Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011 - 2031 Adopted December 2017 Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 1 Adopted December 2017 Foreword Welcome to the adopted Joint Core Strategy (JCS) of the three Councils: Gloucester City, Cheltenham Borough and Tewkesbury Borough. As the centre of Gloucestershire for economic development, it is vital to have an up to date development plan for the area and after a rigorous process of preparation, consultation and examination, the JCS was adopted on 11 December 2017. The JCS sets out the amount of new homes, jobs and supporting infrastructure that is Paul James needed to 2031 and details the strategy for how this development is to be delivered in a managed and resilient way whilst protecting our exceptional natural and built environment. This adopted plan has been shaped by the thousands of responses received at earlier stages of the project and we wish to thank those residents, community groups, businesses and service providers who all helped to create the plan and we ask that everyone continues to work together to deliver the JCS and its aims. Steve Jordan Dave Waters Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 2 Adopted December 2017 Contents PART 1 – INTRODUCTION Page 4 PART 2 – VISION AND OBJECTIVES Page 7 PART 3 – STRATEGIC POLICIES Page 16 Policy SP1: The Need for New Development Page 16 Policy SP2: Distribution of New Development Page 17 PART 4 – SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT POLICIES Page 27 Policy SD1: Employment – Except Retail Development Page 27 Policy SD2: Retail and City / Town Centres Page 33 Policy SD3: Sustainable Design and Construction Page 38 Policy SD4: Design Requirements Page 41 Policy SD5: Green Belt Page 47 Policy SD6: Landscape Page 52 Policy SD7: The Cotswolds Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty Page 54 Policy SD8: Historic Environment Page 56 Policy SD9: Biodiversity and Geodiversity Page 59 Policy SD10: Residential Development Page 61 Policy SD11: Housing Mix and Standards Page 63 Policy SD12: Affordable Housing Page 67 Policy SD13: Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Page 71 Policy SD14: Health and Environmental Quality Page 74 PART 5 – INFRASTRUCTURE POLICIES Page 76 Policy INF1: Transport Network Page 77 Policy INF2: Flood Risk Management Page 80 Policy INF3: Green Infrastructure Page 84 Policy INF4: Social and Community Infrastructure Page 87 Policy INF5: Renewable Energy / Low Carbon Energy Development Page 89 Policy INF6: Infrastructure Delivery Page 91 Policy INF7: Developer Contributions Page 93 PART 6 – Strategic AllocationS Page 95 Policy SA1: Strategic Allocations Policy Page 95 Policy A1: Innsworth & Twigworth Page 98 Policy A2: South Churchdown Page 99 Policy A3: North Brockworth Page 100 Policy A4: North West Cheltenham Page 101 Policy A5: Ashchurch Page 102 Policy A6: Winneycroft Page 103 Policy A7: West Cheltenham Page 104 PART 7 – MONITORING AND REVIEW Page 105 Policy REV1: Gloucester and Tewkesbury Housing Supply Review Page 108 APPENDICES Page 119 Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 3 Adopted December 2017 PART 1 - Introduction ‘The purpose of planning is to help achieve sustainable development...’ 1.1 In addition to the quote above, the ministerial So sustainable development is about positive foreword to the National Planning Policy growth – making economic, environmental Framework (NPPF) says: and social progress for this and future generations. ‘Sustainable means ensuring that better lives for ourselves don’t mean worse lives The planning system is about helping to make for future generations. this happen.’ Development means growth. We must accommodate the new ways by which we 1.2 A key component in ‘helping to make this will earn our living in a competitive world. happen’ are development plan documents We must house a rising population, which is prepared by the Local Planning Authority. In living longer and wants to make new choices. a plan-led system, planning applications are We must respond to the changes that new required to be determined in accordance with technologies offer us. Our lives, and the the development plan unless material planning places in which we live, can be better, but considerations indicate otherwise. In fulfilling they will certainly be worse if things stagnate. this critical role, it is clearly important that the development plan is up-to-date and backed by Sustainable development is about change sound evidence so that its policies can be relied for the better, and not only in our built upon by stakeholders and decision-takers. environment. What is the Joint Core Strategy? (JCS) Our natural environment is essential to our wellbeing, and it can be better looked after 1.3 The JCS is an important part of the development than it has been. Habitats that have been plan for Gloucester City, Cheltenham Borough degraded can be restored. Species that have and Tewkesbury Borough and covers the area been isolated can be reconnected. Green Belt shown on the map on page 5. As a planning land that has been depleted of diversity can document, which looks to reflect the priorities be refilled by nature – and opened to people of government, residents, businesses, local to experience it, to the benefit of body service providers and other stakeholders, the and soul. JCS has been prepared within the context of national policy and having regard to the diverse Our historic environment – buildings, aspirations and local characteristics that make landscapes, towns and villages – can better up the area. be cherished if their spirit of place thrives, rather than withers. Our standards of design can be so much higher. We are a nation renowned worldwide for creative excellence, yet, at home, confidence in development itself has been eroded by the too frequent experience of mediocrity. Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 4 Adopted December 2017 1.4 The JCS sets out the long-term vision and 1.5 Whilst the JCS provides the higher level or objectives for the area together with strategic strategic part of the development plan for the policies for shaping new development and area, more detailed, locally-specific planning locations for new development up to 2031. policies will be set out in the Gloucester City Together, these policies help to provide a Plan, Cheltenham Plan and Tewkesbury Borough strategic planning framework for the JCS area, Plan, collectively called District plans. These will which guides future planning decisions and include local allocations of land for development helps to achieve the overall vision for the area. and local policies to guide decisions on planning applications. They also form part of the development plan and will need to reflect and be consistent with the policies in the JCS as set out in the diagram on page 8. Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 5 Adopted December 2017 1.6 The same applies to neighbourhood plans. 1.7 Saved policies in the City and Borough Plans Where a parish or other designated community that remain as part of the development plan wishes to prepare a neighbourhood plan for beyond the adoption of the JCS are provided at their area, it must be in general conformity Appendix 1. In time these will be replaced by with strategic policies in the development plan policies in the new District plans. documents. Whilst neighbourhood plans can promote more development than is set out in 1.8 More information on the documents that each the JCS or district plans, they cannot be used of the local authorities is preparing is available to stop new development proposed in other on the websites of Gloucester City, Cheltenham development plan documents (DPDs). Borough and Tewkesbury Borough councils. The JCS authorities will work with town 1.9 In accordance with the Town and Country and parish councils and community Planning (Local Planning) England Regulations groups to provide advice in producing 2012, the maps accompanying this document neighbourhood plans. illustrate geographically the application of policies. Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 6 Adopted December 2017 PART 2 - Vision & Objectives 2.1 Having considered the key challenges for Tewkesbury Sustainable Community Strategy the JCS area, established through earlier Vision 2008-2028 consultations, a vision has developed which sets out what type of place the JCS area will 2.4 A borough of healthy, strong, thriving and be by 2031 (the end date of the JCS). sustainable communities, both rural and urban, where people want to live, work and visit. The starting point for the JCS vision was the three Sustainable Community Strategy 2.5 The JCS vision has been further refined through visions already identified through engagement and discussion with stakeholders, community consultation. the JCS Sustainability Appraisal and the JCS evidence base, including extensive public The Gloucester City Vision 2012-2022 consultation. Whilst being aspirational, the vision for the JCS area is deliverable and seeks to 2.2 Gloucester will be a flourishing, modern and bring forward change in a manner that reflects ambitious City, which all residents can enjoy. We what is important to Gloucester, Cheltenham will work to encourage sustainable economic and Tewkesbury and their communities. growth for the City’s expanding population by driving forward its regeneration programme. This will strengthen the City, particularly its centre and make the most of our infrastructure. Cheltenham Sustainable Community Strategy Vision 2008-2028 2.3 We want Cheltenham to deliver a sustainable quality of life, where people, families, their communities and businesses thrive, and in a way which cherishes our cultural and natural heritage, reduces our impact on climate change and does not compromise the quality of life of present and future generations. Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Joint Core Strategy 2011-2031 7 Adopted December 2017 Vision By 2031 Gloucester City, Cheltenham Borough and Tewkesbury Borough will have continued to develop as highly attractive and accessible places in which to live, work and socialise.
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