, 469 ,, Knaresborough Dropping in N. Yorkshire, 312 Well, 292 Animal bones in tumulus, 259 Water, 282 Animal World, 422 Limestone, 68, 119, 129 Animals, European, 394 „ Limestone, Ripon, 71 Ankerite in Coal, 447, 449 „ Limestones, 67, 115 Annates, Chim., 31 Meteorites, 438 Annates des Mines, 97, 99 Mineral Waters, 68, 87, 90, Annates Soc. Geol. Nord., 142, 167 183 Annals of Botany, 217, 219, 280, 327, ,, ,, Scarborough, 98 354, 394, 431 Northallerton Wells, 168 Annals of British Geology, 255, 272 ,, Permian Limestone, 440 'Annals of Coal Mining,' 283, 293, 303, ,, Phosphatic Nodules, 354 315, 333, 343, 361 Pontefract Water, 248 'Annals of Coal Trade,' 333, 361 Red Chalk, 101 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 63, 70, 71, 72, Slag, 172 74, 76, 85, 86, 88, 104, 106, 108, Soils, 67 111, 163, 183, 185, 190, 191, 197, Springs, 79, 80 215, 230, 231, 232, 251, 261, 274, Stone, 350 276, 284, 285, 330, 355, 457, 467 Water, 132, 134 Ann. Phil., 31, 32, 35. 37, 38, 39, 40, „ Hull and York, 138 41, 42 „ Thirsk, 156 Ann. Rep. Geol. Survey, 291 „ York, 188 Ann. Rep, Huddersfield Nat. Hist, and Yorkshire Waters, 303 Photo Soc, 421, 456, 465, Analyst, 171 476 Anas boscas skull in peat, 317 „ Hull Lit. and Phil. Soc, 291 Anatomy of Calamostachys, 428 ,, Malton Field Nat. and Sic. Fossil Plants, 315 Soc, 189, 190, 195, 325 Ancestors of Angiosperins, 392 ,, Scarborough Phil, and Arch. Ancient Animal life, 257 Soc, 408, 423, 429, 437, beach, Bridlington, 213, 243 445, 449, 458, 469 Bingley, 299 ,, Scarborough Phil. Soc, 370 British Glaciers, 251, 266 ,, Smithsonian Institution, 222 , Canoe, Giggleswick, 98 ,, Warwick Nat. Hist. Soc, Coal Mining, 204 138 ,, forest (Pennine Chain), 175 „ Whitby Lit. and Phil. Soc, ,, Geography of Yorkshire, 89 408 Downloaded from http://pygs.lyellcollection.org/ by guest on September 26, 2021 5o8 INDEX. Ann. Rep. Yorks. Phil. Soc, 149, 150, Archseologv and Geologv, Relations of, 179, 219, 221, 227, 244, 78, 80' 252, 259, 260, 262, 264, Architecture, Sandstones in, 367 267, 288, 316, 354, 361, Arctic fauna, 224, 234 407. „ Plants, 252 and Proc. Belfast Nat. Field ,, Plants, origin, 301 Club, 455 Ardsley, 438 ,, and Trans. Manchester Ardsley Colliery, 174 Micro. Soc, 475 \rdwick Series, fossil plants, 350 ,, and Trans. North Stafford• Areas of Depression, 391 shire Field Club, 386, 392 ' Argiles de Speeton,' 252 Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., 71 ArgillcBcia aqualis, Grassington, 197 A nn. South A frican Museum, 402 Arkendale, boulders, 220 Annelid, Jaw-Apparatus, 285 Arlesley, 439 Anniversary Address, J. Phillips, 93 ARMISTEAD,
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